45 resultados para Rising Damp
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The paper presents a foundation model for Marxian theories of the breakdown of capitalism based on a new falling rate of profit mechanism. All of these theories are based on one or more of "the historical tendencies": a rising capital-wage bill ratio, a rising capitalist share and a falling rate of profit. The model is a foundation in the sense that it generates these tendencies in the context of a model with a constant subsistence wage. The newly discovered generating mechanism is based on neo-classical reasoning for a model with land. It is non-Ricardian in that land augmenting technical progress can be unboundedly rapid. Finally, since the model has no steady state, it is necessary to use a new technique, Chaplygin's method, to prove the result.
The paper presents a foundation model for Marxian theories of the breakdown of capitalism based on a new falling rate of profit mechanism. All of these theories are based on one or more of ?the historical tendencies?: a rising capital-wage bill ratio, a rising capitalist share and a falling rate of profit. The model is a foundation in the sense that it generates these tendencies in the context of a model with a constant subsistence wage. The newly discovered generating mechanism is based on neo-classical reasoning for a model with land. It is non-Ricardian in that land augmenting technical progress can be unboundedly rapid. Finally, since the model has no steady state, it is necessary to use a new technique, Chaplygin?s method, to prove the result.
El modelo agrario argentino actual se basa en el monocultivo de la soja para la exportación. Este cultivo aumentó de forma masiva a partir de la entrada de la soja transgénica resistente al herbicida glifosato, en los 90. Los plaguicidas han representado el gran sostén del crecimiento de la producción agropecuaria argentina. Debido al uso creciente que están teniendo y a la proximidad de los cultivos a los pueblos, los habitantes empiezan a percibir las prácticas de manejo y aplicación de plaguicidas como un riesgo para su salud y el medio ambiente de la zona. El clima de incertidumbre acerca de los impactos de los agroquímicos se percibe en las áreas productoras de soja, convirtiéndose en un conflicto entre expertos y población local. Con el estudio de este riesgo, del modo en que es percibido por la población y de los factores que causan dicha percepción, se ha observado que los problemas que generan la elevada percepción son principalmente las malas prácticas en la aplicación de los agroquímicos, la ausencia de regulación del organismo de control y la incertidumbre sobre los efectos que dichos productos pueden causar.
This paper examines the impact of urban sprawl, a phenomenon of particular interest in Spain, which is currently experiencing this process of rapid, low-density urban expansion. Many adverse consequences are attributed to urban sprawl (e.g., traffic congestion, air pollution and social segregation), though here we are concerned primarily with the rising costs of providing local public services. Our initial aim is to develop an accurate measure of urban sprawl so that we might empirically test its impact on municipal budgets. Then, we undertake an empirical analysis using a cross-sectional data set of 2,500 Spanish municipalities for the year 2003 and a piecewise linear function to account for the potentially nonlinear relationship between sprawl and local costs. The estimations derived from the expenditure equations for both aggregate and six disaggregated spending categories indicate that low-density development patterns lead to greater provision costs of local public services.
L’accent nuclear ascendent-descendent de les oracions expressant desacord en occità consta de tres tons: LH+L*. En comptes de precedir el to asterisc (“starred tone”) a un interval fix en temps normalitzat (Pierrehumbert & Beckman 1989), els tons menadors (“leading tones”) L i H s’alineen amb determinats punts d’ancoratge de la cadena de segments: les fronteres dreta i esquerra de la síl•laba pretònica, respectivament. El model de Grice (1995b) per a l’estructura dels accents tonals permet donar compte d’aquest patró d’alineació incloent els tons menadors en un node diferent que precedeix el que domina to seguidor (“trailing tone”) i to asterisc.
Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball té per objectiu plantejar el disseny d’una depuradora ecològica i un petit bosc de ribera amb la finalitat de divulgar i reivindicar el paper crucial que juguen les zones humides en el gran ecosistema de la Terra. Davant l’imminent esgotament de les principals energies fòssils i la manca de recursos tant bàsics com l’aigua, es pretén insistir en els molts avantatges d’importar la capacitat depuradora de les zones humides com a tecnologia alternativa per tractar aigües residuals industrials, agrícoles i urbanes, amb una despesa energètica pràcticament nul•la i uns beneficis ecològics, econòmics i de cost de la oportunitat més que evidents. El reciclatge d’aigües residuals es presenta com un dels reptes més importants de les societats actuals. La denominada fitodepuració aprofita el poder refinador de la vegetació present en les zones humides per reduir o eliminar contaminants de l’aigua mitjançant una sèrie de complexos processos biològics i fisicoquímics que la natura, en la seva dinàmica perfecte, ha dissenyat durant 4500 milions d anys. I és en base a aquestes qualitats depuradores d’aquests ecosistemes aquàtics que sorgeix la figura de l’aiguamoll artificial.
Con la creciente generación de resonancias magnéticas, los servicios de radiología necesitan aplicaciones que les faciliten el trabajo de acceso remoto a los datos y a las herramientas que utilicen para la extracción de datos para realizar sus diagnósticos. El objetivo de este proyecto es el de estudiar e integrar en la plataforma web del grupo de Imagen Médica del PIC llamada PICNIC (PIC NeuroImaging Center) un conjunto de aplicaciones para el estudio y procesamiento de neuroimagen con la implementación de herramientas software en la plataforma grid del PIC.
Bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the most frequent malignancy of the urinary tract, and its incidence is rising. The gold standard treatment of invasive TCC is radical cystectomy with configuration of urinary diversion with bowel; the need for bowel has been universally considered the prime cause of complications. Since 1960’s urologists, scientists and industry have been trying, unsuccessfully, to obviate the use of bowel with alternative materials. We provide an analysis of problems deriving from using bowel as bladder substitute, a comprehensive review of literature on previous artificial models, an analysis of benefits deriving from the ideal prosthesis.
Employment flexibility is commonly associated to greater labour mobility and thus faster cross-regional adjustments. The literature however offers very little hard evidence on this and quite limited theoretical guidance. This paper examines empirically the relationship between employment flexibility and cross-regional adjustment (migration) at the regional and local levels in the UK. Employment flexibility is associated to higher labour mobility (but only at a rather localised scale) and at the same time seems to reduce the responsiveness of migration to unemployment. This suggest that rising flexibility may be linked to higher persistence in spatial disparities, as intra-regional adjustments are strengthened while extraregional adjustments weakened. Keywords: Employment flexibility, regional migration, labour market adjustment JEL Codes: R11, R23, J08, J61
El tema de la investigación propuesto aquí, se centra en el malestar social, y la representación de éste desde un punto de vista personal y autobiográfico, algo que en estas página denomino Autorepresentación del malestar social. ¿Cómo se autorepresenta el malestar y qué prácticas artísticas se emplean para ello? ¿Cuáles son la transformaciones que provocan estas prácticas artísticas en el terreno audiovisual? En este sentido, exploraremos dos vías de análisis: por un lado nos interesa observar cuales han sido las modificaciones que el poder ha desarrollado para establecer nuevas formas de explotación, y por otro lado, veremos como estas modificaciones están generando una nueva praxis social donde las prácticas artísticas cobran un nuevo y reforzado sentido, así como una nueva capacidad política, individual y colectiva a un mismo tiempo, cargada de una fuerza transformadora capaz de componer nuevos espacios de sujeto. Analizaremos, desde la representación del yo en la vida cotidiana, el género y las relaciones interpersonales, hasta las transformaciones contemporáneas del trabajo, y los cambios en la construcción de la subjetividad. El principal elemento en el que se apoyaran nuestras investigaciones será el anàlisis de producciones audiovisuales contemporáneas y la distribución de estas en algunas de las redes de comunicación contemporáneas, intentando mostrar, de esta manera, la interacción y los efectos directos que provocan en la realidad social.
Examining the sustainability issues in UKOER projects : Developing a sustainable OER ecosystem in HE
The development of open educational resources (OERs) is becoming a strategic priority for governments and education institutions around the world, in response to funding cuts and rising costs in educational provision. In the United Kingdom, a government-sponsored Pilot Programme on Open Educational Recourses (JISC/HEA, 2009) was launched in 2009 with an initial budget of £5.7m. This paper reviews the key sustainability issues identified by the projects including the different approaches and models that have been adopted in order to sustain the continuing development and release of OER once funding has ended. The analysis also considers the challenges relating to the development and implementation of policies and processes for sustainable OER practice within institutions and among academics. The paper concludes by drawing on the experiences from the wider United Kingdom and international OER communities to develop a sustainable OER ecosystem model that can facilitate discussions on future development of OER initiatives.
Nous processos i formes de creixement urbà: el cas del districte industrial de Montebelluna a Itàlia
This article analyses the spatial organization of Montebelluna's industrial district (Italy) as an exemple of the dinamics of urbanization phenomenon in small urban areas. The study is divided in two parts: in the first one I present the social organisation's model of production named «industrial district» and its relation with the space, which is characterizeded by the rising of diffused urbanization settlements; in the second part I try to verify some explanatory factors pointed out by different autors in this specific area with an historical analysis of processes point of view. The diffused organisation of economic and housing activity show a change in the urban morphology
Segons l'IPCC en valor mitjà mundial del nivell del mar augmenta a raó de 3.1 ± 0.7 mm·a-1. Aquest estudi ha calculat que a la Península Ibèrica, en nivell mitjà del mar ha augmentat a raó de 3.01 ± 0.45 mm·a-1, per tant, a un ritme similar del valor mundial. No obstant, es mostra un comportament diferent entre el conjunt Atlàntic - Cantàbric i el Mediterrani, que podria ser explicat pel efecte baromètric invertit i l'expansió tèrmica. En l'últim període estudiat, 1997-2009, les tendències mostren un augment dels ritmes de pujada en totes les zones amb resultats estadísticament significatius. En un futur, es preveu que en el conjunt de la Península Ibèrica el nivell mitjà del mar augmenti per a l'any 2050, 104 ± 30 mm i per a l'any 2100, 174 ± 60 mm. Aquest fet podria tenir un impacte important sobre les costes ibèriques, i per tant, catalanes.
In the past, sensors networks in cities have been limited to fixed sensors, embedded in particular locations, under centralised control. Today, new applications can leverage wireless devices and use them as sensors to create aggregated information. In this paper, we show that the emerging patterns unveiled through the analysis of large sets of aggregated digital footprints can provide novel insights into how people experience the city and into some of the drivers behind these emerging patterns. We particularly explore the capacity to quantify the evolution of the attractiveness of urban space with a case study of in the area of the New York City Waterfalls, a public art project of four man-made waterfalls rising from the New York Harbor. Methods to study the impact of an event of this nature are traditionally based on the collection of static information such as surveys and ticket-based people counts, which allow to generate estimates about visitors’ presence in specific areas over time. In contrast, our contribution makes use of the dynamic data that visitors generate, such as the density and distribution of aggregate phone calls and photos taken in different areas of interest and over time. Our analysis provides novel ways to quantify the impact of a public event on the distribution of visitors and on the evolution of the attractiveness of the points of interest in proximity. This information has potential uses for local authorities, researchers, as well as service providers such as mobile network operators.
On the backdrop of very little sociological concern with rising income inequality, this paper examines how key changes in sociodemographic behaviour may help shed additional light on changes in household income distribution and especially on long-term income dynamics and inter-generational mobility. The paper argues that the joint effect of rising marital homogamy in terms of human capital and labour supply contributes generally to widen the income gap between households. Only uner very restrictive conditions, namely when the labour supply of low educated women grows dis-proportionally fast, will women's earnings contribute to more equality. Finally, the paper suggests that women's rising employment commitments contribute positively to equalizing the opportunity structure both via the income effect and if quality care is available, also via more homogenous cultural and cognitive stimulation of children. Mother's work does not generally have adverse effects for children's development.