323 resultados para Ievleva, Elena
The generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells has enabled the derivation of patient-specific pluripotent cells andprovided valuable experimental platforms to model human disease. Patient-specific iPS cells are also thought to hold greattherapeutic potential, although direct evidence for this is still lacking. Here we show that, on correction of the genetic defect,somatic cells from Fanconi anaemia patients can be reprogrammed to pluripotency to generate patient-specific iPS cells. These cell lines appear indistinguishable from human embryonic stem cells and iPS cells from healthy individuals. Most importantly, we show that corrected Fanconi-anaemia-specific iPS cells can give rise to haematopoietic progenitors of the myeloid and erythroid lineages that are phenotypically normal, that is, disease-free. These data offer proof-of-concept that iPS cell technology can be used for the generation of disease-corrected, patient-specific cells with potential value for cell therapy applications.
Selenoproteins contain the amino acid selenocysteine which is encoded by a UGA Sec codon. Recoding UGA Sec requires a complex mechanism, comprising the cis-acting SECIS RNA hairpin in the 3′UTR of selenoprotein mRNAs, and trans-acting factors. Among these, the SECIS Binding Protein 2 (SBP2) is central to the mechanism. SBP2 has been so far functionally characterized only in rats and humans. In this work, we report the characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster SBP2 (dSBP2). Despite its shorter length, it retained the same selenoprotein synthesis-promoting capabilities as the mammalian counterpart. However, a major difference resides in the SECIS recognition pattern: while human SBP2 (hSBP2) binds the distinct form 1 and 2 SECIS RNAs with similar affinities, dSBP2 exhibits high affinity toward form 2 only. In addition, we report the identification of a K (lysine)-rich domain in all SBP2s, essential for SECIS and 60S ribosomal subunit binding, differing from the well-characterized L7Ae RNA-binding domain. Swapping only five amino acids between dSBP2 and hSBP2 in the K-rich domain conferred reversed SECIS-binding properties to the proteins, thus unveiling an important sequence for form 1 binding.
Either calorie restriction, loss of function of the nutrient-dependent PKA or TOR/SCH9 pathways, or activation of stress defences improves longevity in different eukaryotes. However, the molecular links between glucose depletion, nutrient-dependent pathways and stress responses are unknown. Here we show that either calorie restriction or inactivation of nutrient-dependent pathways induces life-span extension in fission yeast, and that such effect is dependent on the activation of the stress-dependent Sty1 MAP kinase. During transition to stationary phase in glucose-limiting conditions, Sty1 becomes activated and triggers a transcriptional stress program, whereas such activation does not occur under glucose-rich conditions. Deletion of the genes coding for the SCH9-homologue Sck2 or the Pka1 kinases, or mutations leading to constitutive activation of the Sty1 stress pathway increase life span under glucose-rich conditions, and importantly such beneficial effects depend ultimately on Sty1. Furthermore, cells lacking Pka1 display enhanced oxygen consumption and Sty1 activation under glucose-rich conditions. We conclude that calorie restriction favours oxidative metabolism, reactive oxygen species production and Sty1 MAP kinase activation, and this stress pathway favours life-span extension.
Background: Spain has recently become an inward migration country. Little is known about the occupational health of immigrant workers. This study aimed to explore the perceptions that immigrant workers in Spain had of their working conditions.Methods: Qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study. Criterion sampling. Data collected between September 2006 and May 2007 through semi-structured focus groups and individual interviews, with a topic guide. One hundred and fifty-eight immigrant workers (90 men/68 women) from Colombia (n = 21), Morocco (n = 39), sub-Saharan Africa (n = 29), Romania (n = 44) and Ecuador (n = 25), who were authorised (documented) or unauthorised (undocumented) residents in five medium to large cities in Spain.Results: Participants described poor working conditions, low pay and health hazards. Perception of hazards appeared to be related to gender and job sector. Informants were highly segregated into jobs by sex, however, so this issue will need further exploration. Undocumented workers described poorer conditions than documented workers, which they attributed to their documentation status. Documented participants also felt vulnerable because of their immigrant status. Informants believed that deficient language skills, non-transferability of their education and training and, most of all, their immigrant status and economic need left them with little choice but to work under poor conditions.Conclusions: The occupational health needs of immigrant workers must be addressed at the job level, while improving the enforcement of existing health and safety regulations. The roles that documentation status and economic need played in these informants' work experiences should be considered and how these may influence health outcomes.
Background: An excess of caffeine is cytotoxic to all eukaryotic cell types. We aim to study how cells become tolerant to atoxic dose of this drug, and the relationship between caffeine and oxidative stress pathways.Methodology/Principal Findings: We searched for Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutants with inhibited growth on caffeinecontainingplates. We screened a collection of 2,700 haploid mutant cells, of which 98 were sensitive to caffeine. The genes mutated in these sensitive clones were involved in a number of cellular roles including the H2O2-induced Pap1 and Sty1 stress pathways, the integrity and calcineurin pathways, cell morphology and chromatin remodeling. We have investigated the role of the oxidative stress pathways in sensing and promoting survival to caffeine. The Pap1 and the Sty1 pathways are both required for normal tolerance to caffeine, but only the Sty1 pathway is activated by the drug. Cells lacking Pap1 aresensitive to caffeine due to the decreased expression of the efflux pump Hba2. Indeed, ?hba2 cells are sensitive to caffeine, and constitutive activation of the Pap1 pathway enhances resistance to caffeine in an Hba2-dependent manner. Conclusions/Significance: With our caffeine-sensitive, genome-wide screen of an S. pombe deletion collection, we havedemonstrated the importance of some oxidative stress pathway components on wild-type tolerance to the drug.
Peroxiredoxins are known to interact with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and to participate in oxidant scavenging, redox signal transduction, and heat-shock responses. The two-cysteine peroxiredoxin Tpx1 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been characterized as the H2O2 sensor that transduces the redox signal to the transcription factor Pap1. Here, we show that Tpx1 is essential for aerobic, but not anaerobic, growth. We demonstrate that Tpx1 has an exquisite sensitivity for its substrate, which explains its participation in maintaining low steady-state levels of H2O2. We also show in vitro and in vivo that inactivation of Tpx1 by oxidation of its catalytic cysteine to a sulfinic acid is always preceded by a sulfinic acid form in a covalently linked dimer, which may be important for understanding the kinetics of Tpx1 inactivation. Furthermore, we provide evidence that a strain expressing Tpx1.C169S, lacking the resolving cysteine, can sustain aerobic growth, and we show that small reductants can modulate the activity of the mutant protein in vitro, probably by supplying a thiol group to substitute for cysteine 169.
Background: It is well known that the pattern of linkage disequilibrium varies between human populations, with remarkable geographical stratification. Indirect association studies routinely exploit linkage disequilibrium around genes, particularly in isolated populations where it is assumed to be higher. Here, we explore both the amount and the decay of linkage disequilibrium with physical distance along 211 gene regions, most of them related to complex diseases, across 39 HGDP-CEPH population samples, focusing particularly on the populations defined as isolates. Within each gene region and population we use r2 between all possible single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) pairs as a measure of linkage disequilibrium and focus on the proportion of SNP pairs with r2 greater than 0.8.Results: Although the average r2 was found to be significantly different both between and within continental regions, a much higher proportion of r2 variance could be attributed to differences between continental regions (2.8% vs. 0.5%, respectively). Similarly, while the proportion of SNP pairs with r2 > 0.8 was significantly different across continents for all distance classes, it was generally much more homogenous within continents, except in the case of Africa and the Americas. The only isolated populations with consistently higher LD in all distance classes with respect to their continent are the Kalash (Central South Asia) and the Surui (America). Moreover, isolated populations showed only slightly higher proportions of SNP pairs with r2 > 0.8 per gene region than non-isolated populations in the same continent. Thus, the number of SNPs in isolated populations that need to be genotyped may be only slightly less than in non-isolates. Conclusion: The "isolated population" label by itself does not guarantee a greater genotyping efficiency in association studies, and properties other than increased linkage disequilibrium may make these populations interesting in genetic epidemiology.
Background: The high polymorphism rate in the human ABO blood group gene seems to be related to susceptibility to different pathogens. It has been estimated that all genetic variation underlying the human ABO alleles appeared along the human lineage, after the divergence from the chimpanzee lineage. A paleogenetic analysis of the ABO blood group gene in Neandertals allows us to directly test for the presence of the ABO alleles in these extinct humans. Results: We have analysed two male Neandertals that were retrieved under controlled conditions at the El Sidron site in Asturias (Spain) and that appeared to be almost free of modern human DNA contamination. We find a human specific diagnostic deletion for blood group O (O01 haplotype) in both Neandertal individuals. Conclusion: These results suggest that the genetic change responsible for the O blood group in humans predates the human and Neandertal divergence. A potential selective event associated with the emergence of the O allele may have therefore occurred after humans separated from their common ancestor with chimpanzees and before the human-Neandertal population divergence.
Background: The human FOXI1 gene codes for a transcription factor involved in the physiology of the inner ear, testis, and kidney. Using three interspecies comparisons, it has been suggested that this may be a gene underhuman-specific selection. We sought to confirm this finding by using an extended set of orthologous sequences.Additionally, we explored for signals of natural selection within humans by sequencing the gene in 20 Europeans,20 East Asians and 20 Yorubas and by analysing SNP variation in a 2 Mb region centered on FOXI1 in 39worldwide human populations from the HGDP-CEPH diversity panel.Results: The genome sequences recently available from other primate and non-primate species showed that FOXI1divergence patterns are compatible with neutral evolution. Sequence-based neutrality tests were not significant inEuropeans, East Asians or Yorubas. However, the Long Range Haplotype (LRH) test, as well as the iHS and XP-Rsbstatistics revealed significantly extended tracks of homozygosity around FOXI1 in Africa, suggesting a recentepisode of positive selection acting on this gene. A functionally relevant SNP, as well as several SNPs either on theputatively selected core haplotypes or with significant iHS or XP-Rsb values, displayed allele frequencies stronglycorrelated with the absolute geographical latitude of the populations sampled.Conclusions: We present evidence for recent positive selection in the FOXI1 gene region in Africa. Climate mightbe related to this recent adaptive event in humans. Of the multiple functions of FOXI1, its role in kidney-mediatedwater-electrolyte homeostasis is the most obvious candidate for explaining a climate-related adaptation.
Today, Temporary Labour Migration is a fundamental course of action promoted by relevant economic and political agents, such as EC, the GCIM, or the OECD. Based on a specific empirical case study of Temporary and Circular Labour Migration in the Catalonian agrarian sector, which has been distinguished as a particularly successful formula, we identify a new area of interest: the emergence of a new empirical migrant category, the Circular Labour Migrant, which remains theoretically unnamed and lacks public recognition. We argue that, until now, there have been two historical phases regarding temporary labour migration: one of total deregulation and another of partial regulation, led by private actors with support from public institutions, and featuring circularity. IN a developed Welfare State context, it would be normatively pertinent to except a step towards a third phase, one involving the institutionalization of this new mobility category through the elaboration of a public policy.
The growing multilingual trend in movie production comes with a challenge for dubbing translators since they are increasingly confronted with more than one source language. The main purpose of this master’s thesis is to provide a case study on how these third languages (see CORRIUS and ZABALBEASCOA 2011) are rendered. Another aim is to put a particular focus on their textual and narrative functions and detect possible shifts that might occur in translations. By applying a theoretical model for translation analysis (CORRIUS and ZABALBEASCOA 2011), this study describes how third languages are rendered in the German, Spanish, and Italian dubbed versions of the 2009 Tarantino movie Inglourious Basterds. A broad range of solution-types are thereby revealed and prevalent restrictions of the translation process identified. The target texts are brought in context with some sociohistorical aspects of dubbing in order to detect prevalent norms of the respective cultures andto discuss the acceptability of translations (TOURY 1995). The translatability potential of even highly complex multilingual audiovisual texts is demonstrated in this study. Moreover, proposals for further studies in multilingual audiovisual translation are outlined and the potential for future investigations in this field thereby emphasised.
The present study examines the development of interculturality and changes of beliefs, by analyzing 106 compositions produced by 53 advanced level university students of translation studies at a university in Spain before and shortly after a stay-abroad (SA) period. The study draws on data collected at two different times: before (T1) and after the SA (T3). In addition, we compared the results with the writings produced by a control group of 10 native English speakers on SA too. Data were collected by means of a composition which tried to elicit the learners’ opinion about cultural habits maintenance. The results reveal significant changes between T1 and T3 in the degree of better attitudes and intercultural acquisition.
El uso de las clases particulares es un tabú para el mundo de la educación. Aunque populares y abundantes, existen muy pocos estudios que analicen cómo se debe llevar a cabo para ser provechosas y adecuadas. El presente trabajo muestra un proyecto de investigación-acción sobre el aprendizaje del ILE, que busca analizar este recurso en un caso concreto y mostrar cómo se puede mejorar su práctica.
“El hotel vela de Ricardo Bofill echa por fin raíces en la nueva bocana” (ElPeriódico; 29 de mayo de 2006); “Bread&Butter deja en BCN 80 millones de euros” (ElPeriódico; 19 de enero de 2007); “Barcelona promociona su oferta de playas en todo elmundo” (El Periódico; 25 de marzo de 2007);… En las portadas y páginas de diarios ygacetas es donde comenzó todo, donde nació y se gestó una idea que posteriormentepasaría a ser nuestro proyecto final.Durante los últimos años la ciudad de Barcelona ha vivido una repentina expansióndel sector turístico y consecuentemente de toda la economía en general de ésta. Nuevoshoteles y complejos turísticos inundan nuestra ciudad, montones de turistas se aglutinanen nuestras calles; y este ritmo parece que nunca llegue a su fin. Delante de estasituación nos planteamos al inicio del proyecto ciertas cuestiones: ¿cuándo podemosconsiderar el inicio de este auge del sector?, ¿cuándo terminará?, ¿qué perfil turístico esel que más puede beneficiar a la ciudad?... Todas estas cuestiones, entre otras, son lasque intentaremos resolver en las próximas páginas.Nuestra primera línea de trabajo parte de varias hipótesis teóricas relacionadas conel turismo de un modo genérico, y mediante un estudio minucioso de la situación actualhemos querido demostrar o desmentir tales tesis para el caso barcelonés. Posteriormentehemos buscado de forma exhaustiva datos oficiales acerca del sector turístico para poderelaborar una evolución de esta variable para los últimos cincuenta años. De este modopretendíamos de nuevo corroborar este crecimiento del sector y dejar de basarnos tansólo en meros argumentos populares.Nuestro proyecto también dedica parte de su contenido al trabajo de campo,centrado en los argumentos y opiniones de oferta y demanda turística de la ciudad. Serealizaron encuestas a turistas para definir así un perfil de visitante de la ciudad, yposteriormente se realizaron entrevistas a personas relacionadas con el mundo delalojamiento para que nos diesen su opinión acerca del fenómeno turístico de la ciudadcondal.El cambio es algo que se hace latente en cada esquina, en cada calle, a cada pasoque damos, por lo que resultará interesante saber qué ha ocurrido para que nuestrosbarrios, nuestros distritos, nuestra ciudad, sea hoy la que es.
El tema del nostre treball és la morositat, centrant‐nos en el estudi d’un cas real en la relació entre dues empreses, un client i un proveïdor, en el què el client va presentar signes de morositat, encara que en cap moment va deixar de pagar cap factura al client. En primer lloc, volem analitzar dades sobre la morositat, per saber com és desenvolupa un cas real d’una empresa amb problemes de morositat i quines son les conseqüències de la morositat, centrant‐nos en dues possibles vies: la via judicial, amb una denúncia a l’Administració Concursal, i la que passa per acudir a certes empreses que, en el límit de la llei, fan servir mètodes persuasius, cal dir que Aquest és un dels objectius fonamentals del treball, és a dir, intentar trobar algunes de les possibles solucions a la morositat, així com intentar detectar aquesta i veure si es pot identificar un morós tipus, cosa que trobaríem d’extrema importància.D’altra banda, com es lògic, volem aplicar els coneixements adquirits en aquests últims anys pel que fa al àmbit de la economia, tant en l’anàlisi de les dades com en els altres apartats del treball.