121 resultados para EXPECTATIONS


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The communication presents the results of an investigation of exploratory and comparative character which objective is to analyze the influence of the actual labour situation into the demand of official master studies in the field of education. The study has been developed in two countries with a very different labour situation: Brasil, country of economic expansion and Spain, in recession due to the actual economic crisis. In that sense, the study provides data for deep thinking about the influence of the constriction or expansion of employment on the behaviour and demand of the students who access master studies and on how the previous formative and labour trajectory affects their expectations, demands and future projects. The working methodology is qualitative and the strategy for data collection the “focus group”. As a first approach, two groups of discussion have been formed with master students. A first one with students from Universidad de Barcelona- España and another one with members of Universidade do Vale do Itajaí- Brasil. Then, we constituted a mixed group of discussion in order to analyze differences and similarities.


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La actividad profesional es fundamental en la vida de cualquier persona y en el caso de las que padecen una discapacidad tiene una gran importancia para contribuir a configurar su identidad adulta. En este sentido, la finalidad del artículo es valorar la importancia del trabajo en los procesos de participación social y de calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad. Por ello, en el artículo se pone de manifiesto la relación que se establece entre la dimensión laboral y la integración social de los individuos con discapacidad mediante el análisis de investigaciones desarrolladas en nuestro contexto, entre las que figuran diversos estudios realizados por nuestro grupo de investigación durante los últimos años. Con la voluntad de conocer con más detalle esta cuestión, se presenta una investigación reciente realizada por nuestro equipo. En ella desarrollamos un estudio de casos centrado en personas con discapacidad psíquica que han participado en experiencias de integración laboral en el mercado ordinario, con el objetivo de obtener información sobre la incidencia de la inserción laboral en diferentes dimensiones de la vida de los trabajadores con discapacidad. Los resultados nos permiten valorar que la experiencia genera cambios positivos, sobre todo a nivel personal (expectativas personales, potenciación del proyecto de vida, mejora de competencias…). Sin embargo, a pesar de que se aprecian mejoras en la dimensión social, el estudio plantea la necesidad de emprender acciones alternativas para potenciar la participación comunitaria de las personas implicadas en la investigación. El artículo concluye con algunas propuestas orientadas a mejorar los procesos de inserción social del colectivo


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El rol de la mujer ha evolucionado a ser el de una madre y trabajadora a la vez, originandocambios en las expectativas a la hora de tener descendencia, retrasando la edad de tener hijosy decidiendo crear núcleos pequeños 1, 2. Uno de los paradigmas enfermeros que se tiene encuenta en estas situaciones es el del autocuidado, por lo que como profesional en el campo dela planificación familiar, una de las labores es ofrecer información sobre los métodosanticonceptivos, adaptándolos a cada persona y en cada momento, según la situacióneconómica, social, física o emocional. De esta forma se podrían evitar los embarazos nodeseados y los maltratos infantiles. Uno de los métodos anticonceptivos naturales, que estáintegrado en la planificación familiar, es el método anticonceptivo lactancia-amenorrea. Éstees un método está basado en la fertilidad de la mujer cuando está realizando lactanciamaterna exclusiva.En este trabajo se propone investigar cuál es el grado de conocimiento que tienen las futurasmadres en la actualidad sobre este método anticonceptivo, ya que esto nos servirá de guíapara ofrecer la información necesaria, pudiendo reforzar los puntos débiles que se puedandetectar con éste estudio. Se propone un estudio multicéntrico, cuantitativo, observacional,descriptivo de corte transversal. Se administrará un cuestionario autoadministrado diseñado ad hoc, en una muestra de 148 gestantes durante el tercer trimestre (semana 32-38 de gestación), residentes en Logroño.


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The chromosomal inversion polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura is adaptive to environmental changes. The population of Petnica, Serbia, was chosen to analyze short- and long-term changes in this polymorphism. Short-term changes were studied in the samples collected in May, June, and August of 1995. The inversion polymorphism varied over these months, although various interpretations are possible. To analyze long-term changes, samples obtained in May 1995 and May 2010 were compared. The frequency of the 'cold' adapted inversions (Ast, Jst, Ust, Est, and Ost) decreased and that of the 'warm' adapted inversions (A2, J1, U1+2, and O3+4) increased, from 1995 to 2010. These changes are consistent with the general increase in temperature recorded in Petnica for the same period. Finally, the possible response of chromosomal polymorphism to global warming was analyzed at the regional level (Balkan peninsula). This polymorphism depends on the ecological conditions of the populations, and the changes observed appear to be consistent with global warming expectations. Natural selection seems to be the main mechanism responsible for the evolution of this chromosomal polymorphism.


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The chromosomal inversion polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura is adaptive to environmental changes. The population of Petnica, Serbia, was chosen to analyze short- and long-term changes in this polymorphism. Short-term changes were studied in the samples collected in May, June, and August of 1995. The inversion polymorphism varied over these months, although various interpretations are possible. To analyze long-term changes, samples obtained in May 1995 and May 2010 were compared. The frequency of the 'cold' adapted inversions (Ast, Jst, Ust, Est, and Ost) decreased and that of the 'warm' adapted inversions (A2, J1, U1+2, and O3+4) increased, from 1995 to 2010. These changes are consistent with the general increase in temperature recorded in Petnica for the same period. Finally, the possible response of chromosomal polymorphism to global warming was analyzed at the regional level (Balkan peninsula). This polymorphism depends on the ecological conditions of the populations, and the changes observed appear to be consistent with global warming expectations. Natural selection seems to be the main mechanism responsible for the evolution of this chromosomal polymorphism.


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The newsworthiness of an event is partly determined by how unusual it isand this paper investigates the business cycle implications of this fact. In particular, weanalyze the consequences of information structures in which some types of signals are morelikely to be observed after unusual events. Such signals may increase both uncertainty anddisagreement among agents and when embedded in a simple business cycle model, can helpus understand why we observe (i) occasional large changes in macro economic aggregatevariables without a correspondingly large change in underlying fundamentals (ii) persistentperiods of high macroeconomic volatility and (iii) a positive correlation between absolutechanges in macro variables and the cross-sectional dispersion of expectations as measuredby survey data. These results are consequences of optimal updating by agents when theavailability of some signals is positively correlated with tail-events. The model is estimatedby likelihood based methods using individual survey responses and a quarterly time seriesof total factor productivity along with standard aggregate time series. The estimated modelsuggests that there have been episodes in recent US history when the impact on outputof innovations to productivity of a given magnitude was more than eight times as largecompared to other times.


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La proclamació de la Segona República va obrir un ampli ventall de possibilitats a les dones catalanes i els va crear noves expectatives. D’entrada, la Constitució de 1931 els va atorgar el dret al vot en les mateixes condicions que als homes. Aquest article analitza el tractament del sufragi femení a tres periòdics d’Osona: el liberal Diari de Vic, el conservador la Gazeta de Vich i el setmanari obrerista Sembrar, tant des de la perspectiva dels periodistes homes, com de les dones que hi col·laboraven.


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Aquest article presenta les dificultats que van haver d’afrontar entre 1768 i 1863 els hereus de la casa Baldrich de Valls per liquidar els dots i les deixes testamentàries. Anton Baldrich Janer va nomenar hereu el fill gran del primer matrimoni amb l’obligació de pagar als seus germans i especialment als seus germanastres unes quantitats molt elevades de diners atorgats en un moment de grans expectatives econòmiques, gràcies al comerç amb Amèrica i el nord d’Europa. Durant la primera meitat del segle XIX, alguns anys de males collites, les contínues guerres i la independència de les colònies americanes feren minvar els recursos i van afeblir la hisenda familiar. Els successius hereus maldaven per pagar les contínues reclamacions dels cabalers i les cabaleres de les diferents generacions, fet que els impedia invertir en noves empreses per tal d’ampliar i modernitzar els seus negocis. L’any 1863, el darrer hereu Baldrich va morir sense descendència, havent pagat els darrers deutes familiars però sense haver creat nous horitzons per als seus successors.


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The aim of the present work was to study how the information on product labels influences consumer expectations and their acceptance and purchase intention of dark chocolate. Six samples of dark choco- late, varying in brand (premium and store brand) and in type of product (regular dark chocolate, single cocoa origin dark chocolate and high percentage of cocoa dark chocolate), were evaluated by 109 con- sumers who scored their liking and purchase intention under three conditions: blind (only tasting the products), expected (observing product label information) and informed (tasting the products together with provision of the label information). In the expected condition, consumer liking was mainly affected by the brand. In the blind condition, differences in liking were due to the type of product; the samples with a high percentage of cocoa were those less preferred by consumers. Under the informed condition, liking of dark chocolates varied depending on both brand and type of product. Premium brand chocolates generated high consumer expectations of chocolate acceptability, which were fulfilled by the sensory characteristics of the products. Store brand chocolates created lower expectations, but when they were tasted they were as acceptable as premium chocolates. Claims of a high percentage of cocoa and single cocoa origin on labels did not generate higher expectations than regular dark chocolates.


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This research project focuses on the role of English and Spanish as linguae francae. More specifically, the research attempts to answer the following questions: (i) What is the place of English and Spanish as linguae francae in the world, in general, and in China, in particular? (ii) What kinds of foreign language teaching/learning attitudes and practices are characteristic of the Chinese educational system? (iii) What are the motivations, expectations and experience of Chinese students in study abroad programmes, in general, and in the programme of the University of Lleida, in particular? The study constitutes an attempt to answer each of these questions in two ways: a review of the literature and a pilot study with 26 Chinese students at UdL. The research reveals that even though English is a very dominant foreign language in China, Spanish is a language on the rise and mainly for economic reasons. The results of the study also point at the impact of the dominance of the grammar-translation method in the perspective of Chinese students about language learning. Finally, the study shows the relevance of taking part in a SA programme for Chinese students as well as their experience of them.


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The recent production of synthetic magnetic fields acting on electroneutral particles, such as atoms or photons, has boosted interest in the quantum Hall physics of bosons. Adding pseudospin 1/2 to the bosons greatly enriches the scenario, as it allows them to form an interacting integer quantum Hall (IQH) phase with no fermionic counterpart. Here we show that, for a small two-component Bose gas on a disk, the complete strongly correlated regime, extending from the integer phase at filling factor ν = 2 to the Halperin phase at filling factor ν = 2 / 3, is well described by composite fermionization of the bosons. Moreover we study the edge excitations of the IQH state, which, in agreement with expectations from topological field theory, are found to consist of forward-moving charge excitations and backward-moving spin excitations. Finally, we demonstrate how pair-correlation functions allow one to experimentally distinguish the IQH state from competing states, such as non-Abelian spin singlet (NASS) states.


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In the past decades drug discovery practice has escaped from the complexity of the formerly used phenotypic screening in animals to focus on assessing drug effects on isolated protein targets in the search for drugs that exclusively and potently hit one selected target, thought to be critical for a given disease, while not affecting at all any other target to avoid the occurrence of side-effects. However, reality does not conform to these expectations, and, conversely, this approach has been concurrent with increased attrition figures in late-stage clinical trials, precisely due to lack of efficacy and safety. In this context, a network biology perspective of human disease and treatment has burst into the drug discovery scenario to bring it back to the consideration of the complexity of living organisms and particularly of the (patho)physiological environment where protein targets are (mal)functioning and where drugs have to exert their restoring action. Under this perspective, it has been found that usually there is not one but several disease-causing genes and, therefore, not one but several relevant protein targets to be hit, which do not work on isolation but in a highly interconnected manner, and that most known drugs are inherently promiscuous. In this light, the rationale behind the currently prevailing single-target-based drug discovery approach might even seem a Utopia, while, conversely, the notion that the complexity of human disease must be tackled with complex polypharmacological therapeutic interventions constitutes a difficult-torefuse argument that is spurring the development of multitarget therapies.


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We report an experiment where participants observed an attack on their virtual body as experienced in an immersive virtual reality (IVR) system. Participants sat by a table with their right hand resting upon it. In IVR, they saw a virtual table that was registered with the real one, and they had a virtual body that substituted their real body seen from a first person perspective. The virtual right hand was collocated with their real right hand. Event-related brain potentials were recorded in two conditions, one where the participant"s virtual hand was attacked with a knife and a control condition where the knife only struck the virtual table. Significantly greater P450 potentials were obtained in the attack condition confirming our expectations that participants had a strong illusion of the virtual hand being their own, which was also strongly supported by questionnaire responses. Higher levels of subjective virtual hand ownership correlated with larger P450 amplitudes. Mu-rhythm event-related desynchronization in the motor cortex and readiness potential (C3C4) negativity were clearly observed when the virtual hand was threatened as would be expected, if the real hand was threatened and the participant tried to avoid harm. Our results support the idea that event-related potentials may provide a promising non-subjective measure of virtual embodiment. They also support previous experiments on pain observation and are placed into context of similar experiments and studies of body perception and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.


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This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.


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This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.