45 resultados para Standard Oil Company.

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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This paper addresses the issue of policy evaluation in a context in which policymakers are uncertain about the effects of oil prices on economic performance. I consider models of the economy inspired by Solow (1980), Blanchard and Gali (2007), Kim and Loungani (1992) and Hamilton (1983, 2005), which incorporate different assumptions on the channels through which oil prices have an impact on economic activity. I first study the characteristics of the model space and I analyze the likelihood of the different specifications. I show that the existence of plausible alternative representations of the economy forces the policymaker to face the problem of model uncertainty. Then, I use the Bayesian approach proposed by Brock, Durlauf and West (2003, 2007) and the minimax approach developed by Hansen and Sargent (2008) to integrate this form of uncertainty into policy evaluation. I find that, in the environment under analysis, the standard Taylor rule is outperformed under a number of criteria by alternative simple rules in which policymakers introduce persistence in the policy instrument and respond to changes in the real price of oil.


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In this work discuss the use of the standard model for the calculation of the solvency capital requirement (SCR) when the company aims to use the specific parameters of the model on the basis of the experience of its portfolio. In particular, this analysis focuses on the formula presented in the latest quantitative impact study (2010 CEIOPS) for non-life underwriting premium and reserve risk. One of the keys of the standard model for premium and reserves risk is the correlation matrix between lines of business. In this work we present how the correlation matrix between lines of business could be estimated from a quantitative perspective, as well as the possibility of using a credibility model for the estimation of the matrix of correlation between lines of business that merge qualitative and quantitative perspective.


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This paper describes the experience of a Spanish manufacturing firm that implemented the UNE 166002:2006 standard, which is the first in the world to offer a certifiable standardised management system for innovation. After a brief review of innovation management in general, the paper describes the history, objectives, and content of the UNE 166002:2006 Spanish standard and the family of standards to which it belongs. The paper then presents a case study of the implementation of the standard in a manufacturing company, describing the benefits and difficulties of the implementation as detected by the company personnel involved. The paper concludes with a discussion of the desirability and feasibility of creating an international innovation management standard and a new generation of innovation management processes based on a standard for innovation


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universität Karlsruhe entre gener i maig del 2007. Les biblioteques d’estructures de dades defineixen interfícies i implementen algorismes i estructures de dades fonamentals. Un exemple n’és la Satandard Template Library (STL ), que forma part del llenguatge de programació C++. En el marc d’una tesi, s’està treballant per obtenir implementacions més eficients i/o versàtils d’alguns components de la STL. Per a fer-ho s’utilitzen tècniques de la enginyeria d’algorismes. En particular, s’integra el coneixement de la comunitat algorítmica i es té en consideració la tecnologia existent. L’acció durant l’estada s’ha emmarcat en el desenvolupament la Multi Core STL (MCSTL ). La MCSTL és una implementació paral•lela de la STL per a màquines multi-core. Les màquines multi-core són actualment l’únic tipus de màquina disponible al mercat. Per tant, tot i que el paral•lelisme obtingut no sigui òptim, és preferible a tenir els processadors esperant, ja que , la tendència és que el nombre de processadors per computador augmenti.


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La producció de biodièsel a partir d'olis de cuina utilitzats, amb l'objectiu de transformar un residu en un producte amb valor comercial i ambiental, és més net que els combustibles fòssils i contribueix a disminuir el gran consum de petroli que estem fent. En una primera part teòrica s’ha realitzat un treball de recerca d' informació del biodièsel per saber si és un bon combustible i si podria ser un possible substitut dels combustibles fòssils. En quant a la part pràctica l'objectiu principal ha estat fabricar el biodièsel . Les matèries primeres són oli de gira-sol i oli de cuina utilitzat, per tal de comparar les seves qualitats. S’ha arribat a la conclusió que presenten característiques molt semblants. Després de fer les anàlisis físico-químics de qualitat vam fer una mescla dels dos biodièsels fabricats, i el vam provar en un motor Dièsel per comprovar si funciona correctament i fer una comparació dels gasos emesos pel nostre combustible amb els emesos pel gasoil comercial. El resultat va ser molt positiu ja que el motor va funcionar correctament, i la comparació de gasos va sortir tal i com esperàvem ja que les quantitats de diòxid i monòxid de carboni emeses eren menors que en el gasoil.


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Within only two decades olive oil developed from a niche product which could hardly be found in food stores outside the producing regions towards an integrated component in the diets of industrial countries. This paper discusses the impacts of the promotion of the “healthy Mediterranean diet” on land use and agro-ecosystems in the producing countries. It examines the dynamics of olive oil production, trade and consumption in the EU15 in the period 1972 to 2003 and the links between dietary patterns, trade and land use. It analyses the underlying socio-economic driving forces behind the increasing spatial disconnect between production and consumption of olive oil in the EU15 and in particular in Spain, the world largest producer during the last three decades. In the observed period olive oil consumption increased 16 fold in the non-producing EU15 countries. In the geographically limited producing regions like Spain, the 5 fold increase in export production was associated with the rapid industrialization of olive production, the conversion of vast Mediterranean landscapes to olive monocultures and a range of environmental pressures. High amounts of subsidies of the European Common Agricultural Policy and feedback loops within production and consumption systems were driving the transformation of the olive oil system. Our analysis indicates the process of change was not immediately driven by increases in demand for olive oil in non-producing countries, but rather by the institutional setting of the European Union and by concerted political interventions.


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The work in this paper concerns the study of conventional and refined heat balance integral methods for a number of phase change problems. These include standard test problems, both with one and two phase changes, which have exact solutions to enable us to test the accuracy of the approximate solutions. We also consider situations where no analytical solution is available and compare these to numerical solutions. It is popular to use a quadratic profile as an approximation of the temperature, but we show that a cubic profile, seldom considered in the literature, is far more accurate in most circumstances. In addition, the refined integral method can give greater improvement still and we develop a variation on this method which turns out to be optimal in some cases. We assess which integral method is better for various problems, showing that it is largely dependent on the specified boundary conditions.


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We examine the impact of real oil price shocks on labor market flows in the U.S. We first use smooth transition regression (STR) models to investigate to what extent oil prices can be considered as a driving force of labor market fluctuations. Then we develop and calibrate a modified version of Pissarides' (2000) model with energy costs, which we simulate in response to shocks mimicking the behavior of the actual oil price shocks. We find that (i) these shocks are an important driving force of job market flows; (ii) the job finding probability is the main transmission mechanism of such shocks; and (iii) they bring a new amplification mechanism for the volatility and should thus be seen as complementary of labor productivity shocks. Overall we conclude that shocks in oil prices cannot be neglected in explaining cyclical labor adjustments in the U.S.


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This paper studies optimal monetary policy in a framework that explicitly accounts for policymakers' uncertainty about the channels of transmission of oil prices into the economy. More specfically, I examine the robust response to the real price of oil that US monetary authorities would have been recommended to implement in the period 1970 2009; had they used the approach proposed by Cogley and Sargent (2005b) to incorporate model uncertainty and learning into policy decisions. In this context, I investigate the extent to which regulator' changing beliefs over different models of the economy play a role in the policy selection process. The main conclusion of this work is that, in the specific environment under analysis, one of the underlying models dominates the optimal interest rate response to oil prices. This result persists even when alternative assumptions on the model's priors change the pattern of the relative posterior probabilities, and can thus be attributed to the presence of model uncertainty itself.


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Studies of Spanish cooperatives date their spread from the Law on Agrarian Syndicates of 1906. But the first legislative appearance of cooperatives is an 1869 measure that permitted general incorporation for lending companies. The 1931 general law on cooperatives, which was the first act permitting the formation of cooperatives in any activity, reflects the gradual disappearance of the cooperative’s "business" characteristics. In this paper we trace the Spanish cooperative’s legal roots in business law and its connections to broader questions of the freedom of association, the formation of joint-stock enterprises, and the liability of investors in business and cooperative entities. Our account underscores the similarities of the organizational problems approach by cooperatives and business firms, while at the same time respecting the distinctive purposes cooperatives served.


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En aquest projecte es construeix un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) que permet ampliar la cartografia estàndard del territori català amb les rutes que han seguit, per camins no cartografiats, els vehicles d'una empresa veterinària.


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El treball presentat fa l'estudi i l'anàlisi per a la implementació d'un sistema de gestió integrat ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) a l'empresa TEXFIL, centrat únicament en solucions empresarials estàndards de paquets integrats per a la planificació dels recursos de l'empresa. Tot i que al llarg del document es fa esment de diferents fabricants de sistemes ERP, nosaltres, a petició del nostre client, ens hem centrat bàsicament en el sistema SAP R/3.


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Aquest document és la memòria de com s'ha realitzat el programari Sistema Gestor de Vacances utilitzant la tecnologia Java, concretament, l'estàndard JAVA EE6. Es tracta d'una aplicació web per gestionar les vacances dels treballadors d'una empresa composta per una seu central i varies sucursals distribuïdes per tot Catalunya.


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Aquest projecte pretén abordar des de la creació de l'àrea de Qualitat en una empresa passant per la definició, implantació i certificació d'un Sistema de Gestió de la Qualitat basat en la norma ISO 9001:2008.


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Resum en anglès del projecte de recerca L'empresa xarxa a Catalunya. TIC, productivitat, competitivitat, salaris i beneficis a l'empresa catalana té com a objectiu principal constatar que la consolidació d'un nou model estratègic, organitzatiu i d'activitat empresarial, vinculat amb la inversió i l'ús de les TIC (o empresa xarxa), modifica substancialment els patrons de comportament dels resultats empresarials, en especial la productivitat, la competitivitat, les retribucions dels treballadors i el benefici. La contrastació empírica de les hipòtesis de treball l'hem feta per mitjà de les dades d'una enquesta a una mostra representativa de 2.038 empreses catalanes. Amb la perspectiva de l'impacte de la inversió i l'ús de les TIC no s'aprecia una relació directa entre els processos d'innovació digital i els resultats de l'activitat de l'empresa catalana. En aquest sentit, hem hagut de segmentar el teixit productiu català per a buscar les organitzacions en què el procés de coinnovació tecnològica digital i organitzativa és més present i en què la intensitat de l'ús del coneixement és un recurs molt freqüent per a poder copsar impactes rellevants en els principals resultats empresarials. Això és així perquè l'economia catalana, avui, presenta una estructura productiva dual.