43 resultados para Small cities - Urban network
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
El papel de la ciudad en el futuro de la humanidad será transcendente, y es que el crecimiento actual de los espacios urbanos tiende, en general, a desbordar el sitio original de las ciudades, abarcando territorios cada vez más extensos y discontinuos. Y por este motivo es de vital importancia el estudio de la ciudad y de su entorno, el cual es sinónimo de ecosistema urbano. En el siguiente estudio se evalúa el ecosistema urbano de San José, capital de Costa Rica, dando énfasis en las zonas verdes presentes, en las relaciones con los ecosistemas naturales circundantes y como mejorar su capacidad ecológica. Por este motivo se ha analizado un proceso de rearborización en el Parque Metropolitano La Sabana, principal nódulo de carga de la trama urbana. Este esfuerzo de naturación dotará al parque de una mayor naturalización, con lo que se espera un aumento de la biodiversidad faunística. Para conocer estos cambios se crea un programa de monitoreo de aves con su respectivo protocolo.
Arran del Concordat del 1851 els bisbats espanyols s’organitzen territorialment en arxiprestats. El mapa català d’arxiprestats presenta una complexa evolució històrica. Actualment s’observa una clara tendència envers la reducció del seu nombre (92). L’organització territorial arxiprestal reflecteix l’estructura del territori, la xarxa urbana i la percepció social de la realitat comarcal. Per això, la divisió eclesiàstica és un interessant element de comparació amb l’organització política i administrativa. El mapa de 7 vegueries (noves províncies) amb què treballa el Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya té una estreta relació amb la divisió tradicional en bisbats. Igualment, totes les noves comarques previstes per la Generalitat tenen una clara correspondència amb algun arxiprestat. Inversament, la designació de Sant Feliu de Llobregat com a seu d’un nou bisbat (2004) no hauria estat possible si aquesta població no hagués estat designada com a cap de partit judicial el 1834.
The objective of this paper is to estimate a petrol consumption function for Spain and to evaluate the redistributive effects of petrol taxation. We use micro data from the Spanish Household Budget Survey of 1990/91 and model petrol consumption taking into account the effect that income changes may have on car ownership levels, as well as the differences that exist between expenditure and consumption. Our results show the importance that household structure, place of residence and income have on petrol consumption. We are able to compute income elasticities of petrol expenditure, both conditional and unconditional on the level of car ownership. Non-conditional elasticities, while always very close to unit values, are lower for higher income households and for those living in rural areas or small cities. When car ownership levels are taken into account, conditional elasticities are obtained that are around one half the value of the non- conditional ones, being fairly stable across income categories and city sizes. As regards the redistributive effects of petrol taxation, we observe that for the lowest income deciles the share of petrol expenditure increases with income, and thus the tax can be regarded as progressive. However, after a certain income level the tax proves to be regressive.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al University of Bristol, Gran Bretanya, durant agost i setembre del 2007. Els objectius del projecte d’estudi del jaciment de Lady Field (Woolston Manor Farm, Somerset, Gran Bretanya) eren, bàsicament, tres: en primer lloc, posar en pràctica els coneixements teòrics assolits durant la formació en prospecció geofísica; en segon lloc, aportar informació complementària a la aportada per la prospecció tradicional i el sondeig amb gradiòmetre magnètic efectuades prèviament per l’equip investigador del centre, arribant a definir millor les estructures poc definides per l’altre sistema i, finalment, obtenir un cas d’estudi sobre un jaciment medieval a Gran Bretanya, on les condicions geològiques i climàtiques, que afecten els resultats de la prospecció, són diferents a les del nostre país. Aquests objectius s’han assolit, ja que s’ha pogut portar a terme una prospecció de camp amb el sistema de georadar, processar les dades i obtenir-ne dades de qualitat i obtenir informació útil i rellevant de cara a la definició de les restes detectades, una vegada feta la interpretació. Els resultats mostren l’aparició en el subsòl del jaciment de quatre possibles fases d’ocupació, entre les que destaquen un moment amb possibles restes d’una antiga xarxa urbana, treballs agrícoles o un sistema de drenatge del terreny. Finalment l’estudi ha pogut constatar que la prospecció amb GPR en aquestes condicions geològiques és possible, tot i que les climàtiques –essencialment la pluja i la humitat del sòl- suposen complicacions a l’hora d’adquirir dades de forma segura per la maquinària i per la qualitat de les dades.
In the world of transport management, the term ‘anticipation’ is gradually replacing ‘reaction’. Indeed, the ability to forecast traffic evolution in a network should ideally form the basis for many traffic management strategies and multiple ITS applications. Real-time prediction capabilities are therefore becoming a concrete need for the management of networks, both for urban and interurban environments, and today’s road operator has increasingly complex and exacting requirements. Recognising temporal patterns in traffic or the manner in which sequential traffic events evolve over time have been important considerations in short-term traffic forecasting. However, little work has been conducted in the area of identifying or associating traffic pattern occurrence with prevailing traffic conditions. This paper presents a framework for detection pattern identification based on finite mixture models using the EM algorithm for parameter estimation. The computation results have been conducted taking into account the traffic data available in an urban network.
Quan el 1602 els diputats ordenen una nova visura de les obres d'ampliació del Palau de la Generalitat, s'està de fet qüestionant la primitiva traça de Pere Blai. Hom posa en joc tot un seguit de categories, d'acord amb un nou estil visual d'arrel renaixentista que prima la mirada. En són requeriments: els costos econòmics, la visualització de l'edifici –valor de la imatge d'acord amb una intencionada representació del poder civil– i la seva individualització en el teixit urbà –d'aquí, el propòsit d'alliberar l'espai d'una plaça. El Memorial de 1603 s'insereix en una llarga i intricada seqüència. El document, d'interès pel cabal intrínsec d'informació projectual i constructiva, ho és també per a l'exegesi del model clàssic, del seu grau de comprensió i utilització al llindar del segle XVII en l'àmbit del Principat
After publication of this work in 'International Journal of Health Geographics' on 13 january 2011 was wrong. The map of Barcelona in Figure two (figure 1 here) was reversed. The final correct Figure is presented here
Intra-urban inequalities in mortality have been infrequently analysed in European contexts. The aim of the present study was to analyse patterns of cancer mortality and their relationship with socioeconomic deprivation in small areas in 11 Spanish cities
The objective of this paper is to measure the impact of different kinds of knowledge and external economies on urban growth in an intraregional context. The main hypothesis is that knowledge leads to growth, and that this knowledge is related to the existence of agglomeration and network externalities in cities. We develop a three-tage methodology: first, we measure the amount and growth of knowledge in cities using the OCDE (2003) classification and employment data; second, we identify the spatial structure of the area of analysis (networks of cities); third, we combine the Glaeser - Henderson - De Lucio models with spatial econometric specifications in order to contrast the existence of spatially static (agglomeration) and spatially dynamic (network) external economies in an urban growth model. Results suggest that higher growth rates are associated to higher levels of technology and knowledge. The growth of the different kinds of knowledge is related to local and spatial factors (agglomeration and network externalities) and each knowledge intensity shows a particular response to these factors. These results have implications for policy design, since we can forecast and intervene on local knowledge development paths.
Destruction of historical urban fabric in many Chinese cities and towns, without the possibility of its recovery as an urban asset, leads us to consider alternative strategies and criteria for formulating new urban projects, using creative urban planning instruments and strategies to provide a sense of place and identity to the urban landscape. The challenge is to set up an urban structure that constitutes a spatial reference system, a structure consisting of a set of urban landmarks that construct a system of related public spaces, endowed with collective significance and identity. Such a network could include a wide variety of urban typologies and natural elements. An important result of this strategy would be the recovery of the social and cultural values attached to the natural landscape in Chinese civilization. Hangzhou city will be analyzed as a case study
Health and inequalities in health among inhabitants of European cities are of major importance for European public health and there is great interest in how different health care systems in Europe perform in the reduction of health inequalities. However, evidence on the spatial distribution of cause-specific mortality across neighbourhoods of European cities is scarce. This study presents maps of avoidable mortality in European cities and analyses differences in avoidable mortality between neighbourhoods with different levels of deprivation. Methods: We determined the level of mortality from 14 avoidable causes of death for each neighbourhood of 15 large cities in different European regions. To address the problems associated with Standardised Mortality Ratios for small areas we smooth them using the Bayesian model proposed by Besag, York and Mollié. Ecological regression analysis was used to assess the association between social deprivation and mortality. Results: Mortality from avoidable causes of death is higher in deprived neighbourhoods and mortality rate ratios between areas with different levels of deprivation differ between gender and cities. In most cases rate ratios are lower among women. While Eastern and Southern European cities show higher levels of avoidable mortality, the association of mortality with social deprivation tends to be higher in Northern and lower in Southern Europe. Conclusions: There are marked differences in the level of avoidable mortality between neighbourhoods of European cities and the level of avoidable mortality is associated with social deprivation. There is no systematic difference in the magnitude of this association between European cities or regions. Spatial patterns of avoidable mortality across small city areas can point to possible local problems and specific strategies to reduce health inequality which is important for the development of urban areas and the well-being of their inhabitants
Alta is the biggest city in the country of Finnmark. The area of study, Bossekop, is situated 4km from the city centre. It has some commercial areas, offices, hotels and housing, mostly single family housing. The most important Norwegian road, E6 goes through Bossekop, there for it has a big traffic flow. The concept builds on the idea of two axis, one local leading from the local sports development area into the centre core, and one on a higher level, the E6. In Bodø, after analysing carefully the surroundings we reached the conclusion that it is posssible to conserve a lot of the green as well as offering the municipalities the chance to develop with several housing typologies. Nature should be preserved and with this connect directly the mountain to the sea, using the existing creek to make the water connection. In order to keep a big part of this land untouched, we suggest that the rest of the site can be developed quite densely in one of the areas and then continuously fading out in direction of the mountains. Finnsnes is an important communication point for the region with its good connections. In that way it is becoming a central point for commerce and leisure. The concept is based on the wish from the municipality of Lenvik to look upon the city’s connection to the surrounding sea and green areas, together with the wish to make the pedestrian access better and the car traffic lighter., and in that way improve the conditions in the city
In the past, sensors networks in cities have been limited to fixed sensors, embedded in particular locations, under centralised control. Today, new applications can leverage wireless devices and use them as sensors to create aggregated information. In this paper, we show that the emerging patterns unveiled through the analysis of large sets of aggregated digital footprints can provide novel insights into how people experience the city and into some of the drivers behind these emerging patterns. We particularly explore the capacity to quantify the evolution of the attractiveness of urban space with a case study of in the area of the New York City Waterfalls, a public art project of four man-made waterfalls rising from the New York Harbor. Methods to study the impact of an event of this nature are traditionally based on the collection of static information such as surveys and ticket-based people counts, which allow to generate estimates about visitors’ presence in specific areas over time. In contrast, our contribution makes use of the dynamic data that visitors generate, such as the density and distribution of aggregate phone calls and photos taken in different areas of interest and over time. Our analysis provides novel ways to quantify the impact of a public event on the distribution of visitors and on the evolution of the attractiveness of the points of interest in proximity. This information has potential uses for local authorities, researchers, as well as service providers such as mobile network operators.
The aim of the project was to gauge the extent to which the so-called ‘Barcelona Model’ of urban transformation has been ‘exported’ to Britain and whether Barcelona has learned from British cities. We engage with the literature on successive British governments’ strategies for cities, focused on collecting data on contemporary policy initiatives and debates in the UK, did interviews in Manchester, London Barcelona and participated in the official visit of Leeds to Barcelona in March. Our research findings to date suggest that there is a good deal of mobility and interaction between Barcelona and the UK. However, it is by no means certain that this has resulted in definite instances of policy transfer. While the ‘Barcelona model’ has indeed featured in oficial discourse on urban regeneration in the UK, it does not appear to be the preferred best practice ‘model’ – other North American and European cities figure discursively as much, if not more. Where Barcelona does feature in official discourse, it is usually as an example of good design and an appealing urban aesthetic, rather than in terms of economic or social policy best practice. Our research suggests that the Barcelona model is seen as non-transferable to the UK due to the relatively more centralised governance structure therein.In contrast, evidence collected suggests that the Barcelona model is not influenced by UK British cities experiences but there is small evidence of being influenced by UK-based professionals.
The paper analyses the link between human capital and regional economic growth in the European Union. Using different indicat The importance of effective and efficient mobility in large cities is becoming essential for planners and citizens due to its impact in terms of social, economic and geographic development. The aim of this research is to determine factors explaining urban transport systems by estimating aggregate supply and demand equations for 45 large European cities. Supply and Demand equations are separately and jointly determined using OLS and SUR estimation models. On one hand, our findings suggest the importance of economic variables on the supply of public transport. On the other, we highlight the role of those factors influencing the generalized cost of transport as main drivers of demand for public transit. Additionally, regional variables are introduced to capture institutional heterogeneity in this service, and we find that regional patterns are powerful explanatory determinants of urban transportation systems in Europe.