164 resultados para Skull base reconstruction


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L'abast d'aquest TFC comprèn la planificació, anàlisi, disseny, implementació i prova del sistema d'una base de dades. Davant la necessitat dels desenvolupadors d'aplicacions mòbils a nivell mundial, l'associació internacional d'aquests desenvolupadors ha establert un marc de col·laboració amb la UOC per dissenyar una base de dades que els hi serveixi per crear una plataforma centralitzada per unificar i millorar l'experiència a l'hora de descarregar les seves aplicacions als seus dispositius mòbils.


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El presente Informe es el Informe Final de los servicios de Cooperación Técnica “Programa Nacional de Electrificación Rural de Paraguay” CT 1039. Contiene los resultados de todas las actividades realizadas e integra los contenidos revisados de documentos anteriores. Los trabajos realizados para este informe han sido dirigidos por el Ing. Xavier Vallvé. Los autores del informe son los Ing. Pol Arranz-Piera, Ing. Jean-Claude Pulfer, con la colaboración del Ing. Enrique Velo y las aportaciones del Lic. Jaume Serrasolses y Sr. Jorge Sneij.


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The Baix Empordà-Selva-Gavarres aquifer system is related to the fault set that created the tectonic basins of Empordà and Selva areas (NE Spain) during the Neogene. In this work, we describe groundwater hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopical (3H, δD, δ18O, and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio) characteristics of this system in order to illustrate the relevance of fault zones in groundwater flow-paths and the recharge. In that way, we identify two flow systems, with distinct hydrochemistry and isotopes. A local flow system originates at the Gavarres Range, and it flows towards the basins of the Baix Empordà and Selva, with an approximate residence time of 20 years. Additionally, a regional flow system has only been identified in the Selva basin. This one is related to the main fault zones, as preferential flow paths. Its recharge is located in mountain ranges with higher altitudes, namely the Transversal and Guilleries Ranges, with residence times larger than 50 years. Isotopical data has also shown mixing processes between both flow systems and rainfall recharge while multivariate statistical analysis of principal components has shown the main processes that control hydrochemistry of each flow systems


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We propose an algorithm that extracts image features that are consistent with the 3D structure of the scene. The features can be robustly tracked over multiple views and serve as vertices of planar patches that suitably represent scene surfaces, while reducing the redundancy in the description of 3D shapes. In other words, the extracted features will off er good tracking properties while providing the basis for 3D reconstruction with minimum model complexity


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The development and tests of an iterative reconstruction algorithm for emission tomography based on Bayesian statistical concepts are described. The algorithm uses the entropy of the generated image as a prior distribution, can be accelerated by the choice of an exponent, and converges uniformly to feasible images by the choice of one adjustable parameter. A feasible image has been defined as one that is consistent with the initial data (i.e. it is an image that, if truly a source of radiation in a patient, could have generated the initial data by the Poisson process that governs radioactive disintegration). The fundamental ideas of Bayesian reconstruction are discussed, along with the use of an entropy prior with an adjustable contrast parameter, the use of likelihood with data increment parameters as conditional probability, and the development of the new fast maximum a posteriori with entropy (FMAPE) Algorithm by the successive substitution method. It is shown that in the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and FMAPE algorithms, the only correct choice of initial image for the iterative procedure in the absence of a priori knowledge about the image configuration is a uniform field.


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In this paper we present a Bayesian image reconstruction algorithm with entropy prior (FMAPE) that uses a space-variant hyperparameter. The spatial variation of the hyperparameter allows different degrees of resolution in areas of different statistical characteristics, thus avoiding the large residuals resulting from algorithms that use a constant hyperparameter. In the first implementation of the algorithm, we begin by segmenting a Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) reconstruction. The segmentation method is based on using a wavelet decomposition and a self-organizing neural network. The result is a predetermined number of extended regions plus a small region for each star or bright object. To assign a different value of the hyperparameter to each extended region and star, we use either feasibility tests or cross-validation methods. Once the set of hyperparameters is obtained, we carried out the final Bayesian reconstruction, leading to a reconstruction with decreased bias and excellent visual characteristics. The method has been applied to data from the non-refurbished Hubble Space Telescope. The method can be also applied to ground-based images.


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This paper describes the development and applications of a super-resolution method, known as Super-Resolution Variable-Pixel Linear Reconstruction. The algorithm works combining different lower resolution images in order to obtain, as a result, a higher resolution image. We show that it can make significant spatial resolution improvements to satellite images of the Earth¿s surface allowing recognition of objects with size approaching the limiting spatial resolution of the lower resolution images. The algorithm is based on the Variable-Pixel Linear Reconstruction algorithm developed by Fruchter and Hook, a well-known method in astronomy but never used for Earth remote sensing purposes. The algorithm preserves photometry, can weight input images according to the statistical significance of each pixel, and removes the effect of geometric distortion on both image shape and photometry. In this paper, we describe its development for remote sensing purposes, show the usefulness of the algorithm working with images as different to the astronomical images as the remote sensing ones, and show applications to: 1) a set of simulated multispectral images obtained from a real Quickbird image; and 2) a set of multispectral real Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images. These examples show that the algorithm provides a substantial improvement in limiting spatial resolution for both simulated and real data sets without significantly altering the multispectral content of the input low-resolution images, without amplifying the noise, and with very few artifacts.


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Es descriuen els passos necessaris per publicar a Internet una base de dades creada amb Microsoft Access utilitzant la tecnologia ASP. Es parteix d'un exemple de base de dades creada per a controlar el procés d'adquisicions i es van resseguint, en forma de tutorial, els diferents passos que seran necessaris per a la seva consulta des del web. Finalment, s'indiquen algunes aplicacions de la tecnologia ASP que podren ser útils per a biblioteques i centres de documentació.


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Se describen los elementos necesarios para publicar en Internet una base de datos creada con Microsoft Access utilizando la tecnología ASP. Se parte de un ejemplo de base de datos creada para controlar el proceso de adquisiciones y se van resiguiendo, en forma de tutorial, los diferentes pasos que serán necesarios para su consulta desde el web. Finalmente, se indican algunas aplicaciones de la tecnología ASP que pueden ser útiles para bibliotecas y centros de documentación.


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Se describe y analiza el proyecto de diseño y creación de la base de datos corporativa del Grupo Godó. En primer lugar, se exponen las características de la situación de partida que originó la necesidad del proyecto. A continuación, se explican con detalle las características de la base de datos: su estructura, colecciones que integra, tratamiento documental, flujos de información e interfaces de consulta. Finalmente, se presenta una evaluación sobre el funcionamiento de a nueva base de datos hasta el momento presente y las iniciativas de futuro con las que se pretende mejorar su implantación y funcionamiento.


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Desde su presentación pública en septiembre de 2002, la base de datos Ocenet Consulta, del grupo editorial Océano, está presente en un número creciente de bibliotecas públicas y universitarias de España, América Latina y Estados Unidos, distribuida en este último país por Gale.


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A systematic assessment of global neural network connectivity through direct electrophysiological assays has remained technically infeasible, even in simpler systems like dissociated neuronal cultures. We introduce an improved algorithmic approach based on Transfer Entropy to reconstruct structural connectivity from network activity monitored through calcium imaging. We focus in this study on the inference of excitatory synaptic links. Based on information theory, our method requires no prior assumptions on the statistics of neuronal firing and neuronal connections. The performance of our algorithm is benchmarked on surrogate time series of calcium fluorescence generated by the simulated dynamics of a network with known ground-truth topology. We find that the functional network topology revealed by Transfer Entropy depends qualitatively on the time-dependent dynamic state of the network (bursting or non-bursting). Thus by conditioning with respect to the global mean activity, we improve the performance of our method. This allows us to focus the analysis to specific dynamical regimes of the network in which the inferred functional connectivity is shaped by monosynaptic excitatory connections, rather than by collective synchrony. Our method can discriminate between actual causal influences between neurons and spurious non-causal correlations due to light scattering artifacts, which inherently affect the quality of fluorescence imaging. Compared to other reconstruction strategies such as cross-correlation or Granger Causality methods, our method based on improved Transfer Entropy is remarkably more accurate. In particular, it provides a good estimation of the excitatory network clustering coefficient, allowing for discrimination between weakly and strongly clustered topologies. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our method to analyses of real recordings of in vitro disinhibited cortical cultures where we suggest that excitatory connections are characterized by an elevated level of clustering compared to a random graph (although not extreme) and can be markedly non-local.


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[spa]El estudio bibliométrico descriptivo que sigue presenta tendencias de investigación sobre el aprendizaje basado en problemas entre 1974 y 2009. Se sirve de la base de datos ERIC y trabaja con una muestra de 1007 documentos. Se analizan los registros a tenor de cuatro variables: el año de publicación o realización, la titulación, el área de conocimiento y la tipología de investigación. En cuanto a la producción científica, pueden diferenciarse tres fases: la primera, de 1974 a 1989, supone el inicio de las publicaciones y muestra escasa relevancia estadística; la segunda, de crecimiento, durante la década de los 90 del pasado siglo; y la última, de maduración, desde el año 2000 hasta el año 2009. La distribución de los registros por sectores de conocimiento destaca Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Sociales y Enseñanzas Técnicas. Las titulaciones en las que más ha proliferado el ABP son Medicina, Económicas, Empresariales, Pedagogía, Formación del Profesorado y el conjunto de las ingenierías.


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L’aspiració de trobar una eina que pugui ajudar a identifi car els papers atenent les sevescaracterístiques sorgeix a fi nal segle XVIII amb les primeres descripcions de les filigranespapereres i va prenent cos al segle XIX com a ciència auxiliar de la codicologia.Des de les últimes dècades del segle XX, les filigranes han anat adquirint un interès creixententre els restauradors de document gràfi c —com una eina més per a la presa de decisions i pera la valoració del procés de restauració— i entre els documentalistes, historiadors, museòlegsi bibliòfils —per a la datació i autenticació de les obres— i, fins i tot, en investigacionspolicials i jurídiques per aclarir algun fet delictiu. No obstant això, durant aquests 150 anys, l’estudi del paper a través de les filigranes papereres a Espanya no ha experimentat cap avenç significatiu pel que fa als mètodes i procediments seguits per a l’obtenció i gestió deles dades. En l’àmbit europeu, encara que a partir dels anys 90 sorgeixen noves propostesd’estudi, aquestes limiten la investigació a l’anàlisi de la filigrana sense assolir una visió global del plec sortit de la forma.