114 resultados para Publication for scientific diffusion


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A diffusion-limited-aggregation (DLA) model with two components (A and B species) is presented to investigate the structure of the composite deposits. The sticking probability PAB (=PBA) between the different species is introduced into the original DLA model. By using computer simulation it is shown that various patterns are produced with varying the sticking probabilities PAB (=PBA) and PAA (= PBB), where PAA (=PBB) is the sticking probability between the same species. Segregated patterns can be analyzed under the condition PAB < PAA, assumed throughout the paper. With decreasing sticking probability PAB, a clustering of the same species occurs. With sufficiently small values of both sticking probabilities PAB and PAA, the deposit becomes dense and the segregated patterns of the composite deposit show a striped structure. The effect of the concentration on the pattern morphology is also shown.


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[cat] Analitzem una economia amb dues característiques principals: la mobilitat dels treballadors implica transferència de coneixement i la productivitat de l’empresa augmenta amb l’intercanvi de coneixement. Cada empresa desenvolupa un tipus de coneixement que serà trasmès a la resta de la indústria mitjançant la mobilitat de treballadors. Estudiem dues estructures de mercat laboral i utilitzant un anàlisi comparatiu derivem les implicacions del model. Els resultats revelen com la mobilitat de treballadors depèn en la varietat i nivell del coneixement, la presència de costos de mobilitat, les institucions, la capacitat d’absorvir coneixement per part de les empreses i la mida de la indústria. Els resultats no depenen de l’estructura del mercat laboral.


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Bardina and Jolis [Stochastic process. Appl. 69 (1997) 83-109] prove an extension of Ito's formula for F(Xt, t), where F(x, t) has a locally square-integrable derivative in x that satisfies a mild continuity condition in t and X is a one-dimensional diffusion process such that the law of Xt has a density satisfying certain properties. This formula was expressed using quadratic covariation. Following the ideas of Eisenbaum [Potential Anal. 13 (2000) 303-328] concerning Brownian motion, we show that one can re-express this formula using integration over space and time with respect to local times in place of quadratic covariation. We also show that when the function F has a locally integrable derivative in t, we can avoid the mild continuity condition in t for the derivative of F in x.


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Interest in cognitive pretest methods for evaluating survey questionnaires has been increasing for the last three decades. However, analysing the features of the scientific output in the field can be difficult due to its prevalence in public and private institutes whose main mission is not scientific research. The aim of this research is to characterize the current state of scientific output in the field by means of two bibliometric studies for the period from 1980 to 2007. Study 1 analysed documents obtained from the more commonly used bibliographic databases. Study 2 supplemented the body of documents from Study 1 with documents from non-indexed journals, conference papers, etc. Results show a constant growth in the number of publications. The wide dispersion of publication sources, together with the highlighted role of the public and private institutions as centres of production, can also be identified as relevant characteristics of the scientific output in this field.


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We study hydrogen stability and its evolution during thermal annealing in nanostructured amorphous silicon thin films. From the simultaneous measurement of heat and hydrogen desorption, we obtain the experimental evidence of molecular diffusion in these materials. In addition, we introduce a simple diffusion model which shows good agreement with the experimental data


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An effect of drift is investigated on the segregation pattern in diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) with two components (A and B species). The sticking probability PAB (=PBA) between the different species is introduced into the DLA model with drift, where the sticking probability PAA (=PBB) between the same species equals 1. By using computer simulation it is found that the drift has an important effect on not only the morphology but also the segregation pattern. Under the drift and the small sticking probability, a characteristic pattern appears where elongated clusters of A species and of B species are periodically dispersed. The period decreases with increasing drift. The periodic structure of the deposits is characterized by an autocorrelation function. The shape of the cluster consisting of only A species (or B species) shows a vertically elongated filamentlike structure. Each cluster becomes vertically longer with decreasing sticking probability PAB. The segregation pattern is distinctly different from that with no drift and a small sticking probability PAA. The effect of the concentration on the segregation pattern is also shown.


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A model has been developed for evaluating grain size distributions in primary crystallizations where the grain growth is diffusion controlled. The body of the model is grounded in a recently presented mean-field integration of the nucleation and growth kinetic equations, modified conveniently in order to take into account a radius-dependent growth rate, as occurs in diffusion-controlled growth. The classical diffusion theory is considered, and a modification of this is proposed to take into account interference of the diffusion profiles between neighbor grains. The potentiality of the mean-field model to give detailed information on the grain size distribution and transformed volume fraction for transformations driven by nucleation and either interface- or diffusion-controlled growth processes is demonstrated. The model is evaluated for the primary crystallization of an amorphous alloy, giving an excellent agreement with experimental data. Grain size distributions are computed, and their properties are discussed.


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We analyze the diffusion of a Brownian particle in a fluid under stationary flow. By using the scheme of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in phase space, we obtain the Fokker-Planck equation that is compared with others derived from the kinetic theory and projector operator techniques. This equation exhibits violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. By implementing the hydrodynamic regime described by the first moments of the nonequilibrium distribution, we find relaxation equations for the diffusion current and pressure tensor, allowing us to arrive at a complete description of the system in the inertial and diffusion regimes. The simplicity and generality of the method we propose makes it applicable to more complex situations, often encountered in problems of soft-condensed matter, in which not only one but more degrees of freedom are coupled to a nonequilibrium bath.


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We study biased, diffusive transport of Brownian particles through narrow, spatially periodic structures in which the motion is constrained in lateral directions. The problem is analyzed under the perspective of the Fick-Jacobs equation, which accounts for the effect of the lateral confinement by introducing an entropic barrier in a one-dimensional diffusion. The validity of this approximation, based on the assumption of an instantaneous equilibration of the particle distribution in the cross section of the structure, is analyzed by comparing the different time scales that characterize the problem. A validity criterion is established in terms of the shape of the structure and of the applied force. It is analytically corroborated and verified by numerical simulations that the critical value of the force up to which this description holds true scales as the square of the periodicity of the structure. The criterion can be visualized by means of a diagram representing the regions where the Fick-Jacobs description becomes inaccurate in terms of the scaled force versus the periodicity of the structure.