122 resultados para Blumlien Circuit


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A systematic method to improve the quality (Q) factor of RF integrated inductors is presented in this paper. The proposed method is based on the layout optimization to minimize the series resistance of the inductor coil, taking into account both ohmic losses, due to conduction currents, and magnetically induced losses, due to eddy currents. The technique is particularly useful when applied to inductors in which the fabrication process includes integration substrate removal. However, it is also applicable to inductors on low-loss substrates. The method optimizes the width of the metal strip for each turn of the inductor coil, leading to a variable strip-width layout. The optimization procedure has been successfully applied to the design of square spiral inductors in a silicon-based multichip-module technology, complemented with silicon micromachining postprocessing. The obtained experimental results corroborate the validity of the proposed method. A Q factor of about 17 have been obtained for a 35-nH inductor at 1.5 GHz, with Q values higher than 40 predicted for a 20-nH inductor working at 3.5 GHz. The latter is up to a 60% better than the best results for a single strip-width inductor working at the same frequency.


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We consider the effects of external, multiplicative white noise on the relaxation time of a general representation of a bistable system from the points of view provided by two, quite different, theoretical approaches: the classical Stratonovich decoupling of correlations and the new method due to Jung and Risken. Experimental results, obtained from a bistable electronic circuit, are compared to the theoretical predictions. We show that the phenomenon of critical slowing down appears as a function of the noise parameters, thereby providing a correct characterization of a noise-induced transition.


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Oxygen content is a very important factor influencing the electrical properties of YBa2Cu3Oy. In this work the electrical properties of laser deposited YBa2Cu3Oy thin films on LaAlO3(100), in the whole range 6 y 7, are studied. An electrical network model, which randomly assigns oxygen contents and R(T) characteristics to the different elements in the circuit according to an arbitrary distribution, is used to analyze several features in the measured R(T) characteristics as a function of oxygen homogeneity. The model takes into account both short-range and long-range oxygen inhomogeneities. Good agreement between estimated oxygen contents from x-ray diffraction data in our samples and the average oxygen contents used to reproduce their R(T) characteristics is found. The model points out that oxygen homogeneity is very important in order to get the best and reproducible properties, and for conduction and superconductivity analysis through the shape or derivatives of R(T) characteristics.


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An analytical model of an amorphous silicon p-i-n solar cell is presented to describe its photovoltaic behavior under short-circuit conditions. It has been developed from the analysis of numerical simulation results. These results reproduce the experimental illumination dependence of short-circuit resistance, which is the reciprocal slope of the I(V) curve at the short-circuit point. The recombination rate profiles show that recombination in the regions of charged defects near the p-i and i-n interfaces should not be overlooked. Based on the interpretation of the numerical solutions, we deduce analytical expressions for the recombination current and short-circuit resistance. These expressions are given as a function of an effective ¿¿ product, which depends on the intensity of illumination. We also study the effect of surface recombination with simple expressions that describe its influence on current loss and short-circuit resistance.


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We analysed the specific case of how information in the financial press influences economic bubbles. We found considerable flaws in the information market due to several factors: demand, the predominance of what are termed “irrational investors” (herding), and supply, which has the problem that the sources of information are biasedand feeds. A financial bubble is a deviation between real value of a financial asset and its persistent market price in time, which also has a speculative origin fed back by the illusion of the owners of these financial values, who will take benefits because of the future prices, which must be higher than the previous ones. The economical information in the media is submitting three problems. First of all, it is information generated by companies. In second place, the information circuit is fed back. A problem of informative independence becomes created, particularly serious in the case of the banks, which are very were as creditors. And in a third place, some informative biases are manifested for the companies of regulated sectors which are starring the economical information in the media.


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This paper presents a new method to analyze timeinvariant linear networks allowing the existence of inconsistent initial conditions. This method is based on the use of distributions and state equations. Any time-invariant linear network can be analyzed. The network can involve any kind of pure or controlled sources. Also, the transferences of energy that occur at t=O are determined, and the concept of connection energy is introduced. The algorithms are easily implemented in a computer program.


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The morphology and distribution of local-circuit neurons (interneurons) were examined, by calbindin D-28k and parvalbumin immunocytochemistry, in the frontal cortex (area 8) in two patients with frontal lobe dementia of non-Alzheimer type associated with classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and in seven normal cases. The density of calbindin D-28k immunoreactive cells was dramatically reduced in ALS patients, but the density of parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons was preserved. Decreased density of calbindin D-28k-immunoreactive neurons, which are mainly located in the upper cortical layers, may interfere with the normal processing of cortico-cortical connections, whereas integrity of parvalbumin-immunoreactive cells may be associated with the preservation of the major inhibitory intracortical circuits in patients with frontal lobe dementia.


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The alternatives used for minimizing the usage of chlorine dioxide in bleaching sequences included a hot acid hydrolysis (Ahot) stage, the use of hot chlorine dioxide (Dhot) and ozone stages at medium consistency and high consistency (Zmc and Zhc), in addition to stages with atmospheric hydrogen peroxide (P) and pressurized hydrogen peroxide (PO). The results were interpreted based on the cost of the chemical products, bleaching process yields and on minimizing the environmental impact of the bleaching process. In spite of some process restrictions, high ISO brightness levels were kept around 90 % brightness. Additionally, the inclusion of stages like acid hydrolysis, pressurized peroxide and ozone in the bleaching sequences provided an increase in operating flexibility, aimed at reducing environmental impact (ECF Light). The Dhot(EOP)D(PO) sequence presented lower operating cost for ISO brightness above 92 %. However, this kind of sequence was not allowed for closing the wastewater circuit, even partially. For ISO brightness level around 91%, the AhotZhcDP sequence presented a lower operating cost than the others


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Extrasynaptic neurotransmission is an important short distance form of volume transmission (VT) and describes the extracellular diffusion of transmitters and modulators after synaptic spillover or extrasynaptic release in the local circuit regions binding to and activating mainly extrasynaptic neuronal and glial receptors in the neuroglial networks of the brain. Receptor-receptor interactions in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) heteromers play a major role, on dendritic spines and nerve terminals including glutamate synapses, in the integrative processes of the extrasynaptic signaling. Heteromeric complexes between GPCR and ion-channel receptors play a special role in the integration of the synaptic and extrasynaptic signals. Changes in extracellular concentrations of the classical synaptic neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA found with microdialysis is likely an expression of the activity of the neuron-astrocyte unit of the brain and can be used as an index of VT-mediated actions of these two neurotransmitters in the brain. Thus, the activity of neurons may be functionally linked to the activity of astrocytes, which may release glutamate and GABA to the extracellular space where extrasynaptic glutamate and GABA receptors do exist. Wiring transmission (WT) and VT are fundamental properties of all neurons of the CNS but the balance between WT and VT varies from one nerve cell population to the other. The focus is on the striatal cellular networks, and the WT and VT and their integration via receptor heteromers are described in the GABA projection neurons, the glutamate, dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and histamine striatal afferents, the cholinergic interneurons, and different types of GABA interneurons. In addition, the role in these networks of VT signaling of the energy-dependent modulator adenosine and of endocannabinoids mainly formed in the striatal projection neurons will be underlined to understand the communication in the striatal cellular networks


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Low-copy-number molecules are involved in many functions in cells. The intrinsic fluctuations of these numbers can enable stochastic switching between multiple steady states, inducing phenotypic variability. Herein we present a theoretical and computational study based on Master Equations and Fokker-Planck and Langevin descriptions of stochastic switching for a genetic circuit of autoactivation. We show that in this circuit the intrinsic fluctuations arising from low-copy numbers, which are inherently state-dependent, drive asymmetric switching. These theoretical results are consistent with experimental data that have been reported for the bistable system of the gallactose signaling network in yeast. Our study unravels that intrinsic fluctuations, while not required to describe bistability, are fundamental to understand stochastic switching and the dynamical relative stability of multiple states.


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Correspondència referida a l'article de R. Giannetti, publicat ibid. vol.49 p.87-88


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El projecte dona resposta a un programa de residència col•lectiva de promoció pública, consistent en un màxim de 24 habitatges agrupats en un bloc plurifamiliar, amb les seves corresponents places d’aparcament.L’emplaçament del concurs promogut per l’Institut Català del Sol (INCASOL) és força peculiar. Es tracta d’un solar en el límit NE de la població de Molins de Rei, ubicat precisament en uns terrenys a cavall entre un sol rústic de bosc mediterrani amb una forta pendent i unes preexistències històriques molt puntuals (una masia i una ermita al cim de la muntanya), i un sol industrial de pendent suau, ocupat per grans naus, que s’obre a la plana del Llobregat. El solar es troba deprimit en la seva cara NE, és a dir, el seu nivell base està bastant per sota de la cota del camí que condueix cap el bosc. Per tant, el seu límit és el talús de terra que marca l’inici del terreny feréstec. En canvi, en la vessant SO, no existeix cap impediment a les vistes i a la ventilació, doncs la obertura a la plana del Llobregat és total.Enfront d’aquestes preexistències i atenent també els requeriments tècnics i funcionals presents tant en les bases del concurs com en les necessitats d’avui en dia, el projecte desenvolupat ofereix un conjunt de respostes innovadores als següents temes considerats crucials:1. El respecte al medi ambient i a la cultura del llocEnfront al repte topogràfic, el projecte proposa concentrar els habitatges i garatges en un sol bloc de PB + 3 plantes que no sobrepassa la cota del camí superior, però que se separa el suficient del talús natural posterior per garantir la ventilació creuada. D’aquesta manera es produeixen pocs moviments de terres i l’edifici final, d’ajustada fondària, respecta la muntanya del seu darrera i no manlleva terreny forestal.Vinculant-se també a la cultura del lloc, els acabats exteriors dels habitatges es proposen cromàtica i materialment semblants a la pedra existent en l’entorn, la mateixa que es visualitza en la masia i en l’ermita del bosc. Igualment, el bloc segueix la corbatura natural del carrer, ajustant-se a la alineació de vial per tal de no imposar-se a la morfologia traçada des de temps pretèrits.2. La relació amb l’exteriorLa resposta al lloc comporta també la configuració interna dels habitatges des del conjunt i des de la unitat habitable. Així, la cara NE, junt a la muntanya, es reserva per el corredor de distribució comunitari, al que s’obren de manera tamisada les cambres de rentat i, com a molt, un dormitori. En canvi, la cara SO, oberta a les vistes de la plana, al sol i a la llum més intensa, concentra les sales d’estar i la majoria de dormitoris. Aquestes cambres, a més a més, es perllonguen cap a l’exterior per mitjà duna terrassa coberta susceptible de tancar-se o obrir-se segons els requeriments climàtics de cada moment del dia o de l’època del any, convertint-se així en una estança més de la casa. Climàticament, la terrassa fa les funcions de cambra d’aire quiet al hivern, i de doble protecció solar al estiu.D’altra banda, tenint en compte el caràcter rural del lloc, i considerant que es tracta de l’última edificació de la població abans d’accedir al terreny boscós, es proposen uns habitatges que reforcen el caràcter veïnal del carrer, situats a 80-150 cm de la cota de vial, que gaudeixen d’un jardí privat.3. La innovació tipològica i la optimització del espaiInteriorment, la superfície dels habitatges s’optimitza de manera que en ells hi apareixen els mínims distribuïdors, per tal d’evitar passadissos i passos constrenyits. La relació de la sala i el menjador es produeix en diagonal, proposant-se la ubicació de la cuina en el centre de la casa. D’aquesta manera, es dona resposta a les necessitats de vida actuals, on els espais principals dels habitatges demanen una certa flexibilitat en les seves funcions.Igualment es proposa de manera innovadora la generació d’un distribuïdor amb un rentamans doble, que dona accés tant al bany de la casa com a la zona de rentat, tant necessària en qualsevol habitatge. Aquesta peça ventila a l’exterior a través d’una gelosia i garanteix les funcions d’estenedor. D’aquesta manera, la ‘pica exterior’ pot satisfer a través d’un sol element diverses funcions, estalviant així espai i flexibilitzant el seu ús. 4. L’accessibilitat i la mobilitat interiorTots els habitatges son visitables amb cadira de rodes a la sala, la cuina, el bany i, com a mínim, una habitació. La manca de passadissos i l’amplitud dels passos i portes així ho permet.De la mateixa manera, existeix un itinerari practicable que uneix la via pública amb l’entrada de cada habitatge, havent-se suprimit en ell totes les barreres arquitectòniques.5. La ecoeficiència i l’acompliment del Codi Tècnic de l’EdificacióLa sostenibilitat de la proposta satisfà diversos paràmetres i alhora aporta solucions novetoses:-minimització de moviments de terres-garatges en planta baixa oberts al pati posterior i, per tant, sense extractors-ventilació creuada en tots els habitatges-assoleiament garantit en tots els habitatges durant les 10 i les 14 hores durant el solstici d’hivern-protecció solar durant l’estiu-safareig ventilat per estendre la roba i per l’estalvi de l’aparell de secadora-façana prefabricada amb cambra interna: transmitància tèrmica idònia per la zona-forats de façana de menys del 40% de la superfície total, tal i com marca el CTE -finestres amb vidres dobles per aïllament del so aeri-utilització de sistemes pre-industrialitzats en un 80% de la superfície d’estructura i en un 80% dels tancaments exteriorsLes instal•lacions tenen en compte els requeriments mediambientals:-diferenciació de canyeries d’aigües negres i pluvials-aparells amb mecanismes d’estalvi d’aigua-tuberies de calefacció vistes que aporten calor suplementari als radiadors-producció d’aigua calenta sanitària amb energia solar-instal•lació d’un aljub de reaprofitament d’aigües pluvials per al rec del jardí-espai de recollida selectiva de residus a les cuines-circuit de pre-instal•lació domòtica


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This work describes a simulation tool being developed at UPC to predict the microwave nonlinear behavior of planar superconducting structures with very few restrictions on the geometry of the planar layout. The software is intended to be applicable to most structures used in planar HTS circuits, including line, patch, and quasi-lumped microstrip resonators. The tool combines Method of Moments (MoM) algorithms for general electromagnetic simulation with Harmonic Balance algorithms to take into account the nonlinearities in the HTS material. The Method of Moments code is based on discretization of the Electric Field Integral Equation in Rao, Wilton and Glisson Basis Functions. The multilayer dyadic Green's function is used with Sommerfeld integral formulation. The Harmonic Balance algorithm has been adapted to this application where the nonlinearity is distributed and where compatibility with the MoM algorithm is required. Tests of the algorithm in TM010 disk resonators agree with closed-form equations for both the fundamental and third-order intermodulation currents. Simulations of hairpin resonators show good qualitative agreement with previously published results, but it is found that a finer meshing would be necessary to get correct quantitative results. Possible improvements are suggested.


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Process variations are a major bottleneck for digital CMOS integrated circuits manufacturability and yield. That iswhy regular techniques with different degrees of regularity are emerging as possible solutions. Our proposal is a new regular layout design technique called Via-Configurable Transistors Array (VCTA) that pushes to the limit circuit layout regularity for devices and interconnects in order to maximize regularity benefits. VCTA is predicted to perform worse than the Standard Cell approach designs for a certain technology node but it will allow the use of a future technology on an earlier time. Ourobjective is to optimize VCTA for it to be comparable to the Standard Cell design in an older technology. Simulations for the first unoptimized version of our VCTA of delay and energy consumption for a Full Adder circuit in the 90 nm technology node are presented and also the extrapolation for Carry-RippleAdders from 4 bits to 64 bits.


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This paper presents a probabilistic approach to model the problem of power supply voltage fluctuations. Error probability calculations are shown for some 90-nm technology digital circuits.The analysis here considered gives the timing violation error probability as a new design quality factor in front of conventional techniques that assume the full perfection of the circuit. The evaluation of the error bound can be useful for new design paradigms where retry and self-recoveringtechniques are being applied to the design of high performance processors. The method here described allows to evaluate the performance of these techniques by means of calculating the expected error probability in terms of power supply distribution quality.