130 resultados para barometric formula
The process of free reserves in a non-life insurance portfolio as defined in the classical model of risk theory is modified by the introduction of dividend policies that set maximum levels for the accumulation of reserves. The first part of the work formulates the quantification of the dividend payments via the expectation of their current value under diferent hypotheses. The second part presents a solution based on a system of linear equations for discrete dividend payments in the case of a constant dividend barrier, illustrated by solving a specific case.
The amino acid composition of the protein from three strains of rat (Wistar, Zucker lean and Zucker obese), subjected to reference and high-fat diets has been used to determine the mean empirical formula, molecular weight and N content of whole-rat protein. The combined whole protein of the rat was uniform for the six experimental groups, containing an estimate of 17.3% N and a mean aminoacyl residue molecular weight of 103.7. This suggests that the appropriate protein factor for the calculation of rat protein from its N content should be 5.77 instead of the classical 6.25. In addition, an estimate of the size of the non-protein N mass in the whole rat gave a figure in the range of 5.5 % of all N. The combination of the two calculations gives a protein factor of 5.5 for the conversion of total N into rat protein.
The structural and electronic properties of Cu2O have been investigated using the periodic Hartree-Fock method and a posteriori density-functional corrections. The lattice parameter, bulk modulus, and elastic constants have been calculated. The electronic structure of and bonding in Cu2O are analyzed and compared with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra, showing a good agreement for the valence-band states. To check the quality of the calculated electron density, static structure factors and Compton profiles have been calculated, showing a good agreement with the available experimental data. The effective electron and hole masses have been evaluated for Cu2O at the center of the Brillouin zone. The calculated interaction energy between the two interpenetrated frameworks in the cuprite structure is estimated to be around -6.0 kcal/mol per Cu2O formula. The bonding between the two independent frameworks has been analyzed using a bimolecular model and the results indicate an important role of d10-d10 type interactions between copper atoms.
The aim of this paper is to analyse how learning assessment, particularly the Continuous Assessment system, has been defined in the Public Administration and Management Diploma Course of the University of Barcelona (Spain). This course was a pioneering experiment at this university in implementing the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and thus represents a good case study for verifying whether one of the cornerstones of the EHEA has been accomplished with success. Using data obtained from the Teaching Plans elaborated by the lecturers of each subject, we are able to establish that the CA system has been progressively accepted to such an extent that it is now the assessment formula used by practically all of the lecturers, conforming in this way to the protocols laid down by the Faculty of Law in which this diploma course is taught. Nevertheless, we find that high dispersion exists in how Continuous Assessment is actually defined. Indeed, it seems that there is no unified view of how Continuous Assessment should be performed. This dispersion, however, seems to diminish over time and raises some questions about the advisability of agreement on criteria, considering the potential which CA has as a pedagogical tool. Moreover, we find that the Unique Assessment system, which students may also apply for, is an option chosen only by a minority, with lecturers usually defining it as merely a theoretical and/or practical test, of little innovation in relation to traditional tests.
The aim of this paper is to analyse how learning assessment, particularly the Continuous Assessment system, has been defined in the Public Administration and Management Diploma Course of the University of Barcelona (Spain). This course was a pioneering experiment at this university in implementing the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and thus represents a good case study for verifying whether one of the cornerstones of the EHEA has been accomplished with success. Using data obtained from the Teaching Plans elaborated by the lecturers of each subject, we are able to establish that the CA system has been progressively accepted to such an extent that it is now the assessment formula used by practically all of the lecturers, conforming in this way to the protocols laid down by the Faculty of Law in which this diploma course is taught. Nevertheless, we find that high dispersion exists in how Continuous Assessment is actually defined. Indeed, it seems that there is no unified view of how Continuous Assessment should be performed. This dispersion, however, seems to diminish over time and raises some questions about the advisability of agreement on criteria, considering the potential which CA has as a pedagogical tool. Moreover, we find that the Unique Assessment system, which students may also apply for, is an option chosen only by a minority, with lecturers usually defining it as merely a theoretical and/or practical test, of little innovation in relation to traditional tests.
La posición filosófica viquiana en el De Antiquissima ha sido interpretada de forma dominante como escéptica, apoyándose en dos argumentos de desigual carácter. Uno de ellos se alimenta de la crítica del napolitano a Descartes, al ser considerado el filósofo francés como símbolo de la posibilidad de la conquista de la evidencia y como modelo de filosofía antiescéptica.El segundo argumento se inspira en el verum-factum como criterio fundamental de su filosofía. Vico lo formula como alternativa al cartesiano criterio de la claridad y distinción; pero, el efecto del mismo, en su formulación más radical y tópica, lejos de propiciar la conquista de la evidencian más bien parece alejar esta posibilidad respecto a la totalidad del mundo real, sea la naturaleza sea la sociedad, reservándola de forma estricta y exclusiva para el reino fingido de los entes matemáticos. Esto,unido a la falta de una exacta comprensión de la relación del verum-factum con el verum-certum de la Scienza Nuova, simbolizando ésta el momento de fundamentación de una ciencia (en sentido fuerte) del mundo de las naciones, propiciará la tesis de las dos filosofías viquianas, basadas cada una de ellas en sus respectivas epistemologías del verum-factum y del verum-certum.
The aim of this paper is to analyse how learning assessment, particularly the Continuous Assessment system, has been defined in the Public Administration and Management Diploma Course of the University of Barcelona (Spain). This course was a pioneering experiment at this university in implementing the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and thus represents a good case study for verifying whether one of the cornerstones of the EHEA has been accomplished with success. Using data obtained from the Teaching Plans elaborated by the lecturers of each subject, we are able to establish that the CA system has been progressively accepted to such an extent that it is now the assessment formula used by practically all of the lecturers, conforming in this way to the protocols laid down by the Faculty of Law in which this diploma course is taught. Nevertheless, we find that high dispersion exists in how Continuous Assessment is actually defined. Indeed, it seems that there is no unified view of how Continuous Assessment should be performed. This dispersion, however, seems to diminish over time and raises some questions about the advisability of agreement on criteria, considering the potential which CA has as a pedagogical tool. Moreover, we find that the Unique Assessment system, which students may also apply for, is an option chosen only by a minority, with lecturers usually defining it as merely a theoretical and/or practical test, of little innovation in relation to traditional tests.
En que consisteix "escriure el desig"?. La literatura contemporània,com tants altres discursos (la filosofia, la psicoanalisi...), atorga una gran rellevància a la relació amb l'Altre, amb tot allo que no sóc jo, i, sobretot, a la força que m'empeny cap a l'altre, que podríem anomenar la «lleidel desig». També s'ha afirmat que la consciencia de ser un subjecte autonom existeix gracies als altres que m'envolten. Sartre ho formula així: «necessito l'altre per captar plenament totes les estructures del meu ésser»...
En que consisteix "escriure el desig"?. La literatura contemporània,com tants altres discursos (la filosofia, la psicoanalisi...), atorga una gran rellevància a la relació amb l'Altre, amb tot allo que no sóc jo, i, sobretot, a la força que m'empeny cap a l'altre, que podríem anomenar la «lleidel desig». També s'ha afirmat que la consciencia de ser un subjecte autonom existeix gracies als altres que m'envolten. Sartre ho formula així: «necessito l'altre per captar plenament totes les estructures del meu ésser»...
Background: Our goal was to determine whether short-term intermittent hypoxia exposure, at a level well tolerated by healthy humans and previously shown by our group to increase EPO and erythropoiesis, could mobilizehematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and increase their presence in peripheral circulation. Methods: Four healthy male subjects were subjected to three different protocols: one with only a hypoxic stimulus (OH), another with a hypoxic stimulus plus muscle electrostimulation (HME) and the third with only muscle electrostimulation (OME). Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia exposureconsisted of only three sessions of three hours at barometric pressure 540 hPa (equivalent to an altitude of 5000 m) for three consecutive days, whereas muscular electrostimulation was performed in two separate periods of 25 min in each session. Blood samples were obtained from an antecubital vein on three consecutive days immediately before the experiment and 24 h, 48 h, 4 days and 7 days after the last day of hypoxic exposure. Results: There was a clear increase in the number of circulating CD34+ cells after combined hypobaric hypoxia and muscular electrostimulation. This response was not observed after the isolated application of the same stimuli. Conclusion: Our results open a new application field for hypobaric systems as a way to increase efficiency in peripheral HSC collection.
Background: Our goal was to determine whether short-term intermittent hypoxia exposure, at a level well tolerated by healthy humans and previously shown by our group to increase EPO and erythropoiesis, could mobilizehematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and increase their presence in peripheral circulation. Methods: Four healthy male subjects were subjected to three different protocols: one with only a hypoxic stimulus (OH), another with a hypoxic stimulus plus muscle electrostimulation (HME) and the third with only muscle electrostimulation (OME). Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia exposureconsisted of only three sessions of three hours at barometric pressure 540 hPa (equivalent to an altitude of 5000 m) for three consecutive days, whereas muscular electrostimulation was performed in two separate periods of 25 min in each session. Blood samples were obtained from an antecubital vein on three consecutive days immediately before the experiment and 24 h, 48 h, 4 days and 7 days after the last day of hypoxic exposure. Results: There was a clear increase in the number of circulating CD34+ cells after combined hypobaric hypoxia and muscular electrostimulation. This response was not observed after the isolated application of the same stimuli. Conclusion: Our results open a new application field for hypobaric systems as a way to increase efficiency in peripheral HSC collection.
Revision actual de las Uniones Temporales de Empresas (UTE), con el objeto de constatar si la informacion contable que presentan las empresas asociadas mediante esta formula es fidedigna y cual es su situacion ante la reforma contable. La investigacion consta de una parte teorica y una parte empirica. La parte teorica define la union temporal de empresas, sus caracteristicas y objetivos, el origen historico y la regulacion contable, fiscal y juridica que les afecta. Asimismo, se trata con especial relevancia la adaptacion sectorial del PGC a las Empresas Constructoras (PSEC). Por otra parte, se analizan las Normas Internacionales de Informacion Financiera (NIIF) relacionadas con las UTE. Finalmente, se comparan las normas contables españolas, internacionales y francesas referidas a los contratos de larga duracion. La parte empirica, resulta de un analisis de los estados financieras del periodo 2002-2004 de una poblacion de treinta empresas constructoras que habitualmente realizan UTE, la mayoria de las mismas forman parte del SEOPAN (Asociacion de Empresas Constructoras de ambito nacional).
En el siguiente artículo aborda una práctica tan extendida en las aulas de todos los niveles educativos como es la lectura en voz alta. A partir de su experiencia personal y profesional, formula un análisis ameno, provocador y fundamentado, una constante en sus textos y conferencias, que suscitará en el lector docente nuevas perspectivas acerca de su trabajo.
Heavy-ion reactions and other collective dynamical processes are frequently described by different theoretical approaches for the different stages of the process, like initial equilibration stage, intermediate locally equilibrated fluid dynamical stage, and final freeze-out stage. For the last stage, the best known is the Cooper-Frye description used to generate the phase space distribution of emitted, noninteracting particles from a fluid dynamical expansion or explosion, assuming a final ideal gas distribution, or (less frequently) an out-of-equilibrium distribution. In this work we do not want to replace the Cooper-Frye description, but rather clarify the ways of using it and how to choose the parameters of the distribution and, eventually, how to choose the form of the phase space distribution used in the Cooper-Frye formula. Moreover, the Cooper-Frye formula is used in connection with the freeze-out problem, while the discussion of transition between different stages of the collision is applicable to other transitions also. More recently, hadronization and molecular dynamics models have been matched to the end of a fluid dynamical stage to describe hadronization and freeze-out. The stages of the model description can be matched to each other on space-time hypersurfaces (just like through the frequently used freeze-out hypersurface). This work presents a generalized description of how to match the stages of the description of a reaction to each other, extending the methodology used at freeze-out, in simple covariant form which is easily applicable in its simplest version for most applications.
Fekete points are the points that maximize a Vandermonde-type determinant that appears in the polynomial Lagrange interpolation formula. They are well suited points for interpolation formulas and numerical integration. We prove the asymptotic equidistribution of Fekete points in the sphere. The way we proceed is by showing their connection to other arrays of points, the so-called Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund arrays and interpolating arrays, that have been studied recently.