13 resultados para Excavated saprolite
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Recerca paleontològica als jaciments maastrichtians continentals de l'àrea de Fumanya (Alt Berguedà)
Memòria de la recerca realitzada a Vallcebre durant el 2006. S’ha estudiat el registre fòssil de l'àrea del sinclinal d’aquesta població de vertebrats i paleobotànic, concretament dels materials maastrichtians d'origen continental que hi afloren. S'han realitzat excavacions per recuperar restes òssies de vertebrats (per exemple dinosaures sauròpodes i cocodrils eosuquis) i cartografies d'icnites i rastres de titanosaure i de restes vegetals als megajaciments de Fumanya sud i Mina Esquirol. També s'ha avançat en l'estudi de postes de titanosaure excavades en campanyes d'anys anteriors. El treball realitzat està permeten acumular dades que seran de gran utilitat i rellevança científica per entendre com vivien els darrers dinosaures pirinencs.La recerca del projecte s'està realitzant en col•laboració amb l'Institut Català de Paleontologia, el Departament d'Estratigrafia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, el Departament d'Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociències Marines de la Universitat de Barcelona i el Departament de Geociències de la Universitat de Rennes (França).
Estudi arqueològic integrat de la vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claror (Andorra) iniciat al 2004 sota la coordinació de l’ICAC. L’estudi s’insereix en la declaració de la vall com a Patrimoni de la Humanitat (UNESCO). Las recerques s’enfoquen des de l’Arqueologia del Paisatge, de manera diacrònica i pluridisciplinar, fent especial atenció a les relacions de les societats amb el medi. Les restes arqueològiques treballades s’associen a activitats ramaderes, metal•lúrgiques i de carboneig. La recerca paleoecològica se centra en sediments lacustres, torbosos i arqueològics. L’any 2006, s’han analitzat a alta resolució temporal dues seqüencies palinològiques: l’estany Blau (2471 m) i la torbera de Bosc dels Estanyons (2180 m), obtenint les principals fases d’explotació i antropització d’aquest espai altimontà, així com l’evolució del paisatge en els darrers 11000 anys . La campanya de camp s’ha centrat en l’obtenció de mostres de pluja pol•línica referencial a la vall i en el sondatge de l’estany Forcat (2539 m). Un total de tres mostres han estat enviades a datar per C14. Els treballs arqueològics s’han centrat en l’excavació de sondejos de diagnòstic als jaciments de Basses de Setut (2325 m) i Pleta de les Bacives ( 2530 m) i en la realització de prospeccions a les capçaleres de les valls de Madriu, Perafita i Claror. S’han documentat estructures arqueològiques i s’han realitzat estudis antracològics dels sediments excavats en aquestes. S’ha realitzat un transecte altitudinal de carboneres al llarg de la vall per tal de enregistrar una major diversitat cronològica dels espais de carboneig. S’han enviat datacions C14 per tal de determinar la cronologia de les estructures. Les datacions del 2005 mostren una intensa ocupació ramadera i de carboneig a partir del segle XIV, en època baixmedieval i moderna, així com un establiment metal·lúrgic d’època romana.
El projecte de recerca ha analitzat la complexitat ètnica, social i de gènere de l’assentament colonial d’Empúries a partir d’un exhaustiu estudi contextual dels materials ceràmics d’ús quotidià provinents de diferents sectors excavats als anys vuitanta a la Neàpolis empuritana (N-7000, N-5000 i N-1000). Aquests sectors datats els segles V i IV a.C., corresponen a un moment en el qual s’està construint una identitat colonial diferenciada en l’espai emporità. La comparació dels aixovars domèstics usats quotidianament pels habitants d’aquest tres sectors situats en punts distants de la Neàpolis mostra que estem davant d’un assentament colonial molt heterogeni, on conflueixen materialitats, tradicions tecnològiques i pràctiques quotidianes iberes, gregues i híbrides. Els estudis de materials confirmen que no va existir una segregació espacial entre poblacions d’origen grec i iber en aquest assentament i suggereixen la cohabitació de gent –tant d’homes com de dones- d’origen grec i iber a les diferents àrees estudiades d’aquest assentament portuari. En el registre material ceràmic de totes les zones estudiades s’observa un predomini dels productes ceràmics de tradició grega (colonials o àtics) en els serveis de taula, però no així en els estris utilitzats a la cuina, que són majoritàriament de tradició ibera. També els materials ceràmics relacionats amb l’emmagatzematge domèstic i amb el transport i el comerç (àmfores) són predominantment ibers. Aquest patró suggereix que els ibers que van cohabitar amb els grecs al port emporità no van assumir en tots els casos posicions subalternes, sinó que tingueren un rol rellevant en la gestió econòmica i comercial d’aquest espai portuari.
Ultramafic rocks, mainly serpentinized peridotites of mantle origin, are mostly associated with the ophiolites of Mesozoic age that occur in belts along three of the margins of the Caribbean plate. The most extensive exposures are in Cuba. The ultramafic-mafic association (ophiolites) were formed and emplaced in several different tectonic environments. Mineralogical studies of the ultramafic rocks and the chemistry of the associated mafic rocks indicate that most of the ultramafic-mafic associations in both the northern and southern margins of the plate were formed in arc-related environments. There is little mantle peridotite exposed in the ophiolitic associations of the west coast of Central America, in the south Caribbean in Curacao and in the Andean belts in Colombia. In these occurrences the chemistry and age of the mafic rocks indicates that this association is mainly part of the 89 Ma Caribbean plateau province. The age of the mantle peridotites and associated ophiolites is probably mainly late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous. Emplacement of the ophiolites possibly began in the Early Cretaceous in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, but most emplacement took place in the Late Cretaceous to Eocene (e.g. Cuba). Along the northern South America plate margin, in the Caribbean mountain belt, emplacement was by major thrusting and probably was not completed until the Oligocene or even the early Miocene. Caribbean mantle peridotites, before serpentinization, were mainly harzburgites, but dunites and lherzolites are also present. In detail, the mineralogical and chemical composition varies even within one ultramafic body, reflecting melting processes and peridotite/melt interaction in the upper mantle. At least for the northern Caribbean, uplift (postemplacement tectonics) exposed the ultramafic massifs as a land surface to effective laterization in the beginning of the Miocene. Tectonic factors, determining the uplift, exposing the peridotites to weathering varied. In the northern Caribbean, in Guatemala, Jamaica, and Hispaniola, uplift occurred as a result of transpresional movement along pre-existing major faults. In Cuba, uplift occurred on a regional scale, determined by isostatic adjustment. In the south Caribbean, uplift of the Cordillera de la Costa and Serrania del Interior exposing the peridotites, also appears to be related to strike-slip movement along the El Pilar fault system. In the Caribbean, Ni-laterite deposits are currently being mined in the central Dominican Republic, eastern Cuba, northern Venezuela and northwest Colombia. Although apparently formed over ultramafic rocks of similar composition and under similar climatic conditions, the composition of the lateritic soils varies. Factors that probably determined these differences in laterite composition are geomorphology, topography, drainage and tectonics. According to the mineralogy of principal ore-bearing phases, Dominican Ni-laterite deposits are classified as the hydrous silicate-type. The main Ni-bearing minerals are hydrated Mg-Ni silicates (serpentine and ¿garnierite¿) occurring deeper in the profile (saprolite horizon). In contrast, in the deposits of eastern Cuba, the Ni and Cooccurs mainly in the limonite zone composed of Fe hydroxides and oxides as the dominant mineralogy in the upper part of the profile, and are classified as the oxide-type.
In luminescence dating, the potassium concentration significantly contributes to the dose rate value in the age estimation. Within this study, fine-grain thermoluminescence dating has been applied on sherds of calcareous pottery of known age, excavated at a Roman site in Mallorca, Spain. For those of the samples that showed signs of severe potassium leaching, according to chemical and mineralogical examination, the thermoluminescence analysis provided overestimated dates. By using the known archaeological age of the samples, a corrected dose rate value can be estimated which provides the potassium concentration averaged for the burial period. Finally, a step-like model can then be used to estimate the fraction of the burial period after which most of the alteration effects took place.
Cova del Gegant is located near the city of Sitges (Barcelona, Spain). The cave is a small karst system which contains Upper Pleistocene archaeological and paleontological material (DauRa et al., 2005). The site was first excavated in 1954 and then in 1972 and 1974- (Viñas, 1972; Viñas & Villalta, 1975) and in 1985 and 1989 (maRtínez et al., 1985; moRa, 1988; maRtínez et al., 1990). Finally, in 2007, Grup de Recerca del Quaternari has restarted the archaeological research at Cova del Gegant (DauRa, 2008; DauRa et al., 2010). A human mandible was recovered during the first field season in 1954 and was recently published by DauRa et al. (2005). In the present study, we describe a new human tooth (left I2) that appeared, like the mandible, in a revision of the faunal material recovered from the site in 1974-1975. The specimen preserves the entire crown and the cervical two thirds of the root (Figure 1). The lack of the root apex makes it difficult to determine if the tooth was fully developed at the time of death. However, CT analysis reveals a pulp cavity that could be still open, suggesting root formation was incomplete. The specimen shows only slight dental wear corresponding to stage 2 of Molnar (1971 en Hillson, 1996). Morphologically, the crown shows slight shovelling and a lingual tubercle and appears similar to Neandertal incisors. Standard crown measurements (buccolingual diameter=7.7 mm; mesiodistal diameter= 7.3 mm) (Figure 2) suggest a fairly large tooth, particularly in the BL dimension, again resembling Neandertals in this regard. Discriminant analysis classified the Gegant incisor as Neandertal with a 99.8% posterior probability (Table 2). Association of this tooth with the previously described mandible is considered unlikely given the different ages at death estimated for each. Thus, there appear to be two individuals preserved in the sediments of the Gegant cave, one adult and one subadult (around 8-10 years old).
Domicola lithodesi, a new genus and species of gammaridean amphipod is described. It is placed in the family Calliopiidae. Two specimens, a male and a preparatory female, were collected in August 1990 from the pleonal cavity of the lithodid crab Lithodes ferox (Filhol, 1885), an anomuran crab caught at 300 m depth from off Namibia. The more relevant characters are: anophtalmous; body smooth, gammarid-like, male smaller than female, urosomite 1 with a prepeduncular spine; telson broad, entire, unlobed and unarmed; short rostrum; accessory flagellum scale-like, calceoli absent; lower lip without inner lobes; coxa 4 posteriorly excavated; gnathopods basic, subequal, with numerous palmar spines; dactyls on P3-7 with specialized adhesive organs; coxal gill 7 present; uropods eusirid type.
The archaeological site of Cuyacabras (Quintanar de la Sierra, Burgos) is one of main early medieval reference settlements in Upper Arlanza basin lands and it attracts a great amount of visitors. The monumental featured half-caved church and the necropolis consisting of several burials dug into the rock present around the whole area are material evidences of an ancient hill town which has remained uninhabited from middle XIIIth century. New fieldworks on this whole site, excavated during the sixties, have been focused on improving the scientific impact of the site and setting up to date the records and information entries for the necropolis. All obtained data emphasize the weakness of several principles used to put in value the settlement, and they also suggest a revision of several-year-old discussions on one hand, and on the other one, they encourage scholars to propound new up to date theories which will fi t better with our knowledge"s current context.
The archaeological site of Cuyacabras (Quintanar de la Sierra, Burgos) is one of main early medieval reference settlements in Upper Arlanza basin lands and it attracts a great amount of visitors. The monumental featured half-caved church and the necropolis consisting of several burials dug into the rock present around the whole area are material evidences of an ancient hill town which has remained uninhabited from middle XIIIth century. New fieldworks on this whole site, excavated during the sixties, have been focused on improving the scientific impact of the site and setting up to date the records and information entries for the necropolis. All obtained data emphasize the weakness of several principles used to put in value the settlement, and they also suggest a revision of several-year-old discussions on one hand, and on the other one, they encourage scholars to propound new up to date theories which will fi t better with our knowledge"s current context.
El Pla de ses Figueres és un jaciment que es troba a la riba del port de Cabrera, una petita illa de 1.836 ha. situada en el sud de les illes Balears. Diversos treballs de prospecció i d’excavació han donat a conèixer una important ocupació humana del lloc centrada en els segles V a VII dC. A les zones intervingudes s’han identificat una factoria de salaons, un possible taller de producció de porpra i una necròpoli. En el present treball s’exposaran set peces de marbre localitzades en dit jaciment dintre del projecte “Recuperació, consolidació i museïtzació del monestir bizantí de l’illa de Cabrera”, el qual ja fa dotze anys que finança ininterrompudament l’Ajuntament de Palma.
This paper is concerned with the organization of societies in north-eastern Iberia (present-day Catalonia) during the Iron Age, using data provided by domestic architecture and settlement organization. I offer an analysis of the social differences detected in the dwellings based on a sample of houses excavated at different types of settlement. Although many Iberian houses had simple layouts and small surface areas, some larger dwellings at the main sites are distinguished by the shape of their ground plans, their surface areas, architectural features, and central locations; these houses are believed to be the residences of the Iberian elite. Such dwellings are not found at all sites and the data suggest that there was a relationship between the category of the settlement (or its function) and the types of dwelling in it.
One of the five burials excavated in 1984 at the necropolis of Coll del Moro in Gandesa (Terra Alta-Tarragona) bore evidence of primary cremations. The tomb, a tumulus, yielded a cremation burial with a pottery urn and other vessels as funerary offerings. The chamber of the grave also contained bronze jewellery, basically bracelets. It is interesting to notice that the dead were cremated in the same place where the tomb was built. The complexity of the burial rite and the magnitude of some of the tumuli indicated a social structure consolidated with different grades of authority. We date these burials in the late Hallstatt but there is already evidence of commercial trade with punic people who arrived at the east coast in the second half of the seventh century BC and, from there, reached inland sites on the Ebro river and its afluents.
The formation of reference groups comprises an important procedure in chemical provenance studies of archaeological pottery. Material from ancient kilns is thought to be especially suitable for reference groups, as it comprises a definite unit of past production. Pottery from the Late Minoan IA kiln excavated at Kommos, Crete was analysed in order to produce a reference group in this important area of Minoan ceramic production. The samples were characterized by a combination of techniques providing information on the chemistry, mineralogy and microstructure of the ceramic body. Initially, the study was unable to establish, in a straightforward manner, a chemical reference group. Different ceramic pastes and a range of selective alterations and contaminations, affected by variable firing temperatures and burial environment, were shown to be responsible for the compositional variability. Procedures are described to compensate for such alterations and the perturbations in the data that they produce.