49 resultados para Historical records
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
In light of the fact that several studies indicate that students can benefit from deeper understandings of the processes by which historical accounts are constructed, history educators have increasingly been focused on finding ways to teach students how to read and reason about events in the same manner as professional historians (Wineburg, 2001; Spoehr & Spoehr, 1994; Hynd, Holschuh, & Hubbard, 2004; Wiley & Voss, 1996). One possible resource for supporting this development may come out of emerging web-based technologies. New technologies and increased access to historical records and artifacts posted the Internet may be precisely the tools that can help students (Bass, Rosenzweig, & Mason, 1999). Given the right context, we believe it is possible to combine such resources and tools to create an environment for students that could strengthen their abilities to read and reason about historical events. Moreover, we believe that social media, specifically, microblogging (Nardi, Schiano, Gumbrecht, & Swartz, 2004) could play a key role.
This paper presents a case study that explores the advantages that can be derived from the use of a design support system during the design of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). With this objective in mind a simplified but plausible WWTP design case study has been generated with KBDS, a computer-based support system that maintains a historical record of the design process. The study shows how, by employing such a historical record, it is possible to: (1) rank different design proposals responding to a design problem; (2) study the influence of changing the weight of the arguments used in the selection of the most adequate proposal; (3) take advantage of keywords to assist the designer in the search of specific items within the historical records; (4) evaluate automatically thecompliance of alternative design proposals with respect to the design objectives; (5) verify the validity of previous decisions after the modification of the current constraints or specifications; (6) re-use the design records when upgrading an existing WWTP or when designing similar facilities; (7) generate documentation of the decision making process; and (8) associate a variety of documents as annotations to any component in the design history. The paper also shows one possible future role of design support systems as they outgrow their current reactive role as repositories of historical information and start to proactively support the generation of new knowledge during the design process
Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009.Es tracta d'estudi de caràcter històric, literari i crític del monòleg d'un sol acte 'Records de l'Avi', escrit per l'igualadí Gabriel Castellà i Raich (1876-1959) l'any 1913. L'obra narra una jornada de la batalla del Bruc (1808). L'estudi s'inicia amb una recerca sobre la situació històrica del territori de l'autor. A continuació, inclou la biografia i la contribució literària de Gabriel Castellà. D'altra banda, la part de caràcter literari fa referència als aspectes referents a l'obra 'Records de l'Avi', per tal de donar a conèixer els seus aspectes interns. També es fa una edició crítica, en la qual s'analitzen els errors de l'obra a partir de la comparació de dos testimonis -un dels quals manuscrit- que actualment encara existeixen. Amb aquesta comparació s'han pogut realitzar alguns canvis, fets amb l'objectiu de poder aproximar l'obra de la manera més precisa possible al format que l'autor hauria desitjat.
The present day geographic distribution of the Ophidiini tribe (Ophidiidae, Ophidiinae) in the Clofnam (North- Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean) and Clofeta (Eastern Tropical Atlantic) areas is revised in this paper. Results show that Parohidion vassali is not a Mediterranean endemic species, and the presence of Ophidion barbatum in the Atlantic is confirmed. Moreover, the paper tries to analyse the historical events which could have caused the present situation of two genera, Ophidion and Parophidion, both in the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean. Although first fossil records of Ophidion and Parophidion date from the Pliocene, when considering all the historical events occurred from the existence of the Tethys Sea to the opening of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean formation, a much earlier origin of these genera seems to be more likely. The situation of Ophidion barbatum and O. rochei in the Mediterranean and Black Sea is also discussed
Ecological economics has five good reasons to consider that economic globalisation, spurred by commercial and financial fluxes, to be one of the main driving forces responsible for causing environmental degradation to our planet. The first, is the energy consumption and the socio-environmental impacts which long-distance haulage entails. The second, is the ever-increasing flow of goods to far-away destinations which renders their recycling practically impossible. This is particularly significant, because it prevents the metabolic lock of the nutrients present in food and other agrarian products from taking place. The third, is that the high degree of specialization attained in agriculture, forestry, cattle, mining and industry in each region, generates deleterious effects not only on the eco-landscape structure of the uses of the soil, but on the capability to provide habitat and environmental functions to maintain biodiversity as well
This paper develops a methodology to estimate the entire population distributions from bin-aggregated sample data. We do this through the estimation of the parameters of mixtures of distributions that allow for maximal parametric flexibility. The statistical approach we develop enables comparisons of the full distributions of height data from potential army conscripts across France's 88 departments for most of the nineteenth century. These comparisons are made by testing for differences-of-means stochastic dominance. Corrections for possible measurement errors are also devised by taking advantage of the richness of the data sets. Our methodology is of interest to researchers working on historical as well as contemporary bin-aggregated or histogram-type data, something that is still widely done since much of the information that is publicly available is in that form, often due to restrictions due to political sensitivity and/or confidentiality concerns.
This paper explores two major issues, from biophysical and historical viewpoints. We examine land management, which we define as the long-term fertility maintenance of land in relation to agriculture, fishery and forestry. We also explore humans’ positive role as agents aiming to reinforce harmonious materials circulation within the land. Liebig’s view on nature, agriculture and land, emphasizes the maintenance of long-term land fertility based on his agronomical thought that the circulation of matter in agricultural fields must be maintained with manure as much as possible. The thoughts of several classical economists, on nature, agriculture and land are reassessed from Liebig’s view point. Then, the land management problem is discussed at a much more fundamental level, to understand the necessary conditions for life in relation to land management. This point is analyzed in terms of two mechanisms: entropy disposal on the earth, and material circulation against gravitational field. Finally from the historical example of the metropolis of Edo, it is shown that there is yet another necessary condition for the sustainable management of land based on the creation of harmonious material cycles among cities, farm land, forests and surrounding sea areas in which humans play a vital role as agent.
The role of public health has been a central topic on the classical debate about the historical mortality decline in Europe. One of these health initiatives were the Milk Depots. Spain set up those centres from the late 19th century until the beginning of the Civil War. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the effect of this health intervention on the infant mortality decline during this period. This study works out three kinds of sources: Statistical Yearbooks, Official documents and local records produced by the same Milk Depot. It analyses data available for all the country and one local case such as the Barcelona’s Milk Depot (1904-1935). The main methodological issue deals with the measurement of the effect of the Milk Depot activities on the pattern of changes of infant mortality. Results suggest that Milk Depots have a positive but quite moderate effect on the improving of overall levels of child survival.
Aquest treball de recerca té la finalitat de conèixer com noves generacions de mestres van construint la seva identitat professional. Com que la recerca es situa a l’inici del seu pas per la formació inicial, el que es pretén analitzar són les concepcions i l’experiència prèvies que han tingut amb el món docent durant la seva trajectòria escolar. Es vol comprendre quines poden haver estat les motivacions que les han i els han portat realment a escollir la carrera de Mestres, quines expectatives tenen sobre la professió des de la vivència personal de ser testimonis d’una professió que ara volen convertir en la seva. El disseny respon a una investigació de caràcter exploratori i descriptiu i el mètode d’investigació s’ha basat en l’anàlisi de contingut de textos autobiogràfics elaborats en el context d’una assignatura de primer de Grau en les carreres de Mestres. La informació s’ha analitzat amb el programa d’anàlisi qualitativa Atlas.ti.
L’objectiu del projecte final titulat Shostakovich i el violí és l’estudi de la vida, el context històric i l’obra del cèlebre compositor rus Dmitri Shostakovich, parant una especial atenció en dues de les seves composicions: el Concert per a violí núm. 1 opus 77 i els Preludis per a piano opus 34 (arranjats per a violí i piano per Dmitri Tsyganov). La metodologia usada en l’elaboració del treball ha consistit en la recerca d’informació a través de biografies de Shostakovich, reculls de les seves memòries, records de persones pròximes al compositor, articles i cartes publicades per ell, així com estudis o anàlisis de les seves obres musicals. La conclusió extreta és que l’obra de Shostakovich està íntimament lligada amb el context històric en el qual va viure, és a dir, amb la seva època, tal com es pot apreciar tant en la seva escriptura com en el contingut emocional de les seves obres.
After a historical survey of temperament in Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach, an analysis of the work has been made by applying a number of historical good temperaments as well as some recent proposals. The results obtained show that the global dissonance for all preludes and fugues in major keys can be minimized using the Kirnberger II temperament. The method of analysis used for this research is based on the mathematical theories of sensory dissonance, which have been developed by authors such as Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Harry Partch, Reinier Plomp, Willem J. M. Levelt and William A. Sethares
We use historical data that cover more than one century on real GDP for industrial countries and employ the Pesaran panel unit root test that allows for cross-sectional dependence to test for a unit root on real GDP. We find strong evidence against the unit root null. Our results are robust to the chosen group of countries and the sample period. Key words: real GDP stationarity, cross-sectional dependence, CIPS test. JEL Classification: C23, E32
Estudi de Santiago Rusiñol en els seus orígens com a pintor,i descripció de la seva estada a Olot a l'estiu i principis de tardor de 1988, en què va pintar una trentena d'olis, què el mateix any va exposar a la Sala Parés com a part de la seva primera exposició individual. És llavors quan ell decideix dedicar-se a la pintura. El pintor es referia a Olot com el "país del paisatge"
Projecte d'implementació d'una aplicació web mòbil per enregistrar records amb LungoJS, PHP i MySQL. Estudi comparatiu de frameworks.
How can we best understand the emergence of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)? This paper applies the theories of historical institutionalism and experiential learning to offer a dynamic conceptualisation of moves towards an ESDP which highlights some of the causal factors that a more temporally-restricted analysis would miss. It firstly shows how the institutional and functional expansion of European Political Cooperation (EPC) over the course of the 1970s and 80s gave rise to a context in which the development of a security and defence dimension came to be viewed as more logical and even necessary. It then goes on to analyse some of the external factors (in the form of actors, events and institutions) that further pushed in this direction and proved to influence the policy’s subsequent evolution. The paper is therefore intended to act as a first-step to understanding the ESDP’s development from this perspective.