Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) at low substrate temperature (150 °C) has been incorporated as the active layer in bottom-gate thin-film transistors (TFTs). These devices were electrically characterised by measuring in vacuum the output and transfer characteristics for different temperatures. The field-effect mobility showed a thermally activated behaviour which could be attributed to carrier trapping at the band tails, as in hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), and potential barriers for the electronic transport. Trapped charge at the interfaces of the columns, which are typical in nc-Si:H, would account for these barriers. By using the Levinson technique, the quality of the material at the column boundaries could be studied. Finally, these results were interpreted according to the particular microstructure of nc-Si:H.
Microdoping compensation of microcrystalline silicon obtained by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapour Deposition
Undoped hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon was obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition at different silane-to-hydrogen ratios and low temperature (<300 °C). As well as technological aspects of the deposition process, we report structural, optical and electrical characterizations of the samples that were used as the active layer for preliminary p-i-n solar cells. Raman spectroscopy indicates that changing the hydrogen dilution can vary the crystalline fraction. From electrical measurements an unwanted n-type character is deduced for this undoped material. This effect could be due to a contaminant, probably oxygen, which is also observed in capacitance-voltage measurements on Schottky structures. The negative effect of contaminants on the device was dramatic and a compensated p-i-n structure was also deposited to enhance the cell performance.
We use the analogy between scattering of a wave from a potential, and the precession of a spin-half particle in a magnetic field, to gain insight into the design of an antireflection coating for electrons in a semiconductor superlattice. It is shown that the classic recipes derived for optics are generally not applicable due to the different dispersion law for electrons. Using the stability conditions we show that a Poisson distribution of impedance steps is a better approximation than is a Gaussian distribution. Examples are given of filters with average transmissivity exceeding 95% over an allowed band.
We report on a field-effect light emitting device based on silicon nanocrystals in silicon oxide deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The device shows high power efficiency and long lifetime. The power efficiency is enhanced up to 0.1 %25 by the presence of a silicon nitride control layer. The leakage current reduction induced by this nitride buffer effectively increases the power efficiency two orders of magnitude with regard to similarly processed devices with solely oxide. In addition, the nitride cools down the electrons that reach the polycrystalline silicon gate lowering the formation of defects, which significantly reduces the device degradation.
A nanostructured disordered Fe(Al) solid solution was obtained from elemental powders of Fe and Al using a high-energy ball mill. The transformations occurring in the material during milling were studied with the use of X-ray diffraction. In addition lattice microstrain, average crystallite size, dislocation density, and the lattice parameter were determined. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to examine the morphology of the samples as a function of milling times. Thermal behaviour of the milled powders was examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results, as well as dissimilarity between calorimetric curves of the powders after 2 and 20 h of milling, indicated the formation of a nanostructured Fe(Al) solid solution
A theoretical model for the noise properties of Schottky barrier diodes in the framework of the thermionic-emission¿diffusion theory is presented. The theory incorporates both the noise inducedby the diffusion of carriers through the semiconductor and the noise induced by the thermionicemission of carriers across the metal¿semiconductor interface. Closed analytical formulas arederived for the junction resistance, series resistance, and contributions to the net noise localized indifferent space regions of the diode, all valid in the whole range of applied biases. An additionalcontribution to the voltage-noise spectral density is identified, whose origin may be traced back tothe cross correlation between the voltage-noise sources associated with the junction resistance andthose for the series resistance. It is argued that an inclusion of the cross-correlation term as a newelement in the existing equivalent circuit models of Schottky diodes could explain the discrepanciesbetween these models and experimental measurements or Monte Carlo simulations.
An analytical theory to describe the combined effects of the epitaxial layer thickness and the ohmic contact on the noise properties of Schottky barrier diodes is presented. The theory, which provides information on both the local and the global noise properties, takes into account the finite size of the epitaxial layer and the effects of the back ohmic contact, and applies to the whole range of applied bias. It is shown that by scaling down the epitaxial layer thickness, the current regime in which the noise temperature displays a shot-noise-like behavior increases at the cost of reducing the current range in which the thermal-noise-like behavior dominates. This improvement in noise temperature is limited by the effects of the ohmic contact, which appear for large currents. The theory is formulated on general trends, allowing its application to the noise analysis of other semiconductor devices operating under strongly inhomogeneous distributions of the electric field and charge concentrations.
We present a microscopic analysis of shot-noise suppression due to long-range Coulomb interaction in semiconductor devices under ballistic transport conditions. An ensemble Monte Carlo simulator self-consistently coupled with a Poisson solver is used for the calculations. A wide range of injection-rate densities leading to different degrees of suppression is investigated. A sharp tendency of noise suppression at increasing injection densities is found to scale with a dimensionless Debye length related to the importance of space-charge effects in the structure.
Self-sustained time-dependent current oscillations under dc voltage bias have been observed in recent experiments on n-doped semiconductor superlattices with sequential resonant tunneling. The current oscillations are caused by the motion and recycling of the domain wall separating low- and high-electric-field regions of the superlattice, as the analysis of a discrete drift model shows and experimental evidence supports. Numerical simulation shows that different nonlinear dynamical regimes of the domain wall appear when an external microwave signal is superimposed on the dc bias and its driving frequency and driving amplitude vary. On the frequency-amplitude parameter plane, there are regions of entrainment and quasiperiodicity forming Arnold tongues. Chaos is demonstrated to appear at the boundaries of the tongues and in the regions where they overlap. Coexistence of up to four electric-field domains randomly nucleated in space is detected under ac+dc driving.
Spatiotemporal chaos is predicted to occur in n-doped semiconductor superlattices with sequential resonant tunneling as their main charge transport mechanism. Under dc voltage bias, undamped time-dependent oscillations of the current (due to the motion and recycling of electric field domain walls) have been observed in recent experiments. Chaos is the result of forcing this natural oscillation by means of an appropriate external microwave signal.
A theoretical model for the noise properties of Schottky barrier diodes in the framework of the thermionic-emission¿diffusion theory is presented. The theory incorporates both the noise inducedby the diffusion of carriers through the semiconductor and the noise induced by the thermionicemission of carriers across the metal¿semiconductor interface. Closed analytical formulas arederived for the junction resistance, series resistance, and contributions to the net noise localized indifferent space regions of the diode, all valid in the whole range of applied biases. An additionalcontribution to the voltage-noise spectral density is identified, whose origin may be traced back tothe cross correlation between the voltage-noise sources associated with the junction resistance andthose for the series resistance. It is argued that an inclusion of the cross-correlation term as a newelement in the existing equivalent circuit models of Schottky diodes could explain the discrepanciesbetween these models and experimental measurements or Monte Carlo simulations.
An analytical theory to describe the combined effects of the epitaxial layer thickness and the ohmic contact on the noise properties of Schottky barrier diodes is presented. The theory, which provides information on both the local and the global noise properties, takes into account the finite size of the epitaxial layer and the effects of the back ohmic contact, and applies to the whole range of applied bias. It is shown that by scaling down the epitaxial layer thickness, the current regime in which the noise temperature displays a shot-noise-like behavior increases at the cost of reducing the current range in which the thermal-noise-like behavior dominates. This improvement in noise temperature is limited by the effects of the ohmic contact, which appear for large currents. The theory is formulated on general trends, allowing its application to the noise analysis of other semiconductor devices operating under strongly inhomogeneous distributions of the electric field and charge concentrations.
Se ha n realizado implantaciones de silicio y de carbono + silicio en matrices aislantes de SÍO2 térmico, las cuales, después de un recocido a alta temperatura precipitan en forma de nanocristales de tamaños comprendidos entre 30 y 60 Á. Estas estructuras presentan una intensa fotoluminiscencia en el rojo profundo (1.4-1.6 eV) y el verde (2.0-2.2 eV). La energía e intensidad de las bandas depende fuertemente de la temperatura y duración del recocido. Diferentes comportamientos se han encontrado para las bandas roja y verde, incluyendo la cinética de desexcitación y el origen estructural. Los experimentos de absorción infrarroja, Raman y microscopía electrónica demuestran que los nanocristales son los responsables de la banda roja mientras que agregados amorfos de carbono son los responsables de la verde.
Se ha utilizado la evaporación secuencial de Cu, Y2O3 y BaF2 para la obtención de láminas delgadas superconductoras de YBa-CuO sobre substratos de Si monocristalino con orientación [100], recubiertos con una lámina barrera de Zr02. Se han estudiado los efectos de la variación de los espesores relativos de las láminas constituyentes y del espesor total de la lámina resultante. Las láminas se han caracterizado mediante medidas de la variación de la resistencia con la temperatura, microscopía electrónoca de barrido, difractometría de rayos X, microson-da electrónica y espectometría de masas de iones secundarios. Las láminas presentan un ligero carácter semiconductor en el estado normal, con temperaturas de inicio de la transición su-perconductora alrededor de 90 K, y resistencia nula, en el mejor de los casos, a 45 K.