81 resultados para US-China BIT
[cat] En els últims temps es parla molt del nou paper dels hidrocarburs d'Àfrica, fins i tot s'al·ludeix a un oil rush o a un african oil scramble , que inevitablement desembocarà en una confrontació bipolar entre la Xina i els Estats Units, pel control de les reserves de petroli del subsòl del continent africà. Així, el propòsit d'aquest text és, en primer lloc, realitzar una anàlisi descriptiva que ajudi a valorar la hipòtesi d'aquest african oil scramble. A continuación, amb les dades obtingudes, es discutirà sobre la possibilitat de que aquest fenomen desemboqui en un escenari de confrontació xinoamericana. Aquesta especulació ens durà a concloure que hi ha suficients indicis per a argumentar que el joc petrolífer africà podria desenvolupar-se en un escenari marcat per la multilateralitat.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és promoure la incorporació de llibres il-lustrats a l'espai docent, tot defensant la interacció entre escola i entorn. Amb aquesta intenció es presenta una experiència docent que es du a terme a les classes de Didàctica de l'Educació Visual i Plàstica (UB), en la formació inicial del professorat d'educació primària, que empra el llibre il-lustrat com a eina docent. Es tracta d'un corpus d'obres de gran qualitat, la temàtica dels quals està relacionada amb el fet artístic i la seva didàctica. Amb l'ús a les aules universitàries d'aquest tipus de llibres es volen aconseguir principalment tres objectius: donar-los a conèixer als futurs mestres per a la seva formació i perquè els puguin compartir amb els seus futurs alumnes a les aules d'Educació Primària; tractar temes específics de l'àrea de plàstica, i fomentar la reflexió sobre la pràctica docent o altres temes específics.
En este trabajo hemos realizado un recorrido por todos aquellos aspectos relevantes para entender cómo se llevan a cabo las negociaciones en la China empresarial actual.
This paper evaluates the global welfare impact of China's trade integration and technological change in a multi-country quantitative Ricardian-Heckscher-Ohlin model.We simulate two alternative growth scenarios: a "balanced" one in which China's productivity grows at the same rate in each sector, and an "unbalanced" one in whichChina's comparative disadvantage sectors catch up disproportionately faster to theworld productivity frontier. Contrary to a well-known conjecture (Samuelson 2004),the large majority of countries experience significantly larger welfare gains whenChina's productivity growth is biased towards its comparative disadvantage sectors.This finding is driven by the inherently multilateral nature of world trade.
A change in paradigm is needed in the prevention of toxic effects on the nervous system, moving from its present reliance solely on data from animal testing to a prediction model mostly based on in vitro toxicity testing and in silico modeling. According to the report published by the National Research Council (NRC) of the US National Academies of Science, high-throughput in vitro tests will provide evidence for alterations in"toxicity pathways" as the best possible method of large scale toxicity prediction. The challenges to implement this proposal are enormous, and provide much room for debate. While many efforts address the technical aspects of implementing the vision, many questions around it need also to be addressed. Is the overall strategy the only one to be pursued? How can we move from current to future paradigms? Will we ever be able to reliably model for chronic and developmental neurotoxicity in vitro? This paper summarizes four presentations from a symposium held at the International Neurotoxicology Conference held in Xi"an, China, in June 2011. A. Li reviewed the current guidelines for neurotoxicity and developmental neurotoxicity testing, and discussed the major challenges existing to realize the NCR vision for toxicity testing. J. Llorens reviewed the biology of mammalian toxic avoidance in view of present knowledge on the physiology and molecular biology of the chemical senses, taste and smell. This background information supports the hypothesis that relating in vivo toxicity to chemical epitope descriptors that mimic the chemical encoding performed by the olfactory system may provide a way to the long term future of complete in silico toxicity prediction. S. Ceccatelli reviewed the implementation of rodent and human neural stem cells (NSCs) as models for in vitro toxicity testing that measures parameters such as cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. These appear to be sensitive endpoints that can identify substances with developmental neurotoxic potential. C. Sun ol reviewed the use of primary neuronal cultures in testing for neurotoxicity of environmental pollutants, including the study of the effects of persistent exposures and/or in differentiating cells, which allow recording of effects that can be extrapolated to human developmental neurotoxicity.
Background: During the last part of the 1990s the chance of surviving breast cancer increased. Changes in survival functions reflect a mixture of effects. Both, the introduction of adjuvant treatments and early screening with mammography played a role in the decline in mortality. Evaluating the contribution of these interventions using mathematical models requires survival functions before and after their introduction. Furthermore, required survival functions may be different by age groups and are related to disease stage at diagnosis. Sometimes detailed information is not available, as was the case for the region of Catalonia (Spain). Then one may derive the functions using information from other geographical areas. This work presents the methodology used to estimate age- and stage-specific Catalan breast cancer survival functions from scarce Catalan survival data by adapting the age- and stage-specific US functions. Methods: Cubic splines were used to smooth data and obtain continuous hazard rate functions. After, we fitted a Poisson model to derive hazard ratios. The model included time as a covariate. Then the hazard ratios were applied to US survival functions detailed by age and stage to obtain Catalan estimations. Results: We started estimating the hazard ratios for Catalonia versus the USA before and after the introduction of screening. The hazard ratios were then multiplied by the age- and stage-specific breast cancer hazard rates from the USA to obtain the Catalan hazard rates. We also compared breast cancer survival in Catalonia and the USA in two time periods, before cancer control interventions (USA 1975–79, Catalonia 1980–89) and after (USA and Catalonia 1990–2001). Survival in Catalonia in the 1980–89 period was worse than in the USA during 1975–79, but the differences disappeared in 1990–2001. Conclusion: Our results suggest that access to better treatments and quality of care contributed to large improvements in survival in Catalonia. On the other hand, we obtained detailed breast cancer survival functions that will be used for modeling the effect of screening and adjuvant treatments in Catalonia.
Understanding how wikis are used to support collaborative learning is an important concern for researchers and teachers. Adopting a discourse analytic approach, this paper attempts to understand the teaching processes when a wiki is embedded in a science project in primary education to foster collaborative learning. Through studying interaction between the teacher and students, our findings identify ways in which the teacher prompts collaborative learning but also shed light on the difficulties for the teacher in supporting student collective collaboration. It is argued that technological wiki features supporting collaborative learning can only be realized if teacher talk and pedagogy are aligned with the characteristics of wiki collaborative work: the freedom of students to organize and participate by themselves, creating dialogic space and promoting student participation. We argue that a dialogic approach for examining interaction can be used to help to design a more effective pedagogic approach in the use of wikis in education, to shift into Web 2.0 learning paradigm and to equip learners with the competences they need to participate in knowledge co-construction.
Conflicts are inherent to the human condition, as they are for all living beings. Disputes about resources or access to mating partners are among the most common causes of conflict. Conflict is herein defined as a struggle or contest between individuals or parties, and may involve a variety of aggressive behaviours. In humans, aggressiveness, violence and conflicts, including individual predisposal to conflict resolution, have traditionally been said to have deep cultural roots, but recent research in both neuroscience and genetics has shown the influence of genes on such complex behavioural traits. In this paper, recent data on the genetic aspects of these interrelated behaviours will be put together, including the effects of particular genes, the influence of stress and gender on gene regulation, and gene-environment interactions, all of which may influence biological predisposal to conflict resolution. Other genetically influenced behavioural aspects involved in conflicts and conflict resolution, such as sociability, will also be discussed. The importance of taking into account genetic and biological data to provide strategies for conflict resolution will be highlighted.
El objetivo general de este trabajo es discutir la imagen de China en los diarios españoles a través del análisis de las noticias sobre China de los dos diarios representantes,La Vanguardia y ABC,especialmente en el período en que se celebran los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing 2008. La imagen de China en la prensa española es "comunismo","el desarrollo de la economía","falta de derechos humanos","falta la libertad","una técnica avanzada" y "un país con mucha historia y cultura". Y después de la celebración de los Juegos Olímpicos , ha agregada una nueva imagen "el éxito de la celebración de los Juegos Olímpicos"
El presente trabajo analiza la percepción actual de España en China, concretamente en el ámbito de cultura y turismo. Para lo que se han utilizado tres métodos que incluyen las opiniones obtenidas de una encuesta realizada al ciudadano general, y los datos analizados por la red social más influyente en China — Sina Weibo, junto con los criterios de expertos en la cultura española y enseñanza del idioma a través de realización de entrevista a profundidad. España cuenta con una vasta experiencia en la construcción de su imagen nacional en el ámbito global. Al mismo tiempo, cada día hay más estudios novedosos en el campo académico enfocados a la Imagen País. En el presente trabajo, analizamos la imagen de España que es reflejada por Internet en China actualmente. Empleamos tres métodos fundamentales para realizar dicha investigación. Con el objetivo de comprender la propagación de la imagen de España en línea en China desde diferentes perspectivas y también conocer sus insuficiencias y planificar sugerencias con técnicas derivadas del estudio. Hay que subrayar que el presente trabajo no pretende hacer una revisión de la realidad de España sino de su imagen y percepción, lo que es muy distinto.
A través del análisis de la presencia del fútbol internacional en los principales medios online que ofrecen información en inglés, el presente trabajo trata de estudiar las características de los mensajes informativos online sobre el deporte atendiendo a los siguientes aspectos: la tipología de mensajes, la tipología de contenidos a nivel temático, la tipología de fuentes y la utilización de herramientas, instrumentos y plataformas de la Web 2.0. De este modo se han podido diagnosticar las fortalezas y debilidades que presentan el ciberperiodismo deportivo en China y aportar al mejoramiento de la calidad de contenidos deportivos de los medios de comunicación del país.
En este trabajo de investigación se pretende analizar la formación de la imagen de China en la prensa española. A partir del análisis de contenido del tratamiento informativo que han aplicado los periódicos El País, La Vanguardia, El Diario y Público en la cobertura mediática sobre el XVIII Congreso Nacional del Partido Comunista Chino 2012, se propone explorar los factores que han determinado dicha imagen que se ha reflejado en estos medios de comunicación y las características de ella.
We use an ordered logistic model to empirically examine the factors that explain varying degrees of private involvement in the U.S. water sector through public-private partnerships. Our estimates suggest that a variety of factors help explain greater private participation in this sector. We find that the risk to private participants regarding cost recovery is an important driver of private participation. The relative cost of labor is also a key factor in determining the degree of private involvement in the contract choice. When public wages are high relative to private wages, private participation is viewed as a source of cost savings. We thus find two main drivers of greater private involvement: one encouraging private participation by reducing risk, and another encouraging government to seek out private participation in lowering costs.
This dissertation argues that the Government of the People’s Republic of China, when it made the decision to import a quota of Hollywood films in 1994 to revive the failing domestic film industry, had different possible criteria in mind. This project has studied four of them: first, importing films that gave a negative image of the United States; second, importing films that featured Chinese talent or themes; third, importing films that were box office hits in the United States; and fourth, importing films with a strong technological innovation ingredient. In order to find out the most important criteria for the Chinese Government, this dissertation offers a dataset that analyzes a population of 262 Hollywood films released in the PRC between 1994 and 2010. For each unit, a method has been developed to compile data that will determine whether the film reflects any of the four criteria, and findings in the form of yearly percentages have been drawn. Results show that, out of the four studied criteria, the two predominant reasons for China to import films were technological innovation and box office hits. This tells us that, at this point, the Chinese Government shows more interest in obtaining big revenues and learning from technically innovative American films than in delivering underlying political messages. This dissertation contributes to the existing literature by analyzing the content of all the films imported by China between 1994 and 2010, while integrating in the analysis variables based on the existing knowledge.