14 resultados para Steinitz, Wolfgang: Ich hatte unwahrscheinliches Glück
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
El presente trabajo consiste en la traducción del alemán al español de un fragmento del libro NS-Offizzier war ich nicht (Ute Althaus), en el cual se aborda el tópico del nacionalsocialismo desde el ámbito familiar y bajo una perspectiva psico-social.
Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) is a spontaneous extravasation of blood into brain parenchyma. Although ICH represents approximately only 15% of all strokes, it is one of the major causes of stroke-related death and disability. One of the causes of poor outcome is the haematoma growth. The association between elevated blood pressure (BP) and haematoma enlargement in acute ICH has not been clarified. Our objective is to try to identify this relationship that may suggest an immediate target for intervention to possibly improve outcomes in patients with spontaneous ICH and might settle the controversy surrounding the optimal management of blood pressure.We propose a retrospective revision using a sample present in our database of approximately 250 patients with primary ICH and less than 12h from symptoms onset. Systolic blood pressure levels (SBP) are assessed at baseline, at 6h, at 12h, at 24h and at 72h, being these last four the average levels of the different recordings during those time intervals. Haematoma growth will be defined as an increase in the volume of intraparenchymal haemorrhage of >33% as measured by image analysis on the 24-hour CT or 72-hour CT compared with the baseline CT scan. A qualified neuroradiologist not informed of the aim of the study, will review the CT images. The secondary objective will be to correlate the BP levels in the acute phase of ICH with clinical outcome. We will evaluate early neurologic deterioration at 72h by using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS); outcome at 90 days by using the modified Rankin scale and mortality at 72h and 90 days. The statistical analysis will be adjusted by possibly confounding variables
El Evangelio según San Mateo una adapatación cinematográfica de Pier Paolo Pasolini Este trabajo tiene tres partes, en la primera parte se describe la adaptación fílmica: mencionando diferentes clases de adaptaciones, tales como la adaptación fiel, la adaptación libre, la adaptación prestada y otros. Dando especial énfasis a la relación entre texto y obra cinematográfica, comparando sus distintas expresiones artísticas. En la segunda parte se presenta al poeta Pier Paolo Pasolini como cineasta, vislumbrando sus películas más importantes, analizando y exponiendo las diferentes etapas en su desarrollo como cineasta. El tercer capitulo se centra en la película “El Evangelio según San Mateo “de Pier Paolo Pasolini. Utilizando el guion de dicho director se compara su creación cinematográfica con el arte pictórico, facilitando a Pier Paolo Pasolini desarrollar un nuevo lenguaje cinematográfico, conocido como la sacralidad técnica.
We show that H-spaces with finitely generated cohomology, as an algebra or as an algebra over the Steenrod algebra, have homotopy exponents at all primes. This provides a positive answer to a question of Stanley.
"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."
"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."
Amb l’objectiu d’identificar els possibles efectes adversos d’una nova molècula antagonista del receptor de la histamina H4 (Compost A) en el sistema nerviós central (SNC), es va realitzar el test més àmpliament emprat per aquest fi: el test anomenat FOB (Functional Observational Battery test) en el qual es fa servir la rata com a model animal d’estudi. L’estudi FOB forma part dels d’estudis principals (Core Battery Studies) de la farmacologia de seguretat requerida per les autoritats reguladores per tal d’iniciar els estudis clínics en humans (ICH Topic S7A: Safety Pharmacology Studies for Human Pharmaceuticals; FDA & EMA). D’altra banda i per tal de complementar aquests estudis principals, es va avaluar el potencial efecte convulsivant del Compost A mitjançant el model de convulsions induïdes per pentilentetrazol en rata. Aquest efecte proconvulsionant ha estat associat de manera puntual als fàrmacs antagonistes dels receptor H1 i de manera particular en la població infantil. L’estudi de les convulsions forma part dels Follow Up Studies recomenats per la ICH S7A. El Compost A en cap de les dosis administrades, en cap dels assaigs realitzats, mostra una activitat depressora o estimulant en el sistema nerviós. Es caracteritza per tant, per primera vegada, part del perfil de seguretat a nivell del SNC d’un fàrmac antagonista selectiu del receptor H4 de la histamina.
The genetic diversity of three temperate fruit tree phytoplasmas ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’, ‘Ca. P. mali’ and ‘Ca. P. pyri’ has been established by multilocus sequence analysis. Among the four genetic loci used, the genes imp and aceF distinguished 30 and 24 genotypes, respectively, and showed the highest variability. Percentage of substitution for imp ranged from 50 to 68% according to species. Percentage of substitution varied between 9 and 12% for aceF, whereas it was between 5 and 6% for pnp and secY. In the case of ‘Ca P. prunorum’ the three most prevalent aceF genotypes were detected in both plants and insect vectors, confirming that the prevalent isolates are propagated by insects. The four isolates known to be hypo-virulent had the same aceF sequence, indicating a possible monophyletic origin. Haplotype network reconstructed by eBURST revealed that among the 34 haplotypes of ‘Ca. P. prunorum’, the four hypo-virulent isolates also grouped together in the same clade. Genotyping of some Spanish and Azerbaijanese ‘Ca. P. pyri’ isolates showed that they shared some alleles with ‘Ca. P. prunorum’, supporting for the first time to our knowledge, the existence of inter-species recombination between these two species.
Objetius: Estudiar factors pronòstics de mortalitat per insuficiència cardiaca. Mètode: es van recollir en 101 pacients (edat mitja 85,9±6,3 anys): sexe, reingressos, paràmetres analítics, comorbilitat, índex de Charlson (ICh), Barthel (IB) i Lawton (IL), síndromes geriàtriques, test de Pfeiffer (TP). Resultats: Variables associades a mortalitat (p&0,05): sexe masculí (73,7% vs 35,4%), menor albúmina (3,2±0,5mg/dl vs 3,4±0,4mg/dl), menor IB previ (40,4±29,5 vs 61,2±26,5) i a l’alta (22,9±20,9 vs 39,6±24,2), menor IL (0,2±0,9 vs 1,9±2,5), major ICh (2,9±1,5 vs 2,4±1,3), inmovilitat prèvia (63,16% vs 36,84%), més reingressos (0,81±0,91 vs 0,48±0,71). Conclusions: factors relacionats: sexe masculí, situació funcional, comorbilitat, reingressos i albúmina.
The Editorial presents the focus, scope, policies, and the inaugural issue of NeoBiota, a new open access peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions. The new journal NeoBiota is a continuation of the former NEOBIOTA publication series. The journal will deal with all aspects of invasion biology and impose no restrictions on manuscript size neither on use of color. NeoBiota implies an XML-based editorial workflow and several cutting-edge innovations in publishing and dissemination, such as semantic markup of and enhancements to published texts, data publication, and extensive cross-linking within the journal and to external sources
Background: The objective of the present study was to compare three different sampling and questionnaire administration methods used in the international KIDSCREEN study in terms of participation, response rates, and external validity. Methods: Children and adolescents aged 8–18 years were surveyed in 13 European countries using either telephone sampling and mail administration, random sampling of school listings followed by classroom or mail administration, or multistage random sampling of communities and households with self-administration of the survey materials at home. Cooperation, completion, and response rates were compared across countries and survey methods. Data on non-respondents was collected in 8 countries. The population fraction (PF, respondents in each sex-age, or educational level category, divided by the population in the same category from Eurostat census data) and population fraction ratio (PFR, ratio of PF) and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals were used to analyze differences by country between the KIDSCREEN samples and a reference Eurostat population. Results: Response rates by country ranged from 18.9% to 91.2%. Response rates were highest in the school-based surveys (69.0%–91.2%). Sample proportions by age and gender were similar to the reference Eurostat population in most countries, although boys and adolescents were slightly underrepresented (PFR <1). Parents in lower educational categories were less likely to participate (PFR <1 in 5 countries). Parents in higher educational categories were overrepresented when the school and household sampling strategies were used (PFR = 1.78–2.97). Conclusion: School-based sampling achieved the highest overall response rates but also produced slightly more biased samples than the other methods. The results suggest that the samples were sufficiently representative to provide reference population values for the KIDSCREEN instrument.
Aquest article pretén analitzar la influència de Leopold Mozart en l'educació musical i la formació integral de W.A.Mozart, mitjançant les seves cartes i escrits, així com de l'estil de les seves primeres obres i llur semblança amb el quadern que Leopold va recopilar per a Wolfgang en 1762 i que va servir de mètode d'aprenentatge de piano durant els seus viatges i estades a l'estranger.
High optical power density of 0.5 mW/cm2, external quantum efficiency of 0.1%, and population inversion of 7% are reported from Tb+-implanted silicon-rich silicon nitride/oxide light emitting devices. Electrical and electroluminescence mechanisms in these devices were investigated. The excitation cross section for the 543 nm Tb3+ emission was estimated under electrical pumping, resulting in a value of 8.2 × 10−14 cm2, which is one order of magnitude larger than one reported for Tb3+:SiO2 light emitting devices. These results demonstrate the potentiality of Tb+-implanted silicon nitride material for the development of integrated light sources compatible with Si technology.