em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Increased production of vasoconstrictive prostanoids, such as thromboxane A2 (TXA2 ), contributes to endothelial dysfunction and increased hepatic vascular tone in cirrhosis. TXA2 induces vasoconstriction by way of activation of the thromboxane-A2 /prostaglandin-endoperoxide (TP) receptor. This study investigated whether terutroban, a specific TP receptor blocker, decreases hepatic vascular tone and portal pressure in rats with cirrhosis due to carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) or bile duct ligation (BDL). Hepatic and systemic hemodynamics, endothelial dysfunction, liver fibrosis, hepatic Rho-kinase activity (a marker of hepatic stellate cell contraction), and the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) signaling pathway were measured in CCl4 and BDL cirrhotic rats treated with terutroban (30 mg/kg/day) or its vehicle for 2 weeks. Terutroban reduced portal pressure in both models without producing significant changes in portal blood flow, suggesting a reduction in hepatic vascular resistance. Terutroban did not significantly change arterial pressure in CCl4 -cirrhotic rats but decreased it significantly in BDL-cirrhotic rats. In livers from CCl4 and BDL-cirrhotic terutroban-treated rats, endothelial dysfunction was improved and Rho-kinase activity was significantly reduced. In CCl4 -cirrhotic rats, terutroban reduced liver fibrosis and decreased alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen-I, and transforming growth factor beta messenger RNA (mRNA) expression without significant changes in the eNOS pathway. In contrast, no change in liver fibrosis was observed in BDL-cirrhotic rats but an increase in the eNOS pathway. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that TP-receptor blockade with terutroban decreases portal pressure in cirrhosis. This effect is due to decreased hepatic resistance, which in CCl4 -cirrhotic rats was linked to decreased hepatic fibrosis, but not in BDL rats, in which the main mediator appeared to be an enhanced eNOS-dependent vasodilatation, which was not liver-selective, as it was associated with decreased arterial pressure. The potential use of terutroban for portal hypertension requires further investigation.


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In many species, the introduction of double-stranded RNA induces potent and specific gene silencing, referred to as RNA interference. This phenomenon, which is based on targeted degradation of mRNAs and occurs in almost any eukaryote, from trypanosomes to mice including plants and fungi, has sparked general interest from both applied and fundamental standpoints. RNA interference, which is currently used to investigate gene function in a variety of systems, is linked to natural resistance to viruses and transposon silencing, as if it were a primitive immune system involved in genome surveillance. Here, we review the mechanism of RNA interference in post-transcriptional gene silencing, its function in nature, its value for functional genomic analysis, and the modifications and improvements that may make it more efficient and inheritable. We also discuss the future directions of this versatile technique in both fundamental and applied science.


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In order to search for novel genes involved in cell proliferation, the hypothesis was that by infecting primary cells with a cDNA library of immortal cells would render immortalizing genes. Consequently it has been discovered CIRP (Cold inducible RNA-binding protein). Mammalian cells exposed to mild hypothermia show a general inhibition of protein synthesis and a concomitant increase in the expression of a small number of cold-shock mRNAs and proteins. Rbm3, another RNA binding protein belonging to the same family, has been postulated to facilitate protein synthesis at mild cold shock. To investigate if the same occurs for CIRP, CIRP was overexpressed in primary cells and protein sintesis was measured. Interestingly, CIRP increased protein synthesis, however, such increase did not involve an increase in the polysome fraction or affected the ribosome profile. In addition, the effect caused by CIRP inhibition or knockdown was also analyzed. Different siRNAs against CIRP were tested. Once checked their efficiency by decreasing CIRP at mRNA and protein levels, proliferation was tested by BrdU, cell number (DAPI) and proliferation curves were performed. Interestingly, CIRP provoke a decreased proliferation in primary cells: MEFs, HMEC; and cancer cells: TERA2 and HeLa. In conclusion, we describe for the first time that CIRP bypasses replicative senescence when over-expressed at physiological temperature (37ºC) by increasing a general protein synthesis. This effect is achieved through ERK1/2 activation in MEFs.The decrease in growth rate found in mammalian cells treated with mild cold stress is not entirely attributable to arrested metabolism. This decrease may also involve an active process in which CIRP and other stress-responsive proteins play a fundamental role in stimulating proliferation. Although most cell proteins are down-regulated or inhibited with cold stress, CIRP is activated to maintain cells in an active proliferative status and its overexpression at 37°C might be potentially oncogenic.


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L'estudi a nivell molecular de la ruta de senyalització activada per TGF-B té un impacte notable en el panorama actual donada la seva implicació en processos autoimmunitaris i carcinogènics. D'altra banda, l'elucidació a nivell estructural dels mecanismes moleculars que permeten a les ubiquitin lligases de tipus E3 marcar específicament llurs dianes per a la degradació proteosòmica - entre d'altres - resulta fonamental donada la seva importància pel que fa al control sobre el turnover proteic a nivell intracel•lular. En aquest projecte es pretén elucidar els mecanismes d'activació i catlàlisi de les ubiquitin lligases E3 tipus HECT Smurf1 i Nedd4L al mateix temps que se n'estudia la implicació en la regulació dels agents missatgers de la ruta del TGF-B. Així, la tasca es divideix en tres sub-projectes els quals se centren en a) l'estudi de la interacció d'aquestes lligases amb llurs dianes; b) l'elucidació del mecanisme d'activació i c) del de catàlisi d'aquests enzims. Per tal d'assolir aquests objectius ens servim principalment dels avantatges que ens aporta la Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear i altres tècniques biofísiques, principalment la ITC. Durant el temps que he gaudit de la beca FI, m'he centrat principalment en la preparació de pèptids per SPPS, llur purificació per HPLC i caracterització per MS i RMN. Aquests pèptids representen diferents patrons de fosforilació de certes dianes de les lligases esmentades, de manera que han estat emprats per a l'estudi d'interaccions proteïna-proteïna per ITC i RMN. M'he iniciat doncs en l'ús d'aquestes tècniques. D'altra banda, també he preparat mostres protèiques mitjançant l'ús de sistemes d'expressió bacterians basats en E.coli, incloent l'amplificació i clonació del gen que codifica per la proteïna d'interés així com la seva expressió, purificació i caracterització per MS i RMN.