116 resultados para Coulomb problem
We present some results attained with different algorithms for the Fm|block|Cmax problem using as experimental data the well-known Taillard instances.
We work out a semiclassical theory of shot noise in ballistic n+-i-n+ semiconductor structures aiming at studying two fundamental physical correlations coming from Pauli exclusion principle and long-range Coulomb interaction. The theory provides a unifying scheme which, in addition to the current-voltage characteristics, describes the suppression of shot noise due to Pauli and Coulomb correlations in the whole range of system parameters and applied bias. The whole scenario is summarized by a phase diagram in the plane of two dimensionless variables related to the sample length and contact chemical potential. Here different regions of physical interest can be identified where only Coulomb or only Pauli correlations are active, or where both are present with different relevance. The predictions of the theory are proven to be fully corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations.
Coulomb suppression of shot noise in a ballistic diode connected to degenerate ideal contacts is analyzed in terms of the correlations taking place between current fluctuations due to carriers injected with different energies. By using Monte Carlo simulations we show that at low frequencies the origin of Coulomb suppression can be traced back to the negative correlations existing between electrons injected with an energy close to that of the potential barrier present in the diode active region and all other carriers injected with higher energies. Correlations between electrons with energy above the potential barrier with the rest of electrons are found to influence significantly the spectra at high frequency in the cutoff region.
A retarded backward equation for a non-Markovian process induced by dichotomous noise (the random telegraphic signal) is deduced. The mean-first-passage time of this process is exactly obtained. The Gaussian white noise and the white shot noise limits are studied. Explicit physical results in first approximation are evaluated.
We have performed a detailed study of the zenith angle dependence of the regeneration factor and distributions of events at SNO and SK for different solutions of the solar neutrino problem. In particular, we discuss the oscillatory behavior and the synchronization effect in the distribution for the LMA solution, the parametric peak for the LOW solution, etc. A physical interpretation of the effects is given. We suggest a new binning of events which emphasizes the distinctive features of the zenith angle distributions for the different solutions. We also find the correlations between the integrated day-night asymmetry and the rates of events in different zenith angle bins. The study of these correlations strengthens the identification power of the analysis.
We clarify the meaning of the results of Phys. Rev. E 60, R5013 (1999). We discuss the use and implications of periodic boundary conditions, as opposed to rigid-wall ones. We briefly argue that the solutions of the paper above are physically relevant as part of a more general issue, namely the possible generalization to dynamics, of the microscopic solvability scenario of selection.
A new experimental system to measure the equivalent thermal conductivity of a liquid with regard to the Bénard-Rayleigh problem was constructed. The liquid is enclosed within walls of polymethylmethacrylate between two copper plates in which there are thermocouples to measure the difference in temperature between the lower and upper surfaces of the layer of liquid. Heat flux is measured by means of a linear heat fluxmeter consisting of 204 thermocouples in series. The fluxmeter was calibrated and the linear relationship that exists between the heat flux and the emf generated was verified. The thermal conductivity of the polymethylmethacrylate employed was measured and measurements of the equivalent conductivity in cylindrical boundaries of two silicone oils were made. The critical value of the temperature difference and the contribution of the convective process to the transmission of heat were determined.
It is certainly astonishing that an innovating study about the Greek pederasty in England like the one by John Addington Symonds does not quote Plutarch's Eroticus -in fact, it is only cited in some footnotes-, if one bears in mind that this dialogue is an accurate philosophical reflection on Greek eros, in which very often significant ethical themes are approached. The aim of this article is just to reveal the different reasons for such an omission.
Resulta sorprendente que un estudio pionero en Inglaterra sobre la pederastia griega como el de John Addington Symonds no cite el Erótico de Plutarco, excepción hecha de en algunas notas a pie de página, siendo como es este dialogo una seria reflexión filosófica sobre el eros griego, en que a menudo se abordan cuestiones éticas. El objetivo de este artículo es revelar justamente las razones de índole diversa para una tal omisión.
Resulta sorprenent que un estudi pioner a Anglaterra sobre la pederàstia grega como el de John Addington Symonds no citi l'Eròtic de Plutarc, llevat de en algunes notes a peu de pàgina, essent com és aquest diàleg una seriosa reflexió filosòfica sobre l'eros grec, en què sovint s'aborden qüestions ètiques. L'objectiu d'aquest article és revelar justament les raons d'índole diversa per a una tal omissió.
We obtain the exact analytical expression, up to a quadrature, for the mean exit time, T(x,v), of a free inertial process driven by Gaussian white noise from a region (0,L) in space. We obtain a completely explicit expression for T(x,0) and discuss the dependence of T(x,v) as a function of the size L of the region. We develop a new method that may be used to solve other exit time problems.
Exact solution to the exit-time problem for an undamped free particle driven by Gaussian white noise
In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 189 (1995)] we have presented the exact analytical expression for the mean exit time, T(x,v), of a free inertial process driven by Gaussian white noise out of a region (0,L) in space. In this paper we give a detailed account of the method employed and present results on asymptotic properties and averages of T(x,v).