19 resultados para PCV13 (13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Although bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia is the most severe form of pneumonia, non-bacteremic forms are much more frequent. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia have a low sensitivity and specificity, and therefore all-cause pneumonia has been proposed as a suitable outcome to evaluate vaccination effectiveness. This work reviews the epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and evaluates the effectiveness of the 3-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-23) in preventing CAP requiring hospitalization in people aged ≥65 years. We performed a case-control study in patients aged ≥65 years admitted through the emergency department who presented with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with pneumonia. Weincluded 489 cases and 1,467 controls and it was obtained a vaccine efectiveness of 23.6 (0.9-41.0). Our results suggest that PPV-23 vaccination is effective and reduces hospital admissions due to pneumonia in the elderly, strengthening the rationale for vaccination programmes in this age group.


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Although bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia is the most severe form of pneumonia, non-bacteremic forms are much more frequent. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia have a low sensitivity and specificity, and therefore all-cause pneumonia has been proposed as a suitable outcome to evaluate vaccination effectiveness. This work reviews the epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and evaluates the effectiveness of the 3-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-23) in preventing CAP requiring hospitalization in people aged ≥65 years. We performed a case-control study in patients aged ≥65 years admitted through the emergency department who presented with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with pneumonia. Weincluded 489 cases and 1,467 controls and it was obtained a vaccine efectiveness of 23.6 (0.9-41.0). Our results suggest that PPV-23 vaccination is effective and reduces hospital admissions due to pneumonia in the elderly, strengthening the rationale for vaccination programmes in this age group.


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La introducción de la vacuna neumocócica conjugada ha modificado los serotipos causantes de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva (ENI). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las diferencias en la presentación clínica entre la época pre y postvacunal. Realizamos un estudio observacional de todos los adultos hospitalizados con ENI, entre 1997 y 2001 (periodo prevacunal), y de 2006 a 2009 (periodo postvacunal). Comparamos la incidencia, la distribución de serotipos y la presentación clínica entre ambos periodos. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que la aparición de nuevos serotipos puede asociarse con un aumento de la incidencia de ENI, especialmente en adultos jóvenes, y una mayor severidad en la presentación.


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Background: Since the use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PCV7 and PCV13 in children became widespread, invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) has dramatically decreased. Nevertheless, there has been a rise in incidence of Streptococcus pneumoniae non-vaccine serotypes (NVT) colonising the human nasopharynx. Nasopharyngeal colonisation, an essential step in the development of S. pneumoniae-induced IPD, is associated with biofilm formation. Although the capsule is the main pneumococcal virulence factor, the formation of pneumococcal biofilms might, in fact, be limited by the presence of capsular polysaccharide (CPS). Methodology/Principal Findings: We used clinical isolates of 16 emerging, non-PCV13 serotypes as well as isogenic transformants of the same serotypes. The biofilm formation capacity of isogenic transformants expressing CPSs from NVT was evaluated in vitro to ascertain whether this trait can be used to predict the emergence of NVT. Fourteen out of 16 NVT analysed were not good biofilm formers, presumably because of the presence of CPS. In contrast, serotypes 11A and 35B formed >45% of the biofilm produced by the non-encapsulated M11 strain. Conclusions/Significance This study suggest that emerging, NVT serotypes 11A and 35B deserve a close surveillance.


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The World Health Organization estimates that 300 million clinical cases of malaria occur annually and observed that during the 80's and part of the 90's its incidence increased. In this paper we explore the influence of refugees from civil wars on the incidence of malaria in the refugee-receiving countries. Using civil wars as an instrumental variable we show that for each 1,000 refugees there are between 2,000 and 2,700 cases of malaria in the refugee receiving country. On average 13% of the cases of malaria reported by the WHO are caused by forced migration as a consequence of civil wars.


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BACKGROUND: Host- and pathogen-related factors associated with septic shock in pneumococcal pneumonia are not well defined. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for septic shock and to ascertain patient outcomes. Serotypes, genotypes and antibiotic resistance of isolated strains were also analysed. METHODS: Observational analysis of a prospective cohort of non-severely immunosuppressed hospitalised adults with pneumococcal pneumonia. Septic shock was defined as a systolic blood pressure of <90 mm Hg and peripheral hypoperfusion with the need for vasopressors for >4 h after fluid replacement. RESULTS: 1041 patients with pneumococcal pneumonia diagnosed by Gram stain and culture of appropriate samples and/or urine antigen test were documented, of whom 114 (10.9%) had septic shock at admission. After adjustment, independent risk factors for shock were current tobacco smoking (OR, 2.11; 95% CI, 1.02 to 4.34; p = 0.044), chronic corticosteroid treatment (OR, 4.45; 95% CI, 1.75 to 11.32; p = 0.002) and serotype 3 (OR, 2.24; 95% CI, 1.12 to 4.475; p = 0.022). No significant differences were found in genotypes and rates of antibiotic resistance. Compared with the remaining patients, patients with septic shock required mechanical ventilation more frequently (37% vs 4%; p<0.001) and had longer length of stay (11 vs 8 days; p<0.001). The early (10% vs 1%; p<0.001) and overall case fatality rates (25% vs 5%; p<0.001) were higher in patients with shock. CONCLUSIONS: Septic shock is a frequent complication of pneumococcal pneumonia and causes high morbidity and mortality. Current tobacco smoking, chronic corticosteroid treatment and infection caused by serotype 3 are independent risk factors for this complication.


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El estudio se plantea conocer cuáles son los mecanismos de relación entre los habitantes de un conjunto de ciudades españolas y la accesibilidad en su entorno más íntimo: el del propio hogar. Para ello ha querido analizar el conocimiento y la necesidad percibida de eliminación de barreras en todo tipo de hogares, las condiciones bajo las cuales esa necesidad se transforma en demanda y qué elementos influyen para que la accesibilidad sea un atributo discernible de calidad de vida en la vivienda. Si bien es obvio que estos elementos no pueden ser abarcados plenamente por este estudio ni reducidos al ámbito de un solo enfoque, hemos querido dar una visión amplia y para ello hemos utilizado metodologías diversas que raras veces se utilizan conjuntamente, buscando la complementariedad y también el contraste. Por ello en el trabajo, aún partiendo desde la economía, se han incorporado otros enfoques: la perspectiva de la antropología social e incluso de la psicología ambiental, con el fin de comprender mejor la forma de vivir la vivienda, el lugar que ocupa la accesibilidad entre las preferencias de los hogares, y cuáles son sus particularidades locales.


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Aquesta relatoria correspon a les Jornades del Moviment per la Pau coorganitzades per la Federació Catalana d’ONG per la Pau i l’Institut Català Internacional per la Pau, i que es van desenvolupar a Barcelona durant els dies 13 i 14 de novembre de 2009. L'objectiu era reflexionar i debatre sobre els plantejaments dels quals parteix el moviment, la identificació de noves realitats, els reptes de futur, i la possible adequació a nous enfocaments o estratègies per incrementar la incidència transformadora en el camp social i polític.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of vaccination against GnRH on performance traits, pig behaviour and acute phase proteins. A total of 120 pigs (36 non-castrated males, NCM; 36 males to be vaccinated, IM; 24 castratedmales, CM; and 24 females, FE)were controlled in groups of 12 in pens with feeding stations allowing the recording of individual feed intake. The two vaccinations (Improvac®) were applied at a mean age of 77 and 146 days. All pigswere individually weighed every 3 weeks from the mean ages of 74 to 176 days and backfat thickness (BT) and loinmuscle depth (LD) were also recorded ultrasonically. Twelve group-housed pigs for each treatment were video recorded during 2 consecutive days at weeks 9, 11, 20, 21, 23 and 25 of age to score the number of inactive or active pigs in each treatment group by scan sampling. Aggressive behaviour by the feeder and away from the feeder, and mounting behaviour was also scored by focal sampling. Blood samples from 12 NCM, 12 CM and 12 IM were taken to determine the concentration of circulating acute phase protein Pig-MAP atweeks 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 21 and 25 of age. After slaughter, the number of skin lesions on the left half carcasswas scored. IMpresented overall a higher growth rate and daily feed intake compared to NCM (Pb0.05),whereas their feed conversion ratios did not differ significantly. In comparison with CM, IM presented a better feed conversion ratio (Pb0.05), since their overall dailyweight gaindid not differ significantly, butIM ate less. Final leanmeat percentage of IM and CM was lower compared to that of NCM (Pb0.05). Activity, mounting and aggressive behaviour of NCM was higher than in IM, CM and FE after the second vaccination. Pig-MAP concentrationswere significantly elevated just after surgical castrationand after bothadministrations of the vaccine (Pb0.05), but concentrations subsequently decreased throughout time. Skin lesions of NCM were significantly higher compared to that of IM and FE (Pb0.05). The effects of vaccination were especially remarkable after the second dose, when the higher feed intake and lower activity of IM compared to NCMmight result in higher final body weight and more fat. Results from this study indicate that some welfare aspects such as a reduced aggression and mounting behaviour may be improved by vaccination against GnRH, together with productive benefits like adequate feed conversion ratio and daily weight gain.


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Es tracta de la descripció d'una sèrie de 13 pacients amb fascitis eosinofílica diagnosticats en un hospital universitari entre 1989 i 2009. És una síndrome esclerodermiforme que es caracteritza per induració cutània i engruiximent i inflamació de la fàscia profunda. Es descriuen les característiques clíniques, el tractament rebut i l'evolució de 9 homes i 4 dones, amb una edat mitjana de 50 anys. Es va realitzar biòpsia profunda en tots els casos i els canvis van ser compatibles amb fascitis eosinofílica. Les característiques descrites en aquesta sèrie no difereixen de les descrites per altres autors.


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Repàs de la relació entre el republicanisme i el carlisme a través de la mirada de Valentí Almirall i de Pere Coromines


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Les traduccions al català de la segona meitat del segle XV se situen en un punt en què conflueixen les influències de traducció medievals, ad verbum o ad sensum, amb les noves influències humanístiques que, inspirant-se en els clàssics romans, postulen ja la traducció no només de les paraules i del sentit del text original sinó també la del seu estil. Les quatre traduccions d’aquest estudi mostren les influències modernes o humanístiques que poc a poc s’introdueixen des d’Itàlia en les traduccions catalanes del quatrecents, i els contactes d’aquests traductors amb els nous corrents de pensament.


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Entre els dies 13 i 17 de novembre de 2002 va tenir lloc a la ciutat de Sevilla el III Congrés Ibèric sobre Gestió i Planificació de l’Aigua, que, en aquesta ocasió, portava per títol «La Directiva Marc de l’Aigua: realitats i futurs». El congrés fou organitzat per la Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua, amb la col•laboració de la Universidad de Sevilla i d’una àmplia sèrie d’institucions relacionades amb la investigació o gestió d’aquest recurs. Considerant l’anàlisi i la diagnosi de la situació actual contingudes a les edicions anteriors (Saragossa 1998 i Porto 2000) i l’ampli debat dels últims anys, el III Congrés Ibèric es caracteritza per un plantejament d’avenç i propostes i per incloure alguns dels aspectes de la política de l’aigua menys atesos fins aleshores


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S'analitza el procés d'elaboració de la nova Llei d'arxius destacant les principals modificacions que recull el text definitiu en relació al projecte. Es comenten també els punts més destacats de la Llei al voltant de tres eixos principals: la definició del Sistema d'Arxius de Catalunya, el sistema de gestió documental i l'accés als documents del patrimoni documental català.


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El 17 de gener de 2002, l'Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya, el Servei d'Arxius de la Direcció General de Patrimoni Cultural de la Generalitat de Catalunya i l'Associació d'Arxivers de Catalunya (AAC) van organitzar una jornada de divulgació, reflexió i debat sobre la Llei 10/2002, de 13 de juliol, d'arxius i documents. L'objectiu de la Jornada era donar a conèixer als professionals dels arxius aquesta llei i es va centrar a analitzar-ne l'abast, la incidència i les implicacions més rellevants. Emmarcada en la línia de la formació interdepartamental de l'Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya, la Jornada tenia com a destinataris els arxivers de l'Administració de la Generalitat de Catalunya, de l'Administració local i d'altres institucions públiques.