143 resultados para TRANSITION ELEMENTS


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We study the Fréedericksz transition in a twist geometry under the effect of a periodic modulation of the magnitude of the applied magnetic field. We find a shift of the effective instability point and a time-periodic state with anomalously large orientational fluctuations. This time-periodic state occurs below threshold and it is accompanied by a dynamically stabilized spatial pattern. Beyond the instability the emergence of a transient pattern can be significantly delayed by a fast modulation, allowing the observation of pattern selection by slowing down the reorientational dynamics.


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We study the problem of the Fréedericksz transition under a rotating magnetic field by using a dynamical model which incorporates thermal fluctuations into the whole set of nematodynamic equations. In contrast to other geometries, nonuniform textures in the plane of the sample do not appear favored. The proper consideration of thermal noise enables us to describe the dynamics of orientational fluctuations both below and above the shifted instability.


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We discuss the dynamics of the transient pattern formation process corresponding to the splay Fréedericksz transition. The emergence and subsequent evolution of the spatial periodicity is here described in terms of the temporal dependence of the wave numbers corresponding to the maxima of the structure factor. Situations of perpendicular as well as oblique field-induced stripes relative to the initial orientation of the director are both examined with explicit indications of the time scales needed for their appearance and posterior development.


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The nature of the chemical bond in three titanium oxides of different crystal structure and different formal oxidation state has been studied by means of the ab initio cluster-model approach. The covalent and ionic contributions to the bond have been measured from different theoretical techniques. All the analysis is consistent with an increasing of covalence in the TiO, Ti2O3, and TiO2 series as expected from chemical intuition. Moreover, the use of the ab initio cluster-model approach combined with different theoretical techniques has permitted us to quantify the degree of ionic character, showing that while TiO can approximately be described as an ionic compound, TiO2 is better viewed as a rather covalent oxide.


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Transient dynamics of spatial fluctuations of the director field in the pure twist Fréedericksz transition is studied. A nonlinear calculation is presented. Anomalous transient fluctuations are shown. Different stages of evolution and the domain of validity of linear theories are discussed.


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Thermal analysis, powder diffraction, and Raman scattering as a function of the temperature were carried out on K2BeF4. Moreover, the crystal structure was determined at 293 K from powder diffraction. The compound shows a transition from Pna21 to Pnam space group at 921 K with a transition enthalpy of 5 kJ/mol. The transition is assumed to be first order because the compound shows metastability. Structurally and spectroscopically the transition is similar to those observed in (NH4)2SO4, which suggests that the low-temperature phase is ferroelectric. In order to confirm it, the spontaneous polarization has been computed using an ionic model.


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Les relacions entre les institucions d'ensenyament superior i els poders públics (estatals, nacionals/regionals o local s) són cada vegada més importants. A diferencia d'epoques preterites on segurament podria trobar-se justificació a una certa ignorancia mútua o a trajectories no sempre convergents, a hores d'ara, les exigencies de la vida social reclamen unes relacions noves, conseqüencia d'un conjunt d'implicacions recíproques. Unes relacions que haurien de tenir com a objectiu afavorir l'articulació satisfactoria entre els sistemes social, educatiu i escolar, i, alhora, possibilitar la congruencia necessaria per garantir l'equilibri entre aquests sistemes.


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El diposit consisteix en dos filons E-W, tallats per un altre N-S. El rebliment filonia ès zonat amb esfalerita- galena-calcita als nivells profunds i galena-baritina als superiors. Els elements traça en esfalerites i galenes, plenament separades, han estat analitzats mitjancant fluorescència de raigs X. Els resultats mostren que l'esfalerita concentra la majoria d'elements traça, preferentment Fe, Co, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ga, Cu, Ge i Ag, amb una bona correlació entre els sis primers. La galena concentra únicament Sb, Ag i As, amb bona correlació entre els dos primers. Els continguts en elements traça estan homogèniament distribuits en tot el diposit.


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La reforma de l'ensenyament secundari ha estat i és encara un tema polémic, controvertit. En sentir crítiques referents a l'estat actual de l'ensenyament secundari per part de professionals procedents de sectors deis diferents estaments educatius, tant si aquestes crítiques són favorables a la reforma com si no ho són, és facil percebre un ambient general de preocupació. Davant d'aquest ambient, cal pensar que alguna cosa no deu acabar d'anar bé perqué s'hagi creat un clima de descontent tan generalitzat.


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Thermal and field-induced martensite-austenite transition was studied in melt spun Ni50.3Mn35.3Sn14.4 ribbons. Its distinct highly ordered columnarlike microstructure normal to ribbon plane allows the direct observation of critical fields at which field-induced and highly hysteretic reverse transformation starts (H=17kOe at 240K), and easy magnetization direction for austenite and martensite phases with respect to the rolling direction. Single phase L21 bcc austenite with TC of 313K transforms into a 7M orthorhombic martensite with thermal hysteresis of 21K and transformation temperatures of MS=226K, Mf=218K, AS=237K, and Af=244K


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Space competition effects are well-known in many microbiological and ecological systems. Here we analyze such an effectin human populations. The Neolithic transition (change from foraging to farming) was mainly the outcome of a demographic process that spread gradually throughout Europe from the Near East. In Northern Europe, archaeological data show a slowdown on the Neolithic rate of spread that can be related to a high indigenous (Mesolithic) population density hindering the advance as a result of the space competition between the two populations. We measure this slowdown from a database of 902 Early Neolithic sites and develop a time-delayed reaction-diffusion model with space competition between Neolithic and Mesolithic populations, to predict the observed speeds. The comparison of the predicted speed with the observations and with a previous non-delayed model show that both effects, the time delay effect due to the generation lag and the space competition between populations, are crucial in order to understand the observations


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Les noves tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació esdevenen el tema principal d’aquesta investigació. L’objectiu primordial del treball és donar resposta al següent interrogant: què destaquen els infants i mestres d’una experiència d’aula en la qual s’integren les TIC? Aquesta recerca s’aproxima a la Grounded Theory, que es centra en crear la teoria a partir de l’anàlisi de les dades. En aquest treball és a partir de les dades analitzades que es defineixen les dimensions i indicadors per tal de donar resposta a la pregunta formulada inicialment. La intervenció que s’ha realitzat ha estat portada a terme amb les classes de P-4 i P-5 de dues escoles. Consisteix en explicar el mateix conte, sense final, a les dues aules i que aquestes s’inventin un final per tal d’explicar-se’l a través d’una videoconferència. Els resultats obtinguts amb els instruments de recollida de dades utilitzats en la investigació (dibuix infantil, grups de discussió i entrevistes) mostren que infants i mestres no destaquen el mateix d’una intervenció d’aula utilitzant les TIC. Els infants es centren més en el contingut, mentre que les mestres destaquen la metodologia i la tecnologia emprada.


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The relation between the low-energy constants appearing in the effective field theory description of the Lambda N -> NN transition potential and the parameters of the one-meson-exchange model previously developed is obtained. We extract the relative importance of the different exchange mechanisms included in the meson picture by means of a comparison to the corresponding operational structures appearing in the effective approach. The ability of this procedure to obtain the weak baryon-baryon-meson couplings for a possible scalar exchange is also discussed.


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The relation between the low-energy constants appearing in the effective field theory description of the Lambda N -> NN transition potential and the parameters of the one-meson-exchange model previously developed is obtained. We extract the relative importance of the different exchange mechanisms included in the meson picture by means of a comparison to the corresponding operational structures appearing in the effective approach. The ability of this procedure to obtain the weak baryon-baryon-meson couplings for a possible scalar exchange is also discussed.