34 resultados para ELF “English as a Lingua Franca” “riviste scientifiche” “lingua franca” “World Englishes”
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
El creciente nmero de hablantes no nativos de ingls en el mundo constituye la base a partir de la cual se han hecho recientes afirmaciones alrededor de la necesidad de enfatizar el papel del ingls como lingua franca en las clases de ingls. Este artculo investiga la visin de los profesores catalanes de ingls al respecto mediante un cuestionario centrado en aspectos como la preferencia de profesores nativos o no nativos, el conocimiento cultural idneo para el profeso- rado de ingls, y la variedad de ingls escogida. Los resultados indican que el profesorado est influido por la supremaca del hablante nativo y una visin del ingls todava restringida a las comunidades de hablantes nativos, con algunas diferencias significativas encontradas entre distintos grupos de profesores.
This research project focuses on the role of English and Spanish as linguae francae. More specifically, the research attempts to answer the following questions: (i) What is the place of English and Spanish as linguae francae in the world, in general, and in China, in particular? (ii) What kinds of foreign language teaching/learning attitudes and practices are characteristic of the Chinese educational system? (iii) What are the motivations, expectations and experience of Chinese students in study abroad programmes, in general, and in the programme of the University of Lleida, in particular? The study constitutes an attempt to answer each of these questions in two ways: a review of the literature and a pilot study with 26 Chinese students at UdL. The research reveals that even though English is a very dominant foreign language in China, Spanish is a language on the rise and mainly for economic reasons. The results of the study also point at the impact of the dominance of the grammar-translation method in the perspective of Chinese students about language learning. Finally, the study shows the relevance of taking part in a SA programme for Chinese students as well as their experience of them.
La transmisin de conocimiento cientfico constituye una de las necesidades de traduccin ms importantes; es preciso realizar un estudio sobre la traduccin del ingls mdico. Este trabajo presenta una traduccin indita de fragmentos de Essentials of Breast Surgery y un anlisis de esta jerga mediante un glosario y problemas de traduccin.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a translation into Spanish of a review articleabout genetically modified organisms (GMOs) entitled Genetically ModifiedOrganisms (GMOs): Transgenic Crops and Recombinant DNA Technology publishedby the well-known scientific journal Nature. In a world where English has become thelingua franca when it comes to transferring scientific knowledge and information, itmust be taken into account that not everyonefrom scientist to the general publichasa good enough command of English so that they can feel comfortable enough reading inthis language. Translators are consequently needed resulting from a great demand oftranslation activity into, for example, Spanish. This is the reason why the proposedSpanish translation is followed by a detailed analysis emphasizing the difficulties andproblems that characterize scientificand also generaltranslation (i.e. terminology,syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and ideology), for which different approaches as how tosolve them are provided. On the basis of the analysis, it can be concluded thatexperience will be of much help to scientific translators, given that specificterminological knowledge and style requirements must always be born in mind whentranslating in this field. Moreover, this paper is intended to serve as a guide forTranslation students specializing in the field of science and the expectation is to helpthem make the right decisions when it comes to translating. However, it is clear that itcan only be thought of as an introduction that should be completed with further researchand documentation tasks in order to offer a complete reference tool: the ultimatehandbook of scientific translation.
Although the majority of English language teachers worldwide are non-native English speakers, no research was conducted on these teachers until recently. After the pioneering work of Robert Phillipson in 1992 and Peter Medgyes in 1994, nearly a decade had to elapse for more research to emerge on the issues relating to non-native English teachers. The publication in 1999 of George Braine's book Nonnative educators in English language teaching appears to have encouraged a number of graduate students and scholars to research this issue, with topics ranging from teachers' perceptions of their own identity to students' views and aspects of teacher education. This article compiles, classifies, and examines research conducted in the last two decades on this topic, placing a special emphasis on World Englishes concerns, methods of investigation, and areas in need of further attention.
Internationalisation of HE and emergence of English as a global academic lingua franca used by people who share neither a common native tongue nor cultural and educational background have not only offered more opportunities but also raised challenges. According to recent European surveys, the percentage of pupils attaining the level of independent user in English varies from 14% to 82%, which evidences the potential and the complexity for English as a medium of instruction at tertiary level. This study aims to present the model of foreign language instruction at Vytautas Magnus University where one third of 30 languages are taught through English. It investigates the attitudes and practices of teachers in delivering their English-medium language courses by discussing the questions whether teaching other languages through English is psychologically, culturally and educationally preferable for teachers and students, whether it can limit the content taught and require a special methodology, how the teaching process changes with multiple languages used in the classroom and what level of English is necessary for teachers and students to ensure high quality of English-medium language teaching. The study is based on qualitative methodology with 12 language teachers participating as respondents. The results reveal areas in need of improvement.
This study presents the results of implementing a CLIL programme in a Catalan primary school three years after the onset of the implementation. The main objective of this investigation was to determine the effects of CLIL on students L2 English oral performance in terms of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency (CAF). The results obtained suggest that CLIL learners outperform non-CLIL learners not only in fluency, but also in syntactic complexity. However, despite the encouraging results, the study concludes that further research which transcends the methodological limitations observed in the study is needed in order to confirm the results
Aquest estudi pretn investigar els intercanvis verbals mestre/a aprenent(s) en dos contextos d'instrucci diferents: classes amb un enfocament AICLE (Aprenentatge Integrat de Continguts Curriculars i Llengua Estrangera) on saprenen continguts no lingstics a travs de langls, per una banda, i classes 'tradicionals' d'angls com a llengua estrangera, on langls s alhora objecte destudi i vehicle de comunicaci, per una altra banda. Ms concretament, les preguntes que formula el/la mestre/a, la producci oral dels aprenents i el 'feedback' del/de la mestre/a en els episodis datenci a la forma shan estudiat a la llum de les principals teories provinents del camp de lAdquisici de Segones Llenges (SLA) per tal de demostrar el seu paper en laprenentatge de langls. El corpus de dades prov de lenregistrament de 7 sessions AICLE i d'11 sessions EFL enregistrades en format udio i vdeo en dos centres pblics dEducaci Primria (EP) de Catalunya. A cadascuna de les escoles, el/la mateix/a mestre/a s lencarregat/da dels dos tipus dinstrucci amb el mateix grup daprenents (10-11 anys dedat), fet que permet eliminar variables individuals com l'aptitud dels aprenents o l'estil del/de la mestre/a.Els resultats mostren un cert nombre de similituds discursives entre AICLE i EFL donat que ambds enfocaments tenen lloc en el context-classe amb unes caracterstiques ben definides. Tal com apunta la recerca realitzada en aquest camp, la instrucci AICLE reuneix un seguit de condicions idnies per un major desenvolupament dels nivells de llengua anglesa ms enll de les classes tradicionals dangls. Malgrat aix, aquest estudi sembla indicar que el potencial d'AICLE pel que fa a facilitar una exposici rica a langls i una producci oral significativa no sexplota degudament. En aquest sentit, els resultats daquest estudi poden contribuir a la formaci dels futurs professors d'AICLE si es busca lassoliment duna complementarietat dambds contextos amb lobjectiu ltim de millorar els nivells de domini de la llengua anglesa.
The present study examines the development of interculturality and changes of beliefs, by analyzing 106 compositions produced by 53 advanced level university students of translation studies at a university in Spain before and shortly after a stay-abroad (SA) period. The study draws on data collected at two different times: before (T1) and after the SA (T3). In addition, we compared the results with the writings produced by a control group of 10 native English speakers on SA too. Data were collected by means of a composition which tried to elicit the learners opinion about cultural habits maintenance. The results reveal significant changes between T1 and T3 in the degree of better attitudes and intercultural acquisition.
This case study presents corpus data gathered from a Spanish-English bilingual child with expressive language delay. Longitudinal data on the childs linguistic development was collected from the onset of productive speech at age 1;1 until age 4 over the course of 28 video-taped sessions with the childs principal caregivers. A literature review focused on the relationship between language delay and persisting disordersincluding a discussion of the frequent difficulty in distinguishing between the two at early stages of bilingual developmentis followed by an analysis of the childs productive development in 2 distinct phases. An attempt is made to assess the childs speech at age 4 for preliminary signs of SLI and to consider techniques for identifying at risk bilingual children (that is, those with productive language delay, poor oral fluency, and family history of language problems) based on samples of recorded and transcribed speech.
This paper presents new estimates of total factor productivity growth in Britain for the period 1770-1860. We use a dual technique recently popularized by Hsieh (1999), and argue that the estimates we derive from factor prices are of similar quality to quantity-based calculations. Our results provide further evidence, derived from this independent set of sources, that productivity growth during the British Industrial Revolution was relatively slow. During the years 1770-1800, TFP growth was close to zero, according to our estimates. The period 1800-1830 experienced an acceleration of productivity growth. The Crafts-Harley view of the Industrial Revolution is thus reinforced. We also consider alternative explanations of slow productivity growth, and reject the interpretation that focuses on the introduction of steam as a general purpose technology.
La universitat europea ha de fer front als reptes de la internacionalitzaci, que suposa per una banda, el desplegament de poltiques per difondre la seva activitat acadmica ms enll de les seves fronteres i, per laltra facilitar la mobilitat destudiants i lacollida destudiants estrangers. Aquests reptes suposen una situaci de multilingisme i interculturalitat, alhora que posen de relleu el paper de langls com a llengua internacional. Els reptes relacionats amb el multilingisme es fan especialment palesos en territoris amb llengua prpia com Catalunya i Galles. Per una banda, Catalunya compta amb una llengua dmplia difusi entre la poblaci, com s el catal, que conviu amb la llengua castellana. En aquesta situaci, la llengua anglesa es considera una eina que ha de facilitar la internacionalitzaci de la universitat. Per altra banda, a Galles, la llengua gallesa s minoritria davant de lhegemonia de langls. Tenint en compte aquestes situacions sociolingstiques, aquest projecte se centra en la gesti del plurilingisme i la multiculturalitat en una universitat de Catalunya i una altra de Galles. Fonamentalment, el projecte pretn respondre a la pregunta segent: De quina forma respon la universitat a Catalunya i Galles als reptes del plurilingisme i la interculturalitat que sels plantegen davant la progressiva internacionalitzaci que viu la universitat? Per tal de respondre a aquesta pregunta, el projecte se centra en una acci institucional central de les poltiques universitries dinternacionalizaci: lacollida destudiants internacionals (bsicament a travs del programa Erasmus). El projecte que aqu es proposa se centra especficament en lacollida destudiants internacionals per part de la Universitat de Lleida (Catalunya) i de la Universitat de Cardiff (Gales), analitzant i comparant per una banda (i) les accions institucionals contretes i, per altra banda, (ii) les actituds lingstiques i (iii) les prctiques comunicatives plurilinges dels diferents agents que hi intervenen: (1) estudiants internacionals dins del programa Erasmus, (2) estudiants locals (3) professors amb alumnat internacional i 4) personal dadministraci i serveis que dna suport a la internacionalitzaci. Aquest projecte semmarca dins de quatre grans lnies dinvestigaci, en les quals aquest equip ja hi ha treballat mpliament: (a) comunicaci intercultural; (b) interacci social i poder; (c) langls com a lingua franca; (d) actituds, ideologies i prctiques relacionades amb el multilingisme.
We run experiments on English Auctions where the bidders already own a part (toehold) ofthe good for sale. The theory predicts a very strong effect of even small toeholds, however wefind the effects are not so strong in the lab. We explain this by analyzing the flatness of thepayoff functions, which leads to relatively costless deviations from the equilibrium strategies.We find that a levels of reasoning model explains the results better than the Nash equilibrium.Moreover, we find that although big toeholds can be effective, the cost to acquire them mightbe higher than the strategic benefit they bring. Finally our results show that in general theseller s revenues fall when the playing field is uneven.
We study the influence of television translation techniques on the quality of the English spoken across the EU and OCDE. We identify a large positive effect for subtitled original version as opposed to dubbed television, which loosely corresponds to between four and twenty years of compulsory English education at school. We also show that the importance of subtitled television is robust to a wide array of specifications.We then find that subtitling and better English skills have an influence on high-tech exports, international student mobility, and other economic and social outcomes.