14 resultados para Hepatitis C virus
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Chronic hepatitis C is a major healthcare problem. The response to antiviral therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C has previously been defined biochemically and by PCR. However, changes in the hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) may be considered as an adjunctive end point for the therapeutic evaluation of antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C. It is a validated technique which is safe, well tolerated, well established, and reproducible. Serial HVPG measurements may be the best way to evaluate response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C.
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in a large cohort of patients with primary Sjgrens syndrome (SS). PATIENTS AND METHODS The study included 100 consecutive patients (92 female and eight male), with a mean age of 62 years (range 3180) that were prospectively visited in our unit. All patients fulfilled the European Community criteria for SS and underwent a complete history, physical examination, as well as biochemical and immunological evaluation for liver disease. Two hundred volunteer blood donors were also studied. The presence of HGV-RNA was investigated in the serum of all patients and donors. Aditionally, HBsAg and antibodies to hepatitis C virus were determined. RESULTS Four patients (4%) and six volunteer blood donors (3%) presented HGV-RNA sequences in serum. HGV infection was associated with biochemical signs of liver involvement in two (50%) patients. When compared with primary SS patients without HGV infection, no significant differences were found in terms of clinical or immunological features. HCV coinfection occurs in one (25%) of the four patients with HGV infection. CONCLUSION The prevalence of HGV infection in patients with primary SS is low in the geographical area of the study and HCV coinfection is very uncommon. HGV infection alone does not seen to be an important cause of chronic liver injury in the patients with primary SS in this area.
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in a large cohort of patients with primary Sjgrens syndrome (SS). PATIENTS AND METHODS The study included 100 consecutive patients (92 female and eight male), with a mean age of 62 years (range 3180) that were prospectively visited in our unit. All patients fulfilled the European Community criteria for SS and underwent a complete history, physical examination, as well as biochemical and immunological evaluation for liver disease. Two hundred volunteer blood donors were also studied. The presence of HGV-RNA was investigated in the serum of all patients and donors. Aditionally, HBsAg and antibodies to hepatitis C virus were determined. RESULTS Four patients (4%) and six volunteer blood donors (3%) presented HGV-RNA sequences in serum. HGV infection was associated with biochemical signs of liver involvement in two (50%) patients. When compared with primary SS patients without HGV infection, no significant differences were found in terms of clinical or immunological features. HCV coinfection occurs in one (25%) of the four patients with HGV infection. CONCLUSION The prevalence of HGV infection in patients with primary SS is low in the geographical area of the study and HCV coinfection is very uncommon. HGV infection alone does not seen to be an important cause of chronic liver injury in the patients with primary SS in this area.
El GB virus C (GBV-C) o virus de l'hepatitis G (HGV) es un virus format per una nica cadena de RNA que pertany a la familia Flaviviridae. En els ltims anys, s'han publicat nombrosos treballs en els quals s'associa la coinfecci del GBV-C i del virus de la immunodeficincia humana (VIH) amb una menor progressi de l'esmentada malaltia aix com amb una major supervivncia dels pacients una vegada que la SIDA s'ha desenvolupat. El mecanisme pel qual el virus GBV-C/HGV exerceix un efecte protector en els pacients amb VIH encara no est descrit. Lestudi de la interacci entre els virus GBVC/HGV i VIH podria donar lloc al desenvolupament de nous agents teraputics per al tractament de la SIDA.Treballs recents mostren com la capacitat inhibitria del virus del GBV-C/HGV s deguda a la seva glicoproteina estructural E2. Sha vist que aquesta proteina seria capa dinhibir la primera fase de replicaci de VIH, aix com la uni i la fusi amb les membranes cellulars. Sobre la base daquests estudis, lobjectiu daquest treball ha estat seleccionar inhibidors del pptid de fusi del VIH utilitzant pptids sinttics de la proteina E2 del GBV-C/HGV. El treball realitzat ha consistit en estudiar, utilitzant assajos biofsics de leakage i de lipid mixing, la capacitat dels pptids de la proteina estructural del virus del GBV-C/HGV per inhibir la interacci i el procs de desestabilitzaci de membranes indudes pel pptid de fusi de la glicoproteina de lembolcall, GP41, del VIH. Aquests assajos, com es descriu en treballs anteriors, han resultat tils per a la selecci i la identificaci de compostos amb activitat especfica anti-GP41. Es pot afirmar que efectivament els pptids seleccionats de la proteina E2 del virus del GBV-C/HGV inhibeixen lactivitat del pptid de fusi del VIH probablement com a consequncia dun canvi conformacional en aquest darrer.
La TARGA (terapia antirretroviral de gran activitat) ha camviat el pronstic dels pacients infectats pel VIH. Actualment la cirrosi per VHC y el hepatocarcinoma son les principales causes de mort. El trasplantament heptic (TH) es una indicaci recent en aquests pacients. Objectius: Comparar la supervivncia post-TH en pacients coinfectats VHC/VIH front a monoinfectats VHC. Conclusions: Els resultats preliminars en el nostre centre son inferiors en pacients coinfectats en comparaci amb els controls, que podra ser degut a contraindicacions para el tractament antiviral i a una menor eficacia del mateix.
Hepatitis A virus (HAV), the prototype of genus Hepatovirus, has several unique biological characteristics that distinguish it from other members of the Picornaviridae family. Among these, the need for an intact eIF4G factor for the initiation of translation results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis by a mechanism similar to that of other picornaviruses. Consequently, HAV must inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery and this may explain its poor growth in cell culture. In this context of virus/cell competition, HAV has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage with respect to that of its cellular host. With the aim to optimize its codon usage the virus was adapted to propagate in cells with impaired protein synthesis, in order to make tRNA pools more available for the virus. A significant loss of fitness was the immediate response to the adaptation process that was, however, later on recovered and more associated to a re-deoptimization rather than to an optimization of the codon usage specifically in the capsid coding region. These results exclude translation selection and instead suggest fine-tuning translation kinetics selection as the underlying mechanism of the codon usage bias in this specific genome region. Additionally, the results provide clear evidence of the Red Queen dynamics of evolution since the virus has very much evolved to re-adapt its codon usage to the environmental cellular changing conditions in order to recover the original fitness.
Hepatitis A virus (HAV), the prototype of genus Hepatovirus, has several unique biological characteristics that distinguish it from other members of the Picornaviridae family. Among these, the need for an intact eIF4G factor for the initiation of translation results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis by a mechanism similar to that of other picornaviruses. Consequently, HAV must inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery and this may explain its poor growth in cell culture. In this context of virus/cell competition, HAV has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage with respect to that of its cellular host. With the aim to optimize its codon usage the virus was adapted to propagate in cells with impaired protein synthesis, in order to make tRNA pools more available for the virus. A significant loss of fitness was the immediate response to the adaptation process that was, however, later on recovered and more associated to a re-deoptimization rather than to an optimization of the codon usage specifically in the capsid coding region. These results exclude translation selection and instead suggest fine-tuning translation kinetics selection as the underlying mechanism of the codon usage bias in this specific genome region. Additionally, the results provide clear evidence of the Red Queen dynamics of evolution since the virus has very much evolved to re-adapt its codon usage to the environmental cellular changing conditions in order to recover the original fitness.
Selection of amino acid substitutions associated with resistance to nucleos(t)ide-analog (NA) therapy in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) reverse transcriptase (RT) and their combination in a single viral genome complicates treatment of chronic HBV infection and may affect the overlapping surface coding region. In this study, the variability of an overlapping polymerase-surface region, critical for NA resistance, is investigated before treatment and under antiviral therapy, with assessment of NA-resistant amino acid changes simultaneously occurring in the same genome (linkage analysis) and their influence on the surface coding region.
L'objectiu va ser avaluar la persistncia de resposta viral sostinguda als 5 anys de seguiment en pacients amb hepatitis crnica per virus C tractats amb interfer pegilat i ribavirina. Des d'agost de 2001 fins a maig de 2004, es van incloure tots els pacients del nostre centre tractats amb interfer pegilat i ribavirina que van assolir resposta viral sostinguda. Es van recollir dades demogrfiques, histolgiques, bioqumics i virolgiques durant el tractament i als 5 anys d'haver obtingut la resposta viral sostinguda. Noms un dels pacients va presentar recurrncia virolgica (taxa de recurrncia viral a llarg termini molt baixa).
Un dels principals motius que ens va impulsar en lelecci del tema s que es tracta duntema que pot despertar curiositat entre la poblaci.Un altre motiu, es que varem trobar que est ntimament relacionat amb els estudis queestem cursant, donat que afecta als pressupostos de lestat i a la seva restriccipressupostria, i per tant, est directament relacionat amb la macroeconomia. En el nostrecas, reduirem lmbit destudi al territori catal, de manera que estudiarem aquestes duesmalalties dins la despesa en sanitat pblica catalana. A dems, estan finanades amb elsnostres impostos, i per tant la seva despesa afecta a la restricci pressupostria delsciutadans.Lelecci daquestes malalties no ha estat feta a latzar. Inicialment, varem pensar enestudiar els costos dels interns penitenciaris que patien aquestes malalties. Com que laSIDA i dhepatitis C sn les malalties ms freqents dins la pres, i les que tenen unscostos ms caracterstics donada la complexitat dels seus tractaments, varem pensar queserien prou representatives.No obstant, a mesura que ens anvem endinsant en el tema, ens varem adonar que tambseria molt interessant comparar el cost de les malalties amb el de les persones no recluses, iesbrinar si hi havia algun tipus de cost diferencial. s per aix que varem decidir analitzaraquestes dues malalties tant dins com fora.Un altre factor que ens ha impulsat en lelecci del tema s el fet que el nombre dinterns ales presons t un ritme de creixement constant que sha accelerat en els ltims anys,sobretot degut a laugment de la immigraci. Aix implica un augment progressiu de ladespesa, que es tradueix en una necessitat dingressos majors per tal de poder equilibrar larestricci de la qual parlvem abans.Tamb varem voler anar una mica ms lluny i analitzar el pes daquestes malalties dins dela despesa que la generalitat ha establert per a la sanitat pblica. Com les dues son MDO (malalties de declaraci obligatria ) estan finanades completament pel sector pblic.Lobjectiu era veure si representaven un cost tant elevat com pensvem.OBJECTIUS DEL TREBALL: Demostrar lelevat cost que suposen certes malalties per lestat. Manifestar els canvis en el cost de les malalties amb levoluci delstractaments. Analitzar els costos sanitaris extres que es produeixen a les presons. Destacar laugment accelerat del nombre dinterns i laugment del cost sanitarique aix suposa. METODOLOGIA: Per tal de poder realitzar lestudi comparatiu, hem hagut de calcular manualment els costosde les malalties, tot informant-nos del preu dels medicament, les dosis, el cost de lesconsultes externes,etc. A ms, per a calcular el cost del tractament dins la pres, ens hemhagut dinformar dels aspectes ms generals que envolten a un pres, per poder veure sirealment existeix un cost diferencial respecte la malaltia a lexterior. Per obtenir aquestesdiverses informacions, ens hem hagut de posar en contacte amb el personal que treballa ala pres que hem pres com a model destudi.Aix, podem dividir les nostres fonts dinformaci en 3 categories: Obtenci dinformaci directament amb el personal de la pres: Entrevista amb la directora dinfermeria de la Secretaria de ServeisPenitenciaris, Rehabilitaci i Justcia Juvenil Entrevista amb la Cap dinfermeria del Centre Quatre Camins. Informaci a partir de mostres facilitades pels propis funcionaris de la pres Informaci a partir destudis sobre el tema i de dades oficials, concretament lesdades oficials sobre els Pressupostos de la Generalitat.
Reliability of transient elastography for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C.
Background: There is little information about the effect of infliximab on the clinical course of liver disease in Crohn's disease patients with concomitant hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Theoretically, immunosuppression induced by infliximab will facilitate viral replication which could be followed by a flare or exacerbation of disease when therapy is discontinued. There are no specific recommendations on surveillance and treatment of HBV before infliximab infusion. Two cases of severe hepatic failure related to infliximab infusions have been described in patients with rheumatic diseases. Patients and methods: Hepatitis markers (C and B) and liver function tests were prospectively determined to 80 Crohn's disease patients requiring infliximab infusion in three hospitals in Spain. Results: Three Crohns disease patients with chronic HBV infection were identified. Two of the three patients with chronic HBV infection suffered severe reactivation of chronic hepatitis B after withdrawal of infliximab therapy and one died. A third patient, who was treated with lamivudine at the time of infliximab therapy, had no clinical or biochemical worsening of liver disease during or after therapy. From the remaining 80 patients, six received the hepatitis B vaccine. Three patients had antibodies to both hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) and hepatitis B core protein (anti-HBc) with normal aminotransferase levels, and one patient had positive anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies, negative HCV RNA, and normal aminotransferase levels. Except for the patients with chronic HBV infection, no significant changes in hepatic function were detected. Conclusions: Patients with Crohn's disease who are candidates for infliximab therapy should be tested for hepatitis B serological markers before treatment and considered for prophylaxis of reactivation using antiviral therapy if positive.