19 resultados para Froeschwiller, Bataille de (1870)
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Aproximació a la realitat, influències i expectatives dels obrers de la ciutat de Mataró, durant el darrer terç del segle XIX, basada principalment en la lectura de la premsa local de l'època. Amb la intenció d'il·lustrar les llums i ombres de la industrialització i del liberalisme econòmic en una fase incipient, a través d'un col·lectiu social representatiu.
Estudi del sindicalisme a Espanya des dels seus orígens i fins el 1870. L’autor planteja dues qüestions: la ideologia elaborada pel sindicalisme entre 1840 i 1856, i en segon lloc alguns aspectes de les relacions entre sindicalisme i política, i l’elaboració d’un llenguatge de classes
Evolució dels habitatges privats en els darrers 27 anys de la Vila de Gràcia independent.
The view of a 1870-1913 expanding European economy providing increasing welfare to everybody has been challenged by many, then and now. We focus on the amazing growth that was experienced, its diffusion and its sources, in the context of the permanent competition among European nation states. During 1870-193 the globalized European economy reached a silver age . GDP growth was quite rapid (2.15% per annum) and diffused all over Europe. Even discounting the high rates of population growth (1.06%), per capita growth was left at a respectable 1.08%. Income per capita was rising in every country, and the rates of improvement were quite similar. This was a major achievement after two generations of highly localized growth, both geographically and socially. Growth was based on the increased use of labour and capital, but a good part of growth (73 per cent for the weighted average of the best documented European countries) came out of total factor productivity efficiency gains resulting from not well specified ultimate sources of growth. This proportion suggests that the European economy was growing at full capacity at its production frontier. It would have been very difficult to improve its performance. Within Europe, convergence was limited, and it only was in motion after 1900. What happened was more the end of the era of big divergence rather than an era of convergence.
In this article we research into the difficulties that foreign trade imposed onSpanish process of integration into the international economy in the years priorto the First World War. We start out by examining some features of the foreigntrade structure of the country. By means of an econometric analysis of importand export series, it is possible to observe the presence of a trend towards tradedeficit, which was in force when Spain grew at a rate similar to that of itstrading partners. We also check that, in the absence of these compensatorymechanisms, adjustment in foreign payments could be reached by means ofprotective measures and the exchange rate.
Capital intensive industries in specialized niches of production have constituted solid ground for family firms in Spain , as evidenced by the experience of the iron and steel wire industries between 1870 and 2000. The embeddedness of these firms in their local and regional environments have allowed the creation of networks that, together with favourable institutional conditions, significantly explain the dominance of family entrepreneurship in iron and steel wire manufacturing in Spain, until the end of the 20 th century. Dominance of family firms at the regional level has not been not an obstacle for innovation in wire manufacturing in Spain, which has taken place even when institutional conditions blocked innovation and traditional networking. Therefore, economic theories about the difficulties dynastic family firms may have to perform appropriately in science-based industries must be questioned
In this article we research into the difficulties that foreign trade imposed onSpanish process of integration into the international economy in the years priorto the First World War. We start out by examining some features of the foreigntrade structure of the country. By means of an econometric analysis of importand export series, it is possible to observe the presence of a trend towards tradedeficit, which was in force when Spain grew at a rate similar to that of itstrading partners. We also check that, in the absence of these compensatorymechanisms, adjustment in foreign payments could be reached by means ofprotective measures and the exchange rate.
Capital intensive industries in specialized niches of production have constituted solid ground for family firms in Spain , as evidenced by the experience of the iron and steel wire industries between 1870 and 2000. The embeddedness of these firms in their local and regional environments have allowed the creation of networks that, together with favourable institutional conditions, significantly explain the dominance of family entrepreneurship in iron and steel wire manufacturing in Spain, until the end of the 20 th century. Dominance of family firms at the regional level has not been not an obstacle for innovation in wire manufacturing in Spain, which has taken place even when institutional conditions blocked innovation and traditional networking. Therefore, economic theories about the difficulties dynastic family firms may have to perform appropriately in science-based industries must be questioned
The authors point out the main lines of the development of sportive practices on Mediterranean countries, during XX th century. They also expose some methodological issues as a contribute to the making of a social and cultural history of sports.
The authors point out the main lines of the development of sportive practices on Mediterranean countries, during XX th century. They also expose some methodological issues as a contribute to the making of a social and cultural history of sports.
The archives of the Prefecture of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs provide a perspective from which to reconstruct the broad range of legal circumstances in which Spanish residents in various regions of the country find themselves immersed (assets of relatives who have died without wills or family in Peru, political conflicts, legal problems -whether criminal or civil as a result of business activities- or the requested intervention ofconsular authorities when decisions considered detrimental to their compatriots are made by prefects and sub-prefects). The legal framework protecting Spanish nationals in Peru is analysed to understand the mechanisms of immigration in the country and the mechanisms that led them to keep their Spanish nationality, even after establishing wide-reaching family and business interests
The social saving literature has highlighted the indispensable role that railways played before 1914 in several Latin American export-oriented economies, such as Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. The article analyses the case of Uruguay, a country that, by 1914, had built one of the densest railway networks in Latin America. The article shows that, in contrast to what happened in other economies of the region, the resource saving effects of the Uruguayan railways during the first globalisation were tiny due to the small share that railway output accounted for within the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Three complementary reasons are suggested to explain that result, namely: the geographical structure of the country; its sectoral specialisation; and the small scale of the Uruguayan economy. Due to these three characteristics, Uruguay was unable to benefit from railways in the way that other export-oriented Latin American economies did during the first period of globalisation. This conclusion draws attention to the geographic-specific character of railway technology.
La reconstrucción de la historia de la madre del conocido Estanislao Severo Zeballos es el objetivo de este artículo que se centra en la búsqueda del rol ejercido por Felisa Jordán durante la organización del Estado-Nación de la República Argentina. Zeballos divulgó algunos datos de su vida privada, como su parentesco con los Urquiza y los Ruiz Moreno, o su condición de propietario de 351.562 hectáreas en el Chaco Boreal gracias a la mediación que practicó en el transcurso de la firma del tratado boliviano-paraguayo que fijó la línea de statu-quo de 1907. Pero el relato más creativo del rosarino Estanislao fue la gestión de su madre Felisa Jordán de Zeballos en el marco del ámbito asociativo de la ciudad de Rosario. Para describir esta llamativa vinculación entre Zeballos y su madre Felisa Jordán me he centrado en dos fuentes documentales singulares que nos permiten abordar las prácticas asociativas, los espacios públicos y la proyección femenina en Argentina entre 1869 y 1872. En primer lugar en los documentos privados de las mujeres de élite de la Ciudad de Rosario, en particular las actas y la correspondencia de la asociación benéfica Damas de Caridad. Esta documentación signó durante años mi investigación sobre el Asilo de Huérfanos y Expósitos cuyo nombre fue modificado por Hogar del Huérfano por el peronismo, una institución que hoy día se encuentra en un futuro incierto. La secretaria de aquella asociación femenina fue la llamativa Felisa Jordán, la viuda del militar Estanislao Zeballos, que colaboraba activamente con la presidenta de la asociación Damas de Caridad, María de los Ángeles Rodríguez de Rosas, y con la tesorera Blanca Musch de Villegas en cuyo domicilio se reunieron por primera vez para formar la entidad en el año 1869, es decir, en plena Guerra de la Triple Alianza. La documentación de las hoy llamadas Damas de Protección al Huérfano se conserva en el archivo del Hogar del Huérfano, otrora denominado Hogar de Huérfanos y Expósitos, y hace referencia a aspectos de la vida cotidiana de la entidad, de la asociación femenina y de sus socias.