114 resultados para expressions figées
En aquest article explorarem alguns aspectes tics que ens semblen rellevants de considerar quan estem implicats en una recerca etnogrfica. Com se sap, una investigaci d'aquest tipus t la finalitat de descriure, comprendre i interpretar la vida d'una persona, d'un col-lectiu, d'una instituci, etc.; s a dir, s'interessa pel que les persones fan, diuen, pensen, creuen ... El que s'intenta comprendre s com interactuen, com es comporten, quines creences i quins valors orienten les seves accions i els seus punts de vista. I tracta de fer-ho des de "dins" considerant les perspectives de totes les persones implicades. Tot aix requereix a qui investiga ser en els escenaris on les persones actuen, observar els seus comportaments i descriure el que passa, el que es diu, com es diu, les expressions, els signes, els gestos, etc. Alhora, tamb exigeix conixer els significats i les interpretacions que donen de la seva actuaci. Per tant, qui investiga haura de realitzar entrevistes amb les persones implicades per comprendre els seus punts de vista. I tamb requerira analitzar la documentaci que produeixin les persones a qui es vol comprendre en relaci amb el que es vol investigar.
In this paper, Rosa Rius thinks about feminine identity and its history, based on the expressions of freedom of two authors living four centuries apart: the Venetian humanist Moderata Fonte (1555-1592) and the Malagan philosopher Mara Zambrano (1904-1991). The fact that these womens freedom is taken as one of their main identifying elements, and straining the historical action of this freedom, unforeseen by the establishment, does not at all imply that the undeniable discrimination inflicted upon women throughout centuries is forgotten or goes on without protest.
El propsit d'aquest treball s fixar, basant-nos en l'anlisi tipolgica, les diferncies lingstiques en la construcci de les expressions de moviment de l'angls i el catal. Partim de la hiptesi que en funci de l'origen de la llengua, s'apliquen solucions diferents a determinats problemes lingstics que apareixen a l'hora de traduir un discurs. Analitzarem, doncs, el grau de fidelitat de la traducci quant a l'expressi del trajecte i de la manera. Per consegent, estudiarem si hi ha cap prdua d'informaci, de qualitat o de genunitat en relaci amb el text original servint-nos de la comparaci d'ambds estils narratius.
We analyze the short-time dynamical behavior of a colloidal suspension in a confined geometry. We analyze the relevant dynamical response of the solvent, and derive the temporal behavior of the velocity autocorrelation function, which exhibits an asymptotic negative algebraic decay. We are able to compare quantitatively with theoretical expressions, and analyze the effects of confinement on the diffusive behavior of the suspension.
El trabajo trata la traduccin del manga al castellano (cuestiones lingsticas, metodolgicas y tcnicas): las caractersticas principales del japons, el proceso de traduccin, los mtodos y las opciones de adaptacin empleados por las editoriales espaolas, y la compatibilidad de escritura en equipos espaoles. Finalmente, incluye un ejemplo real de traduccin.
Aquest treball analitza els problemes de doblatge de langls al catal que presenta una srie cmica, The Vicar of Dibley. Lobjectiu es estudiar tant problemes generals com especfics per tal de demostrar la viabilitat del doblatge daquesta comdia. Es proposen possibles solucions per a tots els problemes analitzats.
Este trabajo analiza cmo interpretan la atenuacin 25 estudiantes universitarios venezolanos de Odontologa, de nuevo ingreso, al responder a dos cuestionarios luego de leer un artculo de revisin. En el primero, con preguntas abiertas, deban interpretar algunas expresiones atenuadas preseleccionadas; en el segundo, deban elegir entre varias interpretaciones cerradas de los mismos fragmentos. Clasificamos sus respuestas en las siguientes categoras: reconocimiento, supresin y aumento de la atenuacin, en el primer cuestionario; identificacin de aproximadores, escudos, decticos y construcciones impersonales, en el segundo. En los resultados predomina la identificacin de atenuadores asociados a la dimensin semntica: el 30% reconoci la atenuacin tal como fue usada en el original, el 30% aument su valor y el 40% no la logr identificar. Los estudiantes identificaron con mayor frecuencia los aproximadores, a diferencia de los escudos, las construcciones impersonales y los decticos temporales. Estos resultados sugieren que es necesario formar a losestudiantes en el uso especializado de las dimensiones pragmtica y sociocognitiva de la atenuacin, en cursos de lectura y escritura acadmica. Solo este conocimiento especfico permitir que los estudiantes dominen el discurso cientfico prototpico de la Odontologa.
Describimos el uso de estrategias de atenuacin en 40 artculos de revisin (AR), publicados en espaol en revistas iberoamericanas entre 1994 y 2004. Identificamos las estrategias empleadas en las secciones retricas por medio de un anlisis contextual de gnero y clasificamos los atenuantes en cinco categoras: construcciones impersonales, decticos temporales, aproximadores, escudos y atenuantes compuestos. Los resultados muestran que hay abundantes y variadas estrategias de atenuacin en las tres secciones retricas del AR, aunque son ms frecuentes en el desarrollo y en la introduccin. Predomina el modal epistmico poder, los adverbios y los adjetivos de posibilidad y probabilidad, y los verbos epistmicos. Registramos varias construcciones impersonales empleadas para atenuar. Los aproximadores se usan para expresar honestidad y varios niveles de certidumbre en las proposiciones; los decticos temporales, para expresar provisionalidad y sugerir varias interpretaciones. Concluimos que la atenuacin puede estar relacionada con la posicin de los autores en la comunidad cientfica y con las caractersticas del AR como gnero discursivo. Asimismo, el nivel de expectativa en la escritura de este gnero podra condicionar cmo se presentan las proposiciones.
Computer simulations of the dynamics of a colloidal particle suspended in a fluid confined by an interface show that the asymptotic decay of the velocity correlation functions is algebraic. The exponents of the long-time tails depend on the direction of motion of the particle relative to the surface, as well as on the specific nature of the boundary conditions. In particular, we find that for the angular velocity correlation function, the decay in the presence of a slip surface is faster than the one corresponding to a stick one. An intuitive picture is introduced to explain the various long-time tails, and the simulations are compared with theoretical expressions where available.
A performance lower bound for quadratic timing recovery accounting for the symbol transition density
The symbol transition density in a digitally modulated signal affects the performance of practical synchronization schemes designed for timing recovery. This paper focuses on the derivation of simple performance limits for the estimation of the time delay of a noisy linearly modulated signal in the presence of various degrees of symbol correlation produced by the varioustransition densities in the symbol streams. The paper develops high- and low-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) approximations of the so-called (Gaussian) unconditional CramrRao bound (UCRB),as well as general expressions that are applicable in all ranges of SNR. The derived bounds are valid only for the class of quadratic, non-data-aided (NDA) timing recovery schemes. To illustrate the validity of the derived bounds, they are compared with the actual performance achieved by some well-known quadratic NDA timing recovery schemes. The impact of the symbol transitiondensity on the classical threshold effect present in NDA timing recovery schemes is also analyzed. Previous work on performancebounds for timing recovery from various authors is generalized and unified in this contribution.
This paper presents a research concerning the conversion of non-accessible web pages containing mathematical formulae into accessible versions through an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool. The objective of this research is twofold. First, to establish criteria for evaluating the potential accessibility of mathematical web sites, i.e. the feasibility of converting non-accessible (non-MathML) math sites into accessible ones (Math-ML). Second, to propose a data model and a mechanism to publish evaluation results, making them available to the educational community who may use them as a quality measurement for selecting learning material.Results show that the conversion using OCR tools is not viable for math web pages mainly due to two reasons: many of these pages are designed to be interactive, making difficult, if not almost impossible, a correct conversion; formula (either images or text) have been written without taking into account standards of math writing, as a consequence OCR tools do not properly recognize math symbols and expressions. In spite of these results, we think the proposed methodology to create and publish evaluation reports may be rather useful in other accessibility assessment scenarios.
El treball que es presenta a continuaci s una anlisi sobre la comunicaci del ex entrenador del FC Barcelona, Josep Guardiola, i la forma en com s'expressa i utilitza el seu discurs per impactar a tots els seus pblics. Partint del seu discurs comunicatiu com a base del treball, analitzarem tamb el qu i el com de la seva comunicaci, la seva actitud amagada darrere les seves paraules, com interactua amb els seus interlocutors o el reflex de les seves expressions corporals. Descobrirem per qu s actualment un dels mxims referents quan parlem de comunicaci i influncia en el mon del esport. Comprovarem per qu la figura del tcnic ha aconseguit la notorietat que t i ha arribat al referent comunicatiu actual.
Actualmente vuelve a ser viable la organizacin mediante turnos de redes de distribucin de riego a presin gracias al desarrollo de sistemas de automticos de telegestin. La organizacin por turnos supone una disminucin de los caudales en la red y el consiguiente ahorro econmico. En la comunicacin se presentan diversas expresiones sencillas para calcular la disminucin relativa de caudales conseguida mediante la organizacin por turnos respecto a la demanda. Dicha disminucin depende del nmero de hidrantes abastecidos por un tramo y de la probabilidad de que los hidrantes estn abiertos. Se ha contrastado los resultados de las expresiones propuestas con datos de proyecto y se consiguen buenos ajustes. El ahorro econmico obtenido con la organizacin por turnos respecto a la demanda se puede estimar entre un 26 y un 49 % el ahorro medio de caudales.
The concept of conditional stability constant is extended to the competitive binding of small molecules to heterogeneous surfaces or macromolecules via the introduction of the conditional affinity spectrum (CAS). The CAS describes the distribution of effective binding energies experienced by one complexing agent at a fixed concentration of the rest. We show that, when the multicomponent system can be described in terms of an underlying affinity spectrum [integral equation (IE) approach], the system can always be characterized by means of a CAS. The thermodynamic properties of the CAS and its dependence on the concentration of the rest of components are discussed. In the context of metal/proton competition, analytical expressions for the mean (conditional average affinity) and the variance (conditional heterogeneity) of the CAS as functions of pH are reported and their physical interpretation discussed. Furthermore, we show that the dependence of the CAS variance on pH allows for the analytical determination of the correlation coefficient between the binding energies of the metal and the proton. Nonideal competitive adsorption isotherm and Frumkin isotherms are used to illustrate the results of this work. Finally, the possibility of using CAS when the IE approach does not apply (for instance, when multidentate binding is present) is explored. 2006 American Institute of Physics.
An analytical approach for the interpretation of multicomponent heterogeneous adsorption or complexation isotherms in terms of multidimensional affinity spectra is presented. Fourier transform, applied to analyze the corresponding integral equation, leads to an inversion formula which allows the computation of the multicomponent affinity spectrum underlying a given competitive isotherm. Although a different mathematical methodology is used, this procedure can be seen as the extension to multicomponent systems of the classical Sipss work devoted to monocomponent systems. Furthermore, a methodology which yields analytical expressions for the main statistical properties (mean free energies of binding and covariance matrix) of multidimensional affinity spectra is reported. Thus, the level of binding correlation between the different components can be quantified. It has to be highlighted that the reported methodology does not require the knowledge of the affinity spectrum to calculate the means, variances, and covariance of the binding energies of the different components. Nonideal competitive consistent adsorption isotherm, widely used in metal/proton competitive complexation to environmental macromolecules, and Frumkin competitive isotherms are selected to illustrate the application of the reported results. Explicit analytical expressions for the affinity spectrum as well as for the matrix correlation are obtained for the NICCA case. 2004 American Institute of Physics.