12 resultados para BIS(2,4-DINITROPHENYL) OXALATE DNPO

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Existeixen diferents tecnologies de transmissió sense fils, però la més coneguda és la tecnologia WIFI (Wireless Fidelity) que opera a la banda dels 2,4 GHz a Europa. Aquest tipus de xarxes opera en entorns indoor, on el canal està sotmès a una aleatorietat i complexitat elevades degut a la presència d’una gran quantitat d’elements que poden fer que la senyal rebuda presenti variacions importants en les seves característiques (nivell de senyal, polarització...). Aquest fet motiva la necessitat de desenvolupar i implantar sistemes de comunicacions amb solucions per poder minimitzar els efectes provocats per l’entorn a la senyal. Per poder pal·liar aquestes variacions, en aquest projecte s’ha dissenyat i fabricat una antena formada per dos dipols disposats un ortogonal a l’altre de manera que existeixi diversitat en polarització. La freqüència de treball de la antena és de 2,4 GHz. Rebuda una senyal de RF, el circuit de commutació permetrà seleccionar el dipol pel qual es rep la senyal de RF amb una major potència.


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(S)-2-(4-Bromo-2,4"-bithiazole)-1-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)pyrrolidine ((S)-1) was obtained as a single enantiomer and in high yield by means of a two-step modified Hantzsch thiazole synthesis reaction when bromoketone 3 and thioamide (S)-4 were used. Further conversion of (S)-1 into trimethyltin derivative (S)-2 broadens the scope for further cross-coupling reactions.


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A synthetic route to enantiopure cis-2,4-disubstituted and 2,4-bridged piperidines is reported, the key step being a stereoselective conjugate addition of an organocuprate to a phenylglycinol-derived unsaturated lactam bearing a substituent at the 8a-position.


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Epidemiological data suggest that plant-derived phenolics beneficial effects include an inhibition of LDL oxidation. After applying a screening method based on 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine- protein carbonyl reaction to 21 different plant-derived phenolic acids, we selected the most antioxidant ones. Their effect was assessed in 5 different oxidation systems, as well as in other model proteins. Mass-spectrometry was then used, evidencing a heterogeneous effect on the accumulation of the structurally characterized protein carbonyl glutamic and aminoadipic semialdehydes as well as for malondialdehyde-lysine in LDL apoprotein. After TOF based lipidomics, we identified the most abundant differential lipids in Cu++-incubated LDL as 1-palmitoyllysophosphatidylcholine and 1-stearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. Most of selected phenolic compounds prevented the accumulation of those phospholipids and the cellular impairment induced by oxidized LDL. Finally, to validate these effects in vivo, we evaluated the effect of the intake of a phenolic-enriched extract in plasma protein and lipid modifications in a well-established model of atherosclerosis (diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in hamsters). This showed that a dietary supplement with a phenolic-enriched extract diminished plasma protein oxidative and lipid damage. Globally, these data show structural basis of antioxidant properties of plant-derived phenolic acids in protein oxidation that may be relevant for the health-promoting effects of its dietary intake. that a dietary supplement with a phenolic-enriched extract diminished plasma protein oxidative and lipid damage. Globally, these data show structural basis of antioxidant properties of plant-derived phenolic acids in protein oxidation that may be relevant for the health-promoting effects of its dietary intake.


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Estudio clínico, prospectivo y randomizado. Se incluyeron 85 pacientes, 31 monitorizados mediante BIS®. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto al tiempo (mediana) de ventilación mecánica que fue de 4 (1-10) días en los pacientes con BIS®, y 4 (2-10) días en los no BIS® (p=0,33) , disminución de NAV precoz (10% BIS® y 13,5% no BIS® p=0,46) ni tardía ( 9,7% BIS® y 21,2% no BIS® p=0,15) ni dosis de sedantes. Sin diferencias en cuanto a la estancia (mediana) en UCI (7,5 (2-17) días para el grupo BIS® y de 7,5 (4-19) días para el grupo no BIS®, p=0,51); ni hospitalaria (20 (12-36) días para el grupo BIS® y 20 (9-32) días para el grupo no BIS®, p=0,57).


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Voltage-gated K+ channels of the Kv3 subfamily have unusual electrophysiological properties, including activation at very depolarized voltages (positive to −10 mV) and very fast deactivation rates, suggesting special roles in neuronal excitability. In the brain, Kv3 channels are prominently expressed in select neuronal populations, which include fast-spiking (FS) GABAergic interneurons of the neocortex, hippocampus, and caudate, as well as other high-frequency firing neurons. Although evidence points to a key role in high-frequency firing, a definitive understanding of the function of these channels has been hampered by a lack of selective pharmacological tools. We therefore generated mouse lines in which one of the Kv3 genes, Kv3.2, was disrupted by gene-targeting methods. Whole-cell electrophysiological recording showed that the ability to fire spikes at high frequencies was impaired in immunocytochemically identified FS interneurons of deep cortical layers (5-6) in which Kv3.2 proteins are normally prominent. No such impairment was found for FS neurons of superficial layers (2-4) in which Kv3.2 proteins are normally only weakly expressed. These data directly support the hypothesis that Kv3 channels are necessary for high-frequency firing. Moreover, we found that Kv3.2 −/− mice showed specific alterations in their cortical EEG patterns and an increased susceptibility to epileptic seizures consistent with an impairment of cortical inhibitory mechanisms. This implies that, rather than producing hyperexcitability of the inhibitory interneurons, Kv3.2 channel elimination suppresses their activity. These data suggest that normal cortical operations depend on the ability of inhibitory interneurons to generate high-frequency firing.


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La ruta sintètica del bis(2-((difenilfosfino)metil)fenil)sulfà, Ph2PCH2-(C6H4)S(C6H4)-CH2PPh2 , DPTMephos, involucra 5 reaccions en 4 etapes ben diferenciades. Es per aquest motiu que es fa necessària una optimització de la ruta sintètica per assolir rendiments més elevats. La primera reacció parteix del sulfur de difenil i involucra la formació d’un complex litiat per acabar realitzant una carbonilació amb N,N-DMF per obtindre un dialdehid. El següent pas de la ruta passa per la reducció del producte al diol corresponent. Tot seguit ja es por preparar el substrat mitjanjant una bromació per a que en l’última etapa, s’acobli a l’estructura el grup difenilfosfino. Tant mateix s’han sintetitzat els isòmers de la DPTMephos amb [W(CO)6] i [Mo(CO)6], observant-se la formació tant dels complexos meridionals com facials i la seva interconversió. Tot seguit s’ha desenvolupat la sulfuració de la DPTMephos per obtindre els lligands tant mono com di sulfurats. També s’ha realitzat un estudi de l’espectre de RMN 31P{1H} del complex fac-[Mo(CO)3(DPTMephos)] a temperatura variable per determinar el senyal de cada fòsfor no equivalent a 200K. S’ha realitzat un estudi de forma qualitativa de les conformacions que adopta l’anell quelat de 6 baules en les conformacions tant meridional com facial d’un complex.


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El autor ofrece un intento de reconstrucción lógicamente consistente e históricamenteplausible del argumento con que probaba Meliso la infinitud de lo que es (Mel. B 2-4 D-K), argumento tradicionalmente considerado como un manualístico ejemplo de falacia. La auténtica demostración de la infinitud por Meliso es la que menciona Aristóteles en De gen. et corr. 1 8, 325 a 13 (= Mel. B 4 a Reale), mientras que B 2, donde se la ha solido querer ver, tan sólo contiene una previa enunciación (primera frase) de los dos argumentos que van a seguir y el desarrollo del primero de ellos; el segundo, sobre la infinitud espacial, se desarrollaría en la segunda parte del fragmento, parte que, excepto la primera frase (B 3), se ha perdido. La reinterpretación de la primera partecomo una prueba de la infinitud se debe a Aristóteles, quien logró sacar magisteril partido de los defectos formales del argumento para echar por tierra la más importante tesis de su adversario atribuyéndole una demostración lógicamente inconsistente, de la que, en realidad, Meliso nunca se sirvió.


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The protection of arginine (Arg) side chains is a crucial issue in peptide chemistry because of the propensity of the basic guanidinium group to produce side reactions. Currently, sulfonyl-type protecting groups, such as 2,2,5,7,8-pentamethylchroman (Pmc) and 2,2,4,6,7-pentamethyldihydrobenzofurane (Pbf), are the most widely used for this purpose. Nevertheless, Arg side chain protection remains problematic as a result of the acid stability of these two compounds. This issue is even more relevant in Arg-rich sequences, acid-sensitive peptides and large-scale syntheses. The 1,2-dimethylindole-3-sulfonyl (MIS) group is more acid-labile than Pmc and Pbf and can therefore be a better option for Arg side chain protection. In addition, MIS is compatible with tryptophan-containing peptides.


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The preparation of [FeIV(O)(MePy2tacn)]2+ (2, MePy2tacn = N-methyl-N,N-bis(2-picolyl)-1,4,7-triazacyclononane) by reaction of [FeII(MePy2tacn)(solvent)]2+ (1) and PhIO in CH3CN and its full characterization are described. This compound can also be prepared photochemically from its iron(II) precursor by irradiation at 447 nm in the presence of catalytic amounts of [Ru II(bpy)3]2+ as photosensitizer and a sacrificial electron acceptor (Na2S2O8). Remarkably, the rate of the reaction of the photochemically prepared compound 2 toward sulfides increases 150-fold under irradiation, and 2 is partially regenerated after the sulfide has been consumed; hence, the process can be repeated several times. The origin of this rate enhancement has been established by studying the reaction of chemically generated compound 2 with sulfides under different conditions, which demonstrated that both light and [Ru II(bpy)3]2+ are necessary for the observed increase in the reaction rate. A combination of nanosecond time-resolved absorption spectroscopy with laser pulse excitation and other mechanistic studies has led to the conclusion that an electron transfer mechanism is the most plausible explanation for the observed rate enhancement. According to this mechanism, the in-situ-generated [RuIII(bpy)3] 3+ oxidizes the sulfide to form the corresponding radical cation, which is eventually oxidized by 2 to the corresponding sulfoxide


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This research studied children who had been diagnosed with Multisystem Developmental Disorder (MSDD) (NC, 2002) under the Diagnostic Classifications of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC: 0 - 3). They all showed, to a varying degree, difficulties in relating to others, play, affective interaction and severe delay in developing communication skills. Some studies have observed continuity in the diagnosis of autism during the first years of life. The objective of this study is to analyse the development of infants with MSDD whose diagnosis of autism was not confirmed. We also attempted to verify any possible psychomotor developmental differences based on, or related to, the severity and typology (B and C) of the MSDD. To enable us to do this we carried out a 3-year follow-up during which we assessed the infants (n = 15) and their parents. They are 2 - 4 years old. Results showed that type B children did present a greater impairment of psychomotor development in assessment tests. However, we did not observe any correlation between the degree of severity of the initial symptoms and later diagnoses. Conclusion: although our sample is small, we can conclude that there isn’t a clear evolution in the diagnosis, but we have found significant differences in the symptomatology between the type B and C