7 resultados para La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup, comte de, 1741-1788.
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Con este trabajo he pretendido realizar un estudio aproximado a la música del período romántico cuya temática gira en torno al mundo de la noche. Lo he hecho a través de los compositores de música para piano más representativos de la época, con una breve pincelada a la música sinfónica y a las artes representativas. He pretendido demostrar cómo cada compositor reflejó su personalidad a través de un concepto tan abstracto y romántico como es el mundo de la noche.
En Discurso,Figura, Jean François Lyotard acuña un término: “figural”, que teóricos como Nicole Brenez y Philippe Dubois han llevado al terreno del análisis de la imagen cinematográfica. El pensamiento figural hace de la materialidad de la imagen, de su plasticidad, su objeto de estudio privilegiado. Los cineastas Jean Epstein, Philippe Grandrieux o Stephen Dwoskin en sus figuraciones fílmicas del cuerpo y del rostro, pero también en sus reflexiones teóricas sobre el cine en forma de artículos o, incluso, documentos directamente asociados al rodaje como su registro filmado, han erigido un espacio privilegiado en que este concepto de lo figural se despliega en múltiples variaciones.
L"any 1979 Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998) publicava a París La condition postmoderne. Rapport sur le savoir, editat per Les Éditions de Minuit, obra en què es retratava l"home postmodern i que amb el pas dels anys s"ha convertit en una mena de clàssic del pensament contemporani. La tesi de fons del llibre -una obra encarregada per les autoritats del Quebec- és ben coneguda: el saber canvia d"estatut al mateix temps que les societats entren en l"era anomenada postindustrial, segons havien anunciat Daniel Bell i Alain Touraine. Per tant, la qüestió del saber en aquesta època postindustrial -que a grans trets coincideix amb un esperit d"època (Zeitgeist) que es pot identifi car amb la postmodernitat- cal situar-la en la perspectiva de les societats industrials avançades.
Aquesta tesina, amb el títol "La poètica del desig. amor i bogeria a l'Orlando furioso", proposa una nova lectura del poema de Ludovico Ariosto, prenent com a objectiu l'anàlisi de la bogeria del seu protagonista, el Comte Orlando, "che per amor venne in furore e matto / d'uom che sì saggio era stimato prima". Així doncs, pretenem esbrinar per què davant de la constatació de Matteo Maria Boiardo d'un "Orlando innmorato", Ariosto va respondre amb un "Orlando furioso", narrant així "cosa non detta in prosa mai né in rima". Per arribar fins al fons de la qüestió, ens hem preguntat quins són l'origen, la manifestació textual, la dimensió i el significat del concepte de "furor" en el text; interrogants que ens han conduït cap a una bogeria amorosa que és manifestació externa d'un desig insatisfet. Un concepte que, a més a més d'evocar l"Hercules furens" d'Eurípides i Sèneca, ens remet a la teoria dels humors de Galè, al concepte de 'melancholia' d'Aristòtil i a l'eròtica platònica, al mateix temps que reprodueix els models del que Cesare Segre anomena la 'follie littéraire' característica de l'època medieval. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi s'ha interpretat el text com una apologia de les passions en la que es destrona al savi com a paradigma i model ètic, acabant així amb la imatge de l'home com a "animal rationale", situant per contra la seva "humanitas" ja no en la racionalitat (tampoc en la irracionalitat), sinó en la passionalitat, oferint així un retrat de l'ésser humà com a "animal passionalis" , una criatura intermitja en la que haurien de confluir idealment raó i passió.
Land cover classification is a key research field in remote sensing and land change science as thematic maps derived from remotely sensed data have become the basis for analyzing many socio-ecological issues. However, land cover classification remains a difficult task and it is especially challenging in heterogeneous tropical landscapes where nonetheless such maps are of great importance. The present study aims to establish an efficient classification approach to accurately map all broad land cover classes in a large, heterogeneous tropical area of Bolivia, as a basis for further studies (e.g., land cover-land use change). Specifically, we compare the performance of parametric (maximum likelihood), non-parametric (k-nearest neighbour and four different support vector machines - SVM), and hybrid classifiers, using both hard and soft (fuzzy) accuracy assessments. In addition, we test whether the inclusion of a textural index (homogeneity) in the classifications improves their performance. We classified Landsat imagery for two dates corresponding to dry and wet seasons and found that non-parametric, and particularly SVM classifiers, outperformed both parametric and hybrid classifiers. We also found that the use of the homogeneity index along with reflectance bands significantly increased the overall accuracy of all the classifications, but particularly of SVM algorithms. We observed that improvements in producer’s and user’s accuracies through the inclusion of the homogeneity index were different depending on land cover classes. Earlygrowth/degraded forests, pastures, grasslands and savanna were the classes most improved, especially with the SVM radial basis function and SVM sigmoid classifiers, though with both classifiers all land cover classes were mapped with producer’s and user’s accuracies of around 90%. Our approach seems very well suited to accurately map land cover in tropical regions, thus having the potential to contribute to conservation initiatives, climate change mitigation schemes such as REDD+, and rural development policies.
This paper proposes an ex-post measure of inequality of opportunity in France and its regions by assessing the inequality between individuals exerting the same effort. To this end, we define a fair income that fulfils ex-post equality of opportunity requirements. Unfairness is measured by an unfair Gini based on the distance between the actual income and the fair income. Our findings reveal that the measures of ex-post inequality of opportunity largely vary across regions, and that this is due to di_erences in reward schemes and in the impact of the non responsibility factors of income. We find that most regions have actual incomes closer to fair incomes than to average income, excepted Ile de France where the actual income looks poorly related to effort variables. Finally, we find that income inequality and inequality of opportunity are positively correlated among regions.
Fleurbaey and Maniquet have proposed the criteria of conditional equality and of egalitarian equivalence to assess the equity among individuals in an ordinal setting. Empirical applications are rare and only partially consistent with their framework. We propose a new empirical approach that relies on individual preferences, is consistent with the ordinal criteria and enables to compare them with the cardinal criteria. We estimate a utility function that incorporates individual heterogeneous preferences, obtain ordinal measures of well-being and apply conditional equality and egalitarian equivalence. We then propose two cardinal measures of well-being, that are comparable with the ordinal model, to compute Roemer’s and Van de gaer’s criteria. Finally we compare the characteristics of the worst-off displayed by each criterion. We apply this model to a sample of US micro data and obtain that about 18% of the worst-off are not common to all criteria.