14 resultados para HD, dtr, DtrG historiographie
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
El canvi climàtic del segle XXI és una realitat, hi ha moltes evidències científiques que indiquen que l’escalfament del sistema climàtic és inequívoc. Malgrat això, també hi ha moltes incerteses respecte els impactes que pot comportar aquest canvi climàtic global. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és estudiar la possible evolució futura de tres variables climàtiques, que són el rang de la temperatura diürna a prop de la superfície (DTR), la temperatura mitjana a prop de la superfície (MT) i la precipitació mensual (PL_mes) i valorar l’exposició que poden experimentar diferents cobertes del sòl i diferents regions biogeogràfiques del continent europeu davant d’aquests possibles patrons de canvi. Per això s’han utilitzat Models Climàtics Globals que fan projeccions de variables climàtiques que permeten preveure el possible clima futur. Mitjançant l’aplicatiu informàtic Tetyn s’han extret els paràmetres climàtics dels conjunts de dades del Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, del futur (TYN SC) i del passat (CRU TS). Les variables obtingudes s’han processat amb eines de sistemes d’informació geogràfica (SIG) per obtenir els patrons de canvi de les variables a cada coberta del sòl. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que hi ha una gran variabilitat, que augmenta amb el temps, entre els diferents models climàtics i escenaris considerats, que posa de manifest la incertesa associada a la modelització climàtica, a la generació d’escenaris d’emissions i a la naturalesa dinàmica i no determinista del sistema climàtic. Però en general, mostren que les glaceres seran una de les cobertes més exposades al canvi climàtic, i la mediterrània, una de les regions més vulnerables
By using suitable parameters, we present a uni¯ed aproach for describing four methods for representing categorical data in a contingency table. These methods include:correspondence analysis (CA), the alternative approach using Hellinger distance (HD),the log-ratio (LR) alternative, which is appropriate for compositional data, and theso-called non-symmetrical correspondence analysis (NSCA). We then make an appropriate comparison among these four methods and some illustrative examples are given.Some approaches based on cumulative frequencies are also linked and studied usingmatrices.Key words: Correspondence analysis, Hellinger distance, Non-symmetrical correspondence analysis, log-ratio analysis, Taguchi inertia
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier, França, entre 2010 i 2012. En aquest projecte s’ha avaluat les avantatges dels vectors adenovirals canins tipus 2 (CAV2) com a vectors de transferència gènica al sistema nerviós central (SNC) en un model primat no-humà i en un model caní del síndrome de Sly (mucopolisacaridosis tipus 7, MPS VII), malaltia monogènica que cursa amb neurodegeneració. En una primera part del projecte s’ha avaluat la biodistribució, l’eficàcia i la durada de l’expressió del transgen en un model primat no humà, (Microcebus murinus). Com ha vector s’ha utilitzat un CAV2 de primera generació que expressa la proteïna verda fluorescent (CAVGFP). Els resultats aportats en aquesta memòria demostren que en primats no humans, com en d’altres espècies testades anteriorment per l’equip de l’EJ Kremer, la injecció intracerebral de CAV2 resulta en una extensa transducció del SNC, siguent les neurones i els precursors neuronals les cèl•lules preferencialment transduïdes. Els vectors canins, servint-se de vesícules intracel•lulars són transportats, majoritàriament, des de les sinapsis cap al soma neuronal, aquest transport intracel•lular permet una extensa transducció del SNC a partir d’una única injecció intracerebral dels vectors virals. En una segona part d’aquest projecte s’ha avaluat l’ús terapèutic dels CAV2. S’ha injectat un vector helper-dependent que expressa el gen la b-glucuronidasa i el gen de la proteïna verda fluorescent (HD-RIGIE), en el SNC del model caní del síndrome de Sly (MPS VII). La biodistribució i la eficàcia terapèutica han estat avaluades. Els nivells d’activitat enzimàtica en animals malalts injectats amb el vector terapèutic va arribar a valors similars als dels animals no afectes. A més a més s’ha observat una reducció en la quantitat dels GAGs acumulats en les cèl•lules dels animals malalts tractats amb el vector terapèutic, demostrant la potencialitat terapèutica dels CAV2 per a malalties que afecten al SNC. Els resultats aportats en aquest treball ens permeten dir que els CAV2 són unes bones eines terapèutiques per al tractament de malalties que afecten al SNC.
We present multiepoch Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 1.4 GHz, 4.9 GHz, 8.5 GHz and 14.9 GHz for a sample of eight RS CVn binary systems. Circular polarization measurements of these systems are also reported. Most of the fluxes observed are consistent with incoherent emission from mildly relativistic electrons. Several systems show an increase of the degree of circular polarization with increasing frequency in the optically thin regime, in conflict with predictions by gyrosynchrotron models. We observed a reversal in the sense of circular polarization with increasing frequency in three non-eclipsing systems: EI Eri, DM Uma and HD 8358. We find clear evidence for coherent plasma emission at 1.4 GHz in the quiescent spectrum of HD 8358 during the helicity reversal. The degrees of polarization of the other two systems could also be accounted for by a coherent emission process. The observations of ER Vul revealed two U-shaped flux spectra at the highest frequencies. The U-shape of the spectra may be accounted for by an optically thin gyrosynchrotron source for the low frequency part whereas the high frequency part is dominated by a thermal emission component.
There is no treatment for the neurodegenerative disorder Huntington disease (HD). Cystamine is a candidate drug; however, the mechanisms by which it operates remain unclear. We show here that cystamine increases levels of the heat shock DnaJ-containing protein 1b (HSJ1b) that are low in HD patients. HSJ1b inhibits polyQ-huntingtin¿induced death of striatal neurons and neuronal dysfunction in Caenorhabditis elegans. This neuroprotective effect involves stimulation of the secretory pathway through formation of clathrin-coated vesicles containing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Cystamine increases BDNF secretion from the Golgi region that is blocked by reducing HSJ1b levels or by overexpressing transglutaminase. We demonstrate that cysteamine, the FDA-approved reduced form of cystamine, is neuroprotective in HD mice by increasing BDNF levels in brain. Finally, cysteamine increases serum levels of BDNF in mouse and primate models of HD. Therefore, cysteamine is a potential treatment for HD, and serum BDNF levels can be used as a biomarker for drug efficacy.
Background Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is the main candidate for neuroprotective therapy for Huntington's disease (HD), but its conditional administration is one of its most challenging problems. Results Here we used transgenic mice that over-express BDNF under the control of the Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) promoter (pGFAP-BDNF mice) to test whether up-regulation and release of BDNF, dependent on astrogliosis, could be protective in HD. Thus, we cross-mated pGFAP-BDNF mice with R6/2 mice to generate a double-mutant mouse with mutant huntingtin protein and with a conditional over-expression of BDNF, only under pathological conditions. In these R6/2:pGFAP-BDNF animals, the decrease in striatal BDNF levels induced by mutant huntingtin was prevented in comparison to R6/2 animals at 12 weeks of age. The recovery of the neurotrophin levels in R6/2:pGFAP-BDNF mice correlated with an improvement in several motor coordination tasks and with a significant delay in anxiety and clasping alterations. Therefore, we next examined a possible improvement in cortico-striatal connectivity in R62:pGFAP-BDNF mice. Interestingly, we found that the over-expression of BDNF prevented the decrease of cortico-striatal presynaptic (VGLUT1) and postsynaptic (PSD-95) markers in the R6/2:pGFAP-BDNF striatum. Electrophysiological studies also showed that basal synaptic transmission and synaptic fatigue both improved in R6/2:pGAP-BDNF mice. Conclusions These results indicate that the conditional administration of BDNF under the GFAP promoter could become a therapeutic strategy for HD due to its positive effects on synaptic plasticity.
Rigorous quantum dynamics calculations of reaction rates and initial state-selected reaction probabilities of polyatomic reactions can be efficiently performed within the quantum transition state concept employing flux correlation functions and wave packet propagation utilizing the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree approach. Here, analytical formulas and a numerical scheme extending this approach to the calculation of state-to-state reaction probabilities are presented. The formulas derived facilitate the use of three different dividing surfaces: two dividing surfaces located in the product and reactant asymptotic region facilitate full state resolution while a third dividing surface placed in the transition state region can be used to define an additional flux operator. The eigenstates of the corresponding thermal flux operator then correspond to vibrational states of the activated complex. Transforming these states to reactant and product coordinates and propagating them into the respective asymptotic region, the full scattering matrix can be obtained. To illustrate the new approach, test calculations study the D + H2(ν, j) → HD(ν′, j′) + H reaction for J = 0.
Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder caused by the expansion of CAG repeats in the Huntingtin (HTT) gene. The abnormally extended polyglutamine in the HTT protein encoded by the CAG repeats has toxic effects. Here, we provide evidence to support that the mutant HTT CAG repeats interfere with cell viability at the RNA level. In human neuronal cells, expanded HTT exon-1 mRNA with CAG repeat lengths above the threshold for complete penetrance (40 or greater) induced cell death and increased levels of small CAG-repeated RNAs (sCAGs), of ≈21 nucleotides in a Dicer-dependent manner. The severity of the toxic effect of HTT mRNA and sCAG generation correlated with CAG expansion length. Small RNAs obtained from cells expressing mutant HTT and from HD human brains significantly decreased neuronal viability, in an Ago2-dependent mechanism. In both cases, the use of anti-miRs specific for sCAGs efficiently blocked the toxic effect, supporting a key role of sCAGs in HTT-mediated toxicity. Luciferase-reporter assays showed that expanded HTT silences the expression of CTG-containing genes that are down-regulated in HD. These results suggest a possible link between HD and sCAG expression with an aberrant activation of the siRNA/miRNA gene silencing machinery, which may trigger a detrimental response. The identification of the specific cellular processes affected by sCAGs may provide insights into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying HD, offering opportunities to develop new therapeutic approaches
Neurodegeneration is a complex process involving different cell types andneurotransmitters. A common characteristic of neurodegenerative disorders such asAlzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s disease (HD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is the occurrence of a neuroinflammatoryreaction in which cellular processes involving glial cells (mainly microglia and astrocytes) and T cells are activated in response to neuronal death. This inflammatory reaction has recently received attention as an unexpected potential target for the treatment of these diseases.Microglial cells have a mesenchymal origin, invade the central nervous system (CNS)prenatally (Chan et al., 2007b) and are the resident macrophages in the CNS (Ransohoff &Perry, 2009). They comprise approximately 10-20% of adult glia and serve as the CNS innateimmune system. In neurodegenerative diseases, microglia is activated by misfoldedproteins. In the case of AD, amyloid- (A ) peptides accumulate extracellularly and activate the microglia locally. In the case of PD, ALS and HD, the misfolded proteins accumulate intracellularly but are still associated with activation of the microglia (Perry et al., 2010). Reactive microglia in the substantia nigra and striatum of PD brains have been described, and increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase havebeen detected in these brain regions, providing evidence of a local inflammatory reaction (Hirsch & Hunot, 2009). The injection of lipopolysaccharide (a potent microglia activator) into the substantia nigra produces microglial activation and the death of dopaminergic cells. These findings support the hypothesis that microglial activation and neuroinflammationcontribute to PD pathogenesis (Herrera et al., 2000)...
BACKGROUND: Candida glabrata follows C. albicans as the second or third most prevalent cause of candidemia worldwide. These two pathogenic yeasts are distantly related, C. glabrata being part of the Nakaseomyces, a group more closely related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although C. glabrata was thought to be the only pathogenic Nakaseomyces, two new pathogens have recently been described within this group: C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis. To gain insight into the genomic changes underlying the emergence of virulence, we sequenced the genomes of these two, and three other non-pathogenic Nakaseomyces, and compared them to other sequenced yeasts. RESULTS: Our results indicate that the two new pathogens are more closely related to the non-pathogenic N. delphensis than to C. glabrata. We uncover duplications and accelerated evolution that specifically affected genes in the lineage preceding the group containing N. delphensis and the three pathogens, which may provide clues to the higher propensity of this group to infect humans. Finally, the number of Epa-like adhesins is specifically enriched in the pathogens, particularly in C. glabrata. CONCLUSIONS: Remarkably, some features thought to be the result of adaptation of C. glabrata to a pathogenic lifestyle, are present throughout the Nakaseomyces, indicating these are rather ancient adaptations to other environments. Phylogeny suggests that human pathogenesis evolved several times, independently within the clade. The expansion of the EPA gene family in pathogens establishes an evolutionary link between adhesion and virulence phenotypes. Our analyses thus shed light onto the relationships between virulence and the recent genomic changes that occurred within the Nakaseomyces.
Stellar-mass black holes have all been discovered through X-ray emission, which arises from the accretion of gas from their binary companions (this gas is either stripped from low-mass stars or supplied as winds from massive ones). Binary evolution models also predict the existence of black holes accreting from the equatorial envelope of rapidly spinning Be-type stars (stars of the Be type are hot blue irregular variables showing characteristic spectral emission lines of hydrogen). Of the ~80 Be X-ray binaries known in the Galaxy, however, only pulsating neutron stars have been found as companions. A black hole was formally allowed as a solution for the companion to the Be star MWC 656 (also known as HD 215227), although that was based on a single radial velocity curve of the Be star, a mistaken spectral classification and rough estimates of the inclination angle. Here we report observations of an accretion disk line mirroring the orbit of the Be star. This, together with an improved radial velocity curve of the Be star through fitting sharp Fe II profiles from the equatorial disk, and a refined Be classification (to that of a B1.5-B2 III star), reveals a black hole of 3.8 to 6.9 solar masses orbiting MWC 656, the candidate counterpart of the gamma-ray source AGL J2241+4454. The black hole is X-ray quiescent and fed by a radiatively inefficient accretion flow giving a luminosity less than 1.6 x 10-7 times the Eddington luminosity. This implies that Be binaries with black-hole companions are difficult to detect by conventional X-ray surveys.
Durante estos últimos años estamos asistiendo a un rápido y continuo desarrollo tecnológico en las terapias de hemodiálisis (HD). Este hecho produce el consecuente aumento en la esperanza de vida de los pacientes con enfermedad renal terminal, aumentando la supervivencia y mejorando el alivio de los síntomas urémicos. Sin embargo, la debilidad que sufren estos pacientes es bien conocida; siendo la causante de que haya una tendencia a llevar un estilo de vida sedentario, pese a que existen estudios que refieren que el ejercicio durante la HD es seguro incluso en pacientes de edad avanzada con múltiples comorbilidades1. Por este motivo, uno de los pilares de la atención que...
Background: Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder triggered by an expanded polyglutamine tract in huntingtin that is thought to confer a new conformational property on this large protein. The propensity of small amino-terminal fragments with mutant, but not wild-type, glutamine tracts to self-aggregate is consistent with an altered conformation but such fragments occur relatively late in the disease process in human patients and mouse models expressing full-length mutant protein. This suggests that the altered conformational property may act within the full-length mutant huntingtin to initially trigger pathogenesis. Indeed, genotypephenotype studies in HD have defined genetic criteria for the disease initiating mechanism, and these are all fulfilled by phenotypes associated with expression of full-length mutant huntingtin, but not amino-terminal fragment, in mouse models. As the in vitro aggregation of amino-terminal mutant huntingtin fragment offers a ready assay to identify small compounds that interfere with the conformation of the polyglutamine tract, we have identified a number of aggregation inhibitors, and tested whether these are also capable of reversing a phenotype caused by endogenous expressionof mutant huntingtin in a striatal cell line from the HdhQ111/Q111 knock-in mouse. Results: We screened the NINDS Custom Collection of 1,040 FDA approved drugs and bioactive compounds for their ability to prevent in vitro aggregation of Q58-htn 1¿171 amino terminal fragment. Ten compounds were identified that inhibited aggregation with IC50 < 15 ¿M, including gossypol, gambogic acid, juglone, celastrol, sanguinarine and anthralin. Of these, both juglone and celastrol were effective in reversing the abnormal cellular localization of full-length mutant huntingtin observed in mutant HdhQ111/Q111 striatal cells. Conclusions: At least some compounds identified as aggregation inhibitors also prevent a neuronal cellular phenotype caused by full-length mutant huntingtin, suggesting that in vitro fragment aggregation can act as a proxy for monitoring the disease-producing conformational property in HD. Thus, identification and testing of compounds that alter in vitro aggregation is a viable approach for defining potential therapeutic compounds that may act on the deleterious conformational property of full-length mutant huntingtin.
One experiment tested whether a specific context could elicit eating in rats as a result of Pavlovian conditioning and whether this effect depended on the caloric density of food. Thirty two deprived rats experienced two contexts. They had access to food in context A, but no food was available in context B. During conditioning, half of the animals received high density caloric food (HD groups) whereas the other half, low density caloric food (LD groups). Then, half of the rats in each type of food group was tested in context A and the other half in context B. The results demonstrated an effect of context conditioning only in HD groups. These findings suggest the relevance of both contextual conditioning and caloric density of food in eating behaviour. Implications for the aetiology of binge eating will be discussed.