18 resultados para Baeza

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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This study presents a first attempt to extend the “Multi-scale integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism (MuSIASEM)” approach to a spatial dimension using GIS techniques in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona. We use a combination of census and commercial databases along with a detailed land cover map to create a layer of Common Geographic Units that we populate with the local values of human time spent in different activities according to MuSIASEM hierarchical typology. In this way, we mapped the hours of available human time, in regards to the working hours spent in different locations, putting in evidence the gradients in spatial density between the residential location of workers (generating the work supply) and the places where the working hours are actually taking place. We found a strong three-modal pattern of clumps of areas with different combinations of values of time spent on household activities and on paid work. We also measured and mapped spatial segregation between these two activities and put forward the conjecture that this segregation increases with higher energy throughput, as the size of the functional units must be able to cope with the flow of exosomatic energy. Finally, we discuss the effectiveness of the approach by comparing our geographic representation of exosomatic throughput to the one issued from conventional methods.


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és posar a punt el mètode d’anàlisi d’urea en llet crua de vaca mitjançant la tècnica d’Infraroig per Transformada de Fourier (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FTIR). S’haurà de portar a terme la validació del mètode per FTIR (seguint els criteris de la ISO 17025) mitjançant la comparació amb el mètode de referència utilitzat actualment al laboratori.


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El presente proyecto recoge el trabajo experimental realizado en el Grup de Sensors i Biosensors del departamento de Química para desarrollar un dispositivo miniaturizado válido para la determinación de ión nitrito en aguas contaminadas. Dentro de esta tarea, se han construido varios dispositivos con el objetivo de determinar el diseño que presenta mayores ventajas. Se ha continuado con los experimentos a fin de establecer las condiciones óptimas de operación; trabajo que, ha consistido en la observación de la respuesta obtenida frente a diferentes condiciones de trabajo: caudal, volumen de inyección y concentración. Posteriormente, se ha caracterizado el microsistema hallando el límite de detección y la repetitividad. Finalmente, se ha concluido la parte experimental con el análisis de muestras reales a fin de validar el microsistema construido.


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Antecedents: els cossos estranys en l'especialitat d'ORL en països en desenvolupament representen un important problema de salut pública. Objectius: caracteritzar el perfil dels pacients, identificar els cossos estranys i establir relacions entre ells. Metodologia: estudi descriptiu, retrospectiu, de 4.826 pacients amb cossos estranys durant un període ampli (1983-2009). Resultats: el 52.8% dels pacients van ser de sexe masculí i el 64.9% d'edat pediàtrica. Els objectes metàl•lics (24.5%) la localització a l'oïda (40.3%) van ser els més freqüents. Conclusions: es demostren evidències d'interès en salut pública i es proposen estratègies de prevenció i de control.


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Background: Peach fruit undergoes a rapid softening process that involves a number of metabolic changes. Storing fruit at low temperatures has been widely used to extend its postharvest life. However, this leads to undesired changes, such as mealiness and browning, which affect the quality of the fruit. In this study, a 2-D DIGE approach was designed to screen for differentially accumulated proteins in peach fruit during normal softening as well as under conditions that led to fruit chilling injury. Results:The analysis allowed us to identify 43 spots -representing about 18% of the total number analyzed- that show statistically significant changes. Thirty-nine of the proteins could be identified by mass spectrometry. Some of the proteins that changed during postharvest had been related to peach fruit ripening and cold stress in the past. However, we identified other proteins that had not been linked to these processes. A graphical display of the relationship between the differentially accumulated proteins was obtained using pairwise average-linkage cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Proteins such as endopolygalacturonase, catalase, NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, pectin methylesterase and dehydrins were found to be very important for distinguishing between healthy and chill injured fruit. A categorization of the differentially accumulated proteins was performed using Gene Ontology annotation. The results showed that the 'response to stress', 'cellular homeostasis', 'metabolism of carbohydrates' and 'amino acid metabolism' biological processes were affected the most during the postharvest. Conclusions: Using a comparative proteomic approach with 2-D DIGE allowed us to identify proteins that showed stage-specific changes in their accumulation pattern. Several proteins that are related to response to stress, cellular homeostasis, cellular component organization and carbohydrate metabolism were detected as being differentially accumulated. Finally, a significant proportion of the proteins identified had not been associated with softening, cold storage or chilling injury-altered fruit before; thus, comparative proteomics has proven to be a valuable tool for understanding fruit softening and postharvest.


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BACKGROUND: The only known albino gorilla, named Snowflake, was a male wild born individual from Equatorial Guinea who lived at the Barcelona Zoo for almost 40 years. He was diagnosed with non-syndromic oculocutaneous albinism, i.e. white hair, light eyes, pink skin, photophobia and reduced visual acuity. Despite previous efforts to explain the genetic cause, this is still unknown. Here, we study the genetic cause of his albinism and making use of whole genome sequencing data we find a higher inbreeding coefficient compared to other gorillas.RESULTS: We successfully identified the causal genetic variant for Snowflake's albinism, a non-synonymous single nucleotide variant located in a transmembrane region of SLC45A2. This transporter is known to be involved in oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) in humans. We provide experimental evidence that shows that this amino acid replacement alters the membrane spanning capability of this transmembrane region. Finally, we provide a comprehensive study of genome-wide patterns of autozygogosity revealing that Snowflake's parents were related, being this the first report of inbreeding in a wild born Western lowland gorilla.CONCLUSIONS: In this study we demonstrate how the use of whole genome sequencing can be extended to link genotype and phenotype in non-model organisms and it can be a powerful tool in conservation genetics (e.g., inbreeding and genetic diversity) with the expected decrease in sequencing cost.


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Concurso internacional para la construcción de la nueva Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Barcelona


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Background:Our objective is to determine the activity of the antioxidant defense system at admission in patients with early onset first psychotic episodes compared with a control group. Methods: Total antioxidant status (TAS) and lipid peroxidation (LOOH) were determined in plasma. Enzyme activities and total glutathione levels were determined in erythrocytes in 102 children and adolescents with a first psychotic episode and 98 healthy controls. Results: A decrease in antioxidant defense was found in patients, measured as decreased TAS and glutathione levels. Lipid damage (LOOH) and glutathione peroxidase activity was higher in patients than controls. Our study shows a decrease in the antioxidant defense system in early onset first episode psychotic patients. Conclusions: Glutathione deficit seems to be implicated in psychosis, and may be an important indirect biomarker of oxidative stress in early-onset schizophrenia. Oxidative damage is present in these patients, and may contribute to its pathophysiology.