27 resultados para Optimal Linear Control
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The objective of this paper is to correct and improve the results obtained by Van der Ploeg (1984a, 1984b) and utilized in the theoretical literature related to feedback stochastic optimal control sensitive to constant exogenous risk-aversion (see, Jacobson, 1973, Karp, 1987 and Whittle, 1981, 1989, 1990, among others) or to the classic context of risk-neutral decision-makers (see, Chow, 1973, 1976a, 1976b, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1993). More realistic and attractive, this new approach is placed in the context of a time-varying endogenous risk-aversion which is under the control of the decision-maker. It has strong qualitative implications on the agent's optimal policy during the entire planning horizon.
This paper shows the impact of the atomic capabilities concept to include control-oriented knowledge of linear control systems in the decisions making structure of physical agents. These agents operate in a real environment managing physical objects (e.g. their physical bodies) in coordinated tasks. This approach is presented using an introspective reasoning approach and control theory based on the specific tasks of passing a ball and executing the offside manoeuvre between physical agents in the robotic soccer testbed. Experimental results and conclusions are presented, emphasising the advantages of our approach that improve the multi-agent performance in cooperative systems
We present a new unifying framework for investigating throughput-WIP(Work-in-Process) optimal control problems in queueing systems,based on reformulating them as linear programming (LP) problems withspecial structure: We show that if a throughput-WIP performance pairin a stochastic system satisfies the Threshold Property we introducein this paper, then we can reformulate the problem of optimizing alinear objective of throughput-WIP performance as a (semi-infinite)LP problem over a polygon with special structure (a thresholdpolygon). The strong structural properties of such polygones explainthe optimality of threshold policies for optimizing linearperformance objectives: their vertices correspond to the performancepairs of threshold policies. We analyze in this framework theversatile input-output queueing intensity control model introduced byChen and Yao (1990), obtaining a variety of new results, including (a)an exact reformulation of the control problem as an LP problem over athreshold polygon; (b) an analytical characterization of the Min WIPfunction (giving the minimum WIP level required to attain a targetthroughput level); (c) an LP Value Decomposition Theorem that relatesthe objective value under an arbitrary policy with that of a giventhreshold policy (thus revealing the LP interpretation of Chen andYao's optimality conditions); (d) diminishing returns and invarianceproperties of throughput-WIP performance, which underlie thresholdoptimality; (e) a unified treatment of the time-discounted andtime-average cases.
In this paper, we propose a new supervised linearfeature extraction technique for multiclass classification problemsthat is specially suited to the nearest neighbor classifier (NN).The problem of finding the optimal linear projection matrix isdefined as a classification problem and the Adaboost algorithmis used to compute it in an iterative way. This strategy allowsthe introduction of a multitask learning (MTL) criterion in themethod and results in a solution that makes no assumptions aboutthe data distribution and that is specially appropriated to solvethe small sample size problem. The performance of the methodis illustrated by an application to the face recognition problem.The experiments show that the representation obtained followingthe multitask approach improves the classic feature extractionalgorithms when using the NN classifier, especially when we havea few examples from each class
The achievable region approach seeks solutions to stochastic optimisation problems by: (i) characterising the space of all possible performances(the achievable region) of the system of interest, and (ii) optimisingthe overall system-wide performance objective over this space. This isradically different from conventional formulations based on dynamicprogramming. The approach is explained with reference to a simpletwo-class queueing system. Powerful new methodologies due to the authorsand co-workers are deployed to analyse a general multiclass queueingsystem with parallel servers and then to develop an approach to optimalload distribution across a network of interconnected stations. Finally,the approach is used for the first time to analyse a class of intensitycontrol problems.
The prediction filters are well known models for signal estimation, in communications, control and many others areas. The classical method for deriving linear prediction coding (LPC) filters is often based on the minimization of a mean square error (MSE). Consequently, second order statistics are only required, but the estimation is only optimal if the residue is independent and identically distributed (iid) Gaussian. In this paper, we derive the ML estimate of the prediction filter. Relationships with robust estimation of auto-regressive (AR) processes, with blind deconvolution and with source separation based on mutual information minimization are then detailed. The algorithm, based on the minimization of a high-order statistics criterion, uses on-line estimation of the residue statistics. Experimental results emphasize on the interest of this approach.
Les piles de combustible permeten la transformació eficient de l’energia química de certs combustibles a energia elèctrica a través d’un procés electroquímic. De les diferents tecnologies de piles de combustible, les piles de combustible de tipus PEM són les més competitives i tenen una gran varietat d’aplicacions. No obstant, han de ser alimentades únicament per hidrogen. Per altra banda, l’etanol, un combustible interessant en el marc dels combustibles renovables, és una possible font d’hidrogen. Aquest treball estudia la reformació d’etanol per a l’obtenció d’hidrogen per a alimentar piles de combustible PEM. Només existeixen algunes publicacions que tractin l’obtenció d’hidrogen a partir d’etanol, i aquestes no inclouen l’estudi dinàmic del sistema. Els objectius del treball són el modelat i l’estudi dinàmic de reformadors d’etanol de baixa temperatura. Concretament, proposa un model dinàmic d’un reformador catalític d’etanol amb vapor basat en un catalitzador de cobalt. Aquesta reformació permet obtenir valors alts d’eficiència i valors òptims de monòxid de carboni que evitaran l’enverinament d’una la pila de combustible de tipus PEM. El model, no lineal, es basa en la cinètica obtinguda de diferents assaigs de laboratori. El reformador modelat opera en tres etapes: deshidrogenació d’etanol a acetaldehid i hidrogen, reformat amb vapor d’acetaldehid, i la reacció WGS (Water Gas Shift). El treball també estudia la sensibilitat i controlabilitat del sistema, caracteritzant així el sistema que caldrà controlar. L’anàlisi de controlabilitat es realitza sobre la resposta de dinàmica ràpida obtinguda del balanç de massa del reformador. El model no lineal és linealitzat amb la finalitat d’aplicar eines d’anàlisi com RGA, CN i MRI. El treball ofereix la informació necessària per a avaluar la possible implementació en un laboratori de piles de combustibles PEM alimentades per hidrogen provinent d’un reformador d’etanol.
The effectiveness of R&D subsidies can vary substantially depending on their characteristics. Specifically, the amount and intensity of such subsidies are crucial issues in the design of public schemes supporting private R&D. Public agencies determine the intensities of R&D subsidies for firms in line with their eligibility criteria, although assessing the effects of R&D projects accurately is far from straightforward. The main aim of this paper is to examine whether there is an optimal intensity for R&D subsidies through an analysis of their impact on private R&D effort. We examine the decisions of a public agency to grant subsidies taking into account not only the characteristics of the firms but also, as few previous studies have done to date, those of the R&D projects. In determining the optimal subsidy we use both parametric and nonparametric techniques. The results show a non-linear relationship between the percentage of subsidy received and the firms’ R&D effort. These results have implications for technology policy, particularly for the design of R&D subsidies that ensure enhanced effectiveness.
Report for the scientific sojourn at the Instituto de Biociências, of the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 2007 to 2009. African exotic grasses, used as forage crops for cattle, found optimal conditions in Brazilian savannas for their spread. They established as invasive grasses in almost all conservation units, becoming a serius threat to native biote and to most ecological processes. Fire is a cyclical event in Brazilian savannas and can be used as a management tool for enhancing competitivity of native grasses and controlling exotic grasses. Seeking for alternatives for the management of these grasses, this study investigates the effect of recurrent burnings in different periods of the year (fire regimes) on: distribution patterns of exotic grasses and their associations wotih native grasses, the local edaphic characteristics, the nutrient pool of the aerial biomass of both native and exotic grasses, and soil seed banks. This project is held on the IBGE Ecological Reserve, in Brasília (Brazil), in an area destined specifically for research of fire effects on brazilian savannas. The project quantifies: aerial biomass of native and exotic grasses, soil seed bank of exotic grasses, nutrient pool in soil and also in grasses tissues. Spatial relationships for any association between species, as well as for nutrient pools in soil and in plant tissues will be established. A better understanding of these processes will provide useful tools for adopting specific policies on the management of exotic grasses in Brazilian savanna.
We study preconditioning techniques for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of isotropic linear elasticity problems in primal (displacement) formulation. We propose subspace correction methods based on a splitting of the vector valued piecewise linear discontinuous finite element space, that are optimal with respect to the mesh size and the Lamé parameters. The pure displacement, the mixed and the traction free problems are discussed in detail. We present a convergence analysis of the proposed preconditioners and include numerical examples that validate the theory and assess the performance of the preconditioners.
In this paper, we address this problem through the design of a semiactive controller based on the mixed H2/H∞ control theory. The vibrations caused by the seismic motions are mitigated by a semiactive damper installed in the bottom of the structure. It is meant by semiactive damper, a device that absorbs but cannot inject energy into the system. Sufficient conditions for the design of a desired control are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). A controller that guarantees asymptotic stability and a mixed H2/H∞ performance is then developed. An algorithm is proposed to handle the semiactive nature of the actuator. The performance of the controller is experimentally evaluated in a real-time hybrid testing facility that consists of a physical specimen (a small-scale magnetorheological damper) and a numerical model (a large-scale three-story building)
We investigate the problem of finding minimum-distortion policies for streaming delay-sensitive but distortion-tolerant data. We consider cross-layer approaches which exploit the coupling between presentation and transport layers. We make the natural assumption that the distortion function is convex and decreasing. We focus on a single source-destination pair and analytically find the optimum transmission policy when the transmission is done over an error-free channel. This optimum policy turns out to be independent of the exact form of the convex and decreasing distortion function. Then, for a packet-erasure channel, we analytically find the optimum open-loop transmission policy, which is also independent of the form of the convex distortion function. We then find computationally efficient closed-loop heuristic policies and show, through numerical evaluation, that they outperform the open-loop policy and have near optimal performance.
Revenue management practices often include overbooking capacity to account for customerswho make reservations but do not show up. In this paper, we consider the network revenuemanagement problem with no-shows and overbooking, where the show-up probabilities are specificto each product. No-show rates differ significantly by product (for instance, each itinerary andfare combination for an airline) as sale restrictions and the demand characteristics vary byproduct. However, models that consider no-show rates by each individual product are difficultto handle as the state-space in dynamic programming formulations (or the variable space inapproximations) increases significantly. In this paper, we propose a randomized linear program tojointly make the capacity control and overbooking decisions with product-specific no-shows. Weestablish that our formulation gives an upper bound on the optimal expected total profit andour upper bound is tighter than a deterministic linear programming upper bound that appearsin the existing literature. Furthermore, we show that our upper bound is asymptotically tightin a regime where the leg capacities and the expected demand is scaled linearly with the samerate. We also describe how the randomized linear program can be used to obtain a bid price controlpolicy. Computational experiments indicate that our approach is quite fast, able to scale to industrialproblems and can provide significant improvements over standard benchmarks.
Most research on single machine scheduling has assumedthe linearity of job holding costs, which is arguablynot appropriate in some applications. This motivates ourstudy of a model for scheduling $n$ classes of stochasticjobs on a single machine, with the objective of minimizingthe total expected holding cost (discounted or undiscounted). We allow general holding cost rates that are separable,nondecreasing and convex on the number of jobs in eachclass. We formulate the problem as a linear program overa certain greedoid polytope, and establish that it issolved optimally by a dynamic (priority) index rule,whichextends the classical Smith's rule (1956) for the linearcase. Unlike Smith's indices, defined for each class, ournew indices are defined for each extended class, consistingof a class and a number of jobs in that class, and yieldan optimal dynamic index rule: work at each time on a jobwhose current extended class has larger index. We furthershow that the indices possess a decomposition property,as they are computed separately for each class, andinterpret them in economic terms as marginal expected cost rate reductions per unit of expected processing time.We establish the results by deploying a methodology recentlyintroduced by us [J. Niño-Mora (1999). "Restless bandits,partial conservation laws, and indexability. "Forthcomingin Advances in Applied Probability Vol. 33 No. 1, 2001],based on the satisfaction by performance measures of partialconservation laws (PCL) (which extend the generalizedconservation laws of Bertsimas and Niño-Mora (1996)):PCL provide a polyhedral framework for establishing theoptimality of index policies with special structure inscheduling problems under admissible objectives, which weapply to the model of concern.
This paper presents a test of the predictive validity of various classes ofQALY models (i.e., linear, power and exponential models). We first estimatedTTO utilities for 43 EQ-5D chronic health states and next these states wereembedded in health profiles. The chronic TTO utilities were then used topredict the responses to TTO questions with health profiles. We find that thepower QALY model clearly outperforms linear and exponential QALY models.Optimal power coefficient is 0.65. Our results suggest that TTO-based QALYcalculations may be biased. This bias can be avoided using a power QALY model.