22 resultados para Prosthesis coloring

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Els objectius inicials foren la construcció d una 'Cèl•lula Solar Sensibilitzada mitjançant un Colorant’ (DSSC) amb el tint d una col llombarda i posterior caracterització segons el dossier 'Nanocrystalline Solar Cell Kit: Recreating Photosynthesis’. Les DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell) són un tipus de cèl•lules que imiten els principis que la fotosíntesis ha fet servir exitosament durant més de 3,5 bilions d anys. S’han construït algunes DSSC i se n’ha provat la seva eficiència. El seu funcionament es basa en l’energia d’un fotó que excita un electró i el fa saltar de nivell energètic fins que es desprèn de l’àtom de colorant, deixant un forat en la molècula. Aquest electró lliure passa a través de la capa de TiO2 fins arribar a la càrrega on es genera el corrent elèctric. Tot seguit, l’electró arriba al contra-elèctrode i és aquí on entra en contacte amb l’electròlit, el mediador iode/triiode. Aquest regenera l’electró, que anteriorment ha saltat del colorant, oxidant-se ell mateix.


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Bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the most frequent malignancy of the urinary tract, and its incidence is rising. The gold standard treatment of invasive TCC is radical cystectomy with configuration of urinary diversion with bowel; the need for bowel has been universally considered the prime cause of complications. Since 1960’s urologists, scientists and industry have been trying, unsuccessfully, to obviate the use of bowel with alternative materials. We provide an analysis of problems deriving from using bowel as bladder substitute, a comprehensive review of literature on previous artificial models, an analysis of benefits deriving from the ideal prosthesis.


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R from http://www.r-project.org/ is ‘GNU S’ – a language and environment for statistical computingand graphics. The environment in which many classical and modern statistical techniques havebeen implemented, but many are supplied as packages. There are 8 standard packages and many moreare available through the cran family of Internet sites http://cran.r-project.org .We started to develop a library of functions in R to support the analysis of mixtures and our goal isa MixeR package for compositional data analysis that provides support foroperations on compositions: perturbation and power multiplication, subcomposition with or withoutresiduals, centering of the data, computing Aitchison’s, Euclidean, Bhattacharyya distances,compositional Kullback-Leibler divergence etc.graphical presentation of compositions in ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons with additional features:barycenter, geometric mean of the data set, the percentiles lines, marking and coloring ofsubsets of the data set, theirs geometric means, notation of individual data in the set . . .dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets with R procedures for simpleand multiplicative replacement strategy,the time series analysis of compositional data.We’ll present the current status of MixeR development and illustrate its use on selected data sets


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L’ús de colorants alimentaris pot ser controvertit, ja que la seva presència s’associa amb problemes provocats pel seu consum a llarg termini, o perquè es tem que siguin emprats per dissimular deficiències en la qualitat del producte. Aquesta preocupació és una tendència creixent entre els consumidors i ha portat a moltes empreses del sector alimentari a revisar la formulació dels seus productes i substituir, sempre que sigui econòmica i tecnològicament possible, els colorants artificials per colorants naturals. L’hemoglobina procedent de la sang dels escorxadors industrials podria ser una font important de colorant vermell natural degut a les grans quantitats generades diàriament. A més, s' evitaria que anés a parar a les aigües residuals. El seu ús com a colorant vermell natural queda supeditada al fet de trobar alguna substància o sistema capaç de protegir-la de l’oxidació durant el procés de deshidratació i el posterior període d’emmagatzematge ja que l’hemoglobina és poc estable i es poden produir canvis en el seu color. Inicialment l’hemoglobina presenta un color vermell brillant. La seva desoxigenació comporta un canvi a color porpra. I l’oxidació del ferro confereix a la molècula un indesitjable color marró. En l’estudi que aquí es presenta es pretén estabilitzar el color de l’hemoglobina de sang porcina tant durant la seva deshidratació per atomització com durant l’emmagatzematge a temperatura ambient de la pols obtinguda afegint al concentrat d’hemoglobina, prèviament a la deshidratació, combinacions de diferents substàncies que puguin actuar de manera complementària en l’estabilització del ferro hèmic enfront la seva oxidació. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és determinar si la seva combinació amb agents antioxidants comporta una millora en l’estabilització de la forma reduïda de l’hemoglobina tant durant la deshidratació per atomització com durant l’emmagatzematge de la pols a temperatura ambient


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La inestabilitat del canell consisteix en una pèrdua de la fermesa dels moviments de l’articulació a causa del trencament d’un dels lligaments. Quan l’estructura lligamentosa no treballa adequadament, els ossos que uneix (escafoide i semilunar) deixen de realitzar els moviments de forma solidària, ja que cadascun d’ells es desplaçarà independentment i es perdrà l’equilibri del conjunt. El cas més habitual és el trencament del lligament escafolunarque comporta una inestabilitat dissociativa del carp, deguda a una separació excessiva (més de 5 mil•límetres) dels ossos semilunar i escafoide del carp Així que, l’objectiu del projecte és desenvolupar una pròtesi capaç de dur a terme la funció del lligament escafolunar de la forma més adient possible


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The human being has changed in time due to both, biological and cultural evolution. In a first step, biological evolution was the cornerstone of the changes in our species. However, cultural evolution was also a key element producing adaptations that allowed the evolution of modern human being. These adaptations include aspects as different as clothing, tools, reading and writing, calculation and some forms of rudimentary prosthesis. Technoscience has enhanced these adaptations that conduce to the concept of broad-sense cyborg. Present human society includes a huge proportion of these latter individuals. In this article we discuss this reality and the future of our society based on the interconnections between humans, cyborgs and robots.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the anterior two thirds of the tongue in a population living in central and southern Portugal, all treated at Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa, Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG). Study Design: This study was a retrospective review of all patients who had a histopathological diagnosis of SCC of the anterior two thirds of the tongue and had been treated in the Head and Neck Surgery Unit at the IPOLFG (Lisbon, Portugal), between 1st January 2001 and 31st December 2009. The risk factors evaluated were: gender; age; alcohol consumption; tobacco use; prosthesis use and the carcinoma site. Results: Of the 424 cases analysed, 71% were men. Mean age of occurrence was in 5th decade for males and the 6th decade for females, and the border of the tongue was the most common location. Alcohol consumption and tobacco had a lower impact in women, being the most common aetiological factors in the male population. No significant association was observed between patients and the use of a prosthesis. Conclusions: In spite of the consumption of aohol and tobacco starting to decline in certain parts of the world, our findings showed both factors still have a significant impact in male population. Further research should be done to determine aetiological factors in females.


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La aparición de cáncer bucal está vinculada a múltiples factores de riesgo. En este artículo queremos exponer como uno de ellos la úlcera crónica producida por las prótesis dentales removibles o fijas.


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La estomatitis protésica es una inflamación crónica de la mucosa oral debida al contacto con una prótesis extraible. Es un proceso difícil de controlar en los pacientes portadores de este tipo de prótesis. La patología involucra diferentes factores predisponentes, y el más importante de ellos es la presencia de Candida. En el presente artículo se describe el manejo del paciente y las dificultades de los tratamientos actuales para eliminar de las prótesis y de la mucosa oral los residuos fúngicos. Se concluye que los hábitos de higiene oral y personal en pacientes portadores de prótesis extraible son los métodos principales para evitar la aparición de la patología. Una vez instaurada, podemos controlar al paciente con medidas higiénicas y agentes antifúngicos, pero debemos ser conscientes de las limitaciones terapéuticas ante los depósitos de Candidade las prótesis. En algunos casos puede estar indicada la sustitución de la prótesis por una nueva.


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La prótesis maxilofacial comprende aquellos dispositivos artificiales que restauran una parte ausente de la cara, debido a tumores, traumatismos, o como resultado de una anomalía congénita. El objetivo de este artículo es la exposición de un caso clínico que precisaba la confección de una prótesis óculo-palpebral tras sufrir una pérdida de sustancia por causa oncológica. Este tipo de prótesis son de las más difíciles de elaborar con buenos resultados pues intentan reconstruir un órgano móvil con una prótesis estática. La prótesis maxilofacial tiene la finalidad de aumentar la calidad de vida del paciente y ayudar a la seguridad emocional de los mismos, quedando así rehabilitados para poder integrarse nuevamente en la sociedad.


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Presentamos un caso clínico que sirve de base para la discusión de los conceptos protésicos que se relacionan con la restauración y rehabilitación de pacientes que han sufrido amplias resecciones maxilares y cuya extensión va más allá de los límites bucales. Se expone la realización de una prótesis labial, obturadora maxilar y dental que realizadas consecutivamente dan lugar a la recuperación (limitada) de funciones del sistema masticatorio.


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Objectives: Assess the main problems referred by the patients and observed by the professionals after the bucodental rehabilitation with an implant-supported hybrid prothesis. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in which there were 43 patients included who were visited in the Department of Oral Surgery and Orofacial Implantology of University of Barcelona Dental School for one year. An oral rehabilitation with an implant-supported hybrid prosthesis was made to those patients. The following variables were registered: age, gender, number of inserted implants, type of implant and principal problems produced by the hybrid prosthesis. Results: The rehabilitation with an implant supported hybrid prosthesis was only performed in 43 of 116 cases treated in one year (January, 2006 to January, 2007). They were 26 men and 17 women of ages between 37 and 74 years, being the rate age of 56,5 years. The main complication recorded was the mucositis, associated frequently with a difficulty to carry a correct oral hygiene and to an overextention of the tail of resin of the prosthesis. Other observed problems were the peri-implantitis, the break of the acrylic teeth and the loss of some of the prosthetic screws. Conclusions: The most frequent complication after the laying of an implant supported hybrid prosthesis was the mucositis, associated mainly with a prosthetic tail too long and to the consequent difficulty of carrying a correct oral hygiene. In spite of the high prevalence of observed complications, most of them were mild and resolved on subsequent visits.


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The compounds responsible for the colours and decorations in glass and glazed ceramics include: colouring agents (transition metal ions), pigments (micro-and nano-precipitates of compounds that either do not dissolve or recrystallize in the glassy matrix) and opacifiers (microcrystalline compounds with high light scattering capability). Their composition, structure and range of stability are highly dependent not only on the composition but also on the procedures followed to obtain them. Chemical composition of the colorants and crystallites may be obtained by means of SEM-EDX and WDX. Synchrotron Radiation micro-X-ray Diffraction has a small beam size adequate (10 to 50 microns footprint size) to obtain the structural information of crystalline compounds and high brilliance, optimal for determining the crystallites even when present in low amounts. In addition, in glass decorations the crystallites often appear forming thin layers (from 10 to 100 micrometers thick) and they show a depth dependent composition and crystal structure. Their nature and distribution across the glass/glazes decorations gives direct information on the technology of production and stability and may be related to the color and appearance. A selection of glass and glaze coloring agents and decorations are studied by means of SR-micro- XRD and SEM-EDX including: manganese brown, antimony yellow, red copper lusters and cobalt blue. The selection includes Medieval (Islamic, and Hispano Moresque) and renaissance tin glazed ceramics from the 10th to the 17th century AD.


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El ligamento escafolunar es uno de los ligamentos que se halla intraarticular, entre el escafoides y el semilunar. Su función más importante es evitar que ambos huesos se separen cuando se cierra firmemente el puño, en la prono-supinación de la mano sobre el eje del antebrazo y durante la flexo-extensión de la muñeca. La indicación terapéutica para reparar la inestabilidad consiste en la cirugía de reconstrucción, mediante la transferencia de tendones, la fusión de las articulaciones o la reformación de los huesos. Actualmente existen dos métodos quirúrgicos para la reparación del ligamento.Para evitar la cirugía abierta, con el presente proyecto se pretende encontrar una solución que permita, a través de una cirugía con artroscopia, solucionar el problema mediante la implantación de una prótesis


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Introduction: The overeruption of upper molars due to the premature loss of antagonist teeth can be treated with the help of miniscrews. The aim of this study was to evaluate the movement of a typodont molar according to the biomechanical approach used with miniscrews. Study design: The study was conducted with four plaster models filled with typodont wax. In each model we used one absolute anchorage on the palatal side and another on the buccal side in different positions, thus generating four different biomechanical systems. A force of 150 g was applied to each side of the resin tooth. Periapical radiographs were taken preintrusion and immediately after completion of the intrusion. Photographs were taken in both the sagittal and occlusal planes every 3 min. The radiographic films and photographs were measured and compared. Results: A vertical movement of the molar was observed in all the models, with system 4 showing the greatest movement. Rotation in the occlusal plane only occurred in system 2, while in system 1 there was a change in the axial axis of 37 degrees. Conclusions: The anchorage site and the combination of forces applied may determine the resulting tooth movement