147 resultados para Holographic Optical Elements


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We consider the numerical treatment of the optical flow problem by evaluating the performance of the trust region method versus the line search method. To the best of our knowledge, the trust region method is studied here for the first time for variational optical flow computation. Four different optical flow models are used to test the performance of the proposed algorithm combining linear and nonlinear data terms with quadratic and TV regularization. We show that trust region often performs better than line search; especially in the presence of non-linearity and non-convexity in the model.


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We study the gravitational dual of a high-energy collision in a confining gauge theory. We consider a linearized approach in which two point particles traveling in an AdS-soliton background suddenly collide to form an object at rest (presumably a black hole for large enough center-of-mass energies). The resulting radiation exhibits the features expected in a theory with a mass gap: late-time power law tails of the form t −3/2, the failure of Huygens" principle and distortion of the wave pattern as it propagates. The energy spectrum is exponentially suppressed for frequencies smaller than the gauge theory mass gap. Consequently, we observe no memory effect in the gravitational waveforms. At larger frequencies the spectrum has an upward-stairway structure, which corresponds to the excitation of the tower of massive states in the confining gauge theory. We discuss the importance of phenomenological cutoffs to regularize the divergent spectrum, and the aspects of the full non-linear collision that are expected to be captured by our approach.


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La reforma de l'ensenyament secundari ha estat i és encara un tema polèmic, controvertit. En sentir crítiques referents a l'estat actual de l'ensenyament secundari per part de professionals procedents de sectors deis diferents estaments educatius, tant si aquestes crítiques són favorables a la reforma com si no ho són, és fàcil percebre un ambient general de preocupació. Davant d'aquest ambient, cal pensar que alguna cosa no deu acabar d'anar bé perquè s'hagi creat un clima de descontent tan generalitzat.


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Aquest article presenta una breu anàlisi de la situació actual de l’Educació Secundària, centrada en vuit punts: els continguts curriculars, els mètodes d’ensenyament-aprenentatge, la motivació de l’alumnat, la motivació del professorat, l’avaluació, la tutoria de grup, la tutoria individual i les relacions escola-família. Com a pistes de futur assenyala cinc aspectes: els espais de trobada escola-família, concretar els valors i conviccions de pares i mestres, l’actuació dels equips interdisciplinaris, la valoració multidimensional del progrés dels alumnes i el rellançament de la tutoria.


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La docencia no presencial permite ahorro de tiempo y de desplazamientos para los alumnos, de manera que contribuye a disminuir el coste de la docencia.


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El present document es centra en un dels edificis més emblemàtics i de més valor patrimonial de la ciutat de Tortosa, la Catedral de Santa Maria, i dintre d'aquest, en la capçalera de la nau central, l'absis, tot durant la seva construcció entre els segles XIV i XV. L'objectiu principal és aconseguir un recull suficient de dades que expliquin diverses idees d'autors, arquitectes, enginyers, etc. que tractin aquests temes, i extraure al final, una idea general que ens permeti realitzar una hipòtesi sobre la metodologia constructiva aplicada, i sobre els elements auxiliars que es van utilitzar en aquell moment.


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In this paper, the sensor of an optical mouse is presented as a counterfeit coin detector applied to the two-Euro case. The detection process is based on the short distance image acquisition capabilities of the optical mouse sensor where partial images of the coin under analysis are compared with some partial reference coin images for matching. Results show that, using only the vision sense, the counterfeit acceptance and rejection rates are very similar to those of a trained user and better than those of an untrained user.


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The following paper introduces the work conducted to create a relative virtual mouse based on the interpretation of head movements and face gesture through a low cost camera and the optical flow of the images. This virtual device is designed specifically as an alternative non-contact pointer for people with mobility impairments in the upper extremities and reduced head control. The proposed virtual device was compared with a conventional mouse, a touchpad and a digital joystick. Validation results show performances close to a digital joystick but far away from a conventional mouse.


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We study general models of holographic superconductivity parametrized by four arbitrary functions of a neutral scalar field of the bulk theory. The models can accommodate several features of real superconductors, like arbitrary critical temperatures and critical exponents in a certain range, and perhaps impurities or boundary or thickness effects. We find analytical expressions for the critical exponents of the general model and show that they satisfy the Rushbrooke identity. An important subclass of models exhibit second order phase transitions. A study of the specific heat shows that general models can also describe holographic superconductors undergoing first, second and third (or higher) order phase transitions. We discuss how small deformations of the HHH model can lead to the appearance of resonance peaks in the conductivity, which increase in number and become narrower as the temperature is gradually decreased, without the need for tuning mass of the scalar to be close to the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. Finally, we investigate the inclusion of a generalized ¿theta term¿ producing Hall effect without magnetic field.


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Light confinement strategies in thin-film silicon solar cells play a crucial role in the performance of the devices. In this work, the possible use of Ag-coated stamped polymers as reflectors to be used in n-i-p solar cells is studied. Different random roughnesses (nanometer and micrometer size) have been transferred on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) by hot embossing. Morphological and optical analyses of masters, stamped polymers and reflectors have been carried out evidencing a positive surface transference on the polymer and the viability of a further application in solar cells.


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The holographic isotropization of a highly anisotropic, homogeneous, strongly coupled, non-Abelian plasma was simplified in ref. [1] by linearizing Einstein"s equations around the final, equilibrium state. This approximation reproduces the expectation value of the boundary stress tensor with a 20% accuracy. Here we elaborate on these results and extend them to observables that are directly sensitive to the bulk interior, focusing for simplicity on the entropy production on the event horizon. We also consider next-to-leading-order corrections and show that the leading terms alone provide a better description of the isotropization process for the states that are furthest from equilibrium.


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We numerically simulate planar shock wave collisions in anti-de Sitter space as a model for heavy ion collisions of large nuclei. We uncover a crossover between two different dynamical regimes as a function of the collision energy. At low energies the shocks first stop and then explode in a manner approximately described by hydrodynamics, in close similarity with the Landau model. At high energies the receding fragments move outwards at the speed of light, with a region of negative energy density and negative longitudinal pressure trailing behind them. The rapidity distribution of the energy density at late times around midrapidity is not approximately boost invariant but Gaussian, albeit with a width that increases with the collision energy.


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In vertebrates, early brain development takes place at the expanded anterior end of the neural tube, which is filled with embryonic cerebrospinal fluid (E-CSF). We have recently identified a transient blood-CSF barrier that forms between embryonic days E3 and E4 in chick embryos and that is responsible for the transport of proteins and control of E-CSF homeostasis, including osmolarity. Here we examined the presence of glucose transporter GLUT-1 as well the presence of caveolae-structural protein Caveolin1 (CAV-1) in the embryonic blood-CSF barrier which may be involved in the transport of glucose and of proteins, water and ions respectively across the neuroectoderm. In this paper we demonstrate the presence of GLUT-1 and CAV-1 in endothelial cells of blood vessels as well as in adjacent neuroectodermal cells, located in the embryonic blood-CSF barrier. In blood vessels, these proteins were detected as early as E4 in chick embryos and E12.7 in rat embryos, i.e. the point at which the embryonic blood-CSF barrier acquires this function. In the neuroectoderm of the embryonic blood-CSF barrier, GLUT-1 was also detected at E4 and E12.7 respectively, and CAV-1 was detected shortly thereafter in both experimental models. These experiments contribute to delineating the extent to which the blood-CSF embryonic barrier controls E-CSF composition and homeostasis during early stages of brain development in avians and mammals. Our results suggest the regulation of glucose transport to the E-CSF by means of GLUT-1 and also suggest a mechanism by which proteins are transported via transcellular routes across the neuroectoderm, thus reinforcing the crucial role of E-CSF in brain development.