146 resultados para software reuse
Este proyecto aborda la migración de los sistemas de información de una administración pública de tamaño medio con las simulaciones más importantes propuestas.
El proyecto surge con el fin de crear una aplicación que responda a las necesidades de gestión y control de las actividades que se desarrollan en empresas minoristas dedicadas al sector de la electrónica de consumo. Este tipo de establecimientos aunque están muy especializados y proporcionan un trato excelente al público, suelen tener deficiencias técnicas a la hora de gestionar y controlar su negocio. Muchos de ellos carecen de programas informáticos adaptados a sus necesidades, e incluso en algún caso no disponen de ninguno por el alto coste que les supone. Dicho software tiene dos objetivos: por un lado atender las necesidades de este sector y por otro que el desembolso de la adquisición e implantación del mismo sea asequible. Para conseguir este último objetivo se utilizará software libre.
El presente proyecto parte de la propuesta realizada por la empresa Tempos21 donde se recoge la necesidad de crear una librería de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres para la plataforma Android. Esta librería podrá ser utilizada por diferentes aplicaciones ejecutadas en terminales móviles que cuenten con este sistema operativo.
El objetivo principal del presente trabajo pretende demostrar el potencial del software libre frente al software propietario que actualmente utiliza la empresa Systemum.
El siguiente artículo presenta el trabajo realizado en la creación de una aplicación de software libre que representa gráficamente las rutas generadas y la distribución de los elementos transportados en el interior de un vehículo de carga.
Aquest projecte constitueix la introducció d'un sistema d'informació a una PIME catalana. Incorporant dos grans i potents funcionalitats i serveis a l'empresa: la venta online mitjançant un e-commerce i la gestió de la informació i productes que hi ha a l'empresa mitjançant un ERP.
Primera versió d'una aplicació per a establiments de restauració que té com a finalitat oferir als clients la possibilitat de fer les comandes de forma autònoma.
En aquest treball es pretén explicar el procés metodològic que s'ha seguit per a crear una eina informàtica de visualització de dades "online" per al Consorci d'Ardenya – Cadiretes. Inicialment s'explica el context en el que es desenvolupa el projecte, com a conveni de col·laboració en pràctiques, per a realitzar el treball de final del Màster en Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica, en la seva tretzena edició. S'explica també la situació de l'entitat col·laboradora del projecte, el consorci d'Ardenya – Cadiretes. Els objectius que es fixen al projecte són els de generar aquest visor amb eines de software lliure, de manera que el cost de producció sigui el menor possible. També es pretén crear una aplicació de senzill ús i que resulti atractiva per al client web. Es repassen els diferents aspectes tècnics i funcionals que ha de tenir en compte el projecte, per tal que aquest es pugui desenvolupar de forma correcte. Es tracten temes com el tipus de programari que s'ha de fer servir i per que unes aplicacions es consideren més oportunes que d'altres per a treballar tasques concretes del propi projecte. A través de la metodologia seguida en el projecte es repassa el dia a dia que s'ha anat seguint durant el projecte, des de l'inici en el que s'instal·laven els diferents programes necessaris fins al final de l'escriptura del codi de programació, passant per l'edició de les dades geogràfiques o la càrrega d'aquestes al servidor de mapes
El proyecto consiste en la creación de un CRM de contact center con canal de telefonía y correo electrónico. Se ha llevado a cabo utilizando software libre. Se integra con centralita telefónica para permitir la realización de llamadas por Voip.
Proyecto de migración e implantación de software libre en el Ayuntamiento de Palencia.
This paper describes a failure alert system and a methodology for content reuse in a new instructional design system called InterMediActor (IMA). IMA provides an environment for instructional content design, production and reuse, and for students’ evaluation based in content specification through a hierarchical structure of competences. The student assessment process and information extraction process for content reuse are explained.
Distance and blended collaborative learning settings are usually characterized by different social structures defined in terms of groups' number, dimension, and composition; these structures are variable and can change within the same activity. This variability poses additional complexity to instructional designers, when they are trying to develop successful experiences from existing designs. This complexity is greatly associated with the fact that learning designs do not render explicit how social structures influenced the decisions of the original designer, and thus whether the social structures of the new setting could preclude the effectiveness of the reused design. This article proposes the usage of new representations (social structure representations, SSRs) able to support unskilled designers in reusing existing learning designs, through the explicit characterization of the social structures and constraints embedded either by the original designers or the reusing teachers, according to well-known principles of good collaborative learning practice. The article also describes an evaluation process that involved university professors, as well as the main findings derived from it. This process supported the initial assumptions about the effectiveness of SSRs, with significant evidence from both qualitative and qualitative data.
This paper describes a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) case study in engineering education carried out within the context of a network management course. The case study shows that the use of two computing tools developed by the authors and based on Free- and Open-Source Software (FOSS) provide significant educational benefits over traditional engineering pedagogical approaches in terms of both concepts and engineering competencies acquisition. First, the Collage authoring tool guides and supports the course teacher in the process of authoring computer-interpretable representations (using the IMS Learning Design standard notation) of effective collaborative pedagogical designs. Besides, the Gridcole system supports the enactment of that design by guiding the students throughout the prescribed sequence of learning activities. The paper introduces the goals and context of the case study, elaborates onhow Collage and Gridcole were employed, describes the applied evaluation methodology, anddiscusses the most significant findings derived from the case study.
ADSL is becoming the standard form of residential and small-business broadband Internet access due to, primarily, its low deployment cost. These ADSL residential lines are often deployed with 802.11 Access Points (AP) that providewireless connectivity. Given the density of ADSL deployment, it is often possible for a residential wireless client to be in range of several other APs, belonging to neighbors, with ADSL connectivity. While the ADSL technology has showed evident limits in terms of capacity (with speeds ranging 1-10 Mbps), the short-range wireless communication can guarantee a muchhigher capacity (up to 20 Mbps). Furthermore, the ADSL links in the neighborhood are generally under-utilized, since ADSL subscribers do not connect 100% of the time. Therefore, it is possible for a wireless client to simultaneously connect to several APs in range and effectively aggregate their available ADSL bandwidth.In this paper, we introduce ClubADSL, a wireless client that can simultaneously connect to several APs in range on different frequencies and aggregate both their downlink and uplink capacity. ClubADSL is a software that runs locally on the client-side, and it requires neither modification to the existing Internet infrastructure, nor any hardware/protocol upgradesto the 802.11 local area network. We show the feasibility of ClubADSL in seamlessly transmitting TCP traffic, and validate its implementation both in controlled scenarios and with current applications over real ADSL lines. In particular we show that a ClubADSL client can greatly benefit from the aggregated download bandwidth in the case of server-client applications such as video streaming, but can also take advantage of the increased upload bandwidth greatly reducing download times with incentive-based P2P applications such as BitTorrent.
“Magic for a Pixeloscope” is a one hour show conceived to berepresented in a theater scenario that merges mixed and augmented reality (MR/AR) and full-body interaction with classical magic to create new tricks. The show was conceived by an interdisciplinary team composed by a magician, twointeraction designers, a theater director and a stage designer. Themagician uses custom based hardware and software to createnew illusions which are a starting point to explore new languagefor magical expression. In this paper we introduce a conceptualframework used to inform the design of different tricks; weexplore the design and production of some tricks included in theshow and we describe the feedback received on the world premiere and some of the conclusions obtained.