24 resultados para Peer-training programme
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
This article discusses the lessons learned from developing and delivering the Vocational Management Training for the European Tourism Industry (VocMat) online training programme, which was aimed at providing flexible, online distance learning for the European tourism industry. The programme was designed to address managers ‘need for flexible, senior management level training which they could access at a time and place which fitted in with their working and non-work commitments. The authors present two main approaches to using the Virtual Learning Environment, the feedback from the participants, and the implications of online Technology in extending tourism training opportunities
The article begins with the theoretical bases for developing a training programme to foment the exercise of an active participation. The designed program is applied in a group of women with different cultural backgrounds that live in the city of L'Hospitalet and it is evaluated following the methodological characteristics of an investigation evaluation of participatory character. From the collection and analysis of the information, we present the results obtained that turn around the investigation objectives: the validation of the program design, the investigation on the exercise of active participation, the formation of the work team and the creation of a meeting point for women. El artículo se inicia con las bases teóricas para elaborar un programa de formación para fomentar el ejercicio de una participación activa. El programa diseñado se aplica en un grupo de mujeres con diferentes orígenes culturales que viven en la ciudad de L¿Hospitalet, y se evalúa siguiendo las características metodológicas de una investigación evaluativa de carácter participativo. A partir de la recogida y análisis de la información, se presentan los resultados que giran en torno a los objetivos de la investigación: la validación del programa, la investigación sobre el ejercicio de la participación, la formación del equipo de trabajo y la creación de un espacio de encuentro de mujeres.
The article begins with the theoretical bases for developing a training programme to foment the exercise of an active participation. The designed program is applied in a group of women with different cultural backgrounds that live in the city of L'Hospitalet and it is evaluated following the methodological characteristics of an investigation evaluation of participatory character. From the collection and analysis of the information, we present the results obtained that turn around the investigation objectives: the validation of the program design, the investigation on the exercise of active participation, the formation of the work team and the creation of a meeting point for women. El artículo se inicia con las bases teóricas para elaborar un programa de formación para fomentar el ejercicio de una participación activa. El programa diseñado se aplica en un grupo de mujeres con diferentes orígenes culturales que viven en la ciudad de L¿Hospitalet, y se evalúa siguiendo las características metodológicas de una investigación evaluativa de carácter participativo. A partir de la recogida y análisis de la información, se presentan los resultados que giran en torno a los objetivos de la investigación: la validación del programa, la investigación sobre el ejercicio de la participación, la formación del equipo de trabajo y la creación de un espacio de encuentro de mujeres.
A la formación se le asigna capacidad para favorecer la productividad, la competitividad y el acceso a una ocupación. Teniendo en cuenta esta característica, el artículo analiza los cambios y tendencias de la formación inicial, continua y ocupacional en España desde la aprobación del primer Programa Nacíonal de Formación Profesional en 1993, hasta el segundo Programa aprobado en 1998. En este sentido, se observa que los tres subsistemas de formación no están exentos de ciertos puntos débiles que dificultan la plena consecución de los objetivos que tienen asignados y que en ciertos aspectos no han sido corregidos en el nuevo Programa Nacional de Formación Profesional.
Este estudio analiza si es posible entrenar la memoria de trabajo en niños, puesto que tendría importantesaplicaciones en el rendimiento escolar. En la primera fase se administraron nueve pruebas de memoria de trabajoa una muestra de 50 niños de 7-8 años. En la segunda fase la muestra se dividió en dos subgrupos de 25niños: el grupo experimental recibió un programa de entrenamiento, y el resto formaron el grupo control. Alfinalizar se administraron de nuevo las nueve pruebas a todos los niños. Los resultados indican que aunquetodos mejoran su memoria de trabajo, los niños del grupo experimental presentan incrementos estadísticamentesignificativos. Estos resultados permiten concluir que es posible entrenar este sistema de memoria en niños
Introduction. The current study describes the planning process and aims of the university reforms in Spain and suggests an innovative proposal, namely the design and evaluation of a week-long induction programme for first-year bachelor‟s degree students at the University of Lleida (Spain), organised within the European higher education framework. The purpose of this induction programme is to help new students adapt to university life. Method. A total of 102 students and ten lecturers were involved in the study. These participants responded questionnaires and interviews. We contrasted all the results in order to obtain some results that were useful to evaluate the induction programmee which the University introduced in the first four degrees. Results. Findings of the study revealed that participants gave very positive feedback regarding the programme, and the results also highlighted areas which could be improved. Conclusion. The new proposals clearly require a higher level of staff participation to make them work, highlighting the need for appropriate training of university staff and improving coordination with appropriate systems.
We discuss how technologies of peer punishment might bias the results that are observed in experiments. A crucial parameter is the “fine-to-fee” ratio, which describes by how much the punished subjects income is reduced relatively to the fee the punishing subject has to pay to inflict punishment. We show that a punishment technology commonly used in experiments embeds a variable fine-to-fee ratio and show that it confounds the empirical findings about why, whom, and how much subjects punish.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Pain Management Unit de la University of Bath-Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Disease, a Gran Bretanya, entre juliol i setembre del 2006. El dolor crònic en pediatria es defineix com aquell que és persistent o recurrent durant tres o més mesos. Recentment la prevalença a la nostra població entre els escolars de 8 a 16 anys ha estat quantificada en el 37.3%. Davant d’aquestes dades i coneixent la magnitud de l’impacte que el dolor crònic té en aquestes edats, sorgeix la necessitat de desenvolupar programes d’intervenció per donar una resposta a aquesta problemàtica en la nostra població. Les investigacions realitzades assenyalen que els programes multidisciplinars són els que obtenen una major eficàcia. Aquests programes estan adreçats a minimitzar l’impacte dels diferents factors que conformen l’experiència de dolor: físics, emocionals, cognitius, conductuals i socials. A Europa només l’hospital on s’ha realitzat l’estada ofereix un programa d’aquestes característiques. El servei que ofereixen en aquesta Unitat de dolor pediàtric està sent el model de referència pel disseny d’un programa de tractament a la nostra població. Per aquest motiu, s’ha realitzat una estada d’un mes de durada a la PMU, amb l’objectiu d’aprendre els procediments terapèutics per adaptar-los i aplicar-los en el nostre context. Sis adolescents amb problemes de dolor crònic i discapacitat associada, acompanyats de les seves mares han participat en aquest programa de tractament grupal interdisciplinari d’orientació cognitiu-conductual de tres setmanes. Es realitzen aproximadament 110 hores de tractament, distribuïdes en sessions de 50 minuts, d’activitat física i ocupacional, teràpia cognitiu-conductual i educació. Aquesta estada ha permès d’una banda, la formació d’un psicòleg dintre d’un equip de dolor pediàtric interdisciplinar i de l’altra evidenciar l’efectivitat que aquest programa interdisciplinar de rehabilitació cognitiu-conductual té pel maneig del dolor crònic i la discapacitat associada.
Working paper analysing the Cultural Olympiad of Barcelona in 1992. This was published as a chapter of the book entitled "Olympic Games, media and cultural exchanges: the experience of the last four summer Olympic Games" and edited by M. Ladrón de Guevara and M. Bardají.
Architectural design and deployment of Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand (P2PVoD) systems which support VCR functionalities is attracting the interest of an increasing number of research groups within the scientific community; especially due to the intrinsic characteristics of such systems and the benefits that peers could provide at reducing the server load. This work focuses on the performance analysis of a P2P-VoD system considering user behaviors obtained from real traces together with other synthetic user patterns. The experiments performed show that it is feasible to achieve a performance close to the best possible. Future work will consider monitoring the physical characteristics of the network in order to improve the design of different aspects of a VoD system.
ISAFRUIT is an integrated European Union Project focussed on increasing fruit consumption as a means to improve human health, through evaluating the fruit chain and addressing bottlenecks therein.The innovations which are being developed throughout the ISAFRUIT Project have been analysed to determine both the success factors and the obstacles in reaching the commercialisation stage. Only 9.58% of the deliverables planned within the Project were focussed on developing technological innovations.There is evidence, however, of successes in the development of new innovations arising from the ISAFRUIT Project, with several other potential innovations in the pipeline. Of the technologies identified, 67% are still at the “invention stage”; that is, the stage prior to bridging the so-called “valley of death”, the stage between an invention and an innovation. Those which are considered to have moved over the “valley of death” either had industry partners included in the Project, or had consulted with industry to ensure that the technology was relevant, or met a recognised industry need. Many of the technologies which made less progress did not have the same interactions with industry. A number of other issues were identified which prevented further progress towards innovation. The need for scientists to publish scientific papers, both for their career pathways and to increase their chances of future funding, was identified as one issue, although the filing of patents is now becoming more accepted and recognised. The patenting system is considered complex by many scientists and is not well-understood. Finally, agreements between partners on the sharing of intellectual property rights can cause a delay in the innovation process.
A review article of the The New England Journal of Medicine refers that almost a century ago, Abraham Flexner, a research scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, undertook an assessment of medical education in 155 medical schools in operation in the United States and Canada. Flexner’s report emphasized the nonscientific approach of American medical schools to preparation for the profession, which contrasted with the university-based system of medical education in Germany. At the core of Flexner’s view was the notion that formal analytic reasoning, the kind of thinking integral to the natural sciences, should hold pride of place in the intellectual training of physicians. This idea was pioneered at Harvard University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania in the 1880s, but was most fully expressed in the educational program at Johns Hopkins University, which Flexner regarded as the ideal for medical education. (...)
Es presenten els resultats d’un projecte d’innovació didàctica consistent en la realització conjunta de pràctiques professionals entre estudiants de Magisteri d’educació Infantil i Educació Primària, i estudiants de Psicopedagogia. Aquests estudiants van treballar en parelles i van realitzar un conjunt d’activitats, pròpies de les seves futures funcions professionals, amb el suport del company. Concretament la pràctica va consistir en la planificació, desenvolupament i avaluació d’una unitat didàctica sobre un tema curricular. Mentre l’estudiant de Magisteri preparava els materials i activitats corresponents, la seva parella, l’estudiant de Psicopedagogia, l’assessorava en cada una de les fases d’instauració. Per afavorir aquesta dinàmica, els estudiants van comptar en diferents suports i instruments: - Els tutors de la universitat, corresponents a cadascun dels estudis implicats, - Una plataforma Moodle específicament organitzada per tal que els estudiants poguessin analitzar tot el procés conjuntament. En aquest espai podien utilitzar des de recursos per a la programació de la unitat, eines per realitzar un diari personal, un calendari d’activitats conjuntes o esquemes gràfics, fins a altres per editar vídeos gravats de les sessions de classe i per afavorir la seva comunicació. El projecte pretenia contribuir a millorar, tant algunes competències professionals relatives ambdós tipus d’estudiants, com modificar determinades concepcions i actituds entre mestres i psicopedagogs. Els resultats mostren que ambdós objectius van esser assolits amb escreix i que, a més d’aprendre determinades competències professionals, certs prejudicis i actituds sobre les dificultats i interès de treballar am altre, es van eliminar de manera contundent.
Universities and research institutions have the responsibility to produce science and to provide training to new generations of researchers. In this paper, we propose a model to analyze the determinants of a senior scientist's decisions about allocating time between these tasks. The results of this decision depend upon the characteristics of the research project, the senior scientist's concern for training and the expected innate ability of the junior scientist involved. We analyze the role that a regulator can play in defining both the value of scientific projects and the future population of independent scientists.
English translation of the Executive summary of the report “Catalonia’s participation in calls of the EU 7th Framework Programme for RTD. Period 2007-2009” drawn up by researchers of the AQR Research Group – Research Institute of Applied Economics (IREA) of the University of Barcelona. It aims to find out the reality of the Catalonia’s participation in the EU 7th Framework Programme, the main European financial instrument for research during the period 2007-2009.