18 resultados para Anesthesia, epidural

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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En 33 mujeres en trabajo de parto se realiza analgesia epidural hasta el momento del parto. Una vez finalizado éste, se procede a la retirada del catéter epidural realizando al mismo tiempo una aspiración continua. El fluido obtenido es analizado con un glucómetro digital para averiguar si contiene glucosa, que indicaría su procedencia intrarraquídea. Se relaciona la presencia o no de glucosa con la aparición posterior de cefalea.


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En pacientes gestantes durante trabajo de parto, la fluidoterapia endovenosa es fundamental en la prevención de la hipotensión tras la analgesia epidural y mantener el bienestar materno-fetal. El tipo de fluidoterapia administrada (coloides o cristaloides) puede influir en la incidencia y grado de dicha hipotensión. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue evaluar la incidencia de hipotensión tras la administración de un coloide (Hidroxietil almidón 6%, 250 ml) o un cristaloide (Ringer Lactato 750 ml), evaluando también la posible repercusión fetal. Hasta la fecha hemos incluido 60 gestantes, mostrando una tendencia a una mejor hemodinámica en el grupo coloides


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INTRODUCCIÓ 32 casos de ligamentoplàstia LEA amb plàstia d’isquiotibials autòloga de forma ambulatòria. Es presenta de forma prospectiva els nostres resultats en quan a la correlació dolor-satisfacció. MATERIAL I MÉTODES Es va procedir a anestèsia intradural amb reforç catèter epidural mantingut 24-48h i bloqueig nervi perifèric crural amb catèter perineural estimulable. Reparació via artroscòpica. RESULTATS Per la valoració dels resultats, mantenim contacte telefònic amb el pacient a les 24h i 48h i a consulta al 7º dia. Cap cas de reingrès. DISCUSIÓ i CONCLUSIONS El procedimient de forma ambulatòria amb un correcte procés de selecció, té un lloc important. Es important la detecció precoç del dolor. El pic de dolor màxim se sitúa entre la 1a nit – 2n dia de la cirurgia. Satisfacció a la setmana de 8 punts sobre 10.


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Estudi en 135 pacients obstètriques en treball de part que van rebre analgèsia peridural. Dissenyat per determinar si existeix una distància òptima a la que deixar introduït un catèter dintre de l’espai peridural, amb la finalitat d’obtenir la millor qualitat analgèsica amb el menor índex de complicacions. Secundàriament vam estudiar la resolució de les llacunes després de la manipulació o no dels catèters.


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Objectiu: avaluar quines característiques del pacient i de la tècnica influeixen en la predicció de dificultat en la realització d’un bloqueig neuroaxial. Material i mètodes: estudi observacional prospectiu de 539 pacients sotmesos a un bloqueig regional neuroaxial. Registrem dades demogràfiques, anatòmiques, relacionades amb la tècnica (palpació d’estructures de referència, grau de flexió, morfologia de la curvatura lumbar), experiència anestesiòleg i número d’intents amb/sense redirigir l’agulla. Variable resposta: punció fàcil/difícil. Resultats i conclusions: variables predictives independents de dificultat: flexió dolenta/regular, palpació dolenta/regular d’estructures anatòmiques de referència i curvatura lumbar no convexa. Anatomia, edat i IMC van quedar excloses.


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La preeclàmpsia greu és una malaltia multisistemàtica que es caracteritza per tenir presents alguns dels següents símptomes: PA ≥160 / 110, proteïnúria & 5 g/ 24 h, creatinina plasmàtica elevada, oligúria & 500 cc / 24 h, plaquetes & 100.000 /L, elevació de las transaminases, hemòlisis, dolor epigàstric o hipocondri dret, cefalea, alteracions visuals, mentals, edema agut de pulmó., Sd. Hellp, RCIU o oligoamnis; que apareixen durant l’embaràs. Els factors de risc més comuns entre les pacients estudiades a l’àrea matern infantil de l’ Hospital La Vall d´Hebron de Barcelona són la nuliparidat , l’obesitat i l’ edat &35 anys. Hi ha també uns altres factors menys freqüents com la HTA crònica i la gestació múltiple. En la majoria de les gestants es va seguir el protocol de l’ hipertensió arterial d’aquesta àrea. Totes van ser tractades amb sulfato de magnesi per a prevenir les convulsions i antihipertensiu. Sobre el 70% de les pacients va rebre també un tractament per a l’hipertensió amb labetalol e.v. i hidralacina e.v. Aquests fàrmacs són eficaços per al tractament de l’hipertensió en la preeclàmpsia severa. Es va comprovar que les pacients que van rebre el tractament amb hidralacina van presentar un major nombre de manifestacions clíniques i complicacions. L’anestèsia regional és el tipus d’anestèsia escollida. L’anestèsia intradural produeix el major descens de la TA en les pacients amb preeclàmpsia greu tractades amb anestèsia peridural Per altra banda, la cefalea és més freqüent desprès de l’anestèsia intradural que de l’epidural.


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Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) is a novel, potentially less invasive alternative to laparoscopic surgery. However, the problems of transluminal access and closure represent significant obstacles to its successful introduction in humans. Objective: to evaluate the feasibility and safety of a novel device designed for transluminal access and closure in a survival porcine model. Subjects: Four adult female Yorkshire pigs were used in the study. Interventions: While under general anesthesia, the animals were prepared with multiple tap water enemas followed by instillation of an antibiotic suspension and povidone-iodine lavage. At a distance of 15 to 20 cm from the anus, the prototype device (LSI Solutions, Victor, NY, USA) deployed a circumscribing purse-string suture around the planned incision site and subsequently used a blade mechanism to create a 2.5-cm linear incision. The transcolonic incision was then closed by cinching and securing the purse-string suture with a titanium knot by use of a separate hand-activated suture-locking device. Main Outcome Measurements: The animals were monitored daily for signs of peritonitis and sepsis and were survived for 14 days. The peritoneal cavity was examined for peritonitis, and the colonic incision site was examined for wound dehiscence, pericolic abscess formation, and gross adhesions. Tissue samples from both incisional and random peritoneal sites were obtained for histologic examination. Results: Transcolonic incision and closure were successful in all 4 animals. The device performed in a rapid and reproducible fashion. All animals recovered without septic complications. At necropsy, there was no evidence of peritonitis, abscesses, or wound dehiscence. Salpingocolonic and colovesicular adhesions were noted in 3 of 4 animals. Histologic examination revealed microabscesses at the incision site in all animals. Conclusions: The prototype incision and closure device represents a promising solution to the problems of transluminal access for NOTES. The presence of incision-related adhesions and microabscesses signal the need for further refinement in aseptic technique. 


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III. Estudio descriptivo prospectivo diseñado para evaluar la analgesia postoperatoria de los pacientes sometidos a artroplastia de rodilla. Se comparon dos técnicas analgésicas (epidural y bloqueo femoral) y se analizaron los efectos secundarios e incidencias asociadas a cada una de las técnicas. Los resultados mostraron un grado de satisfacción elevado en nuestros pacientes. Ambas técnicas ofrecieron un buen control analgésico tras ATR, aunque los valores de EVA recogidos fueron discretamente menores en el grupo que recibió analgesia epidural. El grupo epidural presentó mayor incidencia de retención urinaria. No se encontraron complicaciones graves, pero sí se recogieron incidencias asociadas al catéter epidural.


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Zucker lean and obese rats were injected under pentobarbital anesthesia with 125I-labeled insulin; at timed intervals from 30 to 120 sec, blood samples were extracted and used for the estimation of insulin levels by RIA. A group of rats from each series was maintained under a constant infusion of noradrenaline. For each insulin determination, a duplicate blood sample containing the same amount of insulin as that used in the RIA, but without the radioactive label, was used as a blank for insulin measurement. The radioactivity in these tubes was then used for the measurement of insulin label per ml blood. From plasma label decay curves and insulin concentrations, the insulin pool size, half-life, and rate of degradation were calculated. Obese rats had higher insulin levels (2.43 nM) and showed less effect of noradrenaline than their lean counterparts, in which insulin distribution volume shrank with noradrenaline treatment. The half-life of plasma insulin was similar in all groups (range, 226-314 sec). Pool size and overall degradation rates were higher in obese (198 femtokatals) than in lean rats (28 femtokatals). It is postulated that obese rats synthesize and cleave much more insulin than lean controls despite their higher circulating levels of insulin.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to assess quality of life (QoL) and degree of satisfaction among outpatients subjected to surgical extraction of all four third molars under conscious sedation. A second objective was to describe the evolution of self-reported pain measured in a visual analogue scale (VAS) in the 7 days after extraction. Study design: Fifty patients received a questionnaire assessing social isolation, working isolation, eating and speaking ability, diet modifications, sleep impairment, changes in physical appearance, discomfort at suture removal and overall satisfaction at days 4 and 7 after surgery. Pain was recorded by patients on a 100-mm pain visual analogue scale (VAS) every day after extraction until day 7. Results: Thirty-nine patients fulfilled correctly the questionnaire. Postoperative pain values suffered small fluctuations until day 5 (range: 23 to 33 mm in a 100-mm VAS), when dicreased significantly. A positive association was observed between difficult ranked surgeries and higher postoperative pain levels. The average number of days for which the patient stopped working was 4.9. Conclusion: The removal of all third molars in a single appointment causes an important deterioration of the patient"s QoL during the first postoperative week, especially due to local pain and eating discomfort.


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La sedación consciente es una ayuda muy importante para el odontopediatra en casos de niños sin capacidad para cooperar. El paciente sedado ha de estar monitorizado adecuadamente para que los tratamientos sean seguros y podamos obtener el máximo rendimiento de los fármacos utilizados. Recomendamos el uso de un estetoscopio, un monitor de signos vitales y un oxímetro de pulso.


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Objectives: Nasopalatine duct cysts (NPDCs) are the most common developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae. The present study describes the clinicopathological characteristics of 22 NPDCs and discusses their etiology, incidence, treatment and prognosis, with a review of the literature on the subject. Study design: A retrospective observational study was made comprising a period of 36 years (1970-2006), and yielding a series of 22 patients with histopathological confirmation of NPDC. Surgical treatment was carried out under local anesthesia and comprised the dissection and removal of the cyst adopting a usually palatine approach, with the preparation of an enveloping flap from 1.4 to 2.4. Results: No statistically significant correlation was observed between the size of the lesion and patient age, although the size of the cyst differed according to patient gender, with a mean NPDC diameter of 16 mm in males and 12 mm in females. In no case did we observe root reabsorption or loss of vitality of the upper incisors following surgery. The X-ray image was rounded in 15 cases and heart-shaped in the remaining 7 cases. In the majority of cases panoramic X-rays and periapical and occlusal X-rays sufficed to identify the lesion, though computed tomography was used in cases of doubt. Conclusions: The etiology of NPDC is unclear. Simple surgical resection is recommended, followed by clinical and radiological control to ensure correct resolution of the case.


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Objectives: Nasopalatine duct cysts (NPDCs) are the most common developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae. The present study describes the clinicopathological characteristics of 22 NPDCs and discusses their etiology, incidence, treatment and prognosis, with a review of the literature on the subject. Study design: A retrospective observational study was made comprising a period of 36 years (1970-2006), and yielding a series of 22 patients with histopathological confirmation of NPDC. Surgical treatment was carried out under local anesthesia and comprised the dissection and removal of the cyst adopting a usually palatine approach, with the preparation of an enveloping flap from 1.4 to 2.4. Results: No statistically significant correlation was observed between the size of the lesion and patient age, although the size of the cyst differed according to patient gender, with a mean NPDC diameter of 16 mm in males and 12 mm in females. In no case did we observe root reabsorption or loss of vitality of the upper incisors following surgery. The X-ray image was rounded in 15 cases and heart-shaped in the remaining 7 cases. In the majority of cases panoramic X-rays and periapical and occlusal X-rays sufficed to identify the lesion, though computed tomography was used in cases of doubt. Conclusions: The etiology of NPDC is unclear. Simple surgical resection is recommended, followed by clinical and radiological control to ensure correct resolution of the case.


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Objective: To compare the anesthetic action of 0.5% bupivacaine in relation to 4% articaine, both with 1:200,000 epinephrine, in the surgical removal of lower third molars. As a secondary objective hemodynamic changes using both anesthetics were analyzed. Study Design: Triple-blind crossover randomized clinical trial. Eighteen patients underwent bilateral removal of impacted lower third molars using 0.5% bupivacaine or 4% articaine in two different appointments. Preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative variables were recorded. Differences were assessed with McNemar tests and repeated measures ANOVA tests. Results: Both solutions exhibited similar latency times and intraoperative efficacy. Statistical significant lower pain levels were observed with bupivacaine between the fifth (p=0.011) and the ninth (p=0.007) postoperative hours. Bupivacaine provided significantly longer lasting soft tissue anesthesia (p<0.05). Systolic blood pressure and heart rate values were significantly higher with articaine. Conclusions: Bupivacaine could be a valid alternative to articaine especially due to its early postoperative pain prevention ability.


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Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the possible differences in deflection between two needles of same length and external gauge but with different internal gauges during truncal block of the inferior alveolar nerve. The initial working hypothesis was that greater deflection may be expected with larger internal gauge needles. Study design: Four clinicians subjected 346 patients to inferior alveolar nerve block and infiltrating anesthesia of the buccal nerve trajectory for the surgical or conventional extraction of the lower third molar. A nonautoaspirating syringe system with 2 types of needle was used: a standard 27-gauge x 35-mm needle with an internal gauge of 0.215 mm or an XL Monoprotect® 27-gauge x 35-mm needle with an internal gauge of 0.265 mm. The following information was systematically recorded for each patient: needle type, gender, anesthetic technique (direct or indirect truncal block) and the number of bone contacts during the procedure, the patient-extraction side, the practitioner performing the technique, and blood aspiration (either positive or negative). Results: 346 needles were used in total. 190 were standard needles (27-gauge x 35-mm needle with an internal gauge of 0.215 mm) and 156 were XL Monoprotect®. Incidence of deflection was observed in 49.1% of cases (170 needles) where 94 were standard needles and 76 XL Monoprotect®. Needle torsion ranged from 0º and 6º. Conclusions: No significant differences were recorded in terms of deflection and internal gauge, operator, patient-extraction side, the anesthetic technique involved and the number of bone contacts during the procedure