83 resultados para External balance


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Las investigaciones sobre Cabrera d"Anoia (Barcelona) han avanzado de forma considerable en los últimos años. La caracterización de los materiales y el estudio de la documentación arqueológica han logrado definir un particular sistema de producción de cerámica que se desarrolla en un marco rupestre de dimensiones limitadas. Una situación que obliga a la modificación continua del área de trabajo en beneficio de las actividades productivas. Este artículo analiza ese proceso de adaptación y transformación permanente del espacio artesanal a partir de los datos proporcionados por el yacimiento. Se trata, en consecuencia, de esbozar un primer balance de los resultados más recientes tras 20 años de investigación sobre este alfar.


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Las investigaciones sobre Cabrera d"Anoia (Barcelona) han avanzado de forma considerable en los últimos años. La caracterización de los materiales y el estudio de la documentación arqueológica han logrado definir un particular sistema de producción de cerámica que se desarrolla en un marco rupestre de dimensiones limitadas. Una situación que obliga a la modificación continua del área de trabajo en beneficio de las actividades productivas. Este artículo analiza ese proceso de adaptación y transformación permanente del espacio artesanal a partir de los datos proporcionados por el yacimiento. Se trata, en consecuencia, de esbozar un primer balance de los resultados más recientes tras 20 años de investigación sobre este alfar.


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One of the most important questions regarding experimental economics is the external validity of laboratory experiments. This paper goes through a study that tests the generalizability of a Dictator Game as a laboratory analogue for a naturally occurringdecision-making context of teacher absenteeism. Because lab and naturally-occurring environments systematically differ we then discuss other factors that might strongly affect the choices that individuals make. We conclude that the dichotomy drawn between labexperiments and data collected from natural settings is a false one. A combination of the two would provide deeper and better insights than either separately.


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Particle fluxes (including major components and grain size), and oceanographic parameters (near-bottom water temperature, current speed and suspended sediment concentration) were measured along the Cap de Creus submarine canyon in the Gulf of Lions (GoL; NW Mediterranean Sea) during two consecutive winter-spring periods (2009 2010 and 2010 2011). The comparison of data obtained with the measurements of meteorological and hydrological parameters (wind speed, turbulent heat flux, river discharge) have shown the important role of atmospheric forcings in transporting particulate matter through the submarine canyon and towards the deep sea. Indeed, atmospheric forcing during 2009 2010 and 2010 2011 winter months showed differences in both intensity and persistence that led to distinct oceanographic responses. Persistent dry northern winds caused strong heat losses (14.2 × 103 W m−2) in winter 2009 2010 that triggered a pronounced sea surface cooling compared to winter 2010 2011 (1.6 × 103 W m−2 lower). As a consequence, a large volume of dense shelf water formed in winter 2009 2010, which cascaded at high speed (up to ∼1 m s−1) down Cap de Creus Canyon as measured by a current-meter in the head of the canyon. The lower heat losses recorded in winter 2010 2011, together with an increased river discharge, resulted in lowered density waters over the shelf, thus preventing the formation and downslope transport of dense shelf water. High total mass fluxes (up to 84.9 g m−2 d−1) recorded in winter-spring 2009 2010 indicate that dense shelf water cascading resuspended and transported sediments at least down to the middle canyon. Sediment fluxes were lower (28.9 g m−2 d−1) under the quieter conditions of winter 2010 2011. The dominance of the lithogenic fraction in mass fluxes during the two winter-spring periods points to a resuspension origin for most of the particles transported down canyon. The variability in organic matter and opal contents relates to seasonally controlled inputs associated with the plankton spring bloom during March and April of both years.


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We have studied sidebranching induced by fluctuations in dendritic growth. The amplitude of sidebranching induced by internal (equilibrium) concentration fluctuations in the case of solidification with solutal diffusion is computed. This amplitude turns out to be significantly smaller than values reported in previous experiments. The effects of other possible sources of fluctuations (of an external origin) are examined by introducing nonconserved noise in a phase-field model. This reproduces the characteristics of sidebranching found in experiments. Results also show that sidebranching induced by external noise is qualitatively similar to that of internal noise, and it is only distinguished by its amplitude.


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Hyperlipidic diets limit glucose oxidation and favor amino acid preservation, hampering the elimination of excess dietary nitrogen and the catabolic utilization of amino acids.We analyzed whether reduced urea excretion was a consequence of higherNO ; (nitrite,nitrate, and other derivatives) availability caused by increased nitric oxide production in metabolic syndrome. Rats fed a cafeteria diet for 30 days had a higher intake and accumulation of amino acid nitrogen and lower urea excretion.There were no differences in plasma nitrate or nitrite. NO and creatinine excretion accounted for only a small part of total nitrogen excretion. Rats fed a cafeteria diet had higher plasma levels of glutamine, serine, threonine, glycine, and ornithinewhen comparedwith controls,whereas arginine was lower. Liver carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase I activity was higher in cafeteria diet-fed rats, but arginase I was lower. The high carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase activity and ornithine levels suggest activation of the urea cycle in cafeteria diet-fed rats, but low arginine levels point to a block in the urea cycle between ornithine and arginine, thereby preventing the elimination of excess nitrogen as urea. The ultimate consequence of this paradoxical block in the urea cycle seems to be the limitation of arginine production and/or availability.


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Objectives: A study was made to determine the temperature increment at the dental root surface following Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation of the root canal. Design. Human canines and incisors previously instrumented to K file number ISO 30 were used. Irradiation was carried out with glass fiber endodontic tips measuring 200 μm in diameter and especially designed for insertion in the root canal. The teeth were irradiated at 1 and 2 W for 30 seconds, without water spraying or air, and applying a continuous circular movement (approximately 2 mm/sec.) in the apico-coronal direction. Results: At the 1 W power setting, the mean temperature increment was 3.84ºC versus 5.01ºC at 2 W. In all cases the difference in mean value obtained after irradiation versus the mean baseline temperature proved statistically significant (p< 0.05). Conclusions: Application of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser gives rise to a statistically significant temperature increment at the external root surface, though this increment is probably clinically irrelevant, since it would appear to damage the tissues (periodontal ligament and alveolar bone) in proximity to the treated tooth


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La reivindicación del tren de alta velocidad por parte de un número amplio y creciente de ciudades en España, aconseja una reflexión sobre qué se puede realmente esperar de este servicio para estimular el tejido económico local. Nuestra referencia será el TGV de París a Lyon, el más antiguo en Europa, con sus posteriores ampliaciones al sur. De su estudio se puede deducir que su repercusión ha resultado muy modesta como agente dinamizador de la actividad económica local y regional. En el AVE se apunta efectivamente la misma situación, a tener por tanto muy en cuenta en el diseño del nuevo trazado y en las medidas de acompañamiento para rentabilizarlo.


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The emergence of chirality in enantioselective autocatalysis for compounds unable to transform according to the Frank-like reaction network is discussed with respect to the controversial limited enantioselectivity (LES) model composed of coupled enantioselective and non-enantioselective autocatalyses. The LES model cannot lead to spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking (SMSB) either in closed systems with a homogeneous temperature distribution or in closed systems with a stationary non-uniform temperature distribution. However, simulations of chemical kinetics in a two-compartment model demonstrate that SMSB may occur if both autocatalytic reactions are spatially separated at different temperatures in different compartments but coupled under the action of a continuous internal flow. In such conditions, the system can evolve, for certain reaction and system parameters, toward a chiral stationary state; that is, the system is able to reach a bifurcation point leading to SMSB. Numerical simulations in which reasonable chemical parameters have been used suggest that an adequate scenario for such a SMSB would be that of abyssal hydrothermal vents, by virtue of the typical temperature gradients found there and the role of inorganic solids mediating chemical reactions in an enzyme-like role.


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A network of twenty stakes was set up on Johnsons Glacier in order to determine its dynamics. During the austral summers from 1994-95 to 1997-98, we estimated surface velocities, mass balances and ice thickness variations. Horizontal velocity increased dow nstream from 1 m a- 1 near the ice divides to 40 m a- 1 near the ice terminus. The accumulation zone showed low accumulation rates (maximum of 0,6 m a- 1 (ice)), whereas in the lower part of the glacier, ablation rates were 4,3 m a- 1 (ice). Over the 3-year study period, both in the accumulation and ablation zones, we detected a reduction in the ice surface level ranging from 2 to 10 m from the annual ve rt ical velocities and ice-thinning data, the mass balance was obtained and compared with the mass balance field values, resulting in similar estimates. Flux values were calculated using cross-section data and horizontal velocities, and compared with the results obtained by means of mass balance and ice thinning data using the continuity equation. The two methods gave similar results.


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[cat] En aquest article es considera un problema de cooperació entre agents on cada agent realitza una contribució (diners, capital, treball, esforç) per tal d'obtenir un benefici comú a repartir. El repartiment proporcional respecte a les contribucions és una distribució que pertany al nucli del joc cooperatiu associat. A partir d'aquest model bàsic s'introdueix un agent extern que pot realitzar una determinada aportació que serveix per avaluar el potencial benefici de cada subcoalició d'agents si aquest nou agent finalment entrés. Aquesta anàlisi pot produir que el poder relatiu dels agents hagi variat. en concret s'avalua si la distribució proporcional és encara robusta des del punt de vista de la seva pertinença al conjunt de negociació. Amb aquest objectiu, analitzem el problema utilitzant el model de joc cooperatius amb estructura de coalició. Donat que, en general, la distribució proporcional, no pertany al conjunt de negociació, s'estudia una condició suficient per a que així sigui. També enunciem una condició necessària, i finalment es proposa una condició suficient que garanteix que el repartiment proporcional és la única distribució existent dins del conjunt de negociació.


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[cat] En aquest article es considera un problema de cooperació entre agents on cada agent realitza una contribució (diners, capital, treball, esforç) per tal d'obtenir un benefici comú a repartir. El repartiment proporcional respecte a les contribucions és una distribució que pertany al nucli del joc cooperatiu associat. A partir d'aquest model bàsic s'introdueix un agent extern que pot realitzar una determinada aportació que serveix per avaluar el potencial benefici de cada subcoalició d'agents si aquest nou agent finalment entrés. Aquesta anàlisi pot produir que el poder relatiu dels agents hagi variat. en concret s'avalua si la distribució proporcional és encara robusta des del punt de vista de la seva pertinença al conjunt de negociació. Amb aquest objectiu, analitzem el problema utilitzant el model de joc cooperatius amb estructura de coalició. Donat que, en general, la distribució proporcional, no pertany al conjunt de negociació, s'estudia una condició suficient per a que així sigui. També enunciem una condició necessària, i finalment es proposa una condició suficient que garanteix que el repartiment proporcional és la única distribució existent dins del conjunt de negociació.