105 resultados para Graphical User Interfaces


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Aquest projecte tracta del disseny i implementació d’una aplicació gràfica que permeti visualitzar diferents exposicions de quadres que es realitzin a la sala d’exposicions de la Hemeroteca General de la UAB, gestionada pel col·lectiu “Cultura en Viu”. La utilitat ha sigut desenvolupada mitjançant la llibreria gràfica OpenGL i Microsoft Visual Studio. L’aplicació generada és també una eina de creació i manipulació d’exposicions al servei del usuari.


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Es tracta d'un projecte evolutiu que permetrà crear una aplicació que serveixi de suport gràfic per a les classes de Ciclo Indoor i que a més a més permetrà al professor preparar-les en pocs minuts. També tindrà un apartat dedicat a gestionar als usuaris del sistema mitjançant una connexió a una base de dades que també ha sigut dissenyada i desenvolupada en aquest projecte.


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La función principal de LiveUpdate será la de descargar actualizaciones mediante un servidor remoto permitiendo tener un control integral de todas las descargas disponibles. El desarrollo del proyecto estará marcado por la tecnología en la que se basa, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) para la creación de interfaces gráficas enriquecidas, y el lenguaje en que se sustenta, C#. La metodología utilizada estará caracterizada por el modelo Modelo‐Vista‐VistaModelo (MVVM) y los estándares corporativos que Mitsubishi aplica en su software. Finalmente, el sistema también dispondrá de soporte multiidioma pudiendo visualizar idiomas con caracteres no latinos como el ruso (cirílico) o el japonés (katakana, hiragana).


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Generación dinámica de interfaces web basadas en ficheros descriptivos XML para el control de la parametrización compleja y ejecución de programas por línea de comandos. La necesidad surge con la aplicación mlcoalsim, utilizada por investigadores de la UAB, cuya parametrización requiere la edición manual de un fichero de texto la sintaxis del cual es complicada y pesada. Con la generación de interfaces web se pretende ayudar a los usuarios en la correcta parametrización y ejecución de aplicaciones como mlcoalsim.


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Gairebé un 50% dels metges de la sanitat catalana realitzen actualment les seves tasques assistencials en entorns SAP. Donada la naturalesa de la seva feina, és fàcil afirmar que les aplicacions que utilitzen habitualment haurien d'haver estat desenvolupades centrant l'atenció en l'usuari i el context en què aquest realitza la seva feina. Però degut a diversos motius organitzatius, això no ha estat així. Aquest projecte pretén demostrar el valor afegit que pot aportar el Disseny Centrat en l'Usuari en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions assistencials en l'àmbit SAP Sanitat. S'ha realitzat una investigació prèvia de les necessitats reals dels usuaris, un anàlisi del context d'ús i dels diferents perfils de usuari, s'ha desenvolupat un prototip amb la nova tecnologia que aporta SAP per al desenvolupament de interfícies tipus web integrades en el sistema (SAP Webdynpro for ABAP), i finalment s'ha realitzat la corresponent avaluació heurística i el test de usuaris. S'ha arribat principalment a tres conclusions: en primer lloc, ha sorprès la bona disposició dels usuaris metges per a participar en aquesta mena de projectes; en segon lloc, ha quedat demostrada la importància de l'anàlisi del context, així com la rellevància que el dissenyador estigui quan més a prop millor de l'usuari final; i finalment, cal destacar que la tecnologia emprada ha limitat qualitativament diverses opcions de disseny.


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El artículo muestra, a través del estudio del caso del buscador semántico del portal Organic.Edunet, cómo el uso de tecnologías cerradas en la creación de interfaces avanzadas de visualización de datos impide su desarrollo y evolución. En el artículo se mostrará también cómo, combinado con técnicas para la medición y valoración de la usabilidad de las aplicaciones, el uso de tecnologías abiertas permite detectar los problemas del interface, proponer soluciones o alternativas, e implementarlas rápidamente.


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This case study introduces our continuous work to enhance the virtual classroom in order to provide faculty and students with an environment open to their needs, compliant with learning standards and, therefore compatible with other e-learning environments, and based on open source software. The result is a modulable, sustainable and interoperable learning environment that can be adapted to different teaching and learning situations by incorporating the LMS integrated tools as well as wikis, blogs, forums and Moodle activities among others.


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La llegada de las tecnologías de la información, y su uso cada vez mayor y generalizado que se está haciendo de ellas, ha permitido para que una nueva situación aparezca que, a su vez, ha originado - de hecho, que ha precipitado - una serie de cambios de gran importancia en todos los niveles, pero especialmente en los niveles sociales, económicos y culturales. Este nueva escena ha tenido una gran influencia en el entorno pedagógico. De hecho, la aparición de nuevos modelos educativos como resultado de este cambio ha estado sucediendo de una manera continuada e ininterrumpida durante la década pasada. Estos cambios recientes en los sistemas actuales de enseñanza y de aprendizaje han significado un aumento y un cambio en el tipo de demandas hechas desde las bibliotecas y los centros de documentación.


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A long development time is needed from the design to the implementation of an AUV. During the first steps, simulation plays an important role, since it allows for the development of preliminary versions of the control system to be integrated. Once the robot is ready, the control systems are implemented, tuned and tested. The use of a real-time simulator can help closing the gap between off-line simulation and real testing using the already implemented robot. When properly interfaced with the robot hardware, a real-time graphical simulation with a "hardware in the loop" configuration, can allow for the testing of the implemented control system running in the actual robot hardware. Hence, the development time is drastically reduced. These paper overviews the field of graphical simulators used for AUV development proposing a classification. It also presents NEPTUNE, a multi-vehicle, real-time, graphical simulator based on OpenGL that allows hardware in the loop simulations


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The statistical analysis of compositional data should be treated using logratios of parts,which are difficult to use correctly in standard statistical packages. For this reason afreeware package, named CoDaPack was created. This software implements most of thebasic statistical methods suitable for compositional data.In this paper we describe the new version of the package that now is calledCoDaPack3D. It is developed in Visual Basic for applications (associated with Excel©),Visual Basic and Open GL, and it is oriented towards users with a minimum knowledgeof computers with the aim at being simple and easy to use.This new version includes new graphical output in 2D and 3D. These outputs could bezoomed and, in 3D, rotated. Also a customization menu is included and outputs couldbe saved in jpeg format. Also this new version includes an interactive help and alldialog windows have been improved in order to facilitate its use.To use CoDaPack one has to access Excel© and introduce the data in a standardspreadsheet. These should be organized as a matrix where Excel© rows correspond tothe observations and columns to the parts. The user executes macros that returnnumerical or graphical results. There are two kinds of numerical results: new variablesand descriptive statistics, and both appear on the same sheet. Graphical output appearsin independent windows. In the present version there are 8 menus, with a total of 38submenus which, after some dialogue, directly call the corresponding macro. Thedialogues ask the user to input variables and further parameters needed, as well aswhere to put these results. The web site http://ima.udg.es/CoDaPack contains thisfreeware package and only Microsoft Excel© under Microsoft Windows© is required torun the software.Kew words: Compositional data Analysis, Software


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Es tracta d'un projecte evolutiu que permetrà crear una aplicació que serveixi de suport gràfic per a les classes de Ciclo Indoor i que a més a més permetrà al professor preparar-les en pocs minuts. També tindrà un apartat dedicat a gestionar als usuaris del sistema mitjançant una connexió a una base de dades que també ha sigut dissenyada i desenvolupada en aquest projete.


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Our work is concerned with user modelling in open environments. Our proposal then is the line of contributions to the advances on user modelling in open environments thanks so the Agent Technology, in what has been called Smart User Model. Our research contains a holistic study of User Modelling in several research areas related to users. We have developed a conceptualization of User Modelling by means of examples from a broad range of research areas with the aim of improving our understanding of user modelling and its role in the next generation of open and distributed service environments. This report is organized as follow: In chapter 1 we introduce our motivation and objectives. Then in chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 we provide the state-of-the-art on user modelling. In chapter 2, we give the main definitions of elements described in the report. In chapter 3, we present an historical perspective on user models. In chapter 4 we provide a review of user models from the perspective of different research areas, with special emphasis on the give-and-take relationship between Agent Technology and user modelling. In chapter 5, we describe the main challenges that, from our point of view, need to be tackled by researchers wanting to contribute to advances in user modelling. From the study of the state-of-the-art follows an exploratory work in chapter 6. We define a SUM and a methodology to deal with it. We also present some cases study in order to illustrate the methodology. Finally, we present the thesis proposal to continue the work, together with its corresponding work scheduling and temporalisation


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The explosive growth of Internet during the last years has been reflected in the ever-increasing amount of the diversity and heterogeneity of user preferences, types and features of devices and access networks. Usually the heterogeneity in the context of the users which request Web contents is not taken into account by the servers that deliver them implying that these contents will not always suit their needs. In the particular case of e-learning platforms this issue is especially critical due to the fact that it puts at stake the knowledge acquired by their users. In the following paper we present a system that aims to provide the dotLRN e-learning platform with the capability to adapt to its users context. By integrating dotLRN with a multi-agent hypermedia system, online courses being undertaken by students as well as their learning environment are adapted in real time


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We characterize the capacity-achieving input covariance for multi-antenna channels known instantaneously at the receiver and in distribution at the transmitter. Our characterization, valid for arbitrary numbers of antennas, encompasses both the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues. The eigenvectors are found for zero-mean channels with arbitrary fading profiles and a wide range of correlation and keyhole structures. For the eigenvalues, in turn, we present necessary and sufficient conditions as well as an iterative algorithm that exhibits remarkable properties: universal applicability, robustness and rapid convergence. In addition, we identify channel structures for which an isotropic input achieves capacity.