125 resultados para Llavors -- Dispersió
Una empresa que da servicios de asistencia a usuarios para una entidad bancaria gestiona y registra las incidencias que los empleados u oficinas puedan tener mediante un software CRM. Los empleados del banco no tienen acceso a dicho software, con lo que necesitan alguna forma de poder llegar a cierta información. Este proyecto rellena dicho hueco, estableciendo una conexión extremo a extremo de forma segura y eficaz. Por medio de ficheros XML se envían las solicitudes y las respuestas desde la intranet del banco (mediante un formulario de registro de incidencias) hasta los sistemas CRM.
L’any 2001, la Càtedra de Geografia i Pensament Territorial de la Universitat de Girona va rebre l’encàrrec de l’Ajuntament de Figueres d’analitzar les característiques de l’espai no urbanitzat del municipi i voltants immediats, sobretot des de la seva perspectiva paisatgística i del medi natural. Aquest encàrrec s’emmarcava dins dels estudis previs a la revisió del Pla general d’ordenació urbana de Figueres. El resultat fou la confecció del document que porta per títol: “Estudi del medi natural i del paisatge geogràfic de Figueres”. Per mitjà d’aquesta comunicació, es volen oferir els resultats més rellevants als quals s’arribà llavors. Es farà un cop d’ull a les unitats de paisatge geogràfic del municipi de Figueres identificades en el treball, quines són les seves característiques, els seus potencials però també les seves amenaces. El document havia de ser una eina que ajudés a incorporar, adequadament, els valors que apleguen aquests paisatges i espais a l’ordenació futura del municipi. D’aquí que, al text, s’acabin proposant algunes línies d’actuació per a millorar-ne la seva gestió, sobretot des del punt de vista urbanístic
The unconfined compression strength is a geotechnical parameter frequently used to determine the bearing capacity of foundations on clayey soils. Its value can be obtained from the unconfined compression test and, among several in situ tests, the standard penetration test (SPT). However, a comparison between the values of such a strength determined by both tests in CL, CL-ML and CH soils shows that it does not exist an approximate relationship. In any case it is remarkable that values of the test conducted in the laboratory fit between the lower and the higher ones calculated from the standard penetration number. This is very important for those geotechnical reports in which the unconfined compression strength is only based on the SPT. In this way, if the lower value is taken to evaluate the ultimate soilbearing capacity the result will not be very accurate but it will probably be by the side of safety
L’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de resolució de problemes a secundària comporta sovint una sèrie de dificultats que queden especialment patents a l'assignatura de física.Llavors, quines accions es poden realitzar perquè els alumnes aconsegueixin plantejar i comprendre els problemes correctament així com augmentar les probabilitats de trobar la solució?D’una banda, saber identificar els conceptes clau necessaris del model científic apropiat per resoldre exercicis podria ser útil per ajudar els alumnes a reflexionar i entendre el problema, aportant estratègies per resoldre’l. De l’altra, la interiorització d’aquest procés a través d’una base d’orientació, proporcionaria autonomia als alumnes per afrontar problemes i aplicacions més abstractes o en contextos diferents.En aquest sentit, la finalitat general del treball es estudiar tant l’impacte de la introducció de les bases d’orientació en el plantejament i resolució de problemes de física, com la rellevància de planificar estratègies prèvies de resolució que incloguin representacions o esquematitzacions gràfiques del problema.
Food safety today is conditiones by the implementation of new Tecnologies for food preservation based on mild treatments and mínimum process, Novel foods, severe restrictions in the toxicològic profile of chemical preservatives, And the drastic limitation /prohibition of antibiotics, and as a consequence, by the New emergint pathogens or by the increase of classical food-borne pathogens. Biopreservatives appear within this context with strong expectations, because thei are safe microorganisms of ten isolated from foods, chemical compounds of natural origin -antimicrobial peptides and proteins, botanical extracts, enzymes- and sintetic compounds based on natural structures, but less toxic and more eficients, like the amtimicrobial peptides. Among the microbial biopreservatives, lactic acid bacteria have shown great possibilities in the preservation of cured meat products, ready to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as to decrease microbial spoilage in food by products before processing for valorization. Our laboratory has performed an extense survey of the microbiological quality of fresh fruit and vegetables, and of ready-to-eat products, and have detect low levels, but significant of Salmonella sp., E. coli and Listeria spp., including L.monocytogenes, in retail markets and Supermarkets of Catalonia. Due to this reason, we started a project consisting of Developing application of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) obtained from these products, as biopreservatives. LAB were abundant in ready-to-eat fresh fruits and vegetables, specially in germinated seeds. From these products we obtained strains of Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus and Weissella, producing bacteriocins and with a Significant activity of control of L.monocytogenes in fresh apple and cut salad. Ather strains were efective in the inhibition of fungal rot during postharvest caused by Penicillium expansum
L’estudi de les situacions comunicatives sempre m’ha atret de manera significativa. El món de la publicitat, també. L’assignatura de Semiòtica audiovisual ha estat el vincle que ha inspirat el tema d’aquest treball. L’idea inicial era la d’analitzar des d’una perspectiva semiòtica un document audiovisual, concretament, Beauty is nothing without brains, un espot televisiu de Mercedes-Benz emès als Estats Units l’any 2007. Es pretenia identificar i analitzar cadascun dels elements que configuren la comunicació audiovisual i presentar possibles versions traductològiques del mateix. La dificultat de crear un esquema d’anàlisi que em permetés estructurar-ne l’estudi va conduir-me a Frederic Chaume. És llavors quan aconsegueixo concretar el tema del treball: es pretén analitzar aquest document audiovisual seguint el model proposat per Chaume, responent a un hipotètic encàrrec de traducció el qual demana la seva adaptació al mercat català.
[eng] Objective: To analyse the scientific papers studying citations in the areas of humanities during the period 1959-2008 and to determine the aspects evaluated. The main bibliometric aspects measured were type of study, obsolescence, dispersion, language, theme, author impact and self-citations.Methodology: Broad revision of the international literature in the area of library and information science in the period studied, and detailed analysis of 119 bibliometric studies.Results: Most of the few studies of this area are based on ad-hoc citation compilations. There is a certain predominance of philology. Library quarterly is the journal that has published most papers of this kind. The conclusions of these studies can be as useful as those in the experimental sciences; it would be useful to increase their number.
Arabidopsis thaliana contains two genes encoding farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase (FPS), the prenyl diphoshate synthase that catalyzes the synthesis of FPP from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). In this study, we provide evidence that the two Arabidopsis short FPS isozymes FPS1S and FPS2 localize to the cytosol. Both enzymes were expressed in E. coli, purified and biochemically characterized. Despite FPS1S and FPS2 share more than 90% amino acid sequence identity, FPS2 was found to be more efficient as a catalyst, more sensitive to the inhibitory effect of NaCl, and more resistant to thermal inactivation than FPS1S. Homology modelling for FPS1S and FPS2 and analysis of the amino acid differences between the two enzymes revealed an increase in surface polarity and a greater capacity to form surface salt bridges of FPS2 compared to FPS1S. These factors most likely account for the enhanced thermostability of FPS2. Expression analysis of FPS::GUS genes in seeds showed that FPS1 and FPS2 display complementary patterns of expression particularly at late stages of seed development, which suggests that Arabidopsis seeds have two spatially segregated sources of FPP. Functional complementation studies of the Arabidopsis fps2 knockout mutant seed phenotypes demonstrated that under normal conditions FPS1S and FPS2 are functionally interchangeable. A putative role for FPS2 in maintaining seed germination capacity under adverse environmental conditions is discussed.
En aquest volum apleguem tots els documents sobre reproducció assistidaelaborats pel grup d'opinió de l'Observatori de Bioètica i Dret, analitzant fi lper randa les conclusions llavors exposades i deixant constància del seu impacteconcret en cada norma. En cadascun dels cinc Documents es respecta la versióoriginal i s'hi afegeix un comentari general sobre la seva repercussió i una revisióde les Conclusions, indicant-hi detalladament les normes en què es recullen les nostres propostes.
In this paper we analyse some of the organisational aspects of the urban solid waste collection and, in particular, the privatization modality of contracting out. We start by discussing some of the theoretical aspects of contracting out. We then specify and estimate an explanatory model on a sample of municipalities that we surveyed. Our purpose is twofold: on the one hand, we identify the economic factors at work when deciding to contract out the service and, on the other hand, we analyse the role of ideological factors in choosing between the public production of the service or contracting it out. The results show a significant effect of the demand for waste collection on contracting out. There also appears to be a neighbouring effect as the municipalities close to other cities that contract out are also more prone to do so. Finally, the decisions to contract seem to have been motivated by pragmatic rather than ideological reasons.
This paper analyzes the relationship between spatial density of economic activity and interregional differences in the productivity of industrial labour in Spain during the period 1860-1999. In the spirit of Ciccone and Hall (1996) and Ciccone (2002), we analyze the evolution of this relationship over the long term in Spain. Using data on the period 1860-1999 we show the existence of an agglomeration effect linking the density of economic activity with labour productivity in the industry. This effect was present since the beginning of the industrialization process in the middle of the 19th century but has been decreasing over time. The estimated elasticity of labour productivity with respect to employment density was close to 8% in the subperiod 1860-1900, reduces to a value of around 7% in the subperiod 1914-1930, to 4% in the subperiod 1965-1979 and becomes insignificant in the final subperiod 1985-1999. At the end of the period analyzed there is no evidence of the existence of net agglomeration effects in the industry. This result could be explained by an important increase in the congestion effects in large industrial metropolitan areas that would have compensated the centripetal or agglomeration forces at work. Furthermore, this result is also consistent with the evidence of a dispersion of industrial activity in Spain during the last decades.
[cat] En el context dels mercats a dues bandes, considerem, en primer lloc, que els jugadors poden escollir on dur a terme les seves transaccions. Mostrem que el joc corresponent a aquesta situació, que es representa pel màxim d’un conjunt finit de jocs d’assignació, pot ser un joc no equilibrat. Aleshores proporcionem condicions per a l’equilibri del joc i, per aquest cas, analitzem algunes propietats del core del joc. En segon lloc, considerem que els jugadors poden fer transaccions en diversos mercats simultàniament i, llavors, sumar els guanys obtinguts. El joc corresponent, representat per la suma d’un conjunt finit de jocs d’assignació, és equilibrat. A més a més, sota certes condicions, la suma dels cores dels dos jocs d’assignació coincideix amb el core del joc suma.
Using an extended-random-phase-approximation sum-rule technique, we have investigated the bulk-plasmon dispersion relation, incorporating in a simple way exchange and correlation effects within the jellium model. The results obtained are compared with recent experimental findings. The key role played by exchange and correlation effects in improving the agreement between theory and experiment is stressed. The static polarizability has also been calculated as a function of q. The formulas can be easily modified to incorporate band-structure effects (through an intraband electron effective mass) and core-polarization effects (through a static dielectric constant).