19 resultados para Primary sensory neuron
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
In the rat utricle, synaptic contacts between hair cells and the nerve fibers arising from the vestibular primary neurons form during the first week after birth. During that period, the sodium-based excitability that characterizes neonate utricle sensory cells is switched off. To investigate whether the establishment of synaptic contacts was responsible for the modulation of the hair cell excitability, we used an organotypic culture of rat utricle in which the setting of synapses was prevented. Under this condition, the voltage-gated sodium current and the underlying action potentials persisted in a large proportion of nonafferented hair cells. We then studied whether impairment of nerve terminals in the utricle of adult rats may also affect hair cell excitability. We induced selective and transient damages of afferent terminals using glutamate excitotoxicity in vivo. The efficiency of the excitotoxic injury was attested by selective swellings of the terminals and underlying altered vestibular behavior. Under this condition, the sodium-based excitability transiently recovered in hair cells. These results indicate that the modulation of hair cell excitability depends on the state of the afferent terminals. In adult utricle hair cells, this property may be essential to set the conditions required for restoration of the sensory network after damage. This is achieved via re-expression of a biological process that occurs during synaptogenesis.
A pure sensory neuropathy caused by lymphocytic infiltration of the dorsal root ganglia has been reported in a few patients with Sjögren's syndrome. The clinical, immunological, and electromyographic findings of five patients with this type of neuropathy and primary Sjögren's syndrome were reviewed. Typical clinical indications were the presence of a chronic asymmetrical sensory deficit, initial disease in the hands with a predominant loss of the vibratory and joint position senses, and an association with Adie's pupil syndrome or trigeminal sensory neuropathy. The simultaneous impairment of the central and peripheral evoked cortical potentials suggested that there was a lesion of the neuronal cell body. The neuropathy preceded the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome in four patients. Four patients were positive for Ro antibodies, but systemic vasculitis or malignancy was not found after a mean follow up of six years. These findings indicate that in patients with a sensory neuropathy the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome has to be considered, even if the patient denies the presence of sicca symptoms, and that appropriate tests must be carried out.
The inner ear is responsible for the perception of motion and sound in vertebrates. Its functional unit, the sensory patch, contains mechanosensory hair cells innervated by sensory neurons from the statoacoustic ganglion (SAG) that project to the corresponding nuclei in the brainstem. How hair cells develop at specific positions, and how otic neurons are sorted to specifically innervate each endorgan and to convey the extracted information to the hindbrain is not completely understood. In this work, we study the generation of macular sensory patches and investigate the role of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in the production of their neurosensory elements. Using zebrafish transgenic lines to visualize the dynamics of hair cell and neuron production, we show that the development of the anterior and posterior maculae is asynchronic, suggesting they are independently regulated. Tracing experiments demonstrate the SAG is topologically organized in two different neuronal subpopulations, which are spatially segregated and innervate specifically each macula. Functional experiments identify the Hh pathway as crucial in coordinating the production of hair cells in the posterior macula, and the formation of its specific innervation. Finally, gene expression analyses suggest that Hh influences the balance between different SAG neuronal subpopulations. These results lead to a model in which Hh orients functionally the development of inner ear towards an auditory fate in all vertebrate species.
Background: Insects respond to the spatial and temporal dynamics of a pheromone plume, which implies not only a strong response to"odor on", but also to"odor off". This requires mechanisms geared toward a fast signal termination. Several mechanisms may contribute to signal termination, among which odorant-degrading enzymes. These enzymes putatively play a role in signal dynamics by a rapid inactivation of odorants in the vicinity of the sensory receptors, although direct in vivo experimental evidences are lacking. Here we verified the role of an extracellular carboxylesterase, esterase-6 (Est-6), in the sensory physiological and behavioral dynamics of Drosophila melanogaster response to its pheromone, cis-vaccenyl acetate (cVA). Est-6 was previously linked to post-mating effects in the reproductive system of females. As Est-6 is also known to hydrolyze cVA in vitro and is expressed in the main olfactory organ, the antenna, we tested here its role in olfaction as a putative odorant-degrading enzyme. Results: We first confirm that Est-6 is highly expressed in olfactory sensilla, including cVA-sensitive sensilla, and we show that expression is likely associated with non-neuronal cells. Our electrophysiological approaches show that the dynamics of olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) responses is strongly influenced by Est-6, as in Est-6° null mutants (lacking the Est-6 gene) cVA-sensitive ORN showed increased firing rate and prolonged activity in response to cVA. Est-6° mutant males had a lower threshold of behavioral response to cVA, as revealed by the analysis of two cVAinduced behaviors. In particular, mutant males exhibited a strong decrease of male-male courtship, in association with a delay in courtship initiation. Conclusions: Our study presents evidence that Est-6 plays a role in the physiological and behavioral dynamics of sex pheromone response in Drosophila males and supports a role of Est-6 as an odorant-degrading enzyme (ODE) in male antennae. Our results also expand the role of Est-6 in Drosophila biology, from reproduction to olfaction, and highlight the role of ODEs in insect olfaction. Keywords: carboxylesterase, esterase 6, olfaction, pheromone, signal termination
En el periodo 2005-2008 hemos publicado tres artículos sobre las alteraciones de los astrocitos reactivos en el cerebro durante el envejecimiento. En el primer estudio, evaluamos la capacidad neuroprotectora de los astrocitos en un modelo experimental in vitro de envejecimiento. Los cambios en el estrés oxidativo, la captación del glutamato y la expresión proteica fueron evaluados en los astrocitos corticales de rata cultivados durante 10 y 90 días in vitro (DIV). Los astrocitos envejecidos tenían una capacidad reducida de mantener la supervivencia neuronal. Estos resultados indican que los astrocitos pueden perder parcialmente su capacidad neuroprotectora durante el envejecimiento. En el segundo estudio el factor neurotrófico derivado de la línea glial (GDNF) fue probado para observar sus efectos neurotróficos contra la atrofia neuronal que causa déficits cognitivos en la vejez. Las ratas envejecidas Fisher 344 con deficiencias en el laberinto de Morris recibieron inyecciones intrahippocampales de un vector lentiviral que codifica GDNF humano en los astrocitos o del mismo vector que codifica la proteína fluorescente verde humana como control. El GDNF secretado por los astrocitos mejoró la función de la neurona como se muestra por aumentos locales en la síntesis de los neurotransmisores acetilcolina, dopamina y serotonina. El aprendizaje espacial y la prueba de memoria demostraron un aumento significativo en las capacidades cognitivas debido a la exposición de GDNF, mientras que las ratas control mantuvieron sus resultados al nivel del azar. Estos resultados confirman el amplio espectro de la acción neurotrófica del GDNF y abre nuevas posibilidades de terapia génica para reducir la neurodegeneración asociada al envejecimiento. En el último estudio, examinamos cambios en la fosforilación de tau, el estrés oxidativo y la captación de glutamato en los cultivos primarios de astrocitos corticales de ratones neonatos de senescencia acelerada (SAMP8) y ratones resistentes a la senescencia (SAMR1). Nuestros resultados indican que las alteraciones en cultivos del astrocitos de los ratones SAMP8 son similares a las detectadas en cerebros enteros de los ratones SAMP8 de 1-5 meses de edad. Por otra parte, nuestros resultados sugieren que esta preparación in vitro es adecuada para estudiar en este modelo murino el envejecimiento temprano y sus procesos moleculares y celulares.
Boar taint is the off-odour or off flavour of cooked pork. Currently, the most common method of controlling boar taint is surgical castration. However, immunocastration has been used in some parts of the world as an alternative to surgical castration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensory acceptability of meat from immunocastrated pigs (IM) compared with meat from females (FE), surgically castrated (CM) and entire males (EM). Twenty animals of each type were evaluated by 201 consumers in 20 sessions. Longissimus thoracis muscle of the different animals was cooked in an oven at 180 °C for 10 min. Consumers scored the odour and the flavour of the meat in a 9-point category scale without an intermediate level. There were no significant differences in consumer’s evaluation of meat from IM, CM, and FE. In contrast, EM meat presented a higher percentage of dissatisfied scores and was significantly (P & 0.05) less accepted than meat from CM, IM and FE. Consumers’ acceptability of EM meat was always lower, independently of its androstenone levels. However meat with low levels of androstenone was more accepted that meat with medium or high levels of this substance. It can be concluded that immunocastration produced pork that was accepted by the consumers, and was indistinguishable from pork from CM or FE.
Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) models for neurons networks can be written as Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations on the probability density of neurons, the main parameters in the model being the connectivity of the network and the noise. We analyse several aspects of the NNLIF model: the number of steady states, a priori estimates, blow-up issues and convergence toward equilibrium in the linear case. In particular, for excitatory networks, blow-up always occurs for initial data concentrated close to the firing potential. These results show how critical is the balance between noise and excitatory/inhibitory interactions to the connectivity parameter.
This study presents the results of implementing a CLIL programme in a Catalan primary school three years after the onset of the implementation. The main objective of this investigation was to determine the effects of CLIL on students’ L2 English oral performance in terms of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency (CAF). The results obtained suggest that CLIL learners outperform non-CLIL learners not only in fluency, but also in syntactic complexity. However, despite the encouraging results, the study concludes that further research which transcends the methodological limitations observed in the study is needed in order to confirm the results
Alteracions durant el desenvolupament cerebral produirien canvis en la connectivitat neuronal i la bioquímica cel•lular que podrien resultar en una disfunció cognitiva i/o emocional, desembocant a trastorns psiquiàtrics. Les neurotrofines intervenen en els processos del neurodesenvolupament i en la funcionalitat del cervell adult i, conseqüentment, serien bons candidats com a factors de predisposició en diverses malalties mentals. S’ha suggerit la implicació del receptor de la neurotrofina 3, TrkC, en el trastorn de pànic. Nosaltres proposem que la sobreexpressió del gen NTRK3 (TrkC) és un mediador comú dels desencadenants genètics i ambientals d’aquest trastorn. Concretament, la seva desregulació podria produir canvis estructurals i funcionals a l’escorça cerebral dels pacients pel seu paper durant l’establiment dels circuïts corticals i la neuroplasticitat a l’adult, probablement esdevenint elements de predisposició a patir atacs de pànic. Els objectius principals d’aquest treball han estat: 1/determinar la contribució específica del gen NTRK3 a les alteracions de l’escorça cerebral observades en pacients, utilitzant un model murí modificat genèticament (TgNTRK3), i 2/analitzar l’impacte específic de la sobreexpressió de NTRK3 sobre la corticogènesi durant estadis embrionaris o postnatals estudiant la neurogènesi i la neuritogènesi. Els resultats indiquen que la sobreexpressió de NTRK3 als ratolins produeix una reducció del gruix de l’escorça frontal, recapitulant la hipofrontalitat dels pacients, que comportaria una menor inhibició dels nuclis subcorticals del sistema límbic com l’amígdala, i alteracions citoarquitectòniques a l’escorça prefrontal medial que recolzen la hipòtesi del seu mal funcionament. Tanmateix, els ratolins TgNTRK3 presenten canvis estructurals a l’escorça somatosensorial, suggerint que el processament de la informació sensorial podria estar alterat, el que encara no s’ha explorat en pacients. La sobreexpressió de NTRK3 també afecta la neuritogènesi en cultius primaris corticals i modifica la resposta de les neurones a l’estimulació amb neurotrofines. Per tant, el fenotip cortical adult dels TgNTRK3 podria dependre d’alteracions durant la corticogènesi.
Aquest projecte té la intenció d'identificar i analitzar els efectes de la introducció d'Internet a les escoles catalanes (educació primària i secundària). L'objectiu és posar de manifest la manera com s'utilitza la xarxa en aquest àmbit i en quina mesura contribueix a l'aparició, en els centres educatius, d'una nova cultura adaptada a les necessitats de la societat xarxa. Amb aquest propòsit, aquest projecte desplega les seves línies d'anàlisi per a fer atenció al procés d'incorporació d'Internet, principalment, en tres direccions: la pràctica pedagògica, les formes d'organització i gestió dels centres educatius i la seva vinculació amb la comunitat i el territori. Aquesta investigació ha estat desenvolupada pel grup de recerca ENS (Education and Network Society). Amb una perspectiva comparativa, el treball d'aquest grup vol contribuir, sobre la base de dades empíriques, a interpretar la transformació de l'àmbit educatiu no universitari en els paràmetres que estableix, avui dia, la nostra societat.
Several airline consolidation events have recently been completed both in Europe and in the United States. The model we develop considers two airlines operating hub-and-spoke networks, using different hubs to connect the same spoke airports. We assume the airlines to be vertically differentiated, which allows us to distinguish between primary and secondary hubs. We conclude that this differentiation in air services becomes more accentuated after consolidation, with an increased number of flights being channeled through the primary hub. However, congestion can act as a brake on the concentration of flight frequency in the primary hub following consolidation. Our empirical application involves an analysis of Delta s network following its merger with Northwest. We find evidence consistent with an increase in the importance of Delta s primary hubs at the expense of its secondary airports. We also find some evidence suggesting that the carrier chooses to divert traffic away from those hub airports that were more prone to delays prior to the merger, in particular New York s JFK airport. Keywords: primary hub; secondary hub; airport congestion; airline consolidation; airline networks JEL Classi fication Numbers: D43; L13; L40; L93; R4
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the University Medical Center, Swiss, from 2010 to 2012. Abundant evidence suggests that negative emotional stimuli are prioritized in the perceptual systems, eliciting enhanced neural responses in early sensory regions as compared with neutral information. This facilitated detection is generally paralleled by larger neural responses in early sensory areas, relative to the processing of neutral information. In this sense, the amygdala and other limbic regions, such as the orbitofrontal cortex, may play a critical role by sending modulatory projections onto the sensory cortices via direct or indirect feedback.The present project aimed at investigating two important issues regarding these mechanisms of emotional attention, by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging. In Study I, we examined the modulatory effects of visual emotion signals on the processing of task-irrelevant visual, auditory, and somatosensory input, that is, the intramodal and crossmodal effects of emotional attention. We observed that brain responses to auditory and tactile stimulation were enhanced during the processing of visual emotional stimuli, as compared to neutral, in bilateral primary auditory and somatosensory cortices, respectively. However, brain responses to visual task-irrelevant stimulation were diminished in left primary and secondary visual cortices in the same conditions. The results also suggested the existence of a multimodal network associated with emotional attention, presumably involving mediofrontal, temporal and orbitofrontal regions Finally, Study II examined the different brain responses along the low-level visual pathways and limbic regions, as a function of the number of retinal spikes during visual emotional processing. The experiment used stimuli resulting from an algorithm that simulates how the visual system perceives a visual input after a given number of retinal spikes. The results validated the visual model in human subjects and suggested differential emotional responses in the amygdala and visual regions as a function of spike-levels. A list of publications resulting from work in the host laboratory is included in the report.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the University Medical Center, Swiss, from 2010 to 2012. Abundant evidence suggests that negative emotional stimuli are prioritized in the perceptual systems, eliciting enhanced neural responses in early sensory regions as compared with neutral information. This facilitated detection is generally paralleled by larger neural responses in early sensory areas, relative to the processing of neutral information. In this sense, the amygdala and other limbic regions, such as the orbitofrontal cortex, may play a critical role by sending modulatory projections onto the sensory cortices via direct or indirect feedback.The present project aimed at investigating two important issues regarding these mechanisms of emotional attention, by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging. In Study I, we examined the modulatory effects of visual emotion signals on the processing of task-irrelevant visual, auditory, and somatosensory input, that is, the intramodal and crossmodal effects of emotional attention. We observed that brain responses to auditory and tactile stimulation were enhanced during the processing of visual emotional stimuli, as compared to neutral, in bilateral primary auditory and somatosensory cortices, respectively. However, brain responses to visual task-irrelevant stimulation were diminished in left primary and secondary visual cortices in the same conditions. The results also suggested the existence of a multimodal network associated with emotional attention, presumably involving mediofrontal, temporal and orbitofrontal regions Finally, Study II examined the different brain responses along the low-level visual pathways and limbic regions, as a function of the number of retinal spikes during visual emotional processing. The experiment used stimuli resulting from an algorithm that simulates how the visual system perceives a visual input after a given number of retinal spikes. The results validated the visual model in human subjects and suggested differential emotional responses in the amygdala and visual regions as a function of spike-levels. A list of publications resulting from work in the host laboratory is included in the report.
Background: The transcription factor NFAT5/TonEBP regulates the response of mammalian cells to hypertonicity. However, little is known about the physiopathologic tonicity thresholds that trigger its transcriptional activity in primary cells. Wilkins et al. recently developed a transgenic mouse carrying a luciferase reporter (9xNFAT-Luc) driven by a cluster of NFAT sites, that was activated by calcineurin-dependent NFATc proteins. Since the NFAT site of this reporter was very similar to an optimal NFAT5 site, we tested whether this reporter could detect the activation of NFAT5 in transgenic cells.Results: The 9xNFAT-Luc reporter was activated by hypertonicity in an NFAT5-dependent manner in different types of non-transformed transgenic cells: lymphocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts. Activation of this reporter by the phorbol ester PMA plus ionomycin was independent of NFAT5 and mediated by NFATc proteins. Transcriptional activation of NFAT5 in T lymphocytes was detected at hypertonic conditions of 360–380 mOsm/kg (isotonic conditions being 300 mOsm/kg) and strongly induced at 400 mOsm/kg. Such levels have been recorded in plasma in patients with osmoregulatory disorders and in mice deficient in aquaporins and vasopressin receptor. The hypertonicity threshold required to activate NFAT5 was higher in bone marrow-derived macrophages (430 mOsm/kg) and embryonic fibroblasts (480 mOsm/kg). Activation of the 9xNFAT-Luc reporter by hypertonicity in lymphocytes was insensitive to the ERK inhibitor PD98059, partially inhibited by the PI3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin (0.5 μM) and the PKA inhibitor H89, and substantially downregulated by p38 inhibitors (SB203580 and SB202190) and by inhibition of PI3-kinase-related kinases with 25 μM LY294002. Sensitivity of the reporter to FK506 varied among cell types and was greater in primary T cells than in fibroblasts and macrophages.Conclusion: Our results indicate that NFAT5 is a sensitive responder to pathologic increases in extracellular tonicity in T lymphocytes. Activation of NFAT5 by hypertonicity in lymphocytes was mediated by a combination of signaling pathways that differed from those required in other cell types. We propose that the 9xNFAT-Luc transgenic mouse model might be useful to study the physiopathological regulation of both NFAT5 and NFATc factors in primary cells.
This article reviews the methodology of the studies on drug utilization with particular emphasis on primary care. Population based studies of drug inappropriateness can be done with microdata from Health Electronic Records and e-prescriptions. Multilevel models estimate the influence of factors affecting the appropriateness of drug prescription at different hierarchical levels: patient, doctor, health care organization and regulatory environment. Work by the GIUMAP suggest that patient characteristics are the most important factor in the appropriateness of prescriptions with significant effects at the general practicioner level.