24 resultados para John Russel Young
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The following text corresponds with the lecture that the author presented as "invited lecturer" at the Second World Conference on Sport Sciences held in Barcelona on October, 1991. It is also part of the working papers collection from the Olympic Studies Centre.
El anlisis de los ensayos de John Tyndall, Fragments of Science, permite identificar la teora atmica, el principio de conservacin de la energa y el evolucionismo darwinista como los elementos constitutivos del andamiaje terico del naturalismo cientfico. As, en su ensayo On the Study of Physics se resumen sus brillantes facetas como educador y divulgador cientfico, desarrolladas fundamentalmente en el seno de la Royal Institution. En la lectura On Force, Tyndall da por finalizada la controversia Joule- Mayer sobre la primaca del descubrimiento del principio de conservacin de la energa, a la vez que plantea algunas de las claves de la lucha por el liderazgo en el seno de la comunidad cientfica. El discurso presidencial ante la British Association de 1874 en Belfast ejemplifica el coraje de Tyndall en su empeo por demarcar los territorios de la ciencia y la religin, a la luz de los nuevos desafos cientficos. En el trasfondo subyacen los procesos de secularizacin de la sociedad y de profesionalizacin de una comunidad cientfica heterognea. El compromiso cvico que Tyndall demuestra en The Belfast Address es digno corolario de una vida y obra que permite situarlo como paradigma de lo que, en la terminologa de Turner, se ha dado en denominar cientfico pblico.
There is a high degree of sex-typing in young children's occupational aspirations and this has consequences for subsequent occupational segregation. Sociologists typically attribute early sex-differences in occupational preferences to gender socialization. Yet we still know surprisingly little about the mechanisms involved in the intergenerational transmission of sex-typical preferences and there is considerable theoretical controversy regarding the role of individual agency in the process of preference formation. This study analyzes the determinants of sex-typed occupational aspirations amongst British children aged between 11 and 15. We specify different mechanisms involved in the transmission of sex-typical preferences and propose an innovative definition of individual agency that is anchored in observable psychological traits linked to self-direction. This allows us to perform a simultaneous test of socialization and agency predictors of occupational sex-typing. We find that parental influences on occupational preferences operate mainly through three distinctive channels: 1) the effect that parental socio-economic resources have on the scope of children's occupational aspirations, 2) children's direct imitation of parental occupations, and 3) children's learning of sex-typed roles via the observation of parental behavior. We also find a strong net effect of children's own psychological predispositions -self-esteem in particular- on the incidence of sex-typical occupational preferences. Yet large differences in the occupational aspirations of girls and boys remain unexplained.
The future of OER is highly dependent on the future of education in general. A future that will be determined by major changes in society that demand more people with a higher education and life long learning. Each vision for the long term future needs to take the qualitative and quantitative demands into account. Backcasting from a vision we arrive at useful steps to take, some of which we managed to start up in the form of pilots as part of the European research project Share.TEC.
Examining the sustainability issues in UKOER projects : Developing a sustainable OER ecosystem in HE
The development of open educational resources (OERs) is becoming a strategic priority for governments and education institutions around the world, in response to funding cuts and rising costs in educational provision. In the United Kingdom, a government-sponsored Pilot Programme on Open Educational Recourses (JISC/HEA, 2009) was launched in 2009 with an initial budget of 5.7m. This paper reviews the key sustainability issues identified by the projects including the different approaches and models that have been adopted in order to sustain the continuing development and release of OER once funding has ended. The analysis also considers the challenges relating to the development and implementation of policies and processes for sustainable OER practice within institutions and among academics. The paper concludes by drawing on the experiences from the wider United Kingdom and international OER communities to develop a sustainable OER ecosystem model that can facilitate discussions on future development of OER initiatives.
This paper will discuss the possible roles of academic libraries in promoting, supporting, and sustaining institutional Open Educational Resource initiatives. It will note areas in which libraries or librarians have skills and knowledge that intersect with some of the needs of academic staff and students as they use and release OERs. It will also present the results of a brief survey of the views of some OER initiatives on the current and potential role of academic libraries.
Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia del uso auto informado del preservativo en la ltima relacin sexual, as como algunas actitudes, creencias y percepciones sobre su uso para la prevencin de la transmisin del VIH por va heterosexual, en jvenes de las ciudades de Nampula, Bemba y Lichinga, en Mozambique. Diseo: Estudio transversal de encuesta. Participantes: Seiscientos treinta y dos estudiantes de secundaria (56,8% varones), con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 24 aos, seleccionados mediante un muestreo aleatorio estratificado proporcional. El porcentaje de participacin es del 79%. Mediciones principales: Mediante un cuestionario, se evalan en una escala de 0 a 10 las actitudes hacia el uso del preservativo, expectativas de resultados y de autoeficacia y aceptacin percibida sobre su utilizacin. Asimismo se evala el uso auto informado del preservativo en la ltima relacin sexual. Resultados: Slo un 47,4% (IC 0,95 = 42,0:52,8) de los jvenes sexualmente activos utiliz el preservativo en la ltima relacin sexual. En general las mujeres tienen una actitud ms favorable respecto a su uso y creen ms en su eficacia que los hombres, pero lo utilizan menos y se sienten poco capaces de pedir su uso al varn, principalmente si se trata de su actual pareja. La autoeficacia percibida para utilizar o pedir el uso del preservativo aumenta en el caso de una pareja ocasional tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Conclusiones: Se requieren acciones institucionales y sociales que promocionen el uso del preservativo entre los jvenes de Mozambique. Los programas preventivos deberan insistir en el cambio de actitudes y creencias, y enfatizar los beneficios que se derivan de su uso adecuado y sistemtico desde la primera relacin coital
The paper examines the relationship between family formation (i.e., living with a partner and having children) and womens occupational career in southern Europe (i.e., Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain). The relationship is explored by analysing the impact that different family structures and male [nvolvement in caring activities have on womens early occupational trajectories (i.e., remaining in the same occupational status, experiencing downward or upward mobility, or withdrawing from paid work). This research shows that male involvement in caring activities does not really push women ahead in their career, but the absolute lack of male support seems to negatively affect womens permanence in paid work. These results apply to all southern European countries except Portugal, where the absolute absence of the partners support in caring activities does not seem to alter womens determination to remain in paid work. The methodology applied consists of the estimation of multinomial logit regression models and the analysis is based on eight waves (1994-2001) of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP).
This paper lays down some theoretical framework for further research to be made on the subject of how identity of young Slovenian and Catalan users is forming within the social networking website Facebook. The author pursues his interest based on observation of how communicationand thus interaction between users is changing and how this is reflected in everyday practices. In so doing he tries to identify the connections between the individual, society and technology, asthese are more and more interwoven, and we cannot think one without the other in thecontemporary globalised world.
We provide robust examples of symmetric two-player coordination games in normal form that reveal that equilibrium selection by the evolutionary model of Young (1993) is essentially different from equilibrium selection by the evolutionary model of Kandori, Mailath and Rob (1993).
We construct an uncoupled randomized strategy of repeated play such that, if every player follows such a strategy, then the joint mixed strategy profiles converge, almost surely, to a Nash equilibrium of the one-shot game. The procedure requires very little in terms of players' information about the game. In fact, players' actions are based only on their own past payoffs and, in a variant of the strategy, players need not even know that their payoffs are determined through other players' actions. The procedure works for general finite games and is based on appropriate modifications of a simple stochastic learningrule introduced by Foster and Young.
This paper documents and studies the gender gap in performance among associatelawyers in the United States. Unlike most high-skilled professions, the legal professionhas widely-used objective methods to measure and reward lawyers' productivity: thenumber of hours billed to clients and the amount of new-client revenue generated. Wefind clear evidence of a gender gap in annual performance with respect to bothmeasures. Male lawyers bill ten-percent more hours and bring in more than double thenew-client revenue. We show that the differential impact across genders in the presenceof young children and the differences in aspirations to become a law-firm partneraccount for a large part of the difference in performance. These performance gaps haveimportant consequences for gender gaps in earnings. While individual and firmcharacteristics explain up to 50 percent of earnings gap, the inclusion of performancemeasures explains most of the remainder.
We provide robust examples of symmetric two-player coordination games in normal form that reveal that equilibrium selection bythe evolutionary model of Young (1993) is essentially different from equilibrium selection by the evolutionary model of Kandori, Mailath and Rob (1993).
En trabajos anteriores se ha constatado que varios aceros al carbono hipoeutectoides, en estado de temple, presentan valores del mdulo de Young inferiores a los correspondientes en estado de revenido. En todos los casos la determinacin se ha realizado mediante ultrasonidos. En concreto, para el acero C22E (EN 10083), el mdulo se incrementa ligeramente desde 209 GPa (material templado) hasta 211 GPa (revenido a 650 C), para el acero C45E el mdulo aumenta desde 199 GPa hasta 211 GPa (revenido a 500 C) y para el acero C55E el mdulo vara desde 202 GPa hasta 209 GPa para el acero revenido a 650 C. El presente trabajo se centra en la caracterizacin estructural de los tres aceros mencionados a los distintos estados de tratamiento trmico, utilizando las tcnicas de microscopa ptica de reflexin y microscopa electrnica de barrido, y se propone una explicacin de la variacin del mdulo a partir del comportamiento de las dislocaciones y su interaccin con tomos de soluto y con otras dislocaciones.