155 resultados para Document Representation
We study the contribution of money to business cycle fluctuations in the US,the UK, Japan, and the Euro area using a small scale structural monetary business cycle model. Constrained likelihood-based estimates of the parameters areprovided and time instabilities analyzed. Real balances are statistically importantfor output and inflation fluctuations. Their contribution changes over time. Models giving money no role provide a distorted representation of the sources of cyclicalfluctuations, of the transmission of shocks and of the events of the last 40 years.
The old, understudied electoral system composed of multi-member districts, open ballot and plurality rule is presented as the most remote scene of the origin of both political parties and new electoral systems. A survey of the uses of this set of electoral rules in different parts of the world during remote and recent periods shows its wide spread. A model of voting by this electoral system demonstrates that, while it can produce varied and pluralistic representation, it also provides incentives to form factional or partisan candidacies. Famous negative reactions to the emergence of factions and political parties during the 18th and 19th centuries are reinterpreted in this context. Many electoral rules and procedures invented since the second half of the 19th century, including the Australian ballot, single-member districts, limited and cumulative ballots, and proportional representation rules, derived from the search to reduce the effects of the originating multi-member district system in favor of a single party sweep. The general relations between political parties and electoral systems are restated to account for the foundational stage here discussed.
We study the contribution of the stock of money to the macroeconomic outcomesof the 1990s in Japan using a small scale structural model. Likelihood-basedestimates of the parameters are provided and time stabilities of the structural relationshipsanalyzed. Real balances are statistically important for output and inflationfluctuations and their role has changed over time. Models which give moneyno role give a distorted representation of the sources of cyclical fluctuations. Thesevere stagnation and the long deflation are driven by different causes.
This paper aims to estimate a translog stochastic frontier production function in the analysis of a panel of 150 mixed Catalan farms in the period 1989-1993, in order to attempt to measure and explain variation in technical inefficiency scores with a one-stage approach. The model uses gross value added as the output aggregate measure. Total employment, fixed capital, current assets, specific costs and overhead costs are introduced into the model as inputs. Stochasticfrontier estimates are compared with those obtained using a linear programming method using a two-stage approach. The specification of the translog stochastic frontier model appears as an appropriate representation of the data, technical change was rejected and the technical inefficiency effects were statistically significant. The mean technical efficiency in the period analyzed was estimated to be 64.0%. Farm inefficiency levels were found significantly at 5%level and positively correlated with the number of economic size units.
We represent interval ordered homothetic preferences with a quantitative homothetic utility function and a multiplicative bias. When preferences are weakly ordered (i.e. when indifference is transitive), such a bias equals 1. When indifference is intransitive, the biasing factor is a positive function smaller than 1 and measures a threshold of indifference. We show that the bias is constant if and only if preferences are semiordered, and we identify conditions ensuring a linear utility function. We illustrate our approach with indifference sets on a two dimensional commodity space.
The well--known Minkowski's? $(x)$ function is presented as the asymptotic distribution function of an enumeration of the rationals in (0,1] based on their continued fraction representation. Besides, the singularity of ?$(x)$ is clearly proved in two ways: by exhibiting a set of measure one in which ?ï$(x)$ = 0; and again by actually finding a set of measure one which is mapped onto a set of measure zero and viceversa. These sets are described by means of metrical properties of different systems for real number representation.
The paper proposes a numerical solution method for general equilibrium models with a continuum of heterogeneous agents, which combines elements of projection and of perturbation methods. The basic idea is to solve first for the stationary solutionof the model, without aggregate shocks but with fully specified idiosyncratic shocks. Afterwards one computes a first-order perturbation of the solution in the aggregate shocks. This approach allows to include a high-dimensional representation of the cross-sectional distribution in the state vector. The method is applied to a model of household saving with uninsurable income risk and liquidity constraints. The model includes not only productivity shocks, but also shocks to redistributive taxation, which cause substantial short-run variation in the cross-sectional distribution of wealth. If those shocks are operative, it is shown that a solution method based on very few statistics of the distribution is not suitable, while the proposed method can solve the model with high accuracy, at least for the case of small aggregate shocks. Techniques are discussed to reduce the dimension of the state space such that higher order perturbations are feasible.Matlab programs to solve the model can be downloaded.
We lay out a small open economy version of the Calvo sticky price model, and show how the equilibrium dynamics can be reduced to simple representation in domestic inflation and the output gap. We use the resulting framework to analyze the macroeconomic implications of three alternative rule-based policy regimes for the small open economy: domestic inflation and CPI-based Taylor rules, and an exchange rate peg. We show that a key difference amongthese regimes lies in the relative amount of exchange rate volatility that they entail. We also discuss a special case for which domestic inflation targeting constitutes the optimal policy, and where a simple second order approximation to the utility of the representative consumer can be derived and used to evaluate the welfare losses associated with the suboptimal rules.
In models where privately informed agents interact, agents may need to formhigher order expectations, i.e. expectations of other agents' expectations. This paper develops a tractable framework for solving and analyzing linear dynamic rational expectationsmodels in which privately informed agents form higher order expectations. The frameworkis used to demonstrate that the well-known problem of the infinite regress of expectationsidentified by Townsend (1983) can be approximated to an arbitrary accuracy with a finitedimensional representation under quite general conditions. The paper is constructive andpresents a fixed point algorithm for finding an accurate solution and provides weak conditions that ensure that a fixed point exists. To help intuition, Singleton's (1987) asset pricingmodel with disparately informed traders is used as a vehicle for the paper.
The generalization of simple (two-variable) correspondence analysis to more than two categorical variables, commonly referred to as multiple correspondence analysis, is neither obvious nor well-defined. We present two alternative ways of generalizing correspondence analysis, one based on the quantification of the variables and intercorrelation relationships, and the other based on the geometric ideas of simple correspondence analysis. We propose a version of multiple correspondence analysis, with adjusted principal inertias, as the method of choice for the geometric definition, since it contains simple correspondence analysis as an exact special case, which is not the situation of the standard generalizations. We also clarify the issue of supplementary point representation and the properties of joint correspondence analysis, a method that visualizes all two-way relationships between the variables. The methodology is illustrated using data on attitudes to science from the International Social Survey Program on Environment in 1993.
This paper investigates bilateral trade in banking services within the European Union. The attention has been addressed to two main issues. First, to test the bank's motivations for setting up the different forms of overseas offices, and secondly, to assess the importance of barriers to entry across national European banking systems. Empirical results confirm the existence of different motivations for establishing representative offices, branches and subsidiaries in foreign locations. In addition, evidence has been achieved about the importance of non-regulatory barriers that could make difficult the existence of a single European market for banking services.
This paper proposes an exploration of the methodology of utilityfunctions that distinguishes interpretation from representation. Whilerepresentation univocally assigns numbers to the entities of the domainof utility functions, interpretation relates these entities withempirically observable objects of choice. This allows us to makeexplicit the standard interpretation of utility functions which assumesthat two objects have the same utility if and only if the individual isindifferent among them. We explore the underlying assumptions of suchan hypothesis and propose a non-standard interpretation according towhich objects of choice have a well-defined utility although individualsmay vary in the way they treat these objects in a specific context.We provide examples of such a methodological approach that may explainsome reversal of preferences and suggest possible mathematicalformulations for further research.
En la societat en què vivim cada vegada agafen més importància les pàgines web, ja que és una eina d’informació molt útil i ràpida de consultar. Per això, no s’entén que una activitat empresarial sigui del tipus que sigui, no tingui representació a la xarxa. No és necessari que l’activitat en qüestió hagi de vendre productes a través d’Internet, sinó que simplement aquesta representació pot ajudar a donar a conèixer l’empresa i a ampliar la cartera de clients. De la mateixa manera, els dispositius mòbils també s’estan convertint en una eina important en la societat d’avui en dia i una bona aplicació pot aportar-te un avantatge en moltes de les feines diàries de les persones. D’aquestes idees sorgeix el projecte de fer la web i l’aplicació pel centre de fisioteràpia Fisioripoll. La web serviria per tenir un lloc a la xarxa on donar-se a conèixer i poder captar nous clients, i l’aplicació funcionaria com a eina pel propi centre, seria una espècie d’agenda electrònica per saber les hores que tens reservades els pròxims dies. Per aconseguir un bon funcionament de la web, s’ha demanat que la pàgina sigui administrable en els seus continguts. És a dir, que els propis gestors del centre puguin canviar els texts, les imatges dels diferents apartats i gestionar les reserves dels clients. En canvi, l’aplicació serà només una eina de consulta i no s’hauria de gestionar res. Per tal de dur a terme aquesta web s’ha tingut en compte utilitzar eines de programació de distribució lliure com és el llenguatge PHP, la base de dades MySQL, jQuery, el framework Phonegap per tal de poder construir una web i una aplicació amb cost de programari nul.
Tot i que en el nostre territori comptem des de els anys 80 amb diferents models de Document de Voluntats Anticipades (DVA), aquests continuen essent desconeguts tant per la ciutadania com pels professionals de la salut. Aquesta situació ha fet que ens plantegem com a objectiu d’aquest estudi descriure si existeix la correlació entre el fet de proporcionar informació sobre el DVA i la motivació per la seva realització. En aquest estudi hem agafat com a mostra els usuaris del servei de psicogeriatria de la Fundació Sociosanitaria de Manresa l’Hospital de Sant Andreu de Manresa, tenint en compte les recomanacions del Document Sitges del 2005 i d’altres autors que recomanen fer el DVA en situació de demència lleu o moderada. També s’ha tingut present l’elevada prevalença d’aquesta patologia. S'ha dissenyat un assaig clínic comunitari amb aleatorització de dos consultoris d'un servei de psicogeriatria. Els metges del consultori assignat al grup control feien el tractament habitual en relació al DVA, és a dir, no informar els pacients atesos sobre l'existència i característiques del DVA, i els metges del consultori assignat al grup intervenció donaven informació reglada als seus pacients sobre el DVA. En el moment de la inclusió es registrava informació sociodemogràfica i clínica per poder classificar els participants i, també a tots els subjectes inclosos en l'assaig, al cap de tres setmanes se'ls feia una enquesta telefònica per avaluar l'opinió i el coneixement sobre el DVA. De les respostes de l’enquesta podem extreure com a resultats que més del 90% dels subjectes del grup control no coneixen el DVA. També s’observa de manera significativa com les persones del grup intervenció parlen amb el metge,la infermera i/o la família sobre la dependència i la mort, tenint en compte que la mort i la dependència continuen sent un tema tabú, i que la majoria de la població de l’estudi no planifiquen com volen ser atesos. Tanmateix s’observa com un 2’3 % tenia fet el DVA i un 22’7% manifesten la seva voluntat de realitzar-lo. Amb aquest estudi es conclou que el fet de proporcionar informació sobre el DVA als usuaris del servei de psicogeriatria afavoreix que aquests estiguin motivats per la realització d’aquest document; al mateix temps també afavoreix la planificació de les cures i el parlar sobres temes com la mort i/o la dependència amb la família, el metge la infermera.