7 resultados para Literary collections

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte ha estat identificar i analitzar els rituals funeraris a celebrats als suburbis de Tàrraco i el seu territorium. Per tal d’assolir-lo hem revisat col•leccions de museus, arxius i informes arqueològics arribant a documentar 721 enterraments. A través de la recerca, hem estudiat les peculiaritats i els elements d’aixovar que les tombes presenten amb el suport de les fonts escrites. Hem detectat pràctiques rituals com ara libacions, sacrificis i objectes relacionats amb ofrenes funeràries a l’exterior de les tombes. Hem documentat certa una uniformitat general i repetiva pel que fa a la selecció dels aixovars funerari. No obstant això, hi ha algunes diferències sobretot en aixovars que provenen de les tombes d’individus morts prematurament (individus no casats, infants). També s’ha constatat una diferència sexual entre dones i homes pel que fa als objectes d’aixovar. Hem utilitzat l’evidència arqueològica i literària per tal de trobar el significat d’aquests artefactes quotidians que canvien de significat quan entren en contacte amb els morts. En revisar la informació procedent d’excavacions hem identificat espais rituals específics dins de la necròpolis com jardins funeraris i ustrina. Aquest estudi ha explorat la manera com l’arqueologia ens permeten identificar les pràctiques rituals dins les àrees funeràries. L’estudi de materials arqueològics documentats als estrats de freqüentació de les necròpolis ens ha permès detectar l’evidència material de la ritualitat.


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In the context of the CompMusic project we are developing methods to automatically describe/annotate audio music recordings pertaining to various music cultures. As away to demonstrate the usefulness of the methods we are also developing a system to browse and interact with specific audio collections. The system is an online web application that interfaces with all the data gathered (audio, scores plus contextual information) and all the descriptions that are automatically generated with the developed methods. In this paper we present the basic architecture of the proposed system, the types of data sources that it includes,and we mention some of the culture specific issues that we are working on for its development. The system is in a preliminary stage but it shows the potential that MIR technologies can have in browsing and interacting with musiccollections of various cultures.


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A citation analysis was carried out on the most important research journals in the field of Catalan literature between 1974 and 2003. The indicators and qualitative parameters obtained show the value of performing citation analysis in cultural and linguistic areas that are poorly covered by the A&HCI. Catalan literature shows a similar pattern to that of humanities in general, but it could still be in a stage of consolidation because too little work has as yet been published.


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Fifty-five collections misidentified and stored in various institutional herbaria, under severa1 Rhizopogon species narnes, are revised. Among these, twelve belong to Ascomycotina and 9 were identified to species level; the other collections, immature fruitbodies wcre impossible to identify with the data available. Forty-two collections are Basidiomycotina and only an immature Scleroderma remain without identification to the species level.


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Institutional digital repositories are a basic piece to provide preservation and reutilization of learning resources. However, their creation and maintenance is usually performed following a top-down approach, causing limitations in the search and reutilization of learning resources. In order to avoid this problem we propose to use web 2.0 functionalities. In this paper we present how tagging can be used to enhance the search and reusability functionalities of institutional learning repositories as well as promoting their usage. The paper also describes the evaluation process that was performed in a pilot experience involving open educational resources.


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Translations into Catalan of English and American authors during the final quarter of the nineteenth century are few and far between. Numerically, English-language literature most likely ranks fifth or sixth among all the translations of this period. We take inventory here of translations found in Catalan magazines from this time (the oldest dates from 1868) and in published series that came out at this time (if these continued until later, we trace them up to their final year). At the same time, the translators are examined, including reference, where available, as to whether the translations are direct or indirect. Finally, we consider some possible causes for the low English-language volume in Catalan translation during the period.


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This paper shows the relationship between two Spanish writers: Garcilaso de la Vega and Pedro Salinas; or better, the influence of the former over the latter. This influence may be noticed in different levels: the use of literary genres (eclogues, elegies or collections of verse), the conception of love, the use of myths and topics, the music of verse, etc. Some characteristics of Salinas’s style come clearly from Garcilaso (the intimacy, simplicity, orality, the dialogue, the use of the present tense and the first person, etc.). Our essay studies the influence of Garcilaso on the book Largo lamento, 1937?, written by Salinas at the same time as an essay about the renaissance poet —in addition of other unpublished works and his personal correspondence—, in order to show the presence of Garcilaso in his mind and all of his production