19 resultados para Cooked ham
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The antimicrobial effect against L. monocytogenes of biodegradable films (alginate, zein and polyvinyl alcohol) containing enterocins was investigated. Survival of the pathogen was studied by means of challenge tests performed at 6 °C during 8 and 29 days, for air-packed and vacuum-packed sliced cooked ham, respectively. Air packaging was tested with two concentrations of enterocins (200 and 2000 AU/cm2). Control air-packed cooked ham showed an increase of L. monocytogenes from 104 to 107 CFU/g after 8 days. By contrast, packaging with antimicrobial films effectively slowed down the pathogen's growth, leading to final counts lower than in control lots. Air-packaging with alginate films containing 2000 AU/cm2 of enterocins effectively controlled L. monocytogenes for 8 days. An increase of only 1 log unit was observed in zein and polyvinyl alcohol lots at the same enterocin concentration. Vacuum packaging with films containing enterocins (2000 AU/cm2) also delayed the growth of the pathogen. No increase from inoculated levels was observed during 15 days in antimicrobial alginate films. After 29 days of storage, the lowest counts were obtained in samples packed with zein and alginate films containing enterocins, as well as with zein control films. The most effective treatment for controlling L. monocytogenes during 6 °C storage was vacuum-packaging of sliced cooked ham with alginate films containing 2000 AU/cm2 of enterocins. From the results obtained it can concluded that antimicrobial packaging can improve the safety of sliced cooked ham by delaying and reducing the growth of L. monocytogenes.
The efficiency of combining high-pressure processing (HPP) and active packaging technologies to control Listeria monocytogenes growth during the shelf life of artificially inoculated cooked ham was assessed. Three lots of cooked ham were prepared: control, packaging with alginate films, and packaging with antimicrobial alginate films containing enterocins. After packaging, half of the samples were pressurized. Sliced cooked ham stored at 6 °C experienced a quick growth of L. monocytogenes. Both antimicrobial packaging and pressurization delayed the growth of the pathogen. However, at 6 °C the combination of antimicrobial packaging and HPP was necessary to achieve a reduction of inoculated levels without recovery during 60 days of storage. Further storage at 6 °C of pressurized antimicrobial packed cooked ham resulted in L. monocytogenes levels below the detection limit (day 90). On the other hand, storage at 1 °C controlled the growth of the pathogen until day 39 in non-pressurized ham, while antimicrobial packaging and storage at 1 °C exerted a bacteriostatic effect for 60 days. All HPP lots stored at 1 °C led to counts <100 CFU/g at day 60. Similar results were observed when combining both technologies. After a cold chain break no growth of L. monocytogenes was observed in pressurized ham packed with antimicrobial films, showing the efficiency of combining both technologies.
The effect of high pressure processing (400 MPa for 10 min) and natural antimicrobials 2 (enterocins and lactate-diacetate) on the behaviour of L. monocytogenes in sliced cooked ham 3 during refrigerated storage (1ºC and 6ºC) was assessed. The efficiency of the treatments after a 4 cold chain break was evaluated. Lactate-diacetate exerted a bacteriostatic effect against L. 5 monocytogenes during the whole storage period (3 months) at 1ºC and 6ºC, even after 6 temperature abuse. The combination of low storage temperature (1ºC), high pressure 7 processing (HPP) and addition of lactate-diacetate reduced the levels of L. monocytogenes 8 during storage by 2.7 log CFU/g. The most effective treatment was the combination of HPP, 9 enterocins and refrigeration at 1ºC, which reduced the population of the pathogen to final counts 10 of 4 MPN/g after 3 months of storage, even after the cold chain break.
High hydrostatic pressure is being increasingly investigated in food processing. It causes microbial inactivation and therefore extends the shelf life and enhances the safety of food products. Yeasts, molds, and vegetative cells of bacteria can be inactivated by pressures in the range of 200 to 700 MPa. Microorganisms are more or less sensitive to pressure depending on several factors such as type, strain and the phase or state of the cells. In general, Gram-positive organisms are usually more resistant than Gram-negative. High pressure processing modifies the permeability of the cell membrane, the ion exchange and causes changes in morphology and biochemical reactions, protein denaturations and inhibition of genetic mechanisms. High pressure has been used successfully to extend the shelf life of high-acid foods such as refrigerated fruit juices, jellies and jams. There is now an increasing interest in the use of this technology to extend the shelf life of low-acid foods such as different types of meat products.
The aim of this work was the use of NIR technology by direct application of a fiber optic probe on back fat to analyze the fatty acid composition of CLA fed boars and gilts. 265 animals were fed 3 different diets and the fatty acid profile of back fat from Gluteus medius was analyzed using gas chromatography and FT-NIR. Spectra were acquired using a Bruker Optics Matrix-F duplex spectrometer equipped with a fiber optic probe (IN-268-2). Oleic and stearic fatty acids were predicted accurately; myristic, vaccenic and linoleic fatty acids were predicted with lower accuracy, while palmitic and α-linolenic fatty acids were poorly predicted. The relative percentage of fatty acids and NIR spectra showed differences in fatty acid composition of back fat from pigs fed CLA which increased the relative percentage of SFA and PUFA while MUFA decreased. Results suggest that a NIR fiber optic probe can be used to predict total saturated and unsaturated fatty acid composition, as well as the percentage of stearic and oleic. NIR showed potential as a rapid and easily implemented method to discriminate carcasses from animals fed different diets.
The definition of nutritional transition could be related to all the aspects involved in human behaviour, genetics and technological changes that show an influence on nutrition. Obesity is considered one of the most important risk factors for human health. Human genetics plays an important role that needs to be defined in more detail to improve the knowledge on pathology of obesity. Dry cured ham has a moderate value of energy density (ED), but this parameter is variable for the different types of dry cured hams and the different commercial preparations. The most important challenge of dry cured ham is the content of salt that should be optimised to arise the minimal concentration without compromise the sensorial quality and the technological possibilities available. On the other hand, the high content of protein and a good ratio polyunsaturated/saturated could be of interest to include dry cured ham in a diet, mainly in the case where the content of fat is moderated or low. Food industry needs to develop new products, improve the information to consumers and to consider the different distribution of population in developed and developing countries.
En el present treball es determinen les espècies de peixos de la subconca del riu Quiroz i es coneix la distribució d’aquestes espècies a la subconca segons la influència de l’altitut i la interacció de les activitats humanes en els cossos d’aigua. Així mateix, s’analitza la qualitat de l’aigua de la conca. Es van capturar 258 individus de 13 taxons diferents i corresponents a 7 famílies en 20 punts distribuïts per tota la subconca mitjançant xarxes passives (gànguils i gamber), actives (rall) i ham. La major abundància i riquesa d’espècies es dona a les parts baixes de la subconca la qual rep majors aportacions de nutrients d’aigües amunt i on les temperatures són més altes. La qualitat de l’aigua estimada mitjançant les concentracions de paràmetres analitzats mostren un risc d’epidèmies degut a les altes concentracions de coliformes associades a l’abocament d’aigües servides directament als cossos d’aigua.
Boar taint is the off-odour or off flavour of cooked pork. Currently, the most common method of controlling boar taint is surgical castration. However, immunocastration has been used in some parts of the world as an alternative to surgical castration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensory acceptability of meat from immunocastrated pigs (IM) compared with meat from females (FE), surgically castrated (CM) and entire males (EM). Twenty animals of each type were evaluated by 201 consumers in 20 sessions. Longissimus thoracis muscle of the different animals was cooked in an oven at 180 °C for 10 min. Consumers scored the odour and the flavour of the meat in a 9-point category scale without an intermediate level. There were no significant differences in consumer’s evaluation of meat from IM, CM, and FE. In contrast, EM meat presented a higher percentage of dissatisfied scores and was significantly (P & 0.05) less accepted than meat from CM, IM and FE. Consumers’ acceptability of EM meat was always lower, independently of its androstenone levels. However meat with low levels of androstenone was more accepted that meat with medium or high levels of this substance. It can be concluded that immunocastration produced pork that was accepted by the consumers, and was indistinguishable from pork from CM or FE.
Lean meat percentage (LMP) is an important carcass quality parameter. The aim of this work is to obtain a calibration equation for the Computed Tomography (CT) scans with the Partial Least Square Regression (PLS) technique in order to predict the LMP of the carcass and the different cuts and to study and compare two different methodologies of the selection of the variables (Variable Importance for Projection — VIP- and Stepwise) to be included in the prediction equation. The error of prediction with cross-validation (RMSEPCV) of the LMP obtained with PLS and selection based on VIP value was 0.82% and for stepwise selection it was 0.83%. The prediction of the LMP scanning only the ham had a RMSEPCV of 0.97% and if the ham and the loin were scanned the RMSEPCV was 0.90%. Results indicate that for CT data both VIP and stepwise selection are good methods. Moreover the scanning of only the ham allowed us to obtain a good prediction of the LMP of the whole carcass.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball tracta sobre el temps de garantia o de vida útil d’un producte alimentari i està basat en esbrinar quin és el millor mètode o envàs per conservar el pernil cuit llescat durant la seva vida útil, per tal que es mantinguin les propietats organolèptiques i microbiològiques inicials de l’aliment durant el màxim de temps possible. Per comparar envasos he utilitzat els industrials (envàs al buit i envàs en atmosfera) i els envasos que podem trobar quan comprem un producte llescat en el mostrador d’una botiga o supermercat. Per a fer l’estudi doncs s’ha utilitzat el pernil cuit, conegut com a pernil dolç, un dels productes més consumits per la societat actual. El pernil ha estat tractat en tres situacions diferents: llescat en una màquina de carnisseria i envasat en mètodes de conservació domèstics, llescat en màquines industrials i envasat en diferents envasos (al buit i en atmosfera modificada) utilitzats per les grans empreses i llescat en màquines industrials i envasat al buit sotmès a un tractament amb altes pressions. Després d’aquests processos s’ha realitzat un estudi de vida útil, és a dir, s’ha analitzat el producte al laboratori, amb l’objectiu de trobar quin és el millor envàs per a la conservació del pernil cuit.
L’objecte d’aquest treball ha estat avaluar el consum d’energia elèctrica de la industria BECSA, situada al municipi de Palol de Revardit i dedicada a l’elaboració de pernil curat preparat per a ser llescat industrialment. En primer lloc es va estudiar el procés productiu de la indústria i la maquinària, per tal de determinar les potencies activa i reactiva de cadascuna de les màquines. Amb les potències per una banda, i l’estudi dels temps de treball de les màquines per l’altra, es van determinar els consums d’energia activa i reactiva que suposava el procés. A partir de l’anàlisi de les dades obtingudes, les factures elèctriques, les tarifes i complements per destinació horària, es van proposar una sèrie de millores per a poder disminuir els costos del consum d’energia elèctrica de la indústria
Estudi de l’efecte del pH de la matèria primera, del nivell de sal afegit i de la temperatura sobre el grau de proteòlisi i sobre la textura final del pernil curat per tal de millorar els criteris que s’utilitzen per a la selecció de la matèria primera, avaluar les condiciones de procés òptimes (nivell de sal afegit i de la temperatura de curació) per l’elaboració del pernils destinats al llencat mecànic
En una empresa alimentària, hi havia la necessitat de millorar una part del procés de cocció del pernil cuit. El pernil, un cop està envasat i posat en gàbies, està a punt de ser cuit. La forma de coure’l és posar-lo en una banyera a uns 60 graus de temperatura i a mesura d’anarli introduïnt vapor, escalfen l’aigua i couen el producte. Un cop cuit s’ha de refredar abans de posar en cambres frigorífiques. La manera que ho feien, era de transportar les gàbies pesants d’una banyera freda a una altra i així anaven refredant el producte.Era objecte d’aquest projecte, optimitzar aquest procés. És pretén, per tant, dissenyar un nou tanc on tot sigui més senzill i es realitzin el menor nombre de tasques, que es millorin parts, com laseguretat, els riscos laborals, els costos de manteniment i la qualitat de producte, així com la flexibilitat del sistema.Aquest projecte inclou, la selecció de tots els mecanismes actuadors, preactivadors, de control.. Distribuïr-los en tot el tanc a fi de tenir un control i seguretats total. Inclou també el disseny d’un programa automatitzat, on es s’ha seleccionat la CPU que millor ens ha convingut i l’elecció també d’un sistema de control visual i tàctil, com és l’Scada, així com la seva programació. També inclou, tots els connexionats elèctrics
Technologies de procédé et de contrôle pour réduire la teneur en sel du jambon sec et des saucissons
Dans certains pays européens, les produits carnés élaborés peuvent représenter près de 20% de la consommation journalière de sodium. De ce fait, les industries de la viande tentent de réduire la teneur en sel dans les produits carnés pour répondre, d’une part aux attentes des consommateurs et d’autre part aux demandes des autorités sanitaires. Le système Quick‐Dry‐Slice process (QDS®), couplé avec l’utilisation de sels substituant le chlorure de sodium (NaCl), a permis de fabriquer, avec succès, des saucisses fermentées à basse teneur en sel en réduisant le cycle de fabrication et sans ajout de NaCl supplémentaire. Les technologies de mesure en ligne non destructives, comme les rayons X et l’induction électromagnétique, permettent de classifier les jambons frais suivant leur teneur en gras, un paramètre crucial pour adapter la durée de l’étape de salaison. La technologie des rayons X peut aussi être utilisée pour estimer la quantité de sel incorporée pendant la salaison. L’information relative aux teneurs en sel et en gras est importante pour optimiser le processus d’élaboration du jambon sec en réduisant la variabilité de la teneur en sel entre les lots et dans un même lot, mais aussi pour réduire la teneur en sel du produit final. D’autres technologies comme la spectroscopie en proche infrarouge (NIRS) ou spectroscopie microondes sont aussi utiles pour contrôler le processus d’élaboration et pour caractériser et classifier les produits carnés élaborés, selon leur teneur en sel. La plupart de ces technologies peuvent être facilement appliquées en ligne dans l’industrie afin de contrôler le processus de fabrication et d’obtenir ainsi des produits carnés présentant les caractéristiques recherchées.