20 resultados para Mobbing, Bullying, Militaries, Soldiers,

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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This study is one of the first studies to approach workplace bullying cross-culturally. It sought to compare employees' understanding of workplace bullying in two different world regions: Central America and Southern Europe, regarding three aspects of workplace bullying: psychological vs. physical harassment, hierarchical vs. horizontal bullying, and direct vs. indirect aggression. A convenience sample of 246 workers provided their own definition of workplace bullying through a single, open-ended question. The results showed that employees from Central America emphasized the physical component of workplace bullying more than the Southern European employees. However, similarities in the conceptualization of workplace bullying across both cultures were found as well. Both Southern European and Central American employees defined workplace bullying mainly as a hierarchical phenomenon, where the aggression took the form of direct strategies. Such differences and similarities bring to the field some positive inputs for the development and implementation of different strategies for dealing effectively with this phenomenon.


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This study is one of the first studies to approach workplace bullying cross-culturally. It sought to compare employees' understanding of workplace bullying in two different world regions: Central America and Southern Europe, regarding three aspects of workplace bullying: psychological vs. physical harassment, hierarchical vs. horizontal bullying, and direct vs. indirect aggression. A convenience sample of 246 workers provided their own definition of workplace bullying through a single, open-ended question. The results showed that employees from Central America emphasized the physical component of workplace bullying more than the Southern European employees. However, similarities in the conceptualization of workplace bullying across both cultures were found as well. Both Southern European and Central American employees defined workplace bullying mainly as a hierarchical phenomenon, where the aggression took the form of direct strategies. Such differences and similarities bring to the field some positive inputs for the development and implementation of different strategies for dealing effectively with this phenomenon.


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Este estudio es una investigación cualitativa que pretende conocer la experiencia demobbing entre el personal de enfermería, con la finalidad de aumentar el conocimientodel problema, difundir la existencia del mismo entre la profesión a partir de un grupo deestudio, y concienciar a las personas que dirigen las instituciones y a los demásprofesionales de la necesidad de intervenir.Objetivos: Conocer el significado que dan las enfermeras a la experiencia y sufrimientovividos, y conocer el significado de las reacciones del entorno frente a esta situaciónpersonal y laboral que viven o vivieron.Este estudio permitirá avanzar en el conocimiento de esta situación que afecta a lasalud física y psíquica de las víctimas de forma integral, y atenta contra el derechofundamental a la dignidad de trabajador.También servirá para aumentar entre los profesionales de enfermería laconcienciación sobre la necesidad de reconocer esta realidad y trabajar paradesarrollar estrategias para evitarla y prevenirla.Con ello estaremos no sólo atendiendo los derechos de las enfermeras y velando porsu salud, sino también incidiendo indirectamente en la mejora de la calidad de loscuidados que los pacientes reciben de ellas. En consecuencia, puede servir paraaumentar la calidad del sistema sanitario tanto interna como externamente.Además, mi propia experiencia personal como víctima de mobbing en una anterioretapa profesional, aumentan mi interés por profundizar en esta experiencia paraayudar con este estudio a otras personas en esta situación.


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Des de que començà aquest projecte, el grup de recerca ha intentat aprofundir el coneixement de la Catalunya de la Guerra del Francès (1808 -1814) a partir d’una òptica britànica. El grup pretenia així desenvolupar la relació que es va establir entre els catalans i els britànics al llarg de tota la guerra, des dels primers contactes permesos per la presència de la flota britànica en la costa catalana fins a la intervenció de forces britàniques en territori català. D’aquesta manera, i primerament, el grup inicià la consulta de les bases de dades i catàlegs catalans i britànics per a completar el nostre llistat de referències arxivístiques i bibliogràfiques. El segon pas van ésser les tres estades d’investigació que entre el 2006 i el 2007 es van fer a Anglaterra, principalment a Londres. La investigació es realitzà a la British Library, al Institute of Historical Research of the School of Advanced Studies de la University of London, al National Maritime Museum i als National Archives of the United Kingdom. A continuació, el grup analitzà la informació recollida de la lectura de fonts primàries i bibliogràfiques en aquests centres de recerca. Finalment, el grup creu que la intensa relació que es va establir entre les dues parts, reflecteix la importància que les autoritats britàniques van donar a Catalunya, i que el seu aïllament amb el centre polític del bàndol patriota va permetre que desenvolupés les seves pròpies dinàmiques i cronologies, encara que s’integraven en el desenvolupament general de la guerra.


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This paper explores how international sanctions affect authoritarian rulers’ decisions concerning repression and public spending composition, and how different authoritarian rulers respond to foreign pressure. If sanctions are assumed to increase the price of loyalty to the regime, then rulers whose budgets are not severely constrained by sanctions will tend to increase spending in those categories that most benefit their core support groups. In contrast, when constraints are severe due to reduced aid and trade, dictators are expected to greatly increase their levels of repression. Using data on regime types, public expenditures and spending composition (1970–2000) as well as on repression levels (1976–2001), we show that the empirical patterns conform well to our theoretical expectations. Single-party regimes, when targeted by sanctions, increase spending on subsidies and transfers which largely benefit more substantial sectors of the population and especially the urban classes. Likewise, military regimes increase their expenditures on goods and services, which include military equipment and soldiers’ and officers’ wages. Conversely, personalist regimes reduce spending in all categories, especially capital expenditures, while increasing repression much more than other regime types when targeted by sanctions.


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What allows an armed group in a civil war to prevent desertion? This paper addresses this question with a focus on control in the rearguard. Most past studies focus on motivations for desertion. They explain desertion in terms of where soldiers stand in relation to the macro themes of the war, or in terms of an inability to provide positive incentives to overcome the collective action problem. However, since individuals decide whether and how to participate in civil wars for multiple reasons, responding to a variety of local conditions in an environment of threat and violence, a focus only on macro-level motivations is incomplete. The opportunities side of the ledger deserves more attention. I therefore turn my attention to how control by an armed group eliminates soldiers’ opportunities to desert. In particular, I consider the control that an armed group maintains over soldiers’ hometowns, treating geographic terrain as an important exogenous indicator of the ease of control. Rough terrain at home affords soldiers and their families and friends advantages in ease of hiding, the difficulty of using force, and local knowledge. Based on an original dataset of soldiers from Santander Province in the Spanish Civil War, gathered from archival sources, I find statistical evidence that the rougher the terrain in a soldier’s home municipality, the more likely he is to desert. I find complementary qualitative evidence indicating that soldiers from rough-terrain communities took active advantage of their greater opportunities for evasion. This finding has important implications for the way observers interpret different soldiers’ decisions to desert or remain fighting, for the prospect that structural factors may shape the cohesion of armed groups, and for the possibility that local knowledge may be a double-edged sword, making soldiers simultaneously good at fighting and good at deserting.


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The present doctoral dissertation is aimed at analyzing how and with what consequences gay father families and their children’s schools negotiate possible differences in the construction of family and gender at home and in the families’ social milieus. This objective fits in with the broader goal of researching how family-school interactons are influenced by the social context such as hegemonic masculinity (Connell, 2002). The thesis is based on qualitative fieldwork carried out with 18 nonheterosexual parent families in Spain, comprising 30 interviews with 44 people. The principal participant group were 14 de novo (adoptive and surrogacy) gay father families with resident preadolescent children. The findings revealed that all the de novo families assumed open communication strategies at school with inclusive consequences: apart from incidental questions and reactions of surprise, the children did not suffer homophobic bullying. The analisis showed that the necessary condition for inclusion was not the open communication but rather illocutionary orientation (Habermas, 1984; Soler & Flecha, 2010), understood as the parents’ sensitivity to the attitudes of their children and schools. The schools received the families in an inclusive manner, which, however, was only receptive and not proactive, therefore some of the families (reconstituted ones), coerced by the social context, got excluded. Gender relations at home were predominantly androgynous, and outside home predominantly traditional, yet the children negotiated this difference with inclusive consequences. They participated in hegemonic collective practices, thus confirming the thesis on the similarity between homo- and heterosexual-parent families (Golombok, 2006). Consistently, also the families’ identity politics was “assimilationist” and non-queer. Admittedly, the analisis showed that such a politics was increased by social expectations. Still, the findings suggest that educational and other family policies should draw on broad agendas of gender and family diversity rather than on the politics of difference and the unique status of LGB families.


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El projecte Desarrollo de un videojuego basado en inteligencia artificial té com a objectiu el desenvolupament d'un videojoc d'estratègia on el jugador haurà de planificar una defensa capaç de resistir l'atac de l'enemic. El jugador haurà de triar com emprar els seus recursos per col·locar diferents tipus de terreny i diferents tipus de soldats. Posteriorment, quan aparegui l'enemic, els soldats actuaran d'acord als seus mecanismes de presa de decisions (encara que alguns soldats poden ser controlats pel jugador), igual que els enemics.


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Disseny d’un programa pera al a prevenció de l’AEI en primers i segons d’ESO que pretén, al mateix temps que forma als joves assistents, formar als professionals dels centres per a què puguin aplicar-ho en futures convocatòries de manera autònoma


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El tema escollit per realitzar aquesta investigació és el de l’ assetjament entre iguals , i com les noves formes de comunicació a través de les TIC poden produir nous riscos. S’ha analitzat com, des de l’escola i/o instituts, s’han de tenir eines per poder detectar aquest abús de poder i protocols d’actuació per afrontar-los. La finalitat del treball és poder conèixer perquè es produeixen relacions desiguals, o de violència, per poder elaborar instruments de detecció i abordatge, per disminuir els danys que es produeixen, des de la vessant professional de la intervenció social


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between government measures, volunteer participation, climate variables and forest fires. A number of studies have related forest fires to causes of ignition, to fire history in one area, to the type of vegetation and weathercharacteristics or to community institutions, but there is little research on the relation between fire production and government prevention and extinction measures from a policy evaluation perspective.An observational approach is first applied to select forest fires in the north east of Spain. Taking a selection of fires with a certain size, a multiple regression analysis is conducted to find significant relations between policy instruments under the control of the government and the number of hectares burn in each case, controlling at the same time the effect of weather conditions and other context variables. The paper brings evidence on the effects of simultaneity and the relevance of recurring to army soldiers in specific days with extraordinary high simultaneity. The analysis also brings light on the effectiveness of twopreventive policies and of helicopters for extinction tasks.


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A medida que va transcurriendo nuestra vida, nos vamos encontrando con situaciones en la vida personal y laboral en las que, muchas veces no sabemos qué hacer y también se van dando situaciones difíciles unas detrás de otras que llega un momento que nos podemos sentir de muchas formas. Por ejemplo: podemos sentir ira o miedo por no saber afrontar determinadas situaciones, o podemos sentir confianza en que vamos a poder resolver todas ellas.En las empresas, como en la vida privada, las personas, tienen emociones, tanto positivas como negativas, que tarde o temprano se ponen de manifiesto. La proporción y la intensidad de estas emociones, influirán de manera determinante en la creación de personalidades únicas, dando lugar a diez emociones positivas y diez emociones negativas.El agitado ritmo de vida ha contribuido al desarrollo de problemas psíquicos relacionados con el trabajo y que suponen una combinación de las emociones negativas.


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L'educació secundària obligatòria sembla que estigui permanentment en crisi: situacions conflictives entre els diferents agents, fracàs escolar, bullying o reiterades modificacions curriculars són alguns dels múltiples exemples que envaeixen els medis educatius i el debat social i accentuen les crítiques i les experiències negatives que es donen en aquesta etapa educativa. Certament, la secundària obligatòria té com a repte fonamental la comprensivitat, que comporta l'atenció a la diversitat de tots els adolescents en una etapa vital complicada; aquest repte educatiu i social, sens dubte, ha de tenir ombres, però també té llums en forma d'experiències reeixides que convergeixen en un millor i major aprenentatge de l¿alumnat. La recerca que es presenta en aquest article es proposa fer emergir i difondre les característiques que reuneixen les pràctiques exitoses que es donen a les aules de la secundària obligatòria. La metodologia usada per assolir aquesta finalitat essencial ha estat el recull i l'anàlisi de relats de persones de diferents trams d'edat sobre les seves millors experiències en la secundària obligatòria com a alumnes.Els diversos objectius que es pretenen amb el recull i l'estructuració d'aquestes veus es poden sintetitzar en dos: identificar les característiques essencials o components de les «bones pràctiques» i contribuir a la reflexió i el debat en la formació inicial i permanent del professorat. A partir de les aportacions recollides es pot concloure que: - A l'ESO, en el nostre context, es registren nombroses experiències reeixides per a l'aprenent. Les experiències tenen incomptables formes de concretar-se en la pràctica (en forma de projectes, plans estratègics, programes concrets de determinades matèries, etc.). - Malgrat la diversitat de pràctiques concretes, hi ha un nombre reduït de components que determinen i caracteritzen aquestes pràctiques reeixides. El nostre treball identifica aquests components i els agrupa en cinc categories que es refereixen a aspectes de metodologia, continguts, relació educativa, relació entre iguals i projecte de centre.


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The bacterial microbiota from the whole gut of soldier and worker castes of the termite Reticulitermes grassei was isolated and studied. In addition, the 16S rDNA bacterial genes from gut DNA were PCR-amplified using Bacteria-selective primers, and the 16S rDNA amplicons subsequently cloned into Escherichia coli. Sequences of the cloned inserts were then used to determine closest relatives by comparison with published sequences and with sequences from our previous work. The clones were found to be affiliated with the phyla Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Synergistetes, Verrucomicrobia, and candidate phyla Termite Group 1 (TG1) and Termite Group 2 (TG2). No significant differences were observed with respect to the relative bacterial abundances between soldier and worker phylotypes. The phylotypes obtained in this study were compared with reported sequences from other termites, especially those of phylotypes related to Spirochaetes, Wolbachia (an Alphaproteobacteria), Actinobacteria, and TG1. Many of the clone phylotypes detected in soldiers grouped with those of workers. Moreover, clones CRgS91 (soldiers) and CRgW68 (workers), both affiliated with"Endomicrobia", were the same phylotype. Soldiers and workers also seemed to have similar relative protist abundances. Heterotrophic, poly-β-hydroxyalkanoate-accumulating bacteria were isolated from the gut of soldiers and shown to be affiliated with Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria. We noted that Wolbachia was detected in soldiers but not in workers. Overall, the maintenance by soldiers and workers of comparable axial and radial redox gradients in the gut is consistent with the similarities in the prokaryotes and protists comprising their microbiota.