180 resultados para Gil, Juan, ca. 1535-1587.


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Calcium phosphate coatings, obtained at different deposition rates by pulsed laser deposition with a Nd:YAG laser beam of 355-nm wavelength, were studied. The deposition rate was changed from 0.043 to 1.16 /shot by modification of only the ablated area, maintaining the local fluence constant to perform the ablation process in similar local conditions. Characterization of the coatings was performed by scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffractometry, and infrared, micro-Raman, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The coatings showed a compact surface morphology formed by glassy gains with some droplets on them. Only hydroxyapatite (HA) and alpha-tricalcium phosphate (alpha-TCP) peaks were found in the x-ray diffractograms. The relative content of alpha TCP diminished with decreasing deposition rates, and only HA peaks were found for the lowest rate. The origin of alpha TCP is discussed.


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A laser-based technique for printing transparent and weakly absorbing liquids is developed. Its principle of operation relies in the tight focusing of short laser pulses inside the liquid and close to its free surface, in such a way that the laser radiation is absorbed in a tiny volume around the beam waist, with practically no absorption in any other location along the beam path. If the absorbed energy overcomes the optical breakdown threshold, a cavitation bubble is generated, and its expansion results in the propulsion of a small fraction of liquid which can be collected on a substrate, leading to the printing of a microdroplet for each laser pulse. The technique does not require the preparation of the liquid in thin film form, and its forward mode of operation imposes no restriction concerning the optical properties of the substrate. These characteristics make it well suited for printing a wide variety of materials of interest in diverse applications. We demonstrate that the film-free laser forward printing technique is capable of printing microdroplets with good resolution, reproducibility and control, and analyze the influence of the main process parameter, laser pulse energy. The mechanisms of liquid printing are also investigated: time-resolved imaging provides a clear picture of the dynamics of liquid transfer which allows understanding the main features observed in the printed droplets.


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Laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) is a laser direct-write technique that offers the possibility of printing patterns with a high spatial resolution from a wide range of materials in a solid or liquid state, such as conductors, dielectrics, and biomolecules in solution. This versatility has made LIFT a very promising alternative to lithography-based processes for the rapid prototyping of biomolecule microarrays. Here, we study the transfer process through the LIFT of droplets of a solution suitable for microarray preparation. The laser pulse energy and beam size were systematically varied, and the effect on the transferred droplets was evaluated. Controlled transfers in which the deposited droplets displayed optimal features could be obtained by varying these parameters. In addition, the transferred droplet volume displayed a linear dependence on the laser pulse energy. This dependence allowed determining a threshold energy density value, independent of the laser focusing conditions, which acted as necessary conditions for the transfer to occur. The corresponding sufficient condition was given by a different total energy threshold for each laser beam dimension. The threshold energy density was found to be the dimensional parameter that determined the amount of the transferred liquid per laser pulse, and there was no substantial loss of material due to liquid vaporization during the transfer.


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Time-resolved imaging is carried out to study the dynamics of the laser-induced forward transfer of an aqueous solution at different laser fluences. The transfer mechanisms are elucidated, and directly correlated with the material deposited at the analyzed irradiation conditions. It is found that there exists a fluence range in which regular and well-defined droplets are deposited. In this case, laser pulse energy absorption results in the formation of a plasma, which expansion originates a cavitation bubble in the liquid. After the further expansion and collapse of the bubble, a long and uniform jet is developed, which advances at a constant velocity until it reaches the receptor substrate. On the other hand, for lower fluences no material is deposited. In this case, although a jet can be also generated, it recoils before reaching the substrate. For higher fluences, splashing is observed on the receptor substrate due to the bursting of the cavitation bubble. Finally, a discussion of the possible mechanisms which lead to such singular dynamics is also provided.


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Socias ofereix una àmplia mirada sobre l'ús de les imatges en les obres de numismàtica primerenques. Diàlegs de medalles, d'Antonio Agustín


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En este artículo, partiendo de las pinturas de Juan de Juanes en l¿Alcúdia, analizamos las cuestiones sociales que pudieron incidir en su producción artística, iconografía y difusión dentro del ámbito valenciano. La posible influencia del erasmismo, la filosofía intimista, la cristología de Eiximenis o el adoctrinamiento a los moriscos son algunos aspectos sobre los que centramos nuestra reflexión.


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INFORME DE RECERCA: Aquest treball ha consistit en una indagació sobre la protesta socialrecent al nostre país (Espanya, 1982-2002); específicament, sobre els principals episodis contemporànisd'acció col.lectiva que han esclatat a Espanya i a Catalunya, amb dos paràmetresdelimitadors bàsics:a) haver-se produït en el periode postransicional, és a dir, amb la fase de resolució dela transició política ja culminada (cosa que, com altres investigadors, hipotitzemque es produí pel 1982, amb el primer relleu democràtic i pacífic del Govern iamb el que anomenem transició institucional ja acabada); per tant, entre 1982 i2003 aproximadament.b) haver mobilitzat un seguiment massiu i adquirit, degut a aquest motiu, a vegadesreforçat per altres, una significació política excepcional, fora d'allò que esconsidera normal en l'activitat política quotidiana (itenint en conseqüència un impacte molt notable en el decurs mateix delperiode postransicional).


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[eng] The Creative Commons project in Spain has its beginnings in early 2003, but until one year ago it was not possible to access licenses adapted to Spanish legislation on intellectual property. In addition to this effort of adaptation, other activities have been carried out -centred especially on the dissemination and explanation of the licensing system- and the level of acceptance has been quite positive. This article covers the history of the project and provides an explanation of the licenses and a description of some of the initiatives that this legal system is carrying out.


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En este texto se presentan las licencias que ofrece la organización Creative Commons para gestionar los derechos de propiedad intelectual de una manera distinta al tradicional “todos los derechos reservados”. Estas licencias inspiradas en el movimientodel software libre se ofrecen gratuitamente para todos aquellos autores que quieran compartir sus obras permitiendo determinados usos con algunas condiciones sin tener que pedir permiso previo. Además se hace un repaso a la aplicación de estas licencias en el ámbito educativo mostrando ejemplos y analizando su uso con respecto al tipo de proyecto y el tipo de licencias.


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La denominada cultura argárica ha sido desde siempre uno de los focos más atractivos de la Prehistoria peninsular. El libro que tenemos entre las manos aporta un grano de arena más al conocimiento de esta cultura, pero atendiendo a uno de los grupos geográficamente más periféricos, lo que complementa los trabajos que desde mucho tiempo atrás se vienen realizando en diversos puntos del SE peninsular, área nuclear de este fenómeno.


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En la historiografía de la investigación sobre la cultura ibérica, el poblado de San Antonio el Pobre (Calaceite) va indeleblemente unido a las intervenciones del Institut d¿Estudis Catalans (IEC) y a la figura de Pere Bosch Gimpera, sin duda el prehistoriador español de mayor prestigio hasta el final de la guerra civil. Sin embargo, es significativo que dicho conocimiento se deba más a trabajos aislados y a la recuperación de sus diarios de excavación realizada por Francisca Pallarés Salvador en 1958, que a la publicación de una serie de monografías que recogiera sus trabajos en el área entre 1914 y 1923.


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La publicación en 1954 y 1958 de los Estudios Críticos 1 y JI dedicados al poblado de la primera Edad del Hierro del Alto de la Cruz (Cortes de Navarra) supuso, sin ningún género de dudas, el arranque de la sistematización de la secuencia cultural y poblacional del área del valle medio del Ebro en el período correspondiente al Bronce Final y las fases más antiguas de la Edad del Hierro.


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La investigación sobre Tartessos fue siempre una de la líneas de trabajo favoritas del Prof. Maluquer de Motes, quien, en el momento de definir la que constituyó su última gran línea de investigación, el programa PIP (Programa de Investigación Protohistórica), prestó una especial atención al estudio de las comunidades prerromanas de Andalucía y Extremadura, especialmente tartesias e iberas, destacando entre los trabajos publicados en este marco las intervenciones de Ma . E. Aubet en la necrópolis de Setefilla (Lora del Río, Sevilla), y del propio Maluquer de Motes en el palacio-santuario de Cancho Roano (Zalamea de la Serena, Badajoz).