29 resultados para Mickiewicz, Adam

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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En los últimos años está tomando un importante protagonismo el síndrome de ADAM (“Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males”), consecuencia del aumento de la expectativa de vida en los varones. Con la realización de este estudio pretendemos establecer la prevalencia de este síndrome en la población y establecer una relación entre los niveles androgénicos y el diagnóstico del síndrome de ADAM. Para ello escogeremos la muestra de la población de varones entre cincuenta y ochenta años del departamento 4 de Salud de la CCVV. La obtención de los datos se realizará mediante la realización de test clínicos fundamentalmente el cuestionario de ADAM.


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El tema central d'aquesta Lliçó serà doncs la figura emblemàtica del gran professor i matemàtic català Pere Puig i Adam (1900-1960). Si bé el centenari del seu naixement ja justifica per si mateix l'oportunitat de l'homenatge, hi ha un valor afegit al fet de parlar d'en Pere Puig i Adam : tots nosaltres com a catalans i com a gent de Matemàtiques podem unir a l'orgull de rememorar una figura senyera del nostre passat científic, el goig de conservar avui el seu patrimoni i el deure de projectar el seu exemple vers el nostre futur. Així doncs parlarem de qui va ser i qué va fer en Pere Puig i Adam, per després analitzar, amb ulls d'avui, la vigència i possible projecció del seu llegat.


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We consider one-to-one matching (roommate) problems in which agents (students) can either be matched as pairs or remain single. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we review a key result for roommate problems (the ``lonely wolf'' theorem) for which we provide a concise and elementary proof. Second, and related to the title of this paper, we show how the often incompatible concepts of stability (represented by the political economist Adam Smith) and fairness (represented by the political philosopher John Rawls) can be reconciled for roommate problems.


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Introducing bounded rationality in a standard consumption-based asset pricing model with time separable preferences strongly improves empirical performance. Learning causes momentum and mean reversion of returns and thereby excess volatility, persistence of price-dividend ratios, long-horizon return predictability and a risk premium, as in the habit model of Campbell and Cochrane (1999), but for lower risk aversion. This is obtained, even though our learning scheme introduces just one free parameter and we only consider learning schemes that imply small deviations from full rationality. The findings are robust to the learning rule used and other model features. What is key is that agents forecast future stock prices using past information on prices.


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El treball consisteix en l'estudi d'alguns aspectes de l'obra del metge, físic, filòsof i teòleg anglès Walter Charleton (1620-1707), en el marc de la història intel•lectual a Anglaterra durant la segona meitat del segle XVII. Aquest període, que culmina en el sistema de Newton, es configura a través d'un conjunt de factors socials, polítics, intel•lectuals i religiosos, que van donar lloc a la consolidació del mecanicisme com a filosofia natural. En aquest context, Charleton és considerat com el principal introductor de l'atomisme de Gassendi a Anglaterra. Més concretament, el treball analitza l'anomenat voluntarisme teològic en la figura de Charleton, i la seva teologia natural com a fonament de l'atomisme, remarcant que el discurs teològic està implícit en el discurs físic.


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Los cuerpos artificiales ( muñecos, autómatas, maniquíes) son tratados a través de tres tipos de discurso: del artificio, de la mirada y del deseo. Esta perspectiva permite abordarlos, no como representaciones ni como dobles (Döppelgänger) sino como significantes en el discurso , como objetos de deseo y como puntos de articulación de la mirada. En el discurso del artificio se pasa revista al binomio natural/artificial y , a través de distintos textos , El tratado de Hombre de René Descarrtes, la “teoría de los maniquíes” y la “generatio aequivoca” de Bruno Schulz, y el film Jidlo (Comida) de Jan Svankmajer, se hace lo propio con los paradigmas desde los que se ha metaforizado al cuerpo humano. En el discurso de la mirada, se los aborda desde la perspectiva psicoanalítica del campo escópico, a través de El hombre de la arena, de ETA Hoffmann. Los discursos del deseo tratan de algunos aspectos de esta pulsión : el deseo masculino desde La Eva futura de Villiers de l’Isle Adam, el “deseo de hijo”, a través del film Otesánek de Jan Svankmajer y la genericidad del deseo en dos novelas de Gaston Leroux , La muñeca sangrienta y la máquina de asesinar . Los cuerpos artificiales, así, podrían ser considerados, en su potencia significativa, no ya como dobles , sino como efectos de lo real, como “pequeños otros”, como “objetos a” lacanianos y como simulacros.


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Earthquakes occurring around the world each year cause thousands ofdeaths, millions of dollars in damage to infrastructure, and incalculablehuman suffering. In recent years, satellite technology has been asignificant boon to response efforts following an earthquake and itsafter-effects by providing mobile communications between response teamsand remote sensing of damaged areas to disaster management organizations.In 2007, an international team of students and professionals assembledduring theInternational Space University’s Summer Session Program in Beijing, Chinato examine how satellite and ground-based technology could be betterintegrated to provide an optimised response in the event of an earthquake.The resulting Technology Resources for Earthquake MOnitoring and Response(TREMOR) proposal describes an integrative prototype response system thatwill implement mobile satellite communication hubs providing telephone anddata links between response teams, onsite telemedicine consultation foremergency first-responders, and satellite navigation systems that willlocate and track emergency vehicles and guide search-and-rescue crews. Aprototype earthquake simulation system is also proposed, integratinghistorical data, earthquake precursor data, and local geomatics andinfrastructure information to predict the damage that could occur in theevent of an earthquake. The backbone of these proposals is a comprehensiveeducation and training program to help individuals, communities andgovernments prepare in advance. The TREMOR team recommends thecoordination of these efforts through a centralised, non-governmentalorganization.


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Arising from either retrotransposition or genomic duplication of functional genes, pseudogenes are “genomic fossils” valuable for exploring the dynamics and evolution of genes and genomes. Pseudogene identification is an important problem in computational genomics, and is also critical for obtaining an accurate picture of a genome’s structure and function. However, no consensus computational scheme for defining and detecting pseudogenes has been developed thus far. As part of the ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, we have compared several distinct pseudogene annotation strategies and found that different approaches and parameters often resulted in rather distinct sets of pseudogenes. We subsequently developed a consensus approach for annotating pseudogenes (derived from protein coding genes) in the ENCODE regions, resulting in 201 pseudogenes, two-thirds of which originated from retrotransposition. A survey of orthologs for these pseudogenes in 28 vertebrate genomes showed that a significant fraction (∼80%) of the processed pseudogenes are primate-specific sequences, highlighting the increasing retrotransposition activity in primates. Analysis of sequence conservation and variation also demonstrated that most pseudogenes evolve neutrally, and processed pseudogenes appear to have lost their coding potential immediately or soon after their emergence. In order to explore the functional implication of pseudogene prevalence, we have extensively examined the transcriptional activity of the ENCODE pseudogenes. We performed systematic series of pseudogene-specific RACE analyses. These, together with complementary evidence derived from tiling microarrays and high throughput sequencing, demonstrated that at least a fifth of the 201 pseudogenes are transcribed in one or more cell lines or tissues.


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This report presents systematic empirical annotation of transcript products from 399 annotated protein-coding loci across the 1% of the human genome targeted by the Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE) pilot project using a combination of 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and high-density resolution tiling arrays. We identified previously unannotated and often tissue- or cell-line-specific transcribed fragments (RACEfrags), both 5' distal to the annotated 5' terminus and internal to the annotated gene bounds for the vast majority (81.5%) of the tested genes. Half of the distal RACEfrags span large segments of genomic sequences away from the main portion of the coding transcript and often overlap with the upstream-annotated gene(s). Notably, at least 20% of the resultant novel transcripts have changes in their open reading frames (ORFs), most of them fusing ORFs of adjacent transcripts. A significant fraction of distal RACEfrags show expression levels comparable to those of known exons of the same locus, suggesting that they are not part of very minority splice forms. These results have significant implications concerning (1) our current understanding of the architecture of protein-coding genes; (2) our views on locations of regulatory regions in the genome; and (3) the interpretation of sequence polymorphisms mapping to regions hitherto considered to be "noncoding," ultimately relating to the identification of disease-related sequence alterations.


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Background: The GENCODE consortium was formed to identify and map all protein-coding genes within the ENCODE regions. This was achieved by a combination of initial manualannotation by the HAVANA team, experimental validation by the GENCODE consortium and a refinement of the annotation based on these experimental results.Results: The GENCODE gene features are divided into eight different categories of which onlythe first two (known and novel coding sequence) are confidently predicted to be protein-codinggenes. 5’ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and RT-PCR were used to experimentallyverify the initial annotation. Of the 420 coding loci tested, 229 RACE products have beensequenced. They supported 5’ extensions of 30 loci and new splice variants in 50 loci. In addition,46 loci without evidence for a coding sequence were validated, consisting of 31 novel and 15putative transcripts. We assessed the comprehensiveness of the GENCODE annotation byattempting to validate all the predicted exon boundaries outside the GENCODE annotation. Outof 1,215 tested in a subset of the ENCODE regions, 14 novel exon pairs were validated, only twoof them in intergenic regions.Conclusions: In total, 487 loci, of which 434 are coding, have been annotated as part of theGENCODE reference set available from the UCSC browser. Comparison of GENCODEannotation with RefSeq and ENSEMBL show only 40% of GENCODE exons are contained withinthe two sets, which is a reflection of the high number of alternative splice forms with uniqueexons annotated. Over 50% of coding loci have been experimentally verified by 5’ RACE forEGASP and the GENCODE collaboration is continuing to refine its annotation of 1% humangenome with the aid of experimental validation.


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Education and health policy are two of the public policies, which in Spain have been assigned to the Autonomous Communities (AC). This transfer of powers could be considered a proof for the strong “self-rule” of the AC, which in turn shows that Spain could be classified as a federal state. In the following analysis the authors in some parts disagree with that conclusion, showing that considering the education area Spain is “heavy at the top”. Due to the state’s exclusive power to regulate the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spanish citizens, the important and final decisions are taken at the center through the framework legislation. The AC play a minor role in the legislation process, they have to adopt the center decisions. De-centralization and extension of the framework legislation are highly connected: The central state reacted with strong framework legislation to the stages of the educational decentralization process. In addition, the concentration of important framing powers within the central state does not make educational reforms more infrequent. However, such reforms are the results of a competition between the parties, and not between the AC or between the AC and the central state


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Using Monte Carlo simulations we study the dynamics of three-dimensional Ising models with nearest-, next-nearest-, and four-spin (plaquette) interactions. During coarsening, such models develop growing energy barriers, which leads to very slow dynamics at low temperature. As already reported, the model with only the plaquette interaction exhibits some of the features characteristic of ordinary glasses: strong metastability of the supercooled liquid, a weak increase of the characteristic length under cooling, stretched-exponential relaxation, and aging. The addition of two-spin interactions, in general, destroys such behavior: the liquid phase loses metastability and the slow-dynamics regime terminates well below the melting transition, which is presumably related with a certain corner-rounding transition. However, for a particular choice of interaction constants, when the ground state is strongly degenerate, our simulations suggest that the slow-dynamics regime extends up to the melting transition. The analysis of these models leads us to the conjecture that in the four-spin Ising model domain walls lose their tension at the glassy transition and that they are basically tensionless in the glassy phase.