45 resultados para INFANT MILK FORMULA
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The role of public health has been a central topic on the classical debate about the historical mortality decline in Europe. One of these health initiatives were the Milk Depots. Spain set up those centres from the late 19th century until the beginning of the Civil War. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the effect of this health intervention on the infant mortality decline during this period. This study works out three kinds of sources: Statistical Yearbooks, Official documents and local records produced by the same Milk Depot. It analyses data available for all the country and one local case such as the Barcelona’s Milk Depot (1904-1935). The main methodological issue deals with the measurement of the effect of the Milk Depot activities on the pattern of changes of infant mortality. Results suggest that Milk Depots have a positive but quite moderate effect on the improving of overall levels of child survival.
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This study presents a research about the participation of psicomotricist in the play with children to find out what kind of conditions improve the development of their capacitys of relathionship. The research has four parts: 1) A teoretical revision about the terms of game, social participation and relathionship; 2) A case study based on different interviews with experts, psicomotricists and the observed psicomotricist and 4 deep observations 3) The categories of analysis from the triangulation of teoretical and case study sources of information; 4) Discussion and conclusions about general actuations of the psicomotricist, about specifical actuations with the children and about psicomotricist’s believes.
This work gets deeply into the comprehension of the aquatic medium as a significant space for the for a psychomotor intervention in the development of the children. Its starting point is a methodological pose of philosophical nature which uses phenomenology as the way for discovering. From this stand, the research sequence and process are justified. They both show an underlying attitude which has guided the whole process of turning the learning-by-experiencing the phenomena into experienced-knowledge of it. In this way the characteristic gnoseological reduction of the phenomenology has been used, while proceeding to the observation of children evolving in the water. Once the construction process of this work was established, the reduction of the amount of concepts and ideas began. This is its most characteristic process of the phenomenological research. First, an approach to the aquatic medium as a pluridimensional space has been made. Afterwards a study of the up to three years old child from a global perspective which includes the emotional, the social the cognitive and the psychomotor dimensions has been done. At last, the essence of the psychomotor as a model for the pedagogical action has been studied. From this three distinctive elements, and as a result of this research, a proposal of psychomotor intervention in the aquatic medium has been built.
The spread of milk consumption was a significant change in the diet of Europeans, however it is one that has not been greatly studied with regard to the populations of Mediterranean Europe. In this article we shall analyse the ain circumstances that conditioned that process in Catalonia between the middle of the 19th century and 1936. In our study we shall argue that the consumption of milk in this area was only relevant in the 19th century in situations of illness or old age, and that it subsequently increased and acquired a new significance as a result of various factors. In particular, we shall emphasise: (a) the scientific advances in microbiology and nutrition, (b) the activities carried out by doctors and various public institutions to promote the consumption of fresh milk, and (c) the technological innovations in the milk producing sector. In Appendix 1 we show two maps representing the main territorial references that we shall mention.
Els marges de pedra seca són un dels ambients socioecològics més singulars del país i, al mateix temps, un dels hàbitats menys estudiats. La nostra recerca ha analitzat la biodiversitat de les margenades de Vandellòs i l’Hospitalet de l’Infant; mitjançant mostrejos de flora i de la fauna hem constatat l’elevada complexitat de la xarxa tròfica que s’estableix en aquest nínxol ecològic. En la vessant socioambiental, hem realitzat entrevistes a diferents entesos en la cultura de la pedra seca, les quals han permès determinar la importància dels marges per entendre una part de la història ambiental del país. Amb la recerca s’ha observat un clar retrocés del patrimoni de pedra seca a causa de la recessió del sector agrícola. L’aprofitament turístic de la cultura de la pedra seca i la implicació de les Administracions Públiques en la difusió d’aquest patrimoni, són claus per garantir-ne la pervivència en el futur.
Our empirical literature review shows that little is known about how firm performance changes with age, presumably because of the paucity of data on firm age. For Spanish manufacturing firms, we analyse the firm performance related to firm age between 1998 and 2006. We find evidence that firms improve with age, because ageing firms are observed to have steadily increasing levels of productivity, higher profits, larger size, lower debt ratios, and higher equity ratios. Furthermore, older firms are better able to convert sales growth into subsequent growth of profits and productivity. On the other hand, we also found evidence that firm performance deteriorates with age. Older firms have lower expected growth rates of sales, profits and productivity, they have lower profitability levels (when other variables such as size are controlled for), and also that they appear to be less capable to convert employment growth into growth of sales, profits and productivity.
Our empirical literature review shows that little is known about how firm performance changes with age, presumably because of the paucity of data on firm age. For Spanish manufacturing firms, we analyse the firm performance related to firm age between 1998 and 2006. We find evidence that firms improve with age, because ageing firms are observed to have steadily increasing levels of productivity, higher profits, larger size, lower debt ratios, and higher equity ratios. Furthermore, older firms are better able to convert sales growth into subsequent growth of profits and productivity. On the other hand, we also found evidence that firm performance deteriorates with age. Older firms have lower expected growth rates of sales, profits and productivity, they have lower profitability levels (when other variables such as size are controlled for), and also that they appear to be less capable to convert employment growth into growth of sales, profits and productivity. Keywords: firm age, firm growth, LAD, financial structure, vector autoregression JEL CODES: L25, L20
Objectiu: provar que, enfront de l’aparició de sibilàncies, l’alletament matern es comporta com a un factor protector i l’alletament artificial com a un factor inductor. Material i mètodes: assaig clínic controlat, randomitzat, a doble cec amb grup control i seguiment de 8 anys, de la submostra espanyola, en el seu 5è any de seguiment, del treball multicèntric europeu EU CHILDHOOD OBESITY PROGRAMME (QLK1-2001-00389). La població es va dividir en 3 grups: nadons alimentats amb lactància artificial amb baix contingut proteic, nadons alimentats amb lactància artificial amb alt contingut proteic i un grup control de nadons alimentats amb llet materna. Per avaluar l’aparició de sibilàncies i la seva evolució en el temps es van realitzar entrevistes als pares a mesura que la població assolia els 6 anys de vida sobre qüestions referides als 3 i als 6 anys i s’havien de realitzar entrevistes als 8 anys de vida sobre qüestions referdies a aquesta mateixa edat. Per comprovar la repercussió en la funció pulmonar i valorar la base atòpica, es tenia previst realitzar, als 8 anys, espirometria, prik test amb aeroalergens, determinació de IgE sèrica total i quantificació dels eosinòfils en sang perifèrica. S’han valorat possibles factors de confusió com antecedents familiars de malalties de base al•lèrgica, nivell socioeconòmic familiar, factors, ambient epidemiològic i s’ha estudiat altra morbiditat associada com episodis de febre, vòmits, diarrea, dermatitis atòpica, refredat de vies respiratòries altes i prescripció mèdica d’antibiòtics. Resultats: només un 20’8% van rebre alletament matern. No s’han trobat diferències estadísticament significatives entre la història d’episodis de sibilàncies i el tipus d’alletament rebut. Tampoc s’han trobat diferències estadísticament significatives entre l’alimentació rebuda i la història de dermatitis atòpica. La llet artificial es va associar, amb significació estadística, a una major prescripció d’antibiòtics i una major incidència de patir diarrees i, sense significació estadística, es va associar a un augment del risc de patir RVA. La lactància materna es va associar amb significació estadística a una menor prescripció d’antibiòtics. La presència de germans grans i un baix nivell d’educació de la mare van contribuir a augmentar la morbiditat durant el primer any de vida. El consum d’alcohol durant l’embaràs es va associar a més episodis de vòmits i el consum de tabac a més episodis de diarrea. Conclusions: l’alletament artificial no predisposa a patir més episodis de sibilàncies ni de dermatitis atòpica. La lactància materna exclusiva durant almenys 3 mesos disminueix el risc de diarrees en els primers 6 mesos de vida i retarda l’aparició d’infeccions aparentment bacterianes que requereixen tractament antibiòtic. L’alletament matern exclusiu durant un mínim de tres mesos no comporta una substancial disminució de la morbiditat durant els primers 12 mesos de vida.
In this paper we investigate the goodness of fit of the Kirk's approximation formula for spread option prices in the correlated lognormal framework. Towards this end, we use the Malliavin calculus techniques to find an expression for the short-time implied volatility skew of options with random strikes. In particular, we obtain that this skew is very pronounced in the case of spread options with extremely high correlations, which cannot be reproduced by a constant volatility approximation as in the Kirk's formula. This fact agrees with the empirical evidence. Numerical examples are given.
We see that the price of an european call option in a stochastic volatilityframework can be decomposed in the sum of four terms, which identifythe main features of the market that affect to option prices: the expectedfuture volatility, the correlation between the volatility and the noisedriving the stock prices, the market price of volatility risk and thedifference of the expected future volatility at different times. We alsostudy some applications of this decomposition.
By means of Malliavin Calculus we see that the classical Hull and White formulafor option pricing can be extended to the case where the noise driving thevolatility process is correlated with the noise driving the stock prices. Thisextension will allow us to construct option pricing approximation formulas.Numerical examples are presented.
By means of classical Itô's calculus we decompose option prices asthe sum of the classical Black-Scholes formula with volatility parameterequal to the root-mean-square future average volatility plus a term dueby correlation and a term due to the volatility of the volatility. Thisdecomposition allows us to develop first and second-order approximationformulas for option prices and implied volatilities in the Heston volatilityframework, as well as to study their accuracy. Numerical examples aregiven.