14 resultados para ARABIDOPSIS-THALIANA L

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, a Alemanya, entre 2006 i 2008. En aquest treball s´ha identificat una nove interacció epistàtica entre l'ecotip Landsberg, originari d'Europa del nord, i Kashmir-2 o Kondara, ambdós originaris d'Àsia Central. Els anàlisi de QTLs en poblacions recombinants Ler x Kas-2 i Ler x Kond indica el requeriment de 3 loci en Ler x Kas-2 i 2 loci en Ler x Kond. Els híbrids incompatibles crescuts a temperatures baixes (16°C) mostren seriosos defectes en el desenvolupament, mort cel.lular espontània i resistència a Hyaloperonospora parasitica. Aquests fenotips es suprimeixen a elevades temperatures o per mutació d'EDS1, o depleció dels nivells d'àcid sal.licílic per transformació amb salicil.lat hidroxilasa (NahG). El grau de severitat en els fenotips observats correlaciona amb els nivells d'àcid sal.licílic, indicant que aquesta molècula és essencial per a la senyalització d'incompatibilitats genètiques en Arabidopsis.


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La proteïna CK2 és una Ser/Thr fosfotransferasa evolutivament conservada. Està formada per dues subunitats diferents, α (catalítica) i β (reguladora), que s’associen en un complex heterotetramèric (α2β2). L’activitat d’aquest enzim està regulada per varis mecanismes que la modulen diferencialment en funció del substrat, entre ells, la localització subcel·lular de les diferents subunitats. A partir de plantes transgèniques que contenen les subunitats de CK2 fusionades a una proteïna fluorescent (GFP o YFP) hem establert línies cel·lulars que permetran analitzar, en treballs futurs, els canvis de localització subcel·lular de les subunitats de CK2 provocats per diferents estímuls. La CK2 intervé en un gran nombre de processos cel·lulars, entre d’altres, metabolisme, transport a nucli, control del cicle cel·lular i reparació del DNA. Amb la finalitat d’estudiar el paper de la CK2 en el desenvolupament de les plantes, membres del grup van generar un mutant dominant negatiu per transformació estable de plantes d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Estudis previs mostraven que la pèrdua d’activitat CK2 en aquestes plantes provocava una alteració de l’activitat mitòtica i un bloqueig del cicle cel·lular. Els resultats obtinguts en aquest treball indiquen que aquests fenotips podrien ser conseqüència de la implicació de la CK2 en processos d’estructuració de la cromatina.


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The plant cell wall is a strong fibrillar network that gives each cell its stable shape. It is constituted by a network of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a matrix of polysaccharides, such as xyloglucans. To enlarge, cells selectively loosen this network. Moreover, there is a pectin-rich intercellular material, the middle lamella, cementing together the walls of adjacent plant cells. Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases (XTHs) are a group of enzymes involved in the reorganisation of the cellulose-xyloglucan framework by catalysing cleavage and re-ligation of the xyloglucan chains in the plant cell wall, and are considered cell wall loosening agents. In the laboratory, it has been isolated and characterised a XTH gene, ZmXTH1, from an elongation root cDNA library of maize. To address the cellular function of ZmXTH1, transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants over-expressing ZmXTH1 (under the control of the CaMV35S promoter) were generated. The aim of the work performed was therefore the characterisation of these transgenic plants at the ultrastructural level, by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).The detailed cellular phenotype of transgenic plants was investigated by comparing ultra-thin transverse sections of basal stem of 5-weeks old plants of wild type (Col 0) and 35S-ZmXTH1 Arabidopsis plants. Transgenic plants show modifications in the cell walls, particularly a thicker middle lamella layer with respect the wild type plants, supporting the idea that the overexpression of ZmXTH1 could imply a pronounced wall-loosening. In sum, the work carried out reinforces the idea that ZmXTH1 is involved in the cell wall loosening process in maize.  


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La genètica química en plantes constitueix una poderosa ferramenta en auge. Per a profunditzar en l’enteniment dels mecanismes defensius vegetals front a l’atac de microorganismes patògens es va realitzar un rastreig de molècules moduladores de l’expressió del gen Ep5C, que s’activa en resposta a l’aplicació de H2O2 y a l’atac de Pseudomonas syringae. S’ha utilizat el mutant ocp1 d’ Arabidopsis thaliana, obtés per mutagènesi a partir de plantes transgèniques pEp5C::GUS. Coneguda la relació d’Ep5C amb la RdDM gràcies a la implicació funcional d’OCP1 i OCP11, s’identifica a MOD18, MOD2 i MOD1 com a potencials molècules implicades en aquesta ruta. A més a més, s’identifica a MOD1 com a molècula activadora de les defenses a través de la ruta mediada per àcid salicílic.


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The synthesis of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP), catalyzed by the enzyme DXP synthase (DXS), represents a key regulatory step of the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis. In plants DXS is encoded by small multigene families that can be classified into, at least, three specialized subfamilies. Arabidopsis thaliana contains three genes encoding proteins with similarity to DXS, including the well-known DXS1/CLA1 gene, which clusters within subfamily I. The remaining proteins, initially named DXS2 and DXS3, have not yet been characterized. Here we report the expression and functional analysis of A. thaliana DXS2. Unexpectedly, the expression of DXS2 failed to rescue Escherichia coli and A. thaliana mutants defective in DXS activity. Coherently, we found that DXS activity was negligible in vitro, being renamed as DXL1 following recent nomenclature recommendation. DXL1 is targeted to plastids as DXS1, but shows a distinct expression pattern. The phenotypic analysis of a DXL1 defective mutant revealed that the function of the encoded protein is not essential for growth and development. Evolutionary analyses indicated that DXL1 emerged from DXS1 through a recent duplication apparently specific of the Brassicaceae lineage. Divergent selective constraints would have affected a significant fraction of sites after diversification of the paralogues. Furthermore, amino acids subjected to divergent selection and likely critical for functional divergence through the acquisition of a novel, although not yet known, biochemical function, were identified. Our results provide with the first evidences of functional specialization at both the regulatory and biochemical level within the plant DXS family.


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A long-standing question in evolutionary biology is what defines a species. The biological species concept considers a species as a population of individuals that interbreeds freely and produces viable offspring. Therefore, reproductive isolation is the essence of species. Hybrid necrosis is one form of post-zygotic reproductive isolation. In this chapter, we summarize what is known to date about this phenomenon and highlight progress made in the understanding of these immune-triggered hybrid incompatibilities through our research in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana.


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A long-standing question in evolutionary biology is what defines a species. The biological species concept considers a species as a population of individuals that interbreeds freely and produces viable offspring. Therefore, reproductive isolation is the essence of species. Hybrid necrosis is one form of post-zygotic reproductive isolation. In this chapter, we summarize what is known to date about this phenomenon and highlight progress made in the understanding of these immune-triggered hybrid incompatibilities through our research in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana.


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Els esteroids juguen papers clau en el creixement I el desenvolupament d’eucariotes multicellulars. En plantes, aquestes hormones, anomenades Brassinosteroides (BRs), estan involucrades en una gran varietat de processos biològics essencials per a les plantes. S’han descrit anteriorment dos receptors de BRs del tipus Leucine Rich Repeat Receptor Like Kinase LRR-RLK, BRASSINOSTEROID RECEPTOR LIKE 1 i 3 (BRL1 i BRL3 respectivalemt) que són homòlegs al receptor principal BRI1 i són necessaris pel desenvolupament vascular. Tot i que els principals components de la senyal ja han estat identificats pel seu homòleg més pròxim, el receptor BRI1, els complexes de BRL1 i BRL3 juntament amb els candidats co-receptors així com els components de la ruta de senyalització encara no han sigut identificats. Per tal d’entendre millor la funció molecular d’aquests receptors de BRs en la planta aquesta tesis doctoral planteja dues aproximacions: com a primera aproximació, vaig realitzar un estudi fenotípic del desenvolupament del teixit vascular a la planta model Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). Disposant d'una amplia bateria de mutants de síntesis de la hormona i senyalització del receptor BRI1, vam analitzar quantitativament el seu patró vascular a la tija d'Arabidopsis. Vam establir els paràmetres en les plantes silvestres [Col-0 wild type, (WT)] i els vam analitzar a tots i cadascun dels mutants. Això conjuntament amb una collaboració amb la Dr. Marta Ibañes, física de la Universitat de Barcelona que va construir un model matemàtic per simular la formació del patró vascular ens va permetre ellaborar una hipòtesis que vam demostrar experimentalment i va ser publicada a la revista PNAS. Posteriorment vam observar que les plantes knock-out d'aquests dos receptors BRL1 y BRL3 a diferència de BRI1, no tenien cap fenotip obvi en el teixit vascular de la planta adulta. Així, a continuació, per entendre quina necessitat té la planta de disposar de tres receptors tant altament homòlegs que poden percebre la mateixa hormona, vam utilitzar una aproximació bioquímica en collaboració amb el Prof. de Vries de la Universitat de Wageningen (Holanda) per tal de purificar els complexes dels receptors in vivo i els seus interactors. Això ens ha permès entendre millor el paper funcional d'aquests receptors en la planta. Els resultats d’aquests experiments estan resumits en un article en preparació que aviat estarà en revisió.


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The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) enzyme catalyzes the major rate-limiting step of the mevalonic acid (MVA) pathway from which sterols and other isoprenoids are synthesized. In contrast with our extensive knowledge of the regulation of HMGR in yeast and animals, little is known about this process in plants. To identify regulatory components of the MVA pathway in plants, we performed a genetic screen for second-site suppressor mutations of the Arabidopsis thaliana highly drought-sensitive drought hypersensitive2 (dry2) mutant that shows decreased squalene epoxidase activity. We show that mutations in SUPPRESSOR OF DRY2 DEFECTS1 (SUD1) gene recover most developmental defects in dry2 through changes in HMGR activity. SUD1 encodes a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase that shows sequence and structural similarity to yeast Degradation of a factor (Doa10) and human TEB4, components of the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation C (ERAD-C) pathway. While in yeast and animals, the alternative ERAD-L/ERAD-M pathway regulates HMGR activity by controlling protein stability, SUD1 regulates HMGR activity without apparent changes in protein content. These results highlight similarities, as well as important mechanistic differences, among the components involved in HMGR regulation in plants, yeast, and animals.


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Arabidopsis thaliana contains two genes encoding farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase (FPS), the prenyl diphoshate synthase that catalyzes the synthesis of FPP from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). In this study, we provide evidence that the two Arabidopsis short FPS isozymes FPS1S and FPS2 localize to the cytosol. Both enzymes were expressed in E. coli, purified and biochemically characterized. Despite FPS1S and FPS2 share more than 90% amino acid sequence identity, FPS2 was found to be more efficient as a catalyst, more sensitive to the inhibitory effect of NaCl, and more resistant to thermal inactivation than FPS1S. Homology modelling for FPS1S and FPS2 and analysis of the amino acid differences between the two enzymes revealed an increase in surface polarity and a greater capacity to form surface salt bridges of FPS2 compared to FPS1S. These factors most likely account for the enhanced thermostability of FPS2. Expression analysis of FPS::GUS genes in seeds showed that FPS1 and FPS2 display complementary patterns of expression particularly at late stages of seed development, which suggests that Arabidopsis seeds have two spatially segregated sources of FPP. Functional complementation studies of the Arabidopsis fps2 knockout mutant seed phenotypes demonstrated that under normal conditions FPS1S and FPS2 are functionally interchangeable. A putative role for FPS2 in maintaining seed germination capacity under adverse environmental conditions is discussed.


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Plants synthesize a myriad of isoprenoid products that are required both for essential constitutive processes and for adaptive responses to the environment. The enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) catalyzes a key regulatory step of the mevalonate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis and is modulated by many endogenous and external stimuli. In spite of that, no protein factor interacting with and regulating plant HMGR in vivo has been described so far. Here, we report the identification of two B99 regulatory subunits of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), designated B99a and B99b, that interact with HMGR1S and HMGR1L, the major isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana HMGR. B99a and B99b are Ca2+ binding proteins of the EF-hand type. We show that HMGR transcript, protein, and activity levels are modulated by PP2A in Arabidopsis. When seedlings are transferred to salt-containing medium, B99a and PP2A mediate the decrease and subsequent increase of HMGR activity, which results from a steady rise of HMGR1-encoding transcript levels and an initial sharper reduction of HMGR protein level. In unchallenged plants, PP2A is a posttranslational negative regulator of HMGR activity with the participation of B99b. Our data indicate that PP2A exerts multilevel control on HMGR through the fivemember B99 protein family during normal development and in response to a variety of stress conditions.


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The concentration and ratio of terpenoids in the headspace volatile blend of plants have a fundamental role in the communication of plants and insects. The sesquiterpene (E)-nerolidol is one of the important volatiles with effect on beneficial carnivores for biologic pest management in the field. To optimize de novo biosynthesis and reliable and uniform emission of (E)-nerolidol, we engineered different steps of the (E)-nerolidol biosynthesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Introduction of a mitochondrial nerolidol synthase gene mediates de novo emission of (E)-nerolidol and linalool. Co-expression of the mitochondrial FPS1 and cytosolic HMGR1 increased the number of emitting transgenic plants (incidence rate) and the emission rate of both volatiles. No association between the emission rate of transgenic volatiles and their growth inhibitory effect could be established. (E)-Nerolidol was to a large extent metabolized to non-volatile conjugates.


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Mechanisms underlying speciation in plants include detrimental (incompatible) genetic interactions between parental alleles that incur a fitness cost in hybrids. We reported on recessive hybrid incompatibility between an Arabidopsis thaliana strain from Poland, Landsberg erecta (Ler), and many Central Asian A. thaliana strains. The incompatible interaction is determined by a polymorphic cluster of Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat (TNL) RPP1 (Recognition of Peronospora parasitica1)-like genes in Ler and alleles of the receptor-like kinase Strubbelig Receptor Family 3 (SRF3) in Central Asian strains Kas-2 or Kond, causing temperature-dependent autoimmunity and loss of growth and reproductive fitness. Here, we genetically dissected the RPP1-like Ler locus to determine contributions of individual RPP1-like Ler (R1R8) genes to the incompatibility. In a neutral background, expression of most RPP1-like Ler genes, except R3, has no effect on growth or pathogen resistance. Incompatibility involves increased R3 expression and engineered R3 overexpression in a neutral background induces dwarfism and sterility. However, no individual RPP1-like Ler gene is sufficient for incompatibility between Ler and Kas-2 or Kond, suggesting that co-action of at least two RPP1-like members underlies this epistatic interaction. We find that the RPP1-like Ler haplotype is frequent and occurs with other Ler RPP1-like alleles in a local population in Gorzów Wielkopolski (Poland). Only Gorzów individuals carrying the RPP1-like Ler haplotype are incompatible with Kas-2 and Kond, whereas other RPP1-like alleles in the population are compatible. Therefore, the RPP1-like Ler haplotype has been maintained in genetically different individuals at a single site, allowing exploration of forces shaping the evolution of RPP1-like genes at local and regional population scales.