39 resultados para Gamma-globulins

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Conferència inagural de la 11a Setmana de la Ciència celebrada el 2006 al Palau Robert


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La tasca investigadora presentada en aquesta memòria s'ha centrat en les fonts galàctiques de raigs gamma de molt alta energia LS I +61 303, HESS J1708-410 i HESS J1858+020. La primera és una binària de raigs gamma molt estudiada, formada per una estrella massiva i un objecte compacte. S'ha proposat un escenari on l'objecte compacte seria un púlsar jove, i la interacció del seu vent amb el vent de l'estrella generaria els raigs gamma. De totes formes, no s'ha detectat polsos procedents d'aquest putatiu púlsar. L'investigador va realitzar observacions en fase a 1280 MHz amb el radiotelescopi GMRT, sense trobar-hi polsos, cosa que implica un estricte límit superior de 0,38 mJy a la densitat mitjana de flux polsat en un putatiu púlsar amb un període major que 2 mil•lisegons en el sistema binari LS I +61 303. Per altra banda, HESS J1708-410 i HESS J1858+020 són dues fonts esteses de raigs gamma de molt alta energia de les quals no es coneix cap contrapart a d'altres longituds d'ona. L'investigador les va observar amb el GMRT, quatre vegades HESS J1708-410 (dues a 610 MHz i dues a 1400 MHz) i dues vegades HESS J1858+020 (una a cada freqüència). En les imatges realitzades amb aquestes dades no hi ha emissió estesa coincident amb les regions d'emissió de raigs gamma. HESS J1858+020 se solapa parcialment amb una font estesa que podria ser un SNR. De confirmar-se la falta de contrapartida ràdio de HESS J1708-410, estaríem parlant d'un accelerador hadrònic extraordinàriament eficient, d'una classe desconeguda fins ara.


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One of the unresolved questions of modern physics is the nature of Dark Matter. Strong experimental evidences suggest that the presence of this elusive component in the energy budget of the Universe is quite significant, without, however, being able to provide conclusive information about its nature. The most plausible scenario is that of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), that includes a large class of non-baryonic Dark Matter candidates with a mass typically between few tens of GeV and few TeVs, and a cross section of the order of weak interactions. Search for Dark Matter particles using very high energy gamma-ray Cherenkov telescopes is based on the model that WIMPs can self-annihilate, leading to production of detectable species, like photons. These photons are very energetic, and since unreflected by the Universe's magnetic fields, they can be traced straight to the source of their creation. The downside of the approach is a great amount of background radiation, coming from the conventional astrophysical objects, that usually hides clear signals of the Dark Matter particle interactions. That is why good choice of the observational candidates is the crucial factor in search for Dark Matter. With MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes), a two-telescope ground-based system located in La Palma, Canary Islands, we choose objects like dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies of the Milky Way and galaxy clusters for our search. Our idea is to increase chances for WIMPs detection by pointing to objects that are relatively close, with great amount of Dark Matter and with as-little-as-possible pollution from the stars. At the moment, several observation projects are ongoing and analyses are being performed.


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The possible association between the microquasar LS 5039 and the EGRET source 3EG J1824-1514 suggests that microquasars could also be sources of high energy gamma-rays. In this paper, we explore, with a detailed numerical model, if this system can produce the emission detected by EGRET (>100 MeV) through inverse Compton (IC) scattering. Our numerical approach considers a population of relativistic electrons entrained in a cylindrical inhomogeneous jet, interacting with both the radiation and the magnetic fields, taking into account the Thomson and Klein-Nishina regimes of interaction. The computed spectrum reproduces the observed spectral characteristics at very high energy.


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Galactic microquasars are certainly one of the most recent additions to the field of high energy astrophysics and have attracted increasing interest over the last decade. However, the high energy part of the spectrum of microquasars is the most poorly known, mainly due the lack of sensitive instrumentation in the past. Microquasars are now primary targets for all of the observatories working in the X-ray and gamma-ray domains. They also appear as the possible counterparts for some of the unidentified sources of high-energy gamma-rays detected by the experiment EGRET on board the satellite COMPTON-GRO. This paper provides a general review of the main observational results obtained up to now as well as a summary of the scenarios for production of high-energy gamma-rays at the present moment.


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The possible associations between the microquasars LS 5039 and LS I +61 303 and the EGRET sources 3EG J1824-1514 and 3EG J0241+6103 suggest that microquasars could also be sources of high-energy gamma-rays. In this work, we present a detailed numerical inverse Compton (IC) model, based on a microquasar scenario, that reproduces the high-energy gamma-ray spectra and variability observed by EGRET for the mentioned sources. Our model considers a population of relativistic electrons entrained in a cylindrical inhomogeneous jet that interact through IC scattering with both the radiation and the magnetic fields.


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The MAGIC collaboration has searched for high-energy gamma-ray emission of some of the most promising pulsar candidates above an energy threshold of 50 GeV, an energy not reachable up to now by other ground-based instruments. Neither pulsed nor steady gamma-ray emission has been observed at energies of 100 GeV from the classical radio pulsars PSR J0205+6449 and PSR J2229+6114 (and their nebulae 3C58 and Boomerang, respectively) and the millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+4232. Here, we present the flux upper limits for these sources and discuss their implications in the context of current model predictions.


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Microquasars are binary star systems with relativistic radio-emitting jets. They are potential sources of cosmic rays and can be used to elucidate the physics of relativistic jets. We report the detection of variable gamma-ray emission above 100 gigaelectron volts from the microquasar LS I 61 + 303. Six orbital cycles were recorded. Several detections occur at a similar orbital phase, which suggests that the emission is periodic. The strongest gamma-ray emission is not observed when the two stars are closest to one another, implying a strong orbital modulation of the emission or absorption processes.


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The exchange of gluons between heavy quarks produced in e+e- interactions results in an enhancement of their production near threshold. We study QCD threshold effects in collisions. The results are relevant to heavy quark production by beamstrahlung and laser backscattering in future linear collider experiments. Detailed predictions for top-, bottom-, and charm-quark production are presented.


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HadronPhysics2 (Grant Agreement No. 227431) (EU)


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We consider mean first-passage times (MFPTs) for systems driven by non-Markov gamma and McFadden dichotomous noises. A simplified derivation is given of the underlying integral equations and the theory for ordinary renewal processes is extended to modified and equilibrium renewal processes. The exact results are compared with the MFPT for Markov dichotomous noise and with the results of Monte Carlo simulations.


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To determine the effect of aging on IFN-gamma-induced MHC class II antigen expression, we produced bone marrow¿derived macrophages in vitro. In these conditions, we analyzed the effect of aging on the genomic expression of macrophages without the influence of other cell types that may be affected by aging. Although macrophages from young and aged mice showed an identical degree of differentiation, after incubation with IFN-gamma, the expression at the cell surface of the IA complex and the levels of IAbeta protein and mRNA were lower in aged macrophages. Moreover, the transcription of the IAbeta gene was impaired in aged macrophages. The amount of transcription factors that bound to the W and X, but not to the Y, boxes of the IAbeta promoter gene was lower in aged macrophages. Similar levels of CIITA mRNA were found after IFN-gamma treatment of both young and aged macrophages. This shows that neither the initial cascade that starts after the interaction of IFN-gamma with the receptor nor the second signals involved in the expression of CIITA are impaired in aged macrophages. These data indicate that aging is associated with low levels of MHC class II gene induction by IFN-gamma because of impaired transcription.