44 resultados para TMS-EEG

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a technic wich allows Neuroscience researchers to disrupt or improve the normal brain activity in a strategic and focalized cortical areas. Our present work using TMS is focused on research the role of Anterior Cingolate Cortex (ACC) to discover its causal implications over autoreferencial judgments of own behaviour using healthy controls.If our hypothesis is confirmed and ACC has a keyrole in those autoreferential judgements; new research lines and stimulation techniques could strenghten to improve quality of life and feelings of overcoming to thousands of mental health patients and neurodegenerative.


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Se desconoce si existe un tiempo de evolución límite a partir del cual ingresar en una UMVEEG* no suponga una mejoría del pronóstico del paciente epiléptico. El estudio analiza el efecto del ingreso en la UMVEEG sobre una serie de variables pronósticas (FC**, NFAE***, CVP****) en función del tiempo de evolución desde el diagnóstico. Analizamos epilépticos diagnosticados con certeza y pacientes con crisis psicógenas. Se estudiaron 135 pacientes(Edad:39+13,5años,Sexo(55,6%mujeres).Se obtuvo una mejoría significativa de FC**(p<0,001)y CVP****(p<0,005)en los grupos estudiados independientemente del tiempo de evolución.El tiempo de evolución determinó una respuesta diferencial sobre la reducción del NFAE***excepto para crisis psicógenas,en que hubo una reducción significativa(p=0,004)independientemente del tiempo de evolución.


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Los referentes teóricos de este artículo son, por un lado, la dimensión pedagógica de la motricidad y, por otro, la necesidad de plantear un aprendizaje significativo de los temas transversales. La realidad educativa actual requiere acrecentar el valor y la incidencia educativa de estos contenidos. Al respecto opinamos que su esencia curricular, más cercana a situaciones de aprendizaje activas, participativas i vivenciadas, permiten planteamientos pedagógicos y didácticos basados en la acción motriz. Es en este sentido que se requiere un diseño lógico de las tareas motrices. La vertiente empírica del artículo aporta un diseño que fomente en el alumnado la utilización estratégica de los procedimientos de aprendizaje y, por lo tanto, la posibilidad de obtener aprendizajes significativos y contextualizados con su realidad y sus intereses. Como instrumento metodológico el artículo aporta un sistema de categorías de las tareas motrices significativas y los procedimientos de aprendizaje.


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EEG recordings are usually corrupted by spurious extra-cerebral artifacts, which should be rejected or cleaned up by the practitioner. Since manual screening of human EEGs is inherently error prone and might induce experimental bias, automatic artifact detection is an issue of importance. Automatic artifact detection is the best guarantee for objective and clean results. We present a new approach, based on the time–frequency shape of muscular artifacts, to achieve reliable and automatic scoring. The impact of muscular activity on the signal can be evaluated using this methodology by placing emphasis on the analysis of EEG activity. The method is used to discriminate evoked potentials from several types of recorded muscular artifacts—with a sensitivity of 98.8% and a specificity of 92.2%. Automatic cleaning ofEEGdata are then successfully realized using this method, combined with independent component analysis. The outcome of the automatic cleaning is then compared with the Slepian multitaper spectrum based technique introduced by Delorme et al (2007 Neuroimage 34 1443–9).


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In this paper we present a quantitative comparisons of different independent component analysis (ICA) algorithms in order to investigate their potential use in preprocessing (such as noise reduction and feature extraction) the electroencephalogram (EEG) data for early detection of Alzhemier disease (AD) or discrimination between AD (or mild cognitive impairment, MCI) and age-match control subjects.


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Artifacts are present in most of the electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, making it difficult to interpret or analyze the data. In this paper a cleaning procedure based on a multivariate extension of empirical mode decomposition is used to improve the quality of the data. This is achieved by applying the cleaning method to raw EEG data. Then, a synchrony measure is applied on the raw and the clean data in order to compare the improvement of the classification rate. Two classifiers are used, linear discriminant analysis and neural networks. For both cases, the classification rate is improved about 20%.


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Background: We report the case of a chronic stroke patient (62 months after injury) showing total absence of motor activity evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of spared regions of the left motor cortex, but near-to-complete recovery of motor abilities in the affected hand. Case presentation: Multimodal investigations included detailed TMS based motor mapping, motor evoked potentials (MEP), and Cortical Silent period (CSP) as well as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of motor activity, MRI based lesion analysis and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Tractography of corticospinal tract (CST). Anatomical analysis revealed a left hemisphere subinsular lesion interrupting the descending left CST at the level of the internal capsule. The absence of MEPs after intense TMS pulses to the ipsilesional M1, and the reversible suppression of ongoing electromyographic (EMG) activity (indexed by CSP) demonstrate a weak modulation of subcortical systems by the ipsilesional left frontal cortex, but an inability to induce efficient descending volleys from those cortical locations to right hand and forearm muscles. Functional MRI recordings under grasping and finger tapping patterns involving the affected hand showed slight signs of subcortical recruitment, as compared to the unaffected hand and hemisphere, as well as the expected cortical activations. Conclusions: The potential sources of motor voluntary activity for the affected hand in absence of MEPs are discussed. We conclude that multimodal analysis may contribute to a more accurate prognosis of stroke patients.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.


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Several clinical studies have reported that EEG synchrony is affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this paper a frequency band analysis of AD EEG signals is presented, with the aim of improving the diagnosis of AD using EEG signals. In this paper, multiple synchrony measures are assessed through statistical tests (Mann–Whitney U test), including correlation, phase synchrony and Granger causality measures. Moreover, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is conducted with those synchrony measures as features. For the data set at hand, the frequency range (5-6Hz) yields the best accuracy for diagnosing AD, which lies within the classical theta band (4-8Hz). The corresponding classification error is 4.88% for directed transfer function (DTF) Granger causality measure. Interestingly, results show that EEG of AD patients is more synchronous than in healthy subjects within the optimized range 5-6Hz, which is in sharp contrast with the loss of synchrony in AD EEG reported in many earlier studies. This new finding may provide new insights about the neurophysiology of AD. Additional testing on larger AD datasets is required to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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Electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings are, most of the times, corrupted by spurious artifacts, which should be rejected or cleaned by the practitioner. As human scalp EEG screening is error-prone, automatic artifact detection is an issue of capital importance, to ensure objective and reliable results. In this paper we propose a new approach for discrimination of muscular activity in the human scalp quantitative EEG (QEEG), based on the time-frequency shape analysis. The impact of the muscular activity on the EEG can be evaluated from this methodology. We present an application of this scoring as a preprocessing step for EEG signal analysis, in order to evaluate the amount of muscular activity for two set of EEG recordings for dementia patients with early stage of Alzheimer’s disease and control age-matched subjects.


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Does Independent Component Analysis (ICA) denature EEG signals? We applied ICA to two groups of subjects (mild Alzheimer patients and control subjects). The aim of this study was to examine whether or not the ICA method can reduce both group di®erences and within-subject variability. We found that ICA diminished Leave-One- Out root mean square error (RMSE) of validation (from 0.32 to 0.28), indicative of the reduction of group di®erence. More interestingly, ICA reduced the inter-subject variability within each group (¾ = 2:54 in the ± range before ICA, ¾ = 1:56 after, Bartlett p = 0.046 after Bonfer- roni correction). Additionally, we present a method to limit the impact of human error (' 13:8%, with 75.6% inter-cleaner agreement) during ICA cleaning, and reduce human bias. These ¯ndings suggests the novel usefulness of ICA in clinical EEG in Alzheimer's disease for reduction of subject variability.


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To develop systems in order to detect Alzheimer’s disease we want to use EEG signals. Available database is raw, so the first step must be to clean signals properly. We propose a new way of ICA cleaning on a database recorded from patients with Alzheimer's disease (mildAD, early stage). Two researchers visually inspected all the signals (EEG channels), and each recording's least corrupted (artefact-clean) continuous 20 sec interval were chosen for the analysis. Each trial was then decomposed using ICA. Sources were ordered using a kurtosis measure, and the researchers cleared up to seven sources per trial corresponding to artefacts (eye movements, EMG corruption, EKG, etc), using three criteria: (i) Isolated source on the scalp (only a few electrodes contribute to the source), (ii) Abnormal wave shape (drifts, eye blinks, sharp waves, etc.), (iii) Source of abnormally high amplitude ( �100 �V). We then evaluated the outcome of this cleaning by means of the classification of patients using multilayer perceptron neural networks. Results are very satisfactory and performance is increased from 50.9% to 73.1% correctly classified data using ICA cleaning procedure.


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Despite recent advances, early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) from electroencephalography (EEG) remains a difficult task. In this paper, we offer an added measure through which such early diagnoses can potentially be improved. One feature that has been used for discriminative classification is changes in EEG synchrony. So far, only the decrease of synchrony in the higher frequencies has been deeply analyzed. In this paper, we investigate the increase of synchrony found in narrow frequency ranges within the θ band. This particular increase of synchrony is used with the well-known decrease of synchrony in the band to enhance detectable differences between AD patients and healthy subjects. We propose a new synchrony ratio that maximizes the differences between two populations. The ratio is tested using two different data sets, one of them containing mild cognitive impairment patients and healthy subjects, and another one, containing mild AD patients and healthy subjects. The results presented in this paper show that classification rate is improved, and the statistical difference between AD patients and healthy subjects is increased using the proposed ratio.