14 resultados para Brown Crab
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
We prove that the dual of a well generated triangulated category satisfies Brown representability, as long as there is a combinatorial model. This settles the major open problem in [13]. We also prove that Brown representability holds for non-dualized well generated categories, but that only amounts to the fourth known proof of the fact. The proof depends crucially on a new result of Rosicky [14].
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This study describes spermatogenesis in a majid crab (Maja brachydactyla) using electron microscopy and reports the origin of the different organelles present in the spermatozoa. Spermatogenesis in M. brachydactyla follows the general pattern observed in other brachyuran species but with several peculiarities. Annulate lamellae have been reported in brachyuran spermatogenesis during the diplotene stage of first spermatocytes, the early and mid-spermatids. Unlike previous observations, a Golgi complex has been found in midspermatids and is involved in the development of the acrosome. The Golgi complex produces two types of vesicles: light vesicles and electron-dense vesicles. The light vesicles merge into the cytoplasm, giving rise to the proacrosomal vesicle. The electron-dense vesicles are implicated in the formation of an electron-dense granule, which later merges with the proacrosomal vesicle. In the late spermatid, the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex degenerate and form the structures–organelles complex found in the spermatozoa. At the end of spermatogenesis, the materials in the proacrosomal vesicle aggregate in a two-step process, forming the characteristic concentric three-layered structure of the spermatozoon acrosome. The newly formed spermatozoa from testis show the typical brachyuran morphology.
This study describes the morphology of the sperm cell of Maja brachydactyla, with emphasis on localizing actin and tubulin. The spermatozoon of M. brachydactyla is similar in appearance and organization to other brachyuran spermatozoa. The spermatozoon is a globular cell composed of a central acrosome, which is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm and a cup-shaped nucleus with four radiating lateral arms. The acrosome is a subspheroidal vesicle composed of three concentric zones surrounded by a capsule. The acrosome is apically covered by an operculum. The perforatorium penetrates the center of the acrosome and has granular material partially composed of actin. The cytoplasm contains one centriole in the subacrosomal region. A cytoplasmic ring encircles the acrosome in the subapical region of the cell and contains the structures-organelles complex (SO-complex), which is composed of a membrane system, mitochondria with few cristae, and microtubules. In the nucleus, slightly condensed chromatin extends along the lateral arms, in which no microtubules have been observed. Chromatin fibers aggregate in certain areas and are often associated with the SO-complex. During the acrosomal reaction, the acrosome could provide support for the penetration of the sperm nucleus, the SO-complex could serve as an anchor point for chromatin, and the lateral arms could play an important role triggering the acrosomal reaction, while slightly decondensed chromatin may be necessary for the deformation of the nucleus.
Ontogenetic changes in digestive capabilities were analyzed in larvae and first juveniles of the spider crab Maja brachydactyla. Activities of five proteinases (total proteases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin-like and aminopeptidase), three carbohydrases (amylase, maltase and chitinase), an esterase and an alkaline phosphatase were studied to evaluate digestive enzyme profiles of the species. Both quantitative (spectrophotometry and fluorometry) and qualitative (SDS-PAGE) approaches were used. All assayed enzymes were active from hatching (zoea I-ZI) throughout larval development and in first juveniles. Significant variations during ontogeny were found only in total activities likely as a consequence of digestive system development. Specific activity varied little over ontogeny, being significant only for chitinase. Total proteases, trypsin and pepsin-like activities showed a similar pattern of increase as larval ontogeny advanced, decreasing significantly in juveniles. Chymotrypsin continued to increase, showing maximum activity after metamorphosis. Proteinase zymograms confirmed strong proteolytic activity in first zoeas, with increasing bands over the course of ontogeny, decreasing after metamorphosis. A group of bands with high molecular mass was specific to larval stages. Amylase and maltase showed a parallel pattern of continuous increase of total activity as development advanced. Gel-SDS-PAGE showed unchanged patterns of amylase activity in first zoeas of different ages and the most complex set of bands during larval ontogeny in second zoea. Esterase total activity increased significantly as ZI's aged likely reflecting introduction of a lipid-enriched diet. The importance of lipid accumulation at the beginning of ontogeny was also confirmed by the protease/esterase and amylase/esterase activity ratios, which decreased from hatch to late ZI and might be explained as an adaptation, ensuring the next molt. The results suggest that larvae of M. brachydactyla are capable of digesting a variety of dietary substrates as soon as they hatch.
The blue swimmer crab is a commercially important species of the tropical Indo-Pacific regions that shows substantial potential as a candidate species for aquaculture. Optimization of larval rearing conditions, including photoperiod, is therefore important to establish a method for the intensive hatchery culture of this species. Newly hatched larvae of Portunuspelagicus in first zoeal stage (ZI) were reared under five photoperiod regimes 0L: 24D, 6L: 18D, 12L: 12D, 18L: 6D, and 24L: 0D (5 replicates per treatment) till they metamorphosed to megalopae (ranged from 8.5 ± 0.3 days (18L: 6D) to 10.8 ± 1.8 days (0L: 24D) at 29 ± 1 °C). Daily, larvae of each treatment were fed an identical diet of mixed rotifer and Artemia nauplii, and the survival and molt to successive stages was monitored. Newly hatched ZI larvae of P. pelagicus could successfully develop to the megalopal stage under all tested photoperiod conditions, but we detected significant differences in survival among treatments (p & 0.05). The constant darkness treatment (0L: 24D) had the lowest (19.2 ± 7.2%, mean ± S.E.) cumulative survival from ZI to the megalopal stage, while the 18L: 6D treatment achieved the highest survival (51.2 ± 23.6%). Similarly, the photoperiod significantly affected zoeal development. Constant darkness led to the longest cumulative zoeal duration (10.8 ± 1.8 days), whereas the 18L: 6D treatment rendered the shortest larval development (8.5 ± 0.3 days). In addition, larvae reared under constant darkness resulted in the smallest megalopae (carapace length = 1.44 ± 0.09 mm) and the lowest dry weight (0.536 ± 0.188 mg). In conclusion, photoperiod significantly affected the survival, development, and growth of P. pelagicus zoeal larvae. Constant darkness led to the lowest larval survival and developmental rate, while a photoperiod regime of 18L: 6D appeared to be the most suitable condition for the rearing of zoeal larvae of P. pelagicus.
The spider crab Maja squinado is an endangered Mediterranean species; therefore, culturing it successfully is essential for developing restocking programs. The survival, growth and development of post-larval stages (juvenile crabs, C1-C8) were studied using larvae obtained from adult individuals collected in the Catalan Sea. The juvenile crab stages were cultured individually from a megalopal stage using a semi-open recirculation system to obtain the precise growth data of each juvenile crab stage until C8. Development up to C8 at 20ºC lasted 154±10 days. Survival from C1 to C8 was 5.8 %. Moult increment values in cephothoracic length were similar in all the crab stages (21-35 %). Intermoult duration (9±1 in C1-C2 to 51±8 days in C7-C8) increased sharply from juvenile stage 5. Males and females can be distinguished from C4 based on sexual dimorphism in the pleopods and the presence of gonopores. The allometric growth of the pleon is sex-dependent from C4, with females showing positive allometry and males isometric growth. The juvenile growth rate was lower compared with that of the previously studied Atlantic species Maja brachydactyla.
Aims: The aim of this study was to characterise and identify vibrios isolated from the haemolymph of apparently healthy adult spider crabs (Maja brachydactyla) wild-caught in the Spanish localities of Galician coast and in the Canary Islands and also from captive animals held at IRTA’s facilities in the Ebro Delta of Catalonia, north-west Spanish Mediterranean coast. Methods and Results: A total of 277 bacterial isolates were obtained, and of these, 171 were characterised with rep-PCR, resulting electrophoretic bands were analysed and clusters formed. Identification of representative strains of each cluster was made by sequencing the 16S rRNA. Samples from animals caught in Galicia and captive at IRTA (around 15–18 C) rendered mostly species belonging to the Splendidus clade (72Æ2 and 76Æ6% respectively), commonly found in cold waters (below 20 C). Higher species diversity was found in the haemolymph of the captive animals. In the warmer Canary Islands waters (around 21 C), the diversity of vibrios is dominated by three clades, Harveyi (Vibrio core group, 39Æ3%), Orientalis (23Æ2%) and Splendidus (21Æ4%) with a species diversity that equals that of the colder captive animals. Conclusions: Differences in the vibrios populations were found in the haemolymph extracted from animals collected from the three localities. Potential new species were found, and their description is under way. Significance and Impact of Study: As with other invertebrates, spider crabs also contain a diverse population of vibrios. These findings should help researchers to diagnose when a crab is infected.
Domicola lithodesi, a new genus and species of gammaridean amphipod is described. It is placed in the family Calliopiidae. Two specimens, a male and a preparatory female, were collected in August 1990 from the pleonal cavity of the lithodid crab Lithodes ferox (Filhol, 1885), an anomuran crab caught at 300 m depth from off Namibia. The more relevant characters are: anophtalmous; body smooth, gammarid-like, male smaller than female, urosomite 1 with a prepeduncular spine; telson broad, entire, unlobed and unarmed; short rostrum; accessory flagellum scale-like, calceoli absent; lower lip without inner lobes; coxa 4 posteriorly excavated; gnathopods basic, subequal, with numerous palmar spines; dactyls on P3-7 with specialized adhesive organs; coxal gill 7 present; uropods eusirid type.
Control of brown spot of pear requires fungicide treatments of pear trees during the growing season. Scheduling fungicide sprays with the Brown spot of pear forecasting system (BSPcast) provides significantfungicide savings but does not increase the efficacy of disease control. Modifications in BSPcast wereintroduced in order to increase system performance. The changes consisted of: (1) the use of a daily infectionrisk (Rm≥0.2) instead of the 3-day cumulative risk (CR≥0.4) to guide the fungicide scheduling, and (2) theinclusion of the effect of relative humidity during interrupted wetness periods. Trials were performed during2 years in an experimental pear orchard in Spain. The modifications introduced did not result in increaseddisease control efficacy, compared with the original BSPcast system. In one year, no reduction in the numberof fungicide applications was obtained using the modified BSPcast system in comparison to the original system, but in the second year the number of treatments was reduced from 15 to 13. The original BSPcast model overestimated the daily infection risk in 6.5% of days with wetness periods with low relative humidity during the wetness interruption, and in these cases the modified version was more adequate
One fundamental question about pulsars concerns the mechanism of their pulsed electromagnetic emission. Measuring the high-end region of a pulsar's spectrum would shed light on this question. By developing a new electronic trigger, we lowered the threshold of the Major Atmospheric γ-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescope to 25 giga-electron volts. In this configuration, we detected pulsed γ-rays from the Crab pulsar that were greater than 25 giga-electron volts, revealing a relatively high cutoff energy in the phase-averaged spectrum. This indicates that the emission occurs far out in the magnetosphere, hence excluding the polar-cap scenario as a possible explanation of our measurement. The high cutoff energy also challenges the slot-gap scenario.
Trying to define the precise role played by insulin regulating the survival of brown adipocytes, we have used rat fetal brown adipocytes maintained in primary culture. The effect of insulin on apoptosis and the mechanisms involved were assessed. Different from the known effects of insulin as a survival factor, we have found that long-term treatment (72 h) with insulin induces apoptosis in rat fetal brown adipocytes. This process is dependent on the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin/p70 S6 kinase pathway. Short-term treatment with the conditioned medium from brown adipocytes treated with insulin for 72 h mimicked the apoptotic effect of insulin. During the process, caspase 8 activation, Bid cleavage, cytochrome c release, and activation of caspases 9 and 3 are sequentially produced. Treatment with the caspase inhibitor, benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp (Z-VAD), prevents activation of this apoptotic cascade. The antioxidants, ascorbic acid and superoxide dismutase, also impair this process of apoptosis. Moreover, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), probably through reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidases, and a late decrease in reduced glutathione content are produced. According to this, antioxidants prevent caspase 8 activation and Bid cleavage, suggesting that ROS production is an important event mediating this process of apoptosis. However, the participation of uncoupling protein-1, -2, and -3 regulating ROS is unclear because their levels remain unchanged upon insulin treatment for 72 h. Our data suggest that the prolonged hyperinsulinemia might cause insulin resistance through the loss of brown adipose tissue.
Brown trout is a cold-adapted freshwater species with restricted distribution to headwater streams in rivers of the South European peninsulas, where populations are highly vulnerable because Mediterranean regions are highly sensitive to the global climatic warming. Moreover, these populations are endangered due to the introgressive hybridization with cultured stocks. Individuals from six remnant populations in Western Mediterranean rivers were sequenced for the complete mitochondrial DNA control region and genotyped for 11 nuclear markers. Three different brown trout lineages were present in the studied region. Significant genetic divergence was observed among locations and a strong effect of genetic drift was suggested. An important stocking impact (close to 25%) was detected in the zone. Significant correlations between mitochondrial-based rates of hatchery introgression and water flow variation suggested a higher impact of stocked females in unstable habitats. In spite of hatchery introgression, all populations remained highly differentiated, suggesting that native genetic resources are still abundant. However, climatic predictions indicated that suitable habitats for the species in these rivers will be reduced and hence trout populations are highly endangered and vulnerable. Thus, management policies should take into account these predictions to design upstream refuge areas to protect remnant native trout in the region
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