123 resultados para Personal Satisfaction
Este trabajo aborda la formación de los grupos dirigentes absolutista y liberal en la Lleida del último cuarto de siglo XVIII y primer tercio de siglo XIX. Siguiendo los principales hechos políticos de este periodo, dibujamos el enfrentamiento progresivo de ambos grupos en la comunidad. Asimismo, reflejamos una distinta adscripción socioprofesional según fuese su filiación política. De esta manera, constatamos que las filas absolutistas se nutrieron de las familias con más influencia social (pequeña nobleza local, ciudadanos honrados, notables y doctores) y los campesinos; mientras que los liberales concentraron las simpatías de los artesanos, hacendados sin privilegio, profesionales liberales e intelectuales.
Los riesgos de pobreza se distribuyen de manera desigual en el ciclo vital. En este artículo ofrecemos datos empíricos sobre esta distribución y analizamos el impacto de las transferencias públicas sobre el riesgo de pobreza en dos etapas que tradicionalmente han concentrado situaciones de mayor precariedad: la infancia y la vejez. Se constata que en los últimos años la pobreza infantil ha aumentado significativamente en Europa y ha disminuido el efecto reductor que las rentas públicas ejercen sobre este tipo de pobreza, al tiempo que la situación de las personas mayores ha mejorado. En el último apartado se examinan los componentes de la protección social que influyen sobre el riesgo de pobreza infantil en nuestro país y se contrastan los posibles efectos de iniciativas para combatirla.
L"objectiu de la contribució que presentem és força senzill d"entendre: hem volgut donar forma a una activitat viscuda per recordar-la i per aprofitar-la quan l"haguem de menester. Com ho hem fet?, doncs materialitzant uns fets, uns pensaments i unes idees en forma de document, el qual a hores d"ara ja forma part del nostre fons personal. La finalitat del document, però, va més enllà: volem donar a conèixer la vàlua dels fons personals com a recurs estratègic per a l"aprenentatge de l"Arxivística. Hem volgut compartir la nostra experiència en aquest canal de comunicació professional perquè pensem, modestament, que treballs com aquest poden ser noves formes d"avançar en el progrés teòric de l"Arxivística.
One motive for behaving as the agent of another"s aggression appears to be anchored in as yet unelucidated mechanisms of obedience to authority. In a recent partial replication of Milgram"s obedience paradigm within an immersive virtual environment, participants administered pain to a female virtual human and observed her suffering. Whether the participants" response to the latter was more akin to other-oriented empathic concern for her well-being or to a self-oriented aversive state of personal distress in response to her distress is unclear. Using the stimuli from that study, this event-related fMRI-based study analysed brain activity during observation of the victim in pain versus not in pain. This contrast revealed activation in pre-defi ned brain areas known to be involved in affective processing but not in those commonly associated with affect sharing (e.g., ACC and insula). We then examined whether different dimensions of dispositional empathy predict activity within the same pre-defi ned brain regions: While personal distress and fantasy (i.e., tendency to transpose oneself into fi ctional situations and characters) predicted brain activity, empathic concern and perspective taking predicted no change in neuronal response associated with pain observation. These exploratory fi ndings suggest that there is a distinct pattern of brain activity associated with observing the pain-related behaviour of the victim within the context of this social dilemma, that this observation evoked a self-oriented aversive state of personal distress, and that the objective"reality" of pain is of secondary importance for this response. These fi ndings provide a starting point for experimentally more rigorous investigation of obedience.
This paper investigates the determinants of job satisfaction of university graduates in Spain. We base our analysis on Locke"s discrepancy theory [Locke (1969)] and decompose subjective evaluation of job characteristics into surplus and deficit levels. We also study the importance of overeducation and over-skilling on job satisfaction. We use REFLEX data, a survey of university graduates. We conclude that job satisfaction is mostly determined by the subjective evaluation of intrinsic job characteristics, with an asymmetric impact of surpluses and deficits. Over-skilling is much more important than over-education in explaining the job satisfaction of university graduates, although the latter is also significant.
La gestión de información personal (personal information management, PIM) estudia cómo organizar y utilizar la información que las personas obtienen para resolver necesidades cotidianas, con el fin de aprovechar al máximo los recursos personales (tiempo, dinero, energía, atención), y así aumentar la productividad y mejorar en consecuencia la calidad de vida. Se presentan los elementos y las actividades en que se articula la PIM, y se expone cómo favorecer la integración de la información personal, en general dispersa en formas, aplicaciones y dispositivos distintos.
This paper focuses on the study of the factorial structure of an inventory to estimate the subjective perception of insecurity and fear of crime. Made from the review of the literature on the subject and the results obtained in previous works, this factor structure shows that this attitude towards insecurity and fear of crime is identified through a number of latent factors which are schematically summarized in (a) personal safety, (b) the perception of personal and social control, (c) the presence of threatening people or situations, (d) the processes of identity and space appropriation, (e) satisfaction with the environment, and (f) the environmental and the use of space. Such factors are relevant dimensions to analyze the phenomenon. Method: A sample of 571 participants in a neighborhood of Barcelona was evaluated with the proposed inventory, which yielded data from the distributions of all the items provided. The administration was conducted by researchers specially trained for it and the results were analyzed by using standard procedures in the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) from the hypothesized theoretical structure. The analysis was performed by decatypes according to the different response scales prepared in the inventory and their ordinal nature, and by estimating the polychoric correlation coefficients. The results show an acceptable fit of the proposed model, an appropriate behavior of the residuals and statistically significant estimates of the factor loadings. This would indicate the goodness of the proposed factor structure.
Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de un protocolo de acogida destinado a familiares de pacientes en nuestra unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) sobre el nivel de satisfacción familiar, al alta del paciente. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo cuasi-experimental. Sujetos del estudio: cuidadores principales y pacientes ingresados >24 h en la UCI. Durante dos meses, el grupo control (n=50) recibió la información y la orientación usuales del personal médico y de enfermería. Durante los dos meses siguientes, al grupo intervención (n=65) se le aplicó un protocolo de acogida estructurado y multidisciplinar, proveído en las primeras 24 h tras el ingreso. A ambos grupos (n=115) se les ofreció la Encuesta de Satisfacción Familiar en la UCI (FS-ICU©) en castellano. Resultados: El índice de respuesta del grupo control fue del 90%, frente al 70,7% del grupo intervención. Un total de 87 encuestas se consideraron válidas (>70% de ítems contestados). Observamos que el nivel de satisfacción general (FS-Total), y los niveles de satisfacción con los cuidados (FS-Cuidados) y con la toma de decisiones (FS-TD), en nuestra UCI, parecen muy altos. La mayoría de las puntuaciones de los distintos ítems de la encuesta en ambos grupos (83,3% frente al 79,1%) superaron el 75% en la escala 0-100%. La comparación de niveles de satisfacción entre grupos no muestra diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones: Este estudio no demostró que esta intervención haya contribuido a una mejora significativa de la calidad percibida por los familiares en nuestra UCI, medidos con la encuesta FS-ICU© en castellano. Sin embargo, destaca cuestiones metodológicas para considerar en futuros estudios sobre este tema.
En la transmisión de infecciones se mezclan las evidencias científicas, los miedos y las valoraciones personales del riesgo de contagio, en ocasiones inadecuadas, dado que el concepto"riesgo" es siempre subjetivo y difícil de definir. Todo ello puede generar conceptos erróneos o no totalmente ciertos. Esta autoevaluación es una pequeña contribución para separar"los mitos y/o leyendas sanitarias" de las realidades en relación con los riesgos de transmisión de algunas infecciones al personal sanitario.
En la transmisión de infecciones se mezclan las evidencias científicas, los miedos y las valoraciones personales del riesgo de contagio, en ocasiones inadecuadas, dado que el concepto"riesgo" es siempre subjetivo y difícil de definir. Todo ello puede generar conceptos erróneos o no totalmente ciertos. Esta autoevaluación es una pequeña contribución para separar"los mitos y/o leyendas sanitarias" de las realidades en relación con los riesgos de transmisión de algunas infecciones al personal sanitario.
This study analyses the types of coping strategies used by internationally adopted children, and explores the relation between these strategies and personal strengths and difficulties. The Kidcope checklist (Spirito, Stark, & Williams, 1998) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, 1997) were administered to a sample of 35 Spanish adoptees (25.7% boys and 74.3% girls, aged 8-12 years) and their parents. Self-reported problems were categorised and their relation with coping strategies and psychological adjustment was explored. Results indicated that adopted children report problems of interpersonal nature. The content of the problems mainly refers to relationships and health, illness, or accidents. Parents reported that children were generally well-adjusted and they had no problems outside the normal range. International adoptees used mainly control-oriented coping strategies. Escape-oriented coping was linked to parents' ratings of total difficulties, with self-criticism accounting for the highest percentage of the variance.
In the last years, an increase of the interest to develop educational practices in higher education, based on the approach of the reflective learning, is observed. Nevertheless, we scarcely find in our context researches or experiences that allow knowing students’ perceptions about this teaching and learning approach. We have developed an experience in the bachelor of Social Education at the University of Girona with the aim to contribute to the personal and professional development of future social educators in their initial training, using reflective learning methodology. In this article we present an evaluation of the experience based on students’ perceptions. They assessed the usefulness they think the module has for their training, the methodology and the activities. This evaluation has been carried out through in-depth interviews to 17 students who participated in the module in 2010-11 academic year. The results show that students assess positively the experience, either its general usefulness or the methodology of reflective learning, although they acknowledge some difficulties to carry out such a process which involves a high degree of introspection and a difficulty to set the boundaries in the narration of personal questions. The study also shows some challenges related on the need, but also the difficulty, to include personal and professional development as a powerful axis in the higher education curriculum, as well as elements linked to reflective learning assessment
The personal research portal : web 2.0 driven individual commitment with open access for development
Several studies have linked coping with personal wellbeing. However, there is no research evidence analyzing this relationship in theSpanish population using Cummins’ model (1997). The aim of this study was to know the level of personal wellbeing of a sample of adolescents and to analyze the relationship between coping strategies and styles and personal well-being. With that purpose in mind, the Personal Well Being Index (PWI) and the Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) have been administered to a sample of 656 adolescents aged between 11 and 17. The results allow identifying the effect of age and gender on personal wellbeing. Those coping strategies centered on focusing on the positive, physical recreation, working hard and achieving are associated to higher personal wellbeing while self-blaming and keeping to self are with lower personal wellbeing