19 resultados para Salonen, Kalevi: Manual for integrated monitoring

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Aquest article descriu els sensors enzimàtics i immunosensors electroquímics que s’han desenvolupat als nostres grups per a la detecció de la biotoxina marina àcid okadaic (OA), i discuteix la possibilitat d’integrar-los en programes de seguiment. Els sensors enzimàtics per a OA que es presenten es basen en la inhibició de la proteïna fosfatasa (PP2A) per aquesta toxina i la mesura electroquímica de l’activitat enzimàtica mitjançant l’ús de substrats enzimàtics apropiats, electroquímicament actius després de la seva desfosforació per l’enzim. Els immunosensors electroquímics descrits en aquest article es basen en un enzimoimmunoassaig sobre fase sòlida competitiu indirecte (ciELISA), amb fosfatasa alcalina (ALP) o peroxidasa (HRP) com a marcatges, i un sistema de reciclatge enzimàtic amb diaforasa (DI). Els biosensors presentats aquí s’han aplicat a l’anàlisi de dinoflagel·lats, musclos i ostres. Les validacions preliminars amb assaigs colorimètrics i LC-MS/MS han demostrat la possibilitat d’utilitzar les bioeines desenvolupades per al cribratge preliminar de biotoxines marines en mostres de camp o de cultiu, que ofereixen informació complementària a la cromatografia. En conclusió, tot i que encara cal optimitzar alguns paràmetres experimentals, la integració dels biosensors a programes de seguiment és viable i podria proporcionar avantatges respecte a altres tècniques analítiques pel que fa al temps d’anàlisi, la simplicitat, la selectivitat, la sensibilitat, el fet de poder ser d’un sol ús i l’efectivitat de cost. This article describes the electrochemical enzyme sensors and immunosensors that have been developed by our groups for the detection of marine biotoxin okadaic acid (OA), and discusses the possibility of integrating them into monitoring programmes. The enzyme sensors for OA reported herein are based on the inhibition of immobilised protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) by this toxin and the electrochemical measurement of the enzyme activity through the use of appropriate enzyme substrates, which are electrochemically active after dephosphorylation by the enzyme. The electrochemical immunosensors described in this article are based on a competitive indirect Enzyme- Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ciELISA), using alkaline phosphatase (ALP) or horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as labels, and an enzymatic recycling system with diaphorase (DI). The biosensors presented herein have been applied to the analysis of dinoflagellates, mussels and oysters. Preliminary validations with colorimetric assays and LC-MS/MS have demonstrated the possibility of using the developed biotools for the preliminary screening of marine biotoxins in field or cultured samples, offering complementary information to chromatography. In conclusion, although optimisation of some experimental parameters is still required, the integration of biosensors into monitoring programmes is viable and may provide advantages over other analytical techniques in terms of analysis time, simplicity, selectivity, sensitivity, disposability of electrodes and cost effectiveness.


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Process supervision is the activity focused on monitoring the process operation in order to deduce conditions to maintain the normality including when faults are present Depending on the number/distribution/heterogeneity of variables, behaviour situations, sub-processes, etc. from processes, human operators and engineers do not easily manipulate the information. This leads to the necessity of automation of supervision activities. Nevertheless, the difficulty to deal with the information complicates the design and development of software applications. We present an approach called "integrated supervision systems". It proposes multiple supervisors coordination to supervise multiple sub-processes whose interactions permit one to supervise the global process


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Alfacs and Fangar Bay in the Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean are the major sites in Catalonia for shellfish cultivation. These bays are subject to occasional closures in shellfish harvesting due to the presence of phycotoxins. Fish kills have also been associated with harmful algal blooms. The comparison of phytoplankton dynamics in both bays offers the opportunity to reveal differences in bloom patterns of species known to be harmful for the ecosystem and aquaculture activities. Field research is underway under the GEOHAB framework within the Core Research Project on HABs in Fjords and Coastal Embayments. The overall objective of this study is to improve our understanding of HAB biogeographical patterns, and key elements driving bloom dynamics in time and space within these semi-constrained embayments. Via the comparative approach we aim to improve the prediction for monitoring purposes, with a focus on Karlodinium spp. associated with massive kills of aquaculture species. This objective is addressed by incorporating long-term time series of phytoplankton identification and enumeration with the first results of recent field work in both bays. The latter includes the application of optical sensors, to yield a complementary view with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution of bloom phenomena.


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Earthquakes occurring around the world each year cause thousands ofdeaths, millions of dollars in damage to infrastructure, and incalculablehuman suffering. In recent years, satellite technology has been asignificant boon to response efforts following an earthquake and itsafter-effects by providing mobile communications between response teamsand remote sensing of damaged areas to disaster management organizations.In 2007, an international team of students and professionals assembledduring theInternational Space University’s Summer Session Program in Beijing, Chinato examine how satellite and ground-based technology could be betterintegrated to provide an optimised response in the event of an earthquake.The resulting Technology Resources for Earthquake MOnitoring and Response(TREMOR) proposal describes an integrative prototype response system thatwill implement mobile satellite communication hubs providing telephone anddata links between response teams, onsite telemedicine consultation foremergency first-responders, and satellite navigation systems that willlocate and track emergency vehicles and guide search-and-rescue crews. Aprototype earthquake simulation system is also proposed, integratinghistorical data, earthquake precursor data, and local geomatics andinfrastructure information to predict the damage that could occur in theevent of an earthquake. The backbone of these proposals is a comprehensiveeducation and training program to help individuals, communities andgovernments prepare in advance. The TREMOR team recommends thecoordination of these efforts through a centralised, non-governmentalorganization.


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We analyze the optimal technology policy to solve a free-riding problem between the members of a RJV. We assume that when intervening the Government suffers an additional adverse selection problem because it is not able to distinguish the value of the potential innovation. Although subsidies and monitoring may be equivalent policy tools to solve firms' free-riding problem, they imply different social losses if the Government is not able to perfectly distinguish the value of the potential innovation. The supremacy of monitoring tools over subsidies is proved to depend on which type of information the Government is able to obtain about firms' R&D performance.


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The last 20 years have seen a significant evolution in the literature on horizontal inequity (HI) and have generated two major and "rival" methodological strands, namely, classical HI and reranking. We propose in this paper a class of ethically flexible tools that integrate these two strands. This is achieved using a measure of inequality that merges the well-known Gini coefficient and Atkinson indices, and that allows a decomposition of the total redistributive effect of taxes and transfers in a vertical equity effect and a loss of redistribution due to either classical HI or reranking. An inequality-change approach and a money-metric cost-of-inequality approach are developed. The latter approach makes aggregate classical HI decomposable across groups. As in recent work, equals are identified through a nonparametric estimation of the joint density of gross and net incomes. An illustration using Canadian data from 1981 to 1994 shows a substantial, and increasing, robust erosion of redistribution attributable both to classical HI and to reranking, but does not reveal which of reranking or classical HI is more important since this requires a judgement that is fundamentally normative in nature.


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One of the most popular options for promoting public transport use is the provision of an integrated and high quality public transport system. This was the strategy adopted by the regional government in Madrid in 1986 and since then public transport patronage has increased by more than 50%. This paper has two objectives. The first is to identify the factors underlying the significant increase in the demand for public transport in Madrid. To do this we estimate an aggregate demand function for bus and underground trips, which allows us to obtain the demand elasticities with respect to the main attributes of public transport services and also to calculate the long-term impact of changes in those explanatory variables on patronage. The second objective is to evaluate the impact on revenue derived from the introduction of the travel card scheme, and to discuss the consequences on revenue of changes in the relative fare levels of different types of ticket without substantially affecting patronage. This latter issue is addressed by estimating a matrix of own and cross-price elasticities for different ticket types.


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We analyze a model where firms chose a production technology which, together with some random event, determines the final emission level. We consider the coexistence of two alternative technologies: a "clean" technology, and a "dirty" technology. The environmental regulation is based on taxes over reported emissions, and on penalties over unreported emissions. We show that the optimal inspection policy is a cut-off strategy, for several scenarios concerning the observability of the adoption of the clean technology and the cost of adopting it. We also show that the optimal inspection policy induces the firm to adopt the clean technology if the adoption cost is not too high, but the cost levels for which the firm adopts it depend on the scenario.


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El manual del curso está estructurado en ocho capítulos. Los seis primeros desarrollan los contenidos necesarios para conocer y aplicar las condiciones de accesibilidad adecuadamente en los servicios públicos: desde las nociones y características vinculadas con las necesidades de distintos tipos de ciudadanos, hasta el contexto normativo, institucional y conceptual que se ha venido consolidando en torno a la idea de accesibilidad universal. Los dos últimos capítulos ofrecen medidas y recomendaciones para lograr una administración pública accesible, tanto en sus servicios donde se produce la relación con los ciudadanos, como en los entornos en que los empleados trabajan.


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Emissions distribution is a focus variable for the design of future international agreements to tackle global warming. This paper specifically analyses the future path of emissions distribution and its determinants in different scenarios. Whereas our analysis is driven by tools which are typically applied in the income distribution literature and which have recently been applied to the analysis of CO2 emissions distribution, a new methodological approach is that our study is driven by simulations run with a popular regionalised optimal growth climate change model over the 1995-2105 period. We find that the architecture of environmental policies, the implementation of flexible mechanisms and income concentration are key determinants of emissions distribution over time. In particular we find a robust positive relationship between measures of inequalities.


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Contribució al Seminari: "Les Euroregions: Experiències i aprenatges per a l’Euroregió Pirineus-Mediterrània", 15-16 de desembre de 2005


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This paper presents an outline of rationale and theory of the MuSIASEM scheme (Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism). First, three points of the rationale behind our MuSIASEM scheme are discussed: (i) endosomatic and exosomatic metabolism in relation to Georgescu-Roegen’s flow-fund scheme; (2) the bioeconomic analogy of hypercycle and dissipative parts in ecosystems; (3) the dramatic reallocation of human time and land use patterns in various sectors of modern economy. Next, a flow-fund representation of the MUSIASEM scheme on three levels (the whole national level, the paid work sectors level, and the agricultural sector level) is illustrated to look at the structure of the human economy in relation to two primary factors: (i) human time - a fund; and (ii) exosomatic energy - a flow. The three levels representation uses extensive and intensive variables simultaneously. Key conceptual tools of the MuSIASEM scheme - mosaic effects and impredicative loop analysis - are explained using the three level flow-fund representation. Finally, we claim that the MuSIASEM scheme can be seen as a multi-purpose grammar useful to deal with sustainability issues.


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Within last few years a new type of instruments called Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) entered to the commercial market. These devices brought a possibility to obtain completely new type of spatial, three dimensional data describing the object of interest. TLS instruments are generating a type of data that needs a special treatment. Appearance of this technique made possible to monitor deformations of very large objects, like investigated here landslides, with new quality level. This change is visible especially with relation to the size and number of the details that can be observed with this new method. Taking into account this context presented here work is oriented on recognition and characterization of raw data received from the TLS instruments as well as processing phases, tools and techniques to do them. Main objective are definition and recognition of the problems related with usage of the TLS data, characterization of the quality single point generated by TLS, description and investigation of the TLS processing approach for landslides deformation measurements allowing to obtain 3D deformation characteristic and finally validation of the obtained results. The above objectives are based on the bibliography studies and research work followed by several experiments that will prove the conclusions.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2008. Es presenta als interessats en les competicions de matemàtiques un manual sòlid, compacte, però sintetitzat, que els permeti, complementar i ampliar els seus coneixements matemàtics dirigits a aquestes competicions. En la primera part, es tracten les olimpíades matemàtiques més importants estatals i arreu del món per tal de donar-les a conèixer al lector. A continuació s'expliquen les tècniques generals més utilitzades per construir una demostració determinada. Finalment, es tanca la secció parlant de la creació de problemes, un apartat que permet estimular i potenciar la pròpia creativitat. En la segona part, es troba el propi cos del manual, amb una gran quantitat de problemas solucionats. Per tal de facilitar-ne l'ús, s'ha dividit en quatre grans temes, corresponents als que es treballen a les Olimpíades Matemàtiques: teoria de nombres o aritmètica, geometria, àlgebra i combinatòria. Cada un d'aquests temes es troba, a la vegada, dividit en dues seccions: la de teoremes i conceptes, en què s'enuncien els principals teoremes i fórmules que el lector necessita conéixer, i la d'exercicis i problemes on s’han recollit multitud de problemes provinents de diferents competicions, indicant el grau de dificultat - cal remarcar però, que el present document és una reducció del treball original, per això s'ha decidit només incloure-hi l'apartat d'aritmètica i ometre els altres tres -.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Auditing and Integration of Management Systems Research Laboratory de la Universitat d’Alberta, Canadà, des de maig fins a setembre del 2007. Aquest centre porta a terme recerca de caire teòrica i bàsica aplicada a l’assegurament de la qualitat, i més concretament a l’estandardització i integració de sistemes de gestió. En primer lloc, s’han analitzat les dades obtingudes en l’estudi empíric descriptiu realitzat a Catalunya durant l’any 2005, focalitzat en els estàndards de gestió més utilitzats per les empreses catalanes, en que s’hi incloïen les normes ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001 així com els nous estàndards de suport de la sèrie ISO 10000. En segon terme, i a partir d’aquest anàlisis previ, s’ha iniciat el disseny d’una metodologia flexible per a la integració dels sistemes de gestió basats en estàndards internacionals.